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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1381540 No.1381540 [Reply] [Original]

So i happened to get a new job allowing me to invest ~13k a year comfortably without negatively influencing my lifestyle.
Looking at ways to invest my money in to generate a secondary income.

What corporations and businesses should i invest in for long term profitable dividend yield?

>> No.1381547

alternatively, can you suggest reading material on the topic? I was without a job and poor once. Never again.

>> No.1381556

I can't imagine being able to invest that much money but not understand at all what to do with it. It is like you skipped years of prep work to get there.

>> No.1381560

Buy ethereum

>> No.1381566


>> No.1381567

after i was without a job i spent three years being broke and working as security or other shitty minimum wage jobs before getting an education in chemical engineering. working at a pharma corp now working night shifts.

>> No.1381571

the cyber currency? will look into that, thanks for the suggestion

>> No.1381578

he is most likely shilling. unfortunately, i can only recommend you a german book on that topic, but i will give you a tl;dr: if you compare fonds and ETFs, ETFs perform better most of the time and cost way less fees. so if you're looking for a quite safe investment, get MSCI World ETF or something similar

>> No.1381582

There are more ways to get a little bit of money without much prep work.

>> No.1381583

german is my native language. What book do you mean?

>> No.1381587 [DELETED] 
File: 67 KB, 500x374, 1431295189001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Souverän investieren mit Indexfonds und ETFs by Gerd Kommer.
Ich würde dir generell empfehlen, dich nicht hier, sondern beispielsweise im Wertpapier-Forum zu informieren und einzulesen, die Anlageempfehlungen hier sind mit sehr viel Risiko verbunden und du solltest wennschon nur ein Bruchteil deines Vermögens in Memeaktien oder -coins investieren.

>> No.1381596 [DELETED] 

Hatte nicht wirklich vor in Cyberwährungen zu investieren. Dachte eher an "sichere" Unternehmen wie General Mills, Coce und einige Pharmakonzerne wie Baxter

>> No.1381631 [DELETED] 

Klingt gut. Habe heute selbst einige Daimleraktien gekauft, die derzeit aufgrund VW Skandal und Brexit ein wenig gebeutelt, aber wieder am steigen sind.

>> No.1381636 [DELETED] 

Habe mir gedacht ich werd nach 2 Monaten Arbeit gleichmal 3k in VW stecken, durch den Skandal sind die noch billig und werden die nächsten Jahre auch wieder steigen.

>> No.1381648

Since when does school teach someone how to use their money?