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13939000 No.13939000 [Reply] [Original]

The current state of link mainnet is literally a fucking json parser that can generate ethereum transactions.
The prevention of attacks relies entirely on trust in the chainlink team to vet node operators.

It's a worse version of oraclize, because on-chain api calls are more expensive due to the need to make erc20 transfers (as opposed to pure eth that oraclize uses). Absolute fucking failure.

>> No.13939010


Wait a minute there nolinker, you're telling me that

>despite hating LINK you monitor the price religiously and make a thread as soon as there is any movement
>develop novel and intiutive FUD plotlines using the most up to date information you constantly seek out
>dedicate your creative energies to editing maymays with LINK branding
>have LINKtrader, GitHub, Gitter, pivotaltracker bookmarked so you can keep up to date with the project you hate
>actively participate in a LINK discord or telegram group
>know more about LINK than any other project, even more than stinkylinkies themselves

Have sex incel

>> No.13939011

see chainlink does not work
there are no decentralized oracles

>> No.13939026

Hi i rly rly need to know the price of ETH right nao, and it has to be through a (slightly less centralised than one) oracle, can you help

>> No.13939044

Your father is your uncle isn’t he.

>> No.13939064


>> No.13939107


>same comma and bracket use pattern

Stop samefagging your shit tier thread OP. If you weren't a fucking faggot you would have realised Oraclize literally use ChainLink now.

Have sex incel

This is you too isn't it?


All I can say is nice dubs and trebs, now KYS

>> No.13939124

no no no
you KYC

>> No.13939566
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>> No.13939591

double cheeck, nice webm