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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 441 KB, 860x485, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13996090 No.13996090 [Reply] [Original]

This is what instant transactions in BSV looks like. Can you do the same with Lightning Network?

Video of pic related:

>> No.13996281
File: 248 KB, 911x877, negro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No replies
So yo aint like em speedy corn transacts?

>> No.13996304
File: 57 KB, 1024x698, 1559192738001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, the fastest way to convince someone that BitcoinSV is the future of money, is to ask them to download a wallet like Centbee on their phone (takes 1 minute) and then instantly send them some Bitcoin while they watch

- Practically free (0.001 dollar fee)
- Instantly received (1.5 sec from swipe send until shows up in wallet)
- No middle man, or banks, or registration process

I've blown a few people's minds with this, nobody realizes the true potential of Crypto yet, but they will once BSV takes off.

Show this to friends and family and see what their reaction is.

>> No.13996384
File: 65 KB, 215x300, 1535209098478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, just use credit card, leave btc alone

>> No.13996571

Is it fast because no one uses it? Or is it faster by design? I'm a low iq moran

>> No.13996665

by design

>> No.13996800
File: 45 KB, 765x515, D3Dw7h1WsAATVSC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


BTC gets clogged at around 7 transactions per second because it has a 1 MB blocklimit imposed on it. It's crippled intentionally to keep the network congested. Furthermore, 0-confirmation transactions are not safe due to a measure implemented in the protocol called RBF (replace-by-fee). This means BTC will never have instant transactions, you will always need to wait a minimum ~10min up to several days for 1 confirmation. It's absolutely horrendous as a payment system.

BSV has a 128MB block size, which will be raised to 2GB this month. That allows for 128x or 2000x the transaction capacity of BTC. This means BSV will be able to compete with VISA for amount of transactions processed. In February 2020 the cap is removed altogether, which means there is no longer an arbitrary limit, and whatever blocksize the miners can handle, will be allowed.

BSV also has 0-conf enabled as a default, which means all transactions are broadcast instantly. No need to wait for confirmations to send and receive payments.

>> No.13996803

oh no no no no. lmao. ahhhhhhh

>> No.13996826

i remember when biz was flipping out over some gooks paying a vending machine with ICX. or some checkered-shirt autist holding a conference next to a toilet stall. now BSV is butchering the competition and all biz does is shit all over it. that makes me even more confident in BSV because biz is literally wrong all the time. just look at how their shitlink has done compared to the overall market over the last 2 years. stay poor you brainlets, Im loading up on BSV

>> No.13996881

think i’ll buy more

>> No.13997208

>BSV also has 0-conf enabled as a default
Oh, so craig is a retard and a scammer. Brb, double spending some bsv.

>> No.13997985

Good luck lmao

>> No.13998044
File: 24 KB, 347x139, 1559416130104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do it

>> No.13998132

Who the fuck is going to double-spend a hamburger and fries and even if they are that autistic to go to such lengths most businesses would be willing to write it off as a cost of doing business as it would be so rare. Anything of significant value like a large restaurant tab or buying a big screen TV usually takes a few minutes for workers to process already as it is which leaves plenty of time for 1 confirmation.

>> No.13998265


>> No.13998290

money button is best. i have many names for sale

and more

act fast

>> No.13998371


>> No.13998397
File: 143 KB, 747x1006, 0conf_is_safe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not only that, a double spend attempt requires a ton of hash power, and it can be detected instantly. Which means any business can have software running to instantly detect double spend attempts, and you go to jail for theft, including the miner(s) who colluded with you to do the double spending.

Definitely worth double spending a $2 pizza slice LMAO.


>> No.13998396

no one uses it, hence the speed

>> No.13998410

Sell signal

>> No.13998483

0-conf is not a solution to fast trustless payments; it's the absence of one.

>> No.13998494

wow, such a deep and profound analysis

>> No.13998502

It literally works perfect. If you think it's not secure, feel free to steal every transaction that goes through Moneybutton, they operate exclusively on 0-conf.

Put your money where your mouth is.

>> No.13998504

you've been hoodwinked by kikes. t

>> No.13998519

I got pajeet and kitty any takers?

>> No.13998769

>BSV: This is what instant transactions in BSV looks like.
>Nano: Hold my beer.

>> No.13999370
File: 423 KB, 607x972, theweakshouldfearthenano.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13999401

slower than DASH. fuck that.