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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13829908 No.13829908 [Reply] [Original]

>the stupid fucks actually believed me when I said that I'll write the blogpost this week
>they'll swallow everything like the cum they swallow daily

>> No.13829915

It's still this week nigger

>> No.13829949

My opinion is that Serget asked his advisor (meh) to fud on twatter and post on /biz/, p&d it a little, so that he purged the nazi /biz/tards

>> No.13829987

>thinking /biz/ made even a dent in the insane volume
>thinking any marine that held through the well constructed FUD of 2017/18 would sell over the shit tier nuFUD

>> No.13829991

sir gay is a SJW

>> No.13830155

Joke's on them, we're the ones who won't ever sell. Pajeets are the ones in this for P&D. Us evil 4chan racists just buy more when it dips.

>> No.13830190

Are you guys seriously justifying your investment based on whether a fat philosophy major slob writes a fucking blog post or not? Wouldn't it be better if he knew how to program and could write some actual code for his vaporware mainnet?

>> No.13830243

He got fat because his life got so easy. He became a millionaire before ever releasing his product. Why should he suddenly work hard now? Hes retired 10 times already off of neet money and it shows in his chubby fucking cheeks

>> No.13830267

Given the veil of secrecy behind the project, a clear proof of oathbreaking would put a completely new light on the whole project.

>> No.13830324

There's more to life than just having money and existing. Where is your faustian spirit? The only reason I even want more money is to get power and accomplish real things, I've got plenty for just existing comfortably. Chainlink is this man's life work, crypto is his raison de'entre. You can't leave projects like this unfinished.

>> No.13830362
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>he doesn't know ive been eating big macs every day and posting FUD in preparation to celebrate mainnet

>> No.13830773

The blog post was actually supposed to be released yesterday. It's been ready and waiting for some time, as Sergey spent half of March and most of April writing it in preparation for the big day. He kept it on an encrypted USB drive to prevent any leaks, but it seems that Rory misplaced it somewhere while cleaning the office. No one has been able to find it as of yet and Sergey isn't allowing anyone to write up a new post either, because "it won't be the same". The whole staff has been searching for it these past few days - they were even called in during the weekend. This is at a crucial time where Chainlink still needs to stress-test its systems and make a lot of final-moment bug fixes before going live. The delay is causing jobs to pile up on the pivotal, where the velocity has fallen to low single-digit numbers.

Rory is doing some damage control on Telegram by trying to make it seem like Sergey is still writing it, but we all know that he would've had something like that ready in advance. Time is running out fast and I'm afraid that by the time they do find the flashdrive (if ever), they will be hopelessly behind schedule and mainnet will be a massive flop as a result.