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13799346 No.13799346 [Reply] [Original]

>satoshi invents trustless cryptographic money to thwart the existing banking/legal system
>CSW uses non-cryptographic "dude trust me" arguments via the existing banking/legal system to assert he is satoshi
Congrats on this. I guess whoever has the most jewish lawyers really must be satoshi.

>> No.13799393


>> No.13799432

in order to beat them, you must also play by their rules

>> No.13799637

no thats the whole point of blockchain

>> No.13799674

At least get your quote right if you're going to bash Craig.

>The coin is far from being anarchist. It does not stop government; it holds it to account. The ability to track and trace money, to limit and report on corruption and illegal foreign dealings alters the very nature of government. In being able to account for expenditure and report instantly the results from government departments as they disseminate funds, Bitcoin radically alters the nature of representative government.

>> No.13799678

Fuck this lying nigger

>> No.13800069

Craig Wright is a common scamming pedophile.

>> No.13800073


>> No.13800117


what's with all the hate with Craig S Wright?

can you make a coherent argument instead of bashing?

>> No.13800225

Why doesnt he sign genesis?

>> No.13800258

How can anyone look at that smug mobster smile and believe a word out of it?

>> No.13800278
File: 24 KB, 347x139, 1554205651428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's wrong, you ran out of soi?

>> No.13800291

Its like Jesus and the Romans. First they kill the man, then they carry his corpse around and try to use it to control those who he freed.

>> No.13800292

arguments have been made a thousand upon thousand times. do your own research!

>> No.13800304

That's exactly what OP did.

>> No.13800306

reminder that last time he "signed," the Australian motherfucking police busted down his door within 24 hours.

>> No.13800319
File: 204 KB, 540x540, craig-opinions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what's with all the hate with Craig S Wright?
pic related really

>> No.13800341

you got your timelines all mixed up

>> No.13800382

shit, you're right. wrong incident
>In December 2015, two parallel investigations by Wired and Gizmodo alleged that Wright may have been the inventor of bitcoin.[38][39] Subsequent reporting, however, raised concerns that Wright was engaged in an elaborate hoax.[40][41][42]

>Hours after Wired published their allegations, Wright's home in Gordon, New South Wales and an associated business premise in Ryde, New South Wales were raided by the Australian Federal Police.[43][44][45][46]

>> No.13800485

>Why doesnt he sign genesis?
Possibly because of his past employment, some non-disclosure agreement.

More like the treatment of Crassus by Parthians after the battle of Carrhae.

He could be Satoshi, loom at the bigger picture, afaik traceability

Nothing is really cryptographic in cryptocurrency (btc specifically), more of a public ledger

>> No.13800506

>some non-disclosure agreement
With the real satoshi you mean?

>> No.13800570

>non-disclosure agreement;
>rants about being satoshi;
>files for btc copyright
pick one ffs

>> No.13800761


Craig designed the architecture for the world’s first online casino, Lasseter’s Online, in the Northern Territory. In the past, he has also designed and managed the implementation of many of the systems that protect the Australian Stock Exchange".

Dr Wright’s initial focus in the role will be to:

Establish a regional ‘centre of excellence’ in cyber security with the region’s leading research organisations and cyber security universities such as Charles Sturt University. The initial focus of the centre will be to establish Doctoral research projects in cyber security priority areas including cyber extortion, identify theft and money laundering;

Ensure that the regional cyber security decision makers including government intelligence communities, intelligence services, law enforcement agencies, major universities and research and development agencies have input to the international standards being developed with GICSR international;

Establish similar relationships with regional intelligence agencies, governments and security vendors to those that GICSR have in place with the

>NSA, FBI, DHS, NASA and NIST in the USA.

The focus of these relationships will be to assist government, industry and security vendors to be much more aligned to the cyber threats posed by national and international actors, corporate espionage, cyber ‘hacktivists’ and cartels: groups that pose a direct and growing threat to National Security through economic impact through breaches that lead to the leakage or direct loss of trade secrets, intellectual property and confidential customer data.

>> No.13800781

So he’s a glownigger

>> No.13800807

>He could be Satoshi
no. linguistic analysis crossed him out, skillset is not a match, temper totally different, series of failed forgeries that he tried to present as proof, and also it's inconceivable that he wouldn't sign if he could because it gives him all the recognition and leverage he wants with none of the liabilities. as digital signatures are no irrefutable proof of identity nor past ownership of keys they only prove current ownership of keys nothing else. so by signing he could win and still maintain plausible deniability against all possible litigation. if you add these all together the equation says no chance in hell.

>> No.13800878


>> No.13800948


To draw a parallel with Tor, the bulk of the funding was from the federal government, office of naval research and DARPA


linguistics can be purposely rewritten, from his skillset and two aides he could have some messianic complex or interest stemmed from theology, the 70 blocks were possibly a red herring to test the waters instead of throwing legit proof and to counter liability

>> No.13800990

Where did he write this? Based as fuck.

>> No.13801066


>> No.13801095

>linguistics can be purposely rewritten
occams razor says he is a fraud and no one should waste more time on him until he comes out with some actual fucking evidence.

>> No.13801155


The Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution is part of the Bill of Rights and, among other things, protects individuals from being compelled to be witnesses against themselves in criminal cases.

>> No.13801168


>> No.13801172

satoshi commited no crime tho, craig with the ato is a different story. not sure what us constitution has to do with an aussie tho.