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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13836989 No.13836989 [Reply] [Original]

Anybody here self-employed? It seems everyone on /biz/ is either a wagecuck or a NEET. Anybody here running their own business?

Share your story also give advice.

>> No.13836999


>> No.13837022

what do you do?

>> No.13837032

>college debt slave
>great tier

>> No.13837047
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90k a year low voltage tech and just ended it, bunch of unlicensed mexis are running all the cable, health insurance cost 1900 a FUCKING month and mortgage AND business insurance on top of that on top of that while getting taxed out the ass.

>> No.13837052
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I'll be honest anon. Lots of us are dumb wits and don't run businesses. I've seen people just pump and dump shill coins to each other. But if you really do want to find entrepreneurs and their advice. Then I advised you to go to MJ Demarco website called ''The Millionaire Fastlane Forum''


Good Luck on your journey!

>> No.13837066
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adsense, affiliate marketing, crypto

>> No.13837069

it is if you live in a first world country.

>> No.13837081

based, grats man.

>> No.13837093

Where would I learn this? irl business is just getting shit on.

>> No.13837101

I'm self-employed and last year I finally hit over 100k (profit not revenue).

I know that's not much in the grand scheme of things, but I'm frankly just stupefied at the money that's coming into my account.

I was grinding it out for like 25-30k a year annually before I got here. What happened was I switched from looking for freelance work on job boards and positioned myself as a digital agency that manages entire sales funnels for clients. I started doing PPC ads for the first time ever.

When I switched to this model, everything changed just about overnight. Client acquisition got easier. I started working direct with clients as opposed to agencies and larger freelancers who give you a fraction of what they're billing out to their clients. I began offering "results" and "complete campaign management" instead of just saying "I can build you a website/app/ebook, etc."

Not only am I finding clients who are willing to pay more, I'm wasting much less time on marketing because instead of actively contacting people, I just run ads that bring them to me.

2018 has been, in short, a breakthrough for my business.

The thing is, I'm not even making a huge amount compared to what a lot of people make. But I'm still having a hard time even processing the cash that's coming in. What the hell do I even do with 10k a month, after expenses? Based on my modest ambitions (never wanted a lambo, big house, multi-times a year vacations, etc) it pretty much feels like unlimited money. Like I could never really spend it all.

Has anybody else ever had this feeling when breaking into 6 figure income? Like a feeling of just having all the money you could need and not knowing what to do with it?

It's just weird because when I was younger I always used fantasize about making millions, and think that that was making it. Here I am making a little over 100k and it feels like I have all the money in the world. Like I've "made it"

>> No.13837116

upper mgmt here AMA, about to play some rocket league with my bros though

>> No.13837144

i just google. if i see a site or a trend of sites becoming popular, i check alexa ranking and can guesstimate how much money they make. then i google how to create a site like that, what problems people encounter. then i just start piecing it together and looking up the answer for every problem i run into. then i made a site i never made before and maybe i make money, but maybe i dont. then i repeat it. you could start with just an html website or a blog on a topic, and write an article a day for a month and then see what kind of traffic the site gets then maybe put ads on it, then multiply the ad revenue by 100x or 1000x to see what it could make if you put more effort into it.

>> No.13837151

Good job anon, you put in the work now you reap the rewards. Let that money work for you and invest in index funds or similar.

>> No.13837168

Really great success story to hear, bro.

10k a month would seem like unlimited money for me too, I really don't have the desire for the lavish life, I'm perfectly happy with my casio and my camry and don't see the need to fork out extra cash for a rolex or a merc. Couple questions:

How many hours are you putting in a week?

How did you learn the skills to do what you are doing? Any books/courses you recommend?

Do you feel that given that you don't have much to desire for extravagance that this stifles your motivation to grow your business because you don't need more money? are you content with just making six figures? If not, what are you plans to grow your business?

>> No.13837178

Upper management in what? What's your work history? How did you get into that position?

>> No.13837193


the dubs dubs have it, checked

so 300k a year from blogging? my god ive been living a lie.
One question, how do you see if a trend of sites is becoming popular?
and i assume multiplying the revenue is through ads which lead to the website which has ads on it. as long as those ads are cash positive just direct flow using ads to show them more ads from the site

>> No.13837194


Hi anon. I would like to feed you some business.
Do you have a throw away email to contact you?

>> No.13837198

in IT, 15 years of proving myself. mastering Excel also helped.

>> No.13837207

I'm a day trader full time specializing in crypto currency

>> No.13837259


Do you specialize in crypto currency accessories also?

>> No.13837312

I used to do it based on flippa.com seeing what sites are actually selling. Usually people would try to imitate whatever is popular and sell a really horrible version. Then Id see what the top ones are and give it a try. Blogs can make a lot of money, lots of affiliate programs pay a lot of money. Travel/Reward point sites make a killing convincing people to sign up to reward credit cards, sites get $100-$800/per signup. Then $1-$20 per signup for whatever else they push through affiliate links. I just mean whatever you can make from a month of running a site, you could 100x it if you just keep going. Theres tons of room to grow and more and more people online everyday.

>> No.13837319

Ive got a side hustle growing and selling berries. It doesn't make much but working with plants and watching them grow while listening to my weeb music feels good after wagecucking.

>> No.13837344
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Shit tier full time wagecuck with a mostly complete AA here

Went to college right out oh high school with 0 direction in life, parents had a "we just pay for you to live, do whatever you want as long as it's something" mindset. Wanted to do something high paying but had no idea what I was doing, the college tricked me into thinking that I had to decide right away what my degree was going to be so I chose a two year in IT (that they told me was a computer science transfer).

Now I have useless college credits that won't transfer anywhere now that life is 4x harder since I also have to make a living. I can't even fathom making 20/hr anytime soon. I try not to give up but life seems to just get more difficult by the day. Sorry for the blogpost, gotta say it somewhere and god knows nobody IRL gives a shit either

>> No.13837350

Looking to be self employed next year. I aim to take the year off and fund it with my crypto profits then build up my business.

>> No.13837375

Welp now that I'm out of my biz and im just chilling for a while on my savings i will give it a try.

Any other resources where I could learn more?

Thank you based Anon.

>> No.13837419

You you idiot strictly digital assets

>> No.13837464

I guess I'm technically self-employed (drug dealer) but that's only to pay for my med-school, I'm hoping to go into private-practice pretty soon after my internship so I can avoid being a wagecuck medfag

>> No.13837487
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Don't your ovaries in an uproar.
It was a joke.

>> No.13837528

testnet node management LLC

>> No.13837634
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Really want to go into business for myself, but I wouldn't even know where to begin. I know most don't, and I don't want to rich necessarily (I wouldn't complain if it happened though). I feel like doing something I like as an occupation would make me like it less, as now I'm doing it on a quota and not just for fun.

>> No.13837806

Landlord here. I own ten rental units(fully paid off)....and I dont live in any of the properties I own. I rent a small 1 bedroom in the area to keep tabs on the units.

>> No.13837893

How did you make the capital to be able to purchase ten rental properties fully paid? How many hours a week do you spend managing the properties? How much do you make per month?

>> No.13837925

I know some guys like him. About 95% of those stories ive heard are people who just inherited shitloads of money and had >80 && <90 IQ. Lower ones just spent all ze cash.

Only 1 story was of a friend of a friend who started frugal life at 18 and ended up with 3 apartments at 30. You aint gonna get the capital without a "great" business idea.

>> No.13838015

I have a twitch channel uwu remember to to use you free sub every month on your fav streamer

>> No.13838155

There's a study somewhere out there about how much money people need to be full fill monetarily. It's around $70k a month.

That's why you feel this way.

Check out MJ Demarco book the fast lane millionaire. Hell explain what the next step should be.

Also there was this guy's book that I read where he explained how to never work again once you have a lot of money.

If you buy city bonds the interest they pay you is 1k a week in a million dollar loan to the city. With 1k a week coming in youre set for life.

>> No.13838378

Self employed solo attorney here. First year on my own (was with a firm before), still building and learning

>> No.13838438

Stop relying on pieces of paper to tell you what you can or can't do.

Want to be a programmer? Start leaning a language and go hustle.

>> No.13838511

>Mastering Excel
Where do you work? What do you do?

>> No.13838536
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>Share your story also give advice.
engineering consulting
governmental and institutional clients
>no women (at least not at all attractive, even then the ugly ones can be an even bigger pain in the ass sometimes)
(relatively speaking)
>focus on quality over quantity and word of mouth (relevant for my industry)
>go the extra mile and genuinely address client needs and market feedback
>be brutal in your assessments and don't be emotional when it comes to making plays and competing for work and client and market share
good luck
worked for 4.5 years in hydro for a large company
eventually moved on to take over my father's consulting firm
>t. doubled business year on year for the last 4 years in a row since slowly taking over from my father, who started the business

>> No.13838562

Ye ebay

>> No.13838572

Absolutely this. I'm in a similar position, college fucked me over badly, even with my supposed 'genius' test scores across the board that they said guaranteed me triple figures. Not trying to be a braggart, really, I spent three years after college being an absolute waste of space making just above minimum wage

Then I said fuck it, got drunk all the time, then decided to be a bartender because who can stop me? Now making almost $30/h (hard and stressful work at bad hours albeit), but I can go to college again now to get my degree for something that I actually have passion for.

Follow your dreams day by day, Anon. Who the fuck can stop you?

>> No.13838973

>eventually moved on to take over my father's consulting firm

Never take advice from anyone involved in nepotism, no matter what magical results they claim.
This anon's job at his father's company was handed to him.

>> No.13839008
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>This anon's job at his father's company was handed to him.
suit yourself, my father is the type of man who would have his own business
I'm his son
Surprise, we're similar.
A lot of the work came specifically from proposals and bids I put in for government contracts lasting 4+ years
won't go into details but at least half of our projects come from proposals I prepared and sought out independent of my father
he's been half out the door and will be retiring soon
of course I leverage what he built already, who wouldn't
is being a small business owner realistic for most people?
read the title to the OP and have a big think about it

>> No.13839069

>suit yourself, my father is the type of man who would have his own business
>I'm his son
>Surprise, we're similar.
>A lot of the work came specifically from proposals and bids I put in for government contracts lasting 4+ years
>won't go into details but at least half of our projects come from proposals I prepared and sought out independent of my father
>he's been half out the door and will be retiring soon
>of course I leverage what he built already, who wouldn't
>is being a small business owner realistic for most people?
>read the title to the OP and have a big think about it

You can try to rationalize it to make yourself feel better, but your job was handed to you, which means you're not living in reality. You didn't have to objectively compete for the job against other people.

I bet daddy paid for your college too, so you've never lived in reality even going through college because that was handed to you also.

>> No.13839113
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>but your job was handed to you, which means you're not living in reality
>worked for 4.5 years in hydro for a large company
was offered to stay with the company but chose to walk away for a better deal obviously
>I bet daddy paid for your college too, so you've never lived in reality even going through college because that was handed to you also.
took out loans to pay for my living expenses and school expenses
he paid tuition due to the tax benefits
it's what you do to keep the money in the family
my apologies that your father was not in a position to hand down such an advantage to you
but I'm running with it and will be doing the same for my children
good luck
>college handed to me
graduated engineering physics and quantum information masters, like I said, I take after my father

>> No.13839149

I feel like NEET should be divided into rich NEETs and poor NEETs. The guy who leaves his job at his company and replaces himself with the COO is going to be a lot more comfortable than a mentally ill NEET that lives with his parents and never does anything but consume and doesn't actually enjoy any of the things he consumes.

>> No.13839159

urban or rural?

>> No.13839441

both, i was all over the fucking place, tons of people are jumping in without licenses and no insurance who do the work for $15 an hour and between everything im paying I cant compete

>> No.13839460


>> No.13839592

I have a biz with 15 pajeets working full time for me, I spent most of my time creating strategies and processes, sometimes programming because it's impossible to find a competent dev at decent price.

You'll never be like me though, to be able to reach that level I had to becomes an expert at copywriting, sales, design, programming, digital marketing, video and audio production. Basically all the things a business needs, so that I could instruct pajeets on how to do it properly. Took me years to gather the skills.

You also need to get lucky on a scheme that makes money, which is hard but not impossible when you are extremely skilled. If you are unskilled it's 100% luck though and almost no one makes it.

>> No.13839630

if you didn't built it yourself from scratch, you're a beta male. Getting handed a biz where all the hard work has already been done is the definition of being a woman or child.

>> No.13839675

>muh nepotism
literal poorfag monkey brain cope

>> No.13839743

no clue what to do

just wanna be someone cool

>> No.13839886
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>You, you idiot strictly digital assets
Oh god, oh fuck, bros...WE are the assets she specializes in!

>> No.13840039

So college fucked you over but you still want to give them your hard earned money back to them? Unbelievable!!!

How deep is the programming anon?

>> No.13840053

I'm gonna get my feet wet being a subcontractor first. I don't really know how to market myself, but it seems useful to build a network of contacts by being a contractor among other contractors first.

>> No.13840082

in college just to network should be god tier

>> No.13840174

they didn't fully read the title of the OP and realize my posts were relevant
what do you expect

>> No.13840180

yeah im self-employed right now.

my dad is and my granddad was, so i was told i should be growing up too, and i agree.

although it goes through periods where its tough, its rewarding.

my advice is make sure your making enough before you quit your dayjob.

>> No.13841008

Deep enough to realize after speaking to many professionals in my wanted line of work that there's no chance in hell I'll get my dream job if I don't have the degree. It fucking sucks, I know

>> No.13841230

Anon, do not give up hope. May of my friends at Van drives but they get plenty of work because they advertise that they are lisecned and insured.

Target mid class to high class neigherbourhoods. you can get alot of below the line advertising for quite cheap. Get lefeats, hand them out yourself if the have to. Use socail media to target the normies.

When yourself employed its great because you are your own boss, but you have to be your own everything. that means being your own salesman. try anything.