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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 713 KB, 2026x2172, faggit scam 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13820005 No.13820005 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder, that CHX's "STO" is a free online certificate based on nothing


>> No.13820040

2019 is the year of sto exit scams

>> No.13820042
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>here we are next to our partners
>our only "STO"
>based on a 17 hour online certificate you just click through to get

>> No.13820073
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>> No.13820087
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shit scam

>> No.13820225

CHX telegram trannys are actively deleting anyone question their shitty scam and banning people lmao

>> No.13820275

>Reminder, that CHX's "STO" is a free online certificate based on nothing
Have u even bothered to look into companies that are actually using Crowd Machine, the same 'free' certificate you keep dribbling about?

>Aon , publicly listed company on nyse

>VMS venture capital fund

>Kone Inc

>> No.13820378
File: 946 KB, 2791x2155, faggit scam 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all scams, especially Project Crowd

Have you even bothered to look at Project Crowd?

>> No.13820411

>all scams, especially Project Crowd
>Have you even bothered to look at Project Crowd?
Yes I've looked. You can't judge the early stages of a company from 1 short YouTube clip lol I can't tell if your being serious or joking. Is that all you have ? Wew. I dunno what to tell you bro but it sounds like a couple of your synpases aren't firing correctly.

>> No.13820526
File: 34 KB, 555x296, faggit scam s1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can't judge the early stages of a company from 1 short YouTube clip
>just 1 short clip

Here's the evidence:
>17 hour free online certificate
>claims its award winning (project crowd exists in a kitchen) >>13820073
>its own description and videos tell you nothing but meme buzzwords
yea, id say its a scam and that i can judge it immediately

shit is going to zero, fast.

>> No.13820551

Do you plan on continuing the reverse fudding after staking is launched?

>> No.13820586

>>You can't judge the early stages of a company from 1 short YouTube clip
>>just 1 short clip
>Here's the evidence:
>>17 hour free online certificate
>>claims its award winning (project crowd exists in a kitchen) >>13820073
>>its own description and videos tell you nothing but meme buzzwords
>yea, id say its a scam and that i can judge it immediately
>shit is going to zero, fast.
How can it be a scam they haven't even raised any money or launched a product lol. Hello? Is anybody even home? I'm not sure what's wrong with you but somebody obviously hurt you. I'm sure you got burned by chx and now you're pissed, I get it. But this is far from a scam. Keep dedicating so much time to doing what u do tho. You're keeping OWN fresh in everybodies mind and anybody with 2 brain cells can tell you're talking shit for no good reason :)

>> No.13820594


>> No.13820625

I love seeing the daily CHX threada with so much dedication by you. It just proves that nobody is forgetting about the project. When there are zero chx threads then I'll start to worry. So keep it up.

>> No.13820677

Good, hope you are watching it's price and correlating that with my threads.

Plus you telegram trannys have been dispatched here. It's all over your telegram saying to ignore 4chan fud. Lmao, start taking flak when you are right over the target.

>> No.13820678

same thing happened to Vechain anon. don't be so smug. truth is for a lot of people, seeing CHX get rekt is satisfying because just because the CHX community was so sure of themselves. you're dedicated fudders aren't trying to fill their bags.

>> No.13820680

we aren't reverse fudding?? lol what do you mean you goofus

>> No.13820753

CHX use to spam this board as much as Link, brigaded by the whole discord roastie and telegram tranny base.

Now they don't dare because it's an exposed scam ran from a kitchen.

>> No.13821062

Lmao at this sell off

>> No.13821080

an ambassador told me they are made aware of market moving information before it is announced

>> No.13821096

Just call them paid shills

>> No.13821122

Lmao at this shitcoin dumping nonstop

>> No.13821220

Press S to spit

>> No.13821346
File: 44 KB, 556x430, i see you michael.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was waiting for someone to make a CHX thread, so I can post pic related.

>an ambassador told me they are made aware of market moving information before it is announced
Now That's What I Call Insider Trading! Volume: Wash Trade

>> No.13821402

Lmao chx is really on its last throws.

The paid shill is working for CHX (obvious) but then like a typical tranny, he can't do anything right. So he does this hamfisted "leak" to try to whip up some buys or at least stop the sell off. And of course anyone with an IQ over 90 sees this and call them out on it.

>> No.13821638

>So he does this hamfisted "leak" to try to whip up some buys or at least stop the sell off.
Exactly. There are three possibilities:

1. OWN Ambassadors get information before everyone else, but can't keep their mouth shut. Insider trading.

2. Sascha knows the ambassadors are college kids and will leak, so he gives them deliberately false promises knowing full well the information will get to top bagholders like PenisPump, Fuud, and the Technical Analysis Wizard of Shitcoins AKA Michael. If the information is private and passed on from person to person, not only could it be denied if it doesn't pan out but also impossible to refute or research.

3. Michael picked up some skills from Scheming Sascha and made a bold lie to protect and pump his investment.

My bet is on all three.

>> No.13821776

they are already packing about token swap on bitmain which is a really dog shit exchange, if you can even call it that

>> No.13821794

That reminds me...

Attention bagholders! If you live in the United States, you cannot do a native token swap on a trusted exchange. You won't be able to trade your coins for BTC/ETH for months to come. I repeat, if you live in the United States your $1000 bleeding bags will turn into $1 chexmix bags in your wallet as BitMax doesn't allow US-based investors on their platform. If you want to trade, better get a VPN. Or better yet, market sell and move onto better projects.

>> No.13822057
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>Everyone on 4chan is 13 years old and doesn't understand business. I don't have time for forums like 4chan, I'm busy and productive. That's why I'm trannying around in the OWN Telegram 24/7 and posting about the latest 4chan FUD within 15 minutes it goes live. CHX is only 1% of my portfolio, so why would I care so much? Why would I defend it so much?

Honestly, is there an anon on here that holds CHX and legitimately believes in the project? I would like to know why.

>> No.13822115

>why would I care so much? Why would I defend it so much?

It's not even about defending it, it's just literally appalling how dumb the crypto community is. If you don't understand what you're buying then why the hell are you even following it or putting your money into it? Your sentiment follows price which is pathetic.

>> No.13822139

"You can't convince a retard they're retarded because they're retarded."
GL frens.

>> No.13822175

It took me a while to fully accept that CHX is a scam but well I did eventually sell my bags. Good on you to expose them

>> No.13822282

its dead

>> No.13822284

>If you don't understand what you're buying then why the hell are you even following it or putting your money into it? Your sentiment follows price which is pathetic.
Exactly. Who would anyone buy OWN when the CEO constantly embellishes and makes promises he cannot keep? All while touting not wanting to create hype.

Where is the billion dollar STO? What happened to NASDAQ and Asian exchanges? Do you remember when he said they could easily onboard ten companies a day? Remember the 400 businesses on the DSR dashboard with at least 20 of them being in the United States?I wonder how they got 20 companies in the United States to use their platform three months after the rebranding, before Hamersley Partners, and without any hype or any advertising.

Researching scams and schemes is an interest of mine. Majority of the "fud" came from me. It happens that my first alt-coin crypto investment was OWN. Had no interest in shitcoins until I watched the AMAs and, most importantly, saw the Dashboard. I invested because it said they had businesses in the United States. Then came the Hamersley Partners announcement... And my insanely good memory to notice the inconsistencies in what Sascha has said and done. I sold at even in USD.

>> No.13822333

Because I think our interests align but I can't tell.

>> No.13822360

Biz is lucky to have you here, I am not joking. Thanks anon

>> No.13822399

Nobody claimed a billion dollar store was coming. Nobody said they were working with NASDAQ. Saying they could onboard stos that fast means that the companies actually have to be ready, it's not a limitation of own but of the interested businesses. Why are you straight up lying?

Anybody with a working brain cells could see that your pulling bullshit out of your ass and twisting words. It's amusing nonetheless. Keep wasting your time.

>> No.13822404


Ok, I'll try to be based as possible. Not trying to protect price or w/e because if they deliver it will take of itself, if not lower whatever. This is crypto it's natively risky, obviously.

Literally everything you're expecting to happen tomorrow. Every opportunity whether it's a stock exchange, billion dollar tokenization, fast food chain, bank, he said they are all leads. A sales lead. They're just talking, nothing has been signed and was stated numerous times, it could literally take months, years, never happen at all or happen tomorrow. You're right, it should've never been mentioned because it created this false hype that it will happen tomorrow. I get it, it is talked up.

Not financial advice, but if you want to be safe, wait for an official announcement if something goes through and then fomo in like everyone else.

>> No.13822415

too true

>> No.13822497
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Thanks, I appreciate that. Even if you guys only want to buy in lower, you're welcome. At least the contractors and Sascha are getting less in ETH each and every week as they dump on the bagholders. Those thin order books. Feels good.

>Nobody claimed a billion dollar store was coming. Nobody said they were working with NASDAQ. Saying they could onboard stos that fast means that the companies actually have to be ready, it's not a limitation of own but of the interested businesses.
Right. He said they're in talks with exchanges and a billion dollar STO might be in the pipeline. Totally not hyping at all or creating hopium for bagholders.

As far as being able to onboard ten companies a day: What kind of companies was Sascha talking about then? Where are they? Most STOs are scheduled for Q3, Q4, and 2020. No one has their shit together or what? Or was Project Crowd one of those companies? Because it wouldn't surprise me considering they allowed that dogshit on the platform. Literally an hour of research could have told you they have no product, clients, customers, or anything at all other than a few Microsoft Word documents and flowcharts. So much for vetting for the "highest quality" of projects in the interest of investors.

>> No.13822498
File: 111 KB, 1317x763, 1558568971113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>9x STOs for 1 billion was suppose to launch on 21 may
dog shit scam ran out of a kitchen

>> No.13822519

but can I get rich from this somehow?

>> No.13822567

only if you think people will buy millions of dollars worth of this: https://youtu.be/Znzwfzt88ho

>> No.13822612

>Literally everything you're expecting to happen tomorrow. Every opportunity whether it's a stock exchange, billion dollar tokenization, fast food chain, bank, he said they are all leads. A sales lead. They're just talking, nothing has been signed and was stated numerous times, it could literally take months, years, never happen at all or happen tomorrow. You're right, it should've never been mentioned because it created this false hype that it will happen tomorrow. I get it, it is talked up.
That's right. He shouldn't have said it. He did it deliberately to get everyone excited and dreaming of the possibilities of what they could do (if the stars aligned). That's why they built that DSR Dashboard displaying all the fake test data. There was no reason to code it and design it, if not to mislead. People enter bogus data and create companies on their platform? Fuck it. Bigger numbers, the better!

Then they pulled those numbers right onto their front page saying 400+ businesses "trust" OWN and are on their platform. They even displayed the fake numbers in their Twitter post on the day of the DSR Dashboard launch back in November. Before anyone else could have went in and muddied up the numbers. Like that one anon that snuck in and put in 2 trillion assets tokenized.

>> No.13822644
File: 193 KB, 851x935, faggit scam 8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea its all fake, thats why the ONLY thing they have is "project crowd", a kitchen run 17 hour online free certificate ran by a middle aged woman https://youtu.be/Znzwfzt88ho

dumb bitch doesnt even know how to code.

plus their second "STO" we know is astro-turfed and fake. its just CHX ghosting as another company.
pic VERY related

>> No.13822668

Completely agree with DSR situation. I've brought it up multiple times, looks like they finally put a disclaimer on there.

Apparently there are a number on there
that are legit through I-deal Corp. Guess we will find out when the block explorer is released.

>> No.13822700

Eh, I am still holding. I don’t fall for retard pol fud. Peopl call everything a scam, even btc and eth wer heavily shilled as shit scams. If anything the more something gets fud the more legit it actually is

>> No.13822778
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>still holding
>the only thing they are showing publicly is a clear scam

>> No.13823022
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Lmao, they still don't get it. They are ignoring the obvious.

>> No.13823072

>If anything the more something gets fud the more legit it actually is
CHX is being fudded by less than a dozen people, /biz/ and Telegram combined.

>> No.13823113
File: 826 KB, 2269x1349, faggit scam 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is the marketing directly from project crowd and chx considered FUD?

>> No.13823238
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Fudfags identified

>> No.13823278
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>> No.13823300

how do i get in this CHX cope channel

>> No.13823344
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To all telegram trannies who are refreshing this thread every ten seconds: This shit is getting posted on 4chan only because no one in their right mind is going the expose lies brewed up in an IKEA kitchen unless it's done anonymously without a registration.

>is the marketing directly from project crowd and chx considered FUD?
lol good point.

Search CHX MARKET on telegram.

>> No.13823382

OOSH, the tranny epicenter

>> No.13823393

Found the pajeet bagholder who is way too emotionally invested in his scam tokens to look at the situation objectively.