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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13977342 No.13977342 [Reply] [Original]

They all seem so angry and subhuman-like

>> No.13977384

Why don't you go ask them? This is biz. We just talk about shitcoins here.

>> No.13977395


to answer your question, its just what happens when you have been rejected by society all your life and the only group who will accept you is online drama-queen nationalists

>> No.13977394

They go to /pol/ because they're angry with their lives or enjoy being angry working themselves up over bullshit.

>> No.13977422

It is refreshing to be on a board like biz and not deal with politics. It's very tiresome hearing about politics, from any side. I'd rather just talk about shitcoins with whoever is interested in talking abot them, wherever they are from.

>> No.13977425
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Yellows offer nothing. Only blue boards bring joy, knowledge and proper keks

>> No.13977426

you guys ever notice how fast ass crack hair grows? i just shaved my nuts and crack a couple days ago and already my butt forest has returned

>> No.13977438

They became just like the SJWs they hate so much

>> No.13977444

ey paulie you got that bitcoin hehe? sips.

>> No.13977466

Checked. I like those spiritual digits anon
I went to pol for the first time today and I was appalled. Racism and prejudice here on biz is subtle and light-hearted but there are genuine psychopaths on that board who are willing to kill anybody that disagrees with their political views. They could just be larping though

>> No.13977468 [DELETED] 

I used to go to /pol/ sometimes before I discovered /biz/. I now think /pol/ is way toxic and I wonder why I ever visited that place.

>> No.13977470

how do you shave your crack ?

>> No.13977474
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Yeah they've had some great moments, I really like /SIG/ stuff. But they've been shilled to oblivion. 8ch has decent /pol/ threads sometimes, but 4/pol/ is basically gone. Glad I got what I did out of it when the time was right.

>> No.13977480
File: 59 KB, 644x488, FCE29FFE-1542-4910-83FD-F65B5FAFE8CD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off to reddit nigger lover

>> No.13977482

pull one cheek aside, bzzzt, release. pull other cheek aside, bzzt, release. clean crack with no chance at poo hangers

>> No.13977487


They're imagining loss, pain, heartache, broken promises, and stress. They see demons and devils in every corner, behind every window, writing every post, making every picture. This is how they cope with reality. They're too scared to actually live, so they couch themselves in mock crusades and outrage.

/biz/ is different. We've all gone through the metamorphosis. Here, we don't play pretend. It takes one to know one.

We are our own devils and demons.

>> No.13977503

Israel has every right to exist

>> No.13977510

>Racism and prejudice here on biz is subtle
>I went on pol for the first time
Even more new.
>Genuine psychopaths on that board who are willing to kill anybody that disagrees with their political views
Imagine that there are Pajeets here who will kill you just for eating beef, faggot.

>> No.13977512

>They could just be larping though
theyre not, several of the recent mass shootings were done by poltards

>> No.13977534

Thanks anon. I didn't know this was even possible
That's too bad. Except there are a lot of people here who larp about their portfolio. There are maybe one or two millionaires here every month or so everybody else is unironically larping

>> No.13977544

Central banking has no right to exist

>> No.13977557

They're dumb and ugly and resent the world for making them like that.

>> No.13977573

Been here for about a year and a half but yeah I guess kind of new. And you have a point there. There are an unusual amount of Indians on this board. They post links to their YouTube videos and talk about how chainlink will change the world or something? Idk
Seriously? That's psychotic

>> No.13977574

I was on /pol/ everyday in 2016
tayai is still my favorite arc

>> No.13977592
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Trump won and will win a second term

>> No.13977600

they're the jews of 4chan

>> No.13977655

Don't assume people here are better than on pol. You'll see more racism if you actually spent some hours reading everything on here. Just scrolling and saying:
>Oh guys, those people on Pol are disgusting!
They are talking about a load ton of geopolitical issues, from marriage, to gay rights, to religion, and here, you got Crypto 24/7 and some actually stock/business info.
Imagine if the board was diversified and had the pulling that /pol/ has, and you had more than crypto how hectic and "mean" it will become.
Also, Racism is not an issue, here is /biz/, money has no race, I'll take money out of any pocket, my greed for green doesn't distinguish the color of the hand handing me the money. Most people here don't care about the niggers, the crackers, the chinks, they are the most selfish motherfuckers in the world, that want to make bank and fuck mad bitches.
So let /pol/ be vile, and putrid because that's the society everyone lives in. You came here to read about Satoshi, I got that BSV, LINK, BTC etc.

>> No.13977666
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>> No.13977697

Why dont you go back to fagreddit and bitch about the meany 4channers there

>> No.13977725

Some rothschild larper said the world could eventually turn into those zombie apocalypse movies/games like resident evil (metaphorically). Thought he was a retard then but I now think he's absolutely right

>> No.13977747
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>> No.13977776

In this hall of mirrors, built by liars; I am a pale reflection of myself.

>> No.13977848

it got famous and got infested with retarded 15 year olds

>> No.13977901

They're mostly not even 4channers at this point, they're normalfags from twitter, facebook, youtube and reddit, I'm not memeing they have very little understanding of the site in general. As far as they know this is the site where you can say a bunch of slurs and not get banned so that's all it means to them.

>> No.13977927

doesn't it itch?

>> No.13977953

i just came over from reddit a couple days ago desu and it seems to me that 4chan is where redditors go when theyre tired of getting dowvoted for being assholes. I do like that you can say what you want here without having to give a fuck about what the mob thinks

>> No.13977968
File: 31 KB, 660x574, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I left /pol/ since Trump victory. I just follow the board with best memes and /biz/ is superior. Also I get just'd so hard.

>> No.13977977

Because they're not in crypto. Haven't been on /pol/ since April. >>13977342

>> No.13977984


>> No.13978004
File: 47 KB, 600x717, 1553522224278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Invaders need to go home though.

>> No.13978017

>As far as they know this is the site where you can say a bunch of slurs and not get banned
That's mostly true, niggerfaggot.

>> No.13978018

Tarrant is a faggot

>> No.13978043

>tfw cut my dick today shaving
Am I retarded?

>> No.13978152


>> No.13978486

based anon, you're gonna make it

>> No.13978542

HWNDU was hilarious. so was btfoing Hillary. Since then it's just a bunch of facebook retards and stormcucks

>> No.13978552
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>> No.13978559


>> No.13979553
File: 118 KB, 640x1091, 2Qhhdda6QnbezwgAdsSbmZvtRTj7wkKrthfGeZ8cECpaGVSKcrmgRB4cW3pzPXKD7gtTMBu4vZ96Tsfi2hNE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13979978

based. op is a giant faggot nigger.

>> No.13980026

that's funny, because your entire post was delusional babbling to make yourself feel better - playing pretend

>> No.13980059

Not more retarded than me. I cut my dick while jacking off

>> No.13980081

It's a containment board for angry uneducated incels praising the retard in the white house

Just do like everyone else in real life, ignore and avoid them

>> No.13980389

They're teens

>> No.13980437


>not buying TRUE for 61% cheaper than other exchanges
>Doesn't know how to use real decentralized IDEXs
> Not shorting OKeX
No wonder you're poor

>> No.13980473

It's actually really weird that they are so angry.
I think it's a combo of autism/shyness/low IQ/unattrativeness.
Not their fault though, have to vent somewhere.
They can be funny and I like the whitepill pro-west and some meme's.
The jew hate is utterly retarded though.

>> No.13980508

Seeing niggers and gooks all day in your previous white utopia si fucking revolting.
Only gonna make it to live in the upper class white areas, then fund right wing death squads.

>> No.13980537

They're just well-meaning retards. Unlike /biz/ who are actually out to fuck each other over.

>> No.13980540

I know right, I eventually had to leave and take refuge in /biz/

All the libs/nigs/fags/pajeets on there are violent psychopaths who laugh about whites being genocided 24/7

>> No.13980542

I want to bash your head in for spamming this

>> No.13980574

stay poor pajeeet

>> No.13980584

Is it correct to say that I share this board with a bunch of underage niggers?

>> No.13980599

God bless Israel. Also it would be sad without pajeets

>> No.13980817



>> No.13980970

Just had a quick look for the first time in a while and it's not that bad. It's a bit fast for my taste but a lot of it's more interesting than most of the spam on this board. It's not a good place to let your mind marinate but if the place offends you then you might be subhuman.

>> No.13981702

itt. niggers

>> No.13982173

you are what is wrong with the west. You are weak, and that is why we are going to collapse.

>> No.13982188

this desu

>> No.13982248

go as them you stupid nigger, you must be a retarded nigger that got chased off /pol/ and came crying here to complain

>> No.13982293

>tfw my cock grows a moustache and I can’t reliably shave it
>even when I go for a wax the girls are too stupid to understand that my whole shaft needs waxing too
>the only way to dehair it is by hours of tweezing

Considering lasering the shit off and hoping it doesn’t nigger up my big cock

Also I’m uncircumcised so it’s a battle if I’m not hard

>> No.13982304

Good arb. Flipped .3 btc thanks

>> No.13982407

They failed in their own lives and desperately need something to place the blame on. Don't get me wrong, I hate niggers and trannies just as much as anyone, but to take it to the level some of those schizos do is just pathetic. Basing your life around that kind of stuff is sad. You have to have a pretty unfulfilling life to spend all your time on the internet willingly exposing yourself to stuff you hate. I feel sorry for them. A lot of them are very mentally ill and need help, and since 2016 a lot of them are probably elderly people who can't get any social interaction from anyone else just like the angry NEETs who were already here before that. The board is shit. It used to be a good place to go for news but now it's just too psychotic. You can't even fun post there without a hundred Facebook grandmas calling you a shill.