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13919765 No.13919765 [Reply] [Original]

the fucking blogpost was a huge nothing burger so i sold at 11500 sats fully expecting it to go back to 60 cents as a retest of the previous resistance and now it's going back up? are you all fucking retarded? the post included literally jack shit and now there's nothing to look forward to in the near future, fucking retarded piece of shit cunts

>> No.13919786

Fucking loser, LINK will pump now.

>> No.13919798

It'll keep dumping

>> No.13919805
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did you expect it to go straight to 60 cents in minutes without any bounces?

>> No.13919806

Priced in
We bull now

>> No.13919817

he fell for the mainnet dump meme they are launching a working product with 30+ partners one of them is ic3 which includes microsoft intel digital asset and you sold KEK

>> No.13919818
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>> No.13919826

Dude relax.
you sold above $1, in 48 hours you're going to feel like a fucking stud relax and finish your beer

>> No.13919827

Dont worry the dump will continue. it's just a deadcat bounce, get out while you still can.

>> No.13919833

fucking dumbass there's no big partnerships or anything of the sort, it will continue to dump, just a dead cat bounce, fucking loser. retard fuck
i thought biz had more sense than this but i guess not


>> No.13919834

Here lies the hopes and dreams of the dumb stinky chinkies

>> No.13919855

when it touched 1.00 it went nuts staying above like a magnet repelling away to stay above a dollar

the coffee standard

>> No.13919872

Dump isn't over anon. There's no news coming anytime soon it's going to be a long slow bleed from here.

>> No.13919876

This. Cannot believe there were actual Link holders that sold today. This is going to $1.50+ today. Screencap this.

>> No.13919881

Should I sell

>> No.13919896


Are you fucking retarded. Mainnet is out. Go get your node set up and verified and start making money.

>"Nothing to look forward too in the near future"

I fucking hate you short sighted retards. Glad you have sold. Fuck off and never come back into Link.

>> No.13919906

10k eod

>> No.13919912

nice larping of an increasingly nervous holder OP

>> No.13919913

>i cannot believe link holders are actually goddamn fucking retarded
i agree.

well if you sell now you'd do better than me because i sold 50% of my stack at 11500 sats but i am still fully convinced that this is going to dump to at the very least 8k sats within a week.

>> No.13919964



What a dumbass loser you are.

>> No.13919981


Nobody gives a fuck about yout 2k stack lunchmoney faggot

>> No.13919982

How does it feel to lose money?

>> No.13919995

i sold the top.
I haven't bought back in yet because this isn't the bottom.
t. chad

>> No.13920024


A tranny can't be a chad faggot. You discord trannies tried to force a dump and sold everything and we are back up out of the dump in minutes. Soon we will begin the pump.

>> No.13920028

I sold too dude its been like 20 mins. This will bleed out for a little. Chill and stick to your initial gut feeling.

>> No.13920034

I don't know why I bother following the daily price changes of LINK it's just been hovering around 1.00 to 1.30 I'll come back in two years when it's worth something.

>> No.13920039

seething retard

>> No.13920047

going down to 0,80 6 months, it gets to $4.

>> No.13920048

explain nodes and how they make money to a brainlet

>> No.13920092


Nice projection. We're almost at 12900 sats. 1300 over where you sold. You feeling nervous yet?


Are you serious. They literally just released a blogpost exlpaining all this a few minutes ago.

In short, Link tokens are collateral for value within the smart contracts.


>> No.13920120

This, weak hands have all been shaken out, nothing but dedicated stakers left, if you want LINK now you have to market buy

Hope you didn't have your stop at .9999 like a pleb

>> No.13920121
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Its dumping upwards my frens

>> No.13920140

But that means you need to have probably a lot of LINK doesn't it?

RIP poorfag me

>> No.13920150

i admit it wasn't that much, but of course it's still a huge fucking percentage. i sold 14k LINK which is half of my stack. who gives a fuck, i still think this is gonna dump eventually. while the 2nd blogpost looks promising, nobody worth shit is going over that article and think "oh, this might be a good buy" fucking dumbass.

meh, i'm letting my emotions get the better of me with this thread. i should probably just wait out the bleed. also kys dumbasses, you idiots are getting ahead of yourselves, useless fucks

that isn't me, retard

>> No.13920165

>b-but muh dead cat bounce

Dead cat bounces don't happen on the 1 minute timescale retards. Your dump has been rejected.


Just put yours in a pooling service then. You'll be fine.

>> No.13920170

second blogpost is out they are coming in waves i would be sweating if i were you

>> No.13920202
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>tfw 3rd blogpost is announcing the partnerships

you heard it here first

>> No.13920203

not to mention desu

>dead cat bounce to 3/4ths of the initial FUD dump value
it's going back up

>> No.13920214


Youre calling people stupid, but why sell at 11500 you retard? Should surely a stop-limit at 12995 woukd have sufficed

>> No.13920215

sold at 13k sats, should i fomo back in?

>> No.13920220 [DELETED] 


we all drank our urine for 9 months straight, in the womb. Amniotic fluid is urine. For the first 3 months it’s mainly your mom’s pee. And for the remaining 6 months it’s mainly yours. There’s no umbilical cord attached to your genitals. The umbilical cord is attached to your intestines. And that should be another proof to people that urine is not a waste product, waste goes through your intestines. That’s what that excretory channel is for. If urine were a waste product, how is it possible that from day one, just about, the human fetus, the zygote, the embryo, is floating in urine? Urine is actually the ultimate, perfect, water, liquid. It’s what we grow in. And we would not have grown without it. And when you’re in the womb, if you remember, you breathe like a fish. You actually are continually sucking your own urine down your mouth. And that is more proof that it’s not a waste product.[2011] Andrew Norton Webber interview (Urine therapy, distilled water) by Chrissy McMahon

>> No.13920223

lol if you think the second article wasn’t impressive. Idk any project releasing top tier academia research like that.

>> No.13920243

Cause he panicked like the weak little faggot he is.

>> No.13920261

>sells his bags at the beginning of the 4th Industrial Revolution
>fucking chainlink

>> No.13920314

you might laugh but it's because when mainnet was announced, that top of that candle from 8k was at 11.8k sats. i just assumed that that would've been support. and so i my stops a little leeway so if it went below that, it's confirmed that it'll go lower (i.e. breaking support)

meh, i don't want to get swayed by gibberish shit because to me it just reeks of marketing to appear smart, feigning legitimacy if you will

>> No.13920426


LINK to the 2nd article?

>> No.13920549


>4th industrial revolution

You can only pick one

>> No.13920650

this latest article is a game changer. sergay hit the ball out the park. i cant believe i ever doubted him.

>> No.13920790

This solves all scalability issues.

>> No.13921045

>Thanks to Chris Blake, Steve Ellis, Ari Juels, Dimitri Roche and Holly White for feedback and suggestions on this post, and to Sergey Nazarov for suggesting I write it in the first place.
>suggesting I write it in the first place.

Sergy literally told him to write this gibberish so people would hold on hope.

If you have ANY sense - fucking sell right now!

>> No.13921061

What did I say OP. Its headed down down down in a burning ring of fire.

>> No.13921063

Try harder discord tranny.

>> No.13921144

Why do I get shitty car salesman vibes from you guys?

>> No.13921225
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>> No.13921239

Complete fucking gobbledy gook.

Am coming for you Sergey >:(

>> No.13921249

1k eoy (1k sats)

>> No.13921257

This is just clown-world enough to be true...