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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13807026 No.13807026 [Reply] [Original]

Okay /biz/
When the recession comes, we will make it, right? People will pursue alternative investment opportunities, right?

How are YOU preparing for the recession?

>> No.13807038

The first thing money leaves during a recession are speculative assets. Crypto will not survive and pretending otherwise is pure delusion.

>> No.13807044

By buying silver, gold, and lead.

>> No.13807046

the retard that made this chart was BTFO by trumps tax cuts

>> No.13807050

invest in seeds and a bunker

>> No.13807063

Crypto isn't just a speculative asset, though. It's a store of wealth.
I agree with you in principle and for the most part I, sadly, think you're correct, but if BTC moves sideways for even an hour during a devestating market crash than the next day it will be worth 100x what it is when the crash started.
If it shows ANY resistance to the drop in fiat at all the normies will flee to it in the billions.

>> No.13807083
File: 157 KB, 528x321, 1557938861816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, hard assets not affected by governments printing money hyperinflating the currency during a recession (Venezuela).
> Gold
> Silver

>> No.13807085

BTC yes, shitcoins? Not a fucking chance besides MAYBE ETH.

>> No.13807125

Truth be told I'm hoping on the recession spiraling into a complete depression.
Then the true assets I've built up become liquidity which can be used to secure financial gains.

Until that day comes, I'm just gonna live a well off life.

>> No.13807158

gold mining juniors

>> No.13807173

The west is never going to turn into Venezuela.

>> No.13807205

the west has done it many times before, France Germany.....fucking Rome

>> No.13807241

Not gonna happen!
This is the golden bullrun!
As the prophecy for told!
Welcome to late sage neo-capitalism!

>> No.13807272

smart contracts will allow corporations to cut cost and survive the recession. any company that isn't able to do the same will be forced out of the market

buy link

>> No.13807307

All are still there and doing great. Rome is a very beautiful city.

>> No.13807404
File: 925 KB, 500x322, InformalHighHare-small.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy real estate in a major metropolitan area

>> No.13807659
File: 39 KB, 621x446, Annotation 2019-05-24 172644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened 5th Feb 2016 to make it keep going up?

>> No.13807677

dont you hear yourself right now? youre speculating lmao

>> No.13807691
File: 46 KB, 1177x794, S_and_P_500_daily_linear_chart_1950_to_2016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clearly one of the longest, largest bubbles in our modern history.

"Past performance is no guarantee of future results"

>> No.13807705

I thought this too and had discussions with my dads finance guy about it last year. My only thought is that in other countries with destabilized economies ppl have fled to crypto. BTC may be speculative but its also for all intents and purposes deflationary compared to fiat which will make it alluring.

>> No.13807719

Those only bought a little more time.

>> No.13807735

And the first thing cash flows into during periods of hyper inflation is commodities. Surely you don't think 10 years or non-stop QE is not going to have any effects?

>> No.13807744

how many retail store closings, mall shut downs do do you want to see before realizing the trump tax cuts are only delaying the inevitable.
plus the dems will crash the market just in time for the 2020 election

>> No.13807806

lol what is the great depression
honestly did you just type that like a faggot or do even a speck of research.
real estate is going to get ass raped because i-rates will have to rise.

if the solution to the upcoming collapse is going full negative with interest rates then expect real estate to go ballistic.

>All are still there and doing great. Rome is a very beautiful city.
jesus christ read a book

crypto has yet to be tested in a recession or depression, we simply dont know how it will correlate. It could be like gold or it could be like stocks. if its a economic collapse that requires governments to start going after savers like the cyrus bank bailout then people will flood money into crypto to keep it away from the government.