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File: 165 KB, 534x369, PUSHED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13981017 No.13981017 [Reply] [Original]

>Roger Ver shilling goes on every fucking day for most of 2017-18
>after the hash war disaster, it just disappears

Where did all the shills go? Who was paying for them, and why did they suddenly cut it off?

>> No.13981027

Roger was paying them obviously. Same shit that's currently going with the Satoj Vision shills.

>> No.13981038

But why stop after the crash? He's certainly not broke and he still has a product to promote.

>> No.13981039
File: 547 KB, 480x700, bchad_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Former Roger poster here. He stabbed Dr. Creg in the back during the hashwar. Roger was cool to have and all but I am loyal to the whitepaper so Roger has to go

>> No.13981040
File: 124 KB, 864x569, sheriffcreg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah roger ran out of money, i shill creg for free and as god's work to spread the world to anons with eyes to see and ears to hear.

>> No.13981053

Have you not seen this board after the hash wars? All the shills magically went over to the BSV side. They didn't disappear, they didn't get cut off... They became Vishnuists.

>> No.13981063

the BCH crowd are poor pajeets seething about missing bitcoin. they want to be, for once, at the top of the pyramid. since the hashwar, 2 coins were formed: BSV and BCH. which one is cheaper? pajeet wants massive returns, so he picks the cheaper.
they all shill for BSV now

>> No.13981085

Don't confuse Roger Ver shilling with real Bitcoin shilling. After the split, all the talent went to BSV. The anarcho BCH camp now has nothing to shill for, their PR is worse than the KKK, and if you noticed they don't even claim BCH is Bitcoin anymore. They are a boat without a rudder, a doomed bastard middle child.

But yeah BSV is where the good shits at, if you're looking for solid fundamentals(ie the real Bitcoin).

>> No.13981100

Also I find it funny the effort going into painting SV as some pajeet scam. So much effort and it just doesn't stick, personally I'd go with a "it's a pedophile money laundering scheme" if I wanted the fud to have any chance at sticking.

>> No.13981112

Maybe he changed his mind

>> No.13981140

Bitcoin SV might be making gains now, but it will collapse to 0 like Bitconnect at any moment. Craig Wright is a literal career scam artist. All it takes is to watch one video of him and you can see he is lying through his teeth.

Even the interview he gave for the BBC he claimed "I'm doing it once and will never appear on television again, I don't want fame or money" lmao, obviously he wants precisely both of those things.

Delusional conman, anyone buying serious amounts of sv is fucking braindead

>> No.13981142

LMAO, the BSV camp must be the low IQ league to be shilling for the "Tulip trust". No wonder you'll be all shivering in regret looking at your own screencapped posts.

>> No.13981145
File: 315 KB, 425x527, 1557300491730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After the split the Rogerites now only exist on /r/btc, the old BCH posters here are now BSV and STIFF posters

>> No.13981193

Satoshi Nakamoto's vision vs Roger's vision

The choice is obvious

>> No.13981212

>memorize Satoshi's posts
>can't code

>> No.13981407

Tulip Trust is just 1 piece, and doesn't matter in the long run. The fundamentals come from what's being built on top of SV.

>> No.13981428
File: 24 KB, 657x527, 1557121474198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean like Bitstagra-ahahahahahahahahaha! xD

>> No.13981462

It stopped when bsv forked and now there are bsv shills everywhere? Hmmmm i wonder who has the paid shills.

>> No.13981487

Utter desperation.

Corecucks in ruins because they finally realize Craig wins in 2020.

Buy Bitcoin (BSV) or buy rope.

>> No.13981521

It's your main sales pitch, low-IQ poofta. Once the fraud gets exposed, the whole agenda collapses. Imagine the shame when a nice collage with your shilling will remind you of your low IQ FOREVER.

>> No.13981523


Look at this loser.

Corefags already coping and it's not even September. Yikes.

>> No.13981548

Except they wont be around to see it. Theyll be back to click farming