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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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1374271 No.1374271 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread got filled with bait, to the moon /biz/bros!

>> No.1374276

could ya at least copy the format from last general

>> No.1374282
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Kitten wants all meh trumps

>> No.1374288

http://trumpcoin.com (trumpcoin.rocks until its updated again)

During Donald Trump’s campaign towards becoming the next President of the United States, Trumpcoin has been set up as a campaign donation project. 200,000 Trumpcoins ( the so-called Trump Fund) have been set aside for this specific purpose.

Trumpcoin is a cryptocurrency that trades on numerous exchanges online. The price of Trumpcoin is dictated by the supply and demand of traders on these exchanges, much like a stock market. What this means is that the higher the value of a Trumpcoin becomes, the higher the dollar value of the Trump Fund becomes.



>TrumpCoin finished 8th out of 50 coins and is being considered for the beta!
Be sure to email the exchange frequently to consider Trumpcoin for the beta admin@rawx.io


>What is TrumpCoin?

>Introducing: TrumpCoin


>Low-energy Ron Paul talking about Ron Paul Coin


>> No.1374291


this hurts my ocd

>> No.1374302

Anybody else think this could become a good cause coin following the election? It was mentioned in the previous thread, I want the coin to live on and fund other things

>> No.1374316

Trump will run for prez again so you never know

>> No.1374483




>> No.1374490

Oh yeah! Thats exciting!

>> No.1374530

5.5K holder here, someone post something to help me to keep my faith in trumpcoin.

>> No.1374553

Your holdings are so insignificant you shouldn't care.

>> No.1374596



>> No.1374600


>> No.1374606

hey if it goes to .50 or even 1.00 that's a new tv or a flight or two, nothing big but strides better than most investments

>> No.1374610

LINK: https://sccefile.scc.virginia.gov/Documents/1607115301.pdf?documentName=Attestation

>> No.1374690

Oh shit here comes 10$ a coin

>> No.1374696

Trumpcoin LLC!!

>> No.1375031

Some anon posted this in the last thread:

Posting from earlier

RonPaul coin was 10 dollars or higher for a total of 30 days!


a) hes a low energy candidate with low energy memes when compared to how Trump's face is literally everywhere online/social media
b) this was 2 years ago when cryptocurrency/bitcoin was harder to bring in new entries, more people are at least aware of cryptocurrency now, so the bridge will be easier to gap.

I'm gonna say the $10 Ron Paul was at least above for A MONTH, divided by 12 (550k marketcap vs 6.5mil) times a conservative 5 (multiplier that includes crypto being more well known, Trump being more polarizing and his internet presence being all over the place).

(10.00 / 12)*5 = 4.17 - and like I mentioned I'm being very conservative in my estimates of how much more well known crypto and trump is today.

>> No.1375041

second repost from old thread. I think op was the marketing guy, but he didn't sign it.. wither way, worth keeping bumped:

I've advocated that the fund should be kept at 200k, the larger the fund the more it will impact the price once it's liquidated.(As opposed to chicken who wants to increase the size; which will ultimately lead to the project being killed after the fund is liquidated.

Its also been suggested that once the fund is liquidated and the proceeds donated that the fund will then be re-filled slowly to 200k and the a new project will be targeted to do another round of donations (a pro-trump charity, a politician who stood with trump the entire time is up for rel-election, etc)

Keeping the fund relatively low, and rinsing and repeating the donation aspect once a years enables the project to live on forever.

It truly is the first campaign funding coin. Others have donated with BTC, sure, but naming a clone of the BTC technlogy after the main benefactor of the funding is a genius idea.

In addition, we need to promote the other things the coin offers (regardless if every other coin offers it, it's still a featuer) - you can send money anywhere in the world with Trumpcoin and Trump is an international business man so that can be used ESPECIALLY if he becomes president. Trumpcoin also is a storage of value, accrues interest, can be used to purchase stuff (eventually) etc.

If we are attempting to bring i new adapters to crypto, they aren't going to respond with "but other coins do that to" they are going to see it as a true feature.

>> No.1375044


>> No.1375106

they did the math!

based marketing guy

like clegane bowl

>> No.1375138


>> No.1375150

Trumpcoin is shit, and you guys are shit. Your coin is doing less than any coin ever, and yet you still can't keep your shit in one thread. You truly are the clowns of the crypto circus, and we're all laughing at you.

>> No.1375204

holy shit, a fuckin causecoin, that's goddamn genius!
one of the first negligible fee POS coins and the first cause coin.

>up 2300% all time
>less than any coin ever
you gotta go back lad

>> No.1375291

what's happening?

>> No.1375297

I imagine it must be painful not being on the trumptrain.

I'm sorry lad.

>> No.1375304

poor feller :^(

>> No.1375407

Currently at 8K, and rising.

>> No.1375442

Anyone else feel bad for non trumpers? I want all my biz lads to make it

>> No.1375446

Me too m8. I want to see what else signal is waiting to reveal

>> No.1375464

Remember, remember!
The ninth of November,
The TrumpCoin's yuge mooning and plot;
I know of no reason
Why the TrumpCoin season
Should ever be forgot!

>> No.1375511

Im thinking about buying some TRUMPS tomorrow, am i doing right?

Still have time to jump in?

>> No.1375516

You still have time

>> No.1375522

If you're reading video guy, what thoughts do you have on today's news?

>> No.1375523

Even buying tomorrow?

>> No.1375526

if you can afford it and like the fundamentals, jump in.
Where were going, the entry point tomorrow will still be amazing in retrospect

>> No.1375528

Yes. You should be fine

>> No.1375534

Thanks guys, im kinda exciting/sad about buying tomorrow and missed today.

>> No.1375535

Yeah, tomorrow is still early. The dev vote should take place later this week, and the dude who formed the llc has said there is more news to come.

>> No.1375557

Damn son who lives in VA on the dev squad?

>> No.1375561


who /riding out/ here?

>> No.1375572


>> No.1375604


has trump even heard of this coin? if he doesn't at least acknowledge it this thing ain't going now where.

>> No.1375623


>> No.1376146

My thoughts are very positive son

It's all looking good thus far

>> No.1376149

Of course your thoughts are positive, you're shilling. What, are you going to say anything negative? Of course not. You only have positive things to say, no matter what happens. Because that's what shills do.

>> No.1376151

I was extremely critical of chicken65 not a week ago and started a thread here on how astoundingly he was goofing up

a positive outlook on an interesting investment =/=shilling

>> No.1376153

r9neet here who with little knowledge in investing and no experience. Should I get into trumpcoin?

>> No.1376176

Whatever, shill. Maybe you don't even know what you are, it's possible. Your head may be so far up your own ass that you don't even know what you're representing here. I doubt it though. I think you know damn well what you're doing.

>> No.1376188

No. Download robinhood (buy and sell stocks without having to pay a fee)

>> No.1376207

Okay, thanks Rubio.

Remember, buy LOW sell HIGH next time (as opposed to ranting on threads when you get them switched)

>> No.1376213

yes if you're comfortable with risk

it's likely to produce some impressive gains but there's always the inherent unpredictability of crypto in general

>> No.1376220 [DELETED] 


Great God I bought into a decent amount of Trump today, im sure I will make good gains sooner or later.

>> No.1376231
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>> No.1376285

Good to hear. Do you and media guy have anything waiting to be released following the vote?

>> No.1376302


theres this strange sense of family on /biz/ regarding trumpcoin.
it just makes the investment all the better

its like a small community that is constantly informing each other of the happenings and predictions of the coin just to help each other out. to the moon bro's

>> No.1376311

Yeah I've got some stuff and I'm pretty sure Marketing Guy is raring to go as soon as we're put in the game

>> No.1376313

you did good bud

how much you end up with?

trumpcoin is a family /biz/ness

>> No.1376498

we at 8k now!

>> No.1376509


10k by this weekend at minimum

>> No.1376524

Sounds good

>> No.1376665

never go against the family

>> No.1376670

that's not how you "by wednesday"

>> No.1376678
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On the edge of $0.06

>> No.1376824
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Daily reminder that TrumpCoin is making history

>> No.1376830

first CauseCoin :^)

>> No.1376834

Check the bitcointalk lads, signals hinting that we might be able to purchase outside of yobit soon

>> No.1376864

wish the .com wasn't so shitty.
even with the planned updates, the template is just bad..had a look at the code and it's sloppy. it doesn't auto scale things, mobile is ugly.

not sure what they can update to that template, unless the planned changes include a brand new template (which I havent gotten that feel) it's kind of dissapoinnting.

The site should be like this booming, robust "community of informstion", feel like the site is alive..etc

>> No.1376919

I recently bought some TrumpCoin, and decided to send them to my wallet. Unfortunately the wallet is out of sync and is taking hours to synchronize with the network.

Should I just wait until it finishes synchronizing? Are my TRUMPS safe?

>> No.1376953
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Yes, just wait for the wallet to fully sync, dont worry.

>> No.1376960

Yes and yes

>> No.1377017

Thank you I have the same issue. Apparently it's common across many different types of Wallets so not terribly worried.

>> No.1377087
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>> No.1377240
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cnn is stealing our memes and corrupting them

>> No.1377266
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Send Monero pls

>> No.1377836

/biz/ I'm new to this. Unlike the stock markets the cryptocurrency market(s) never closes for the day, right? Just got in and got some trumps

>> No.1377841

They only close for occasional maintenance/update

>> No.1377847

>yfw Trump mentions Trumpcoin during tonight's town hall meeting

>> No.1378600

Muh dick

>> No.1379435

Alright you motherfuckers, I'll bite.
Send me some based trumpcoin to get started:

See you on the flipside, moon men

>> No.1379927

Any update so far?

>> No.1379972

see better thread, toward the bottom. or go to the btc talk

>> No.1380032


Why the fuck is Chicken STILL making decisions or anywhere near this thing?

>> No.1380081

He isn't, go to bitcointalk, signals leading the way.
Chris just provides background music.

>> No.1380293

Someone needs to make something where a major media outlet picks up the trumpcoin and watch interest and profits go to the moon

>> No.1380301

im thinking of advertising trumpcoin. i know im not a dev but what the coin needs is to be noticed.

>> No.1380373

do it lad as long as your first language is english

>> No.1380399

yes language is of english

>> No.1380508
File: 279 KB, 800x800, shia_lapepe___pepe_labeouf_by_jackskinns_d98cosb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GodDAMN why does it take so long to sync the wallet desktop app?

>> No.1380550

Question: Does this coin have devs? If so, who are the devs?

>> No.1380650

I have 259,000 blocks remaining. Should I expect this to take an entire day?

>> No.1380673

I work as a fox news associate videographer, I could sneak in a Trump Coin ad onto live television but I would get fired instantly.

>> No.1380747

But you could tell your coworkers about Donald Trumps Cryptocoin and maybe they will make a story about it, no need to get fired

>> No.1380776

You would make us rich
you included
fuck jobs

>> No.1380779

No need to sneak it in. Just as >>1380747 says you can plant the seed of it in their minds and get people talking about it in the newsroom at breaks, lunch, just casual talk. Maybe not mention "cryptocoin" but say something along the lines of "trump bitcoin" because people know what bitcoin is but may be confused on specifics. and specifics can always be cleared up once the seed is planted.

>> No.1381360

we volume now lads

>> No.1381474

Took me almost 2 days.

>> No.1382229


>> No.1382232

>pls gibe monies 4 book


>> No.1382241

seriously shut the fuck up book guy.
glad he got BTFO by first reply

>> No.1382248

This coin is going to shit if they make Bitbob the treasurer.

His posts are wacked out.

>> No.1382255

I think signal will wait a bit before initiating the vote. Probably after the new ann thread and following dreads decision.

>> No.1382264

Do what other anons said, just bring it up and try to make a story out of it.

>> No.1382267

not yet though, when everything is ready lol

>> No.1382294

only 2 candidates for treasurer
> one is a pajeet

>> No.1382318

Hey guys, its been a fun ride purchasing BTC and buying TC.

as of right now my c cex account is waiting confirmations on the deposited BTC. Anyone know how long it takes? 0/2

>> No.1382338

usually 15 - 90 minutes, Avg 30

>> No.1382339

why dont you run then

>> No.1382377


how is trump coin going to get spread? just meme

>> No.1382432

Yes something along these lines. What trumpcoin needs is exposure it needs to get out some kind of way be it media advertisement or whatever.

>> No.1382468

did your transaction confirm like planned?

>> No.1382493
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>> No.1382497

Someone set up a strawpoll or whatever and put:
and maybe Dread

This way we can see where biz is at.

>> No.1382523

Always goes with the flow, he mostly just posts a lot adding little beyond helping newbs buy coins. Barely spoke up against chicken, likes bitbob. He's a nice kid.

See above pic.

Don't really know.

Well spoken. Knows his shit. He should hold major position.

>> No.1382526

Ok nice, maybe if we could vote

>> No.1382529

You guys should put me on there too. You need someone to come and straighten this mess out? No problemo. You know who I am. Do it!

>> No.1382536

Who are you again?

>> No.1382540

It's Jamal Deqwarius.

>> No.1382543

what other bitcoin programs can I use with this that don't require a phone number verification?

>> No.1382545

I'm Donald Trump. I think I've mentioned that before. Just checking in to evaluate your worthiness of my recommendation. So far I find you.. lacking.

>> No.1382548

Jamals the trans in that story about Trump buying the snack cakes.

>> No.1382550
File: 3 KB, 256x243, trump-wallet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife's son and I saw Donald Trump at a grocery store in Manhattan yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for specifics on his policies about fiat or the federal reserve.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken back, and all I could say was “Gold Standar...” but he kept cutting me off and going “TrumpCoin! TrumpCoin! TrumpCoin!”

and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle with the secret services as I walked off.

When I came to EBT for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen American Flag Zebra Cakes in his hands without paying (apparently he owned the store or something)

The trans at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.”
At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the cakes and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me.

I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each cake and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

>> No.1382561

too bad based video guy can't run.

Dread will be good if he'll do it.
if he won't we should convince him to be an associate treasurer or something, anything that convinces him to stay invovled.

I could see us losing the video guy and dreadlord eventually, they've been thru so much shit. we can't let that happen friends.

>> No.1382574

I heard one was stiffed on like 50k trumps :(
and the other has only received like a few hundred trumps for some seo shit.

But i think most of that was when chicken was in charge

>> No.1382582

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little NEET? I’ll have you know I've made bank on Trumpcoin, I've been turned into a Chad, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret pump and dumps, and I have over 300000 confirmed Trumpcoins. I am trained in analyzing every Trumpcoin move and I’m the top trader in the entire crypto community. You are nothing to me but just another shit altcoin bagholder. We will kill your altcoins and ride pumps to the moon the likes of which has never been seen before in Crypto, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with putting down Trumpcoin over the Internet? Think again, /biz/ queen. As we speak I am conducting numerous trades and getting ready to the ship to the fucking moon in which you're not invited, so you better prepare to be left out, NEET. The meme magic that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your exchange account. You’re trades are over, son. Trumpcoin can pump anytime, anywhere, and will pump seven hundred ways, and that’s just with the Yobit exchange. Not only will we be boarding the ship to the moon, but the mighty Lord Kek himself has come down to bless the Trumpcoin project for his living vessel Donald J.Trump. and we have access to the entire arsenal of ultimate meme magic. If only you could have known what unholy keks your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn newfag. I will unleash meme magic of the Lord Kek himself. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.1382584

Oh, the cringe.. lol. Did you make that up yourself?

>> No.1382587

its copy pasta lad ..with a twist :^)

>> No.1382588

No shit. That's copypasta? Wow, you learn something new every day in trumpcoin general.

>> No.1382610

TRUMP] TrumpCoin 103.97786956

>> No.1382613

is it safe to keep my trump in c cex? will it value when i want to sell it or say buy bitcoin with it?

does it need to go into my trump wallet?

thx guys. i now own 100 trumpcoins.

>> No.1382620

can you keep your currency in c cex or is it a bad idea?

>> No.1382621

also curious here

>> No.1382622

Bitinator is running for treasurer to

>> No.1382624

You can if you want quick access to your coins, but there's always a risk of hacking. Keeping them in the wallet on your PC is the safest way to keep them long term.

>> No.1382669

just bought over 300 coins, heres to the high energy folks

kek bless us all

>> No.1382684
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There is going to a BLM protest in Reno, Nevada tomorrow. Should I take one for the team and talk about Trumpcoin to any news stations there with my MAGA hat? Probably will result in physical injury but it would be worth if a news station picked it up.

>> No.1382692
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You know the answer to this lad. pls stay safe

>> No.1382694
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go get em

>> No.1382700

I'd argue that we need more resources set up first.
Like the website and the videos.

What happened to the design that was due to be launched when the whole chicken drama was going on? The anon working on it posted a link to dev version.

>> No.1382726

holy shit dude ! that sounds awesome :D

>> No.1382728


I use Electrum for my BTC's. Do I need a different software for the trumpcoins?

>> No.1382737

brilliant, reddit would love this

>> No.1382791

You need a different wallet, the link is at the bottom of >>1374288. Be prepared to wait a day or two for it to sync.

>> No.1382802

I downloaded it, but is it safe though? Sorry for being stupid ><

>> No.1382806

Great! they will release an iOS Wallet soon

>> No.1382894

That's not stupid. I honestly can't say mate but nobody has reported any issues so far. If there is then we know who created it.

>> No.1382903

I have a few hundred thousand Dogecoins from back when that was the latest meme, and I want to trade it for Trumpcoins. Is the OP current, is C-Cex the best marketplace to do it?

>> No.1382906

C-Cex is quite good and fast

>> No.1382907

i use c-cex. i havent found a problem with it. however i havent used any of the other platforms

>> No.1382911


I'll stick with that then, are there any expected dips coming up for Trumpcoin is it probably not dropping below current prices?

>> No.1382913

i think its gonna stay strong at .050usd area for a while. but if it breaks through .00010000btc then an uptrend should start.

if a positive anouncement or someone in the news or something mentions it between times then jump on the rocket cuz itll rise very rapidly

>> No.1382927 [DELETED] 

Get yourself free Putin coins, which will sky-rocket in the upcoming month, due to pump and dump. For more info, apply urself at >>1380936

>> No.1382928

you do know that a 'pump and dump' is actually illegal. pump and dump is not just a meme

>> No.1382929

random news story for proofs

ill put in on your thread too incase you dont come back to this one (im not trying to be a dick)

>> No.1382933


I'm kinda new to this, how come on coinmarketcap Trumpcoin is listed at about 0.05 USD and on c-cex it's listed at about 0.09 USD?

>> No.1382939

c-cex doesnt try very hard to get accurate $ prices since your using bitcoin or some other crypto. all you need to worry about is the BTC to TRUMP price

>> No.1382970

Also I'd like to put more into Trumpcoins than just my leftover Dogecoins, what's the best place to get BTC so I can send it to c-cex? I'm Canadian and just have a normal account at a credit union if that matters. I've never actually bought or used BTC before.

>> No.1382972

Do it if you dont you have no balls

>> No.1382973

circle? i use coinjar but that might be australian

>> No.1382996 [DELETED] 

Free coins >>1382943

>> No.1383053

Do it! Just have a mate nearby in a car for a quick getaway

>> No.1383071
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Chicken should really own up and pay vidya guy for those 2 videos if this is true



>> No.1383075

fuck you

>> No.1383087

Signal just said that there will be alternative methods of payment other than bitcoin. thats good news!

>> No.1383093

those are some wild allegations my man, chicken would never am not pay..
rr..r right guys

>> No.1383127

Then go to the ann forum and tell bitbob to suck a fuck.

He's chicken 2.0

>> No.1383139 [DELETED] 

Anyone interested in receiving free crypto coins for 10 sec tasks, add me on skype: jobsforcrypto@outlook.com
I need more people

>> No.1383208


If Signal can pull that off, that means a MUCH lowered barrier of entry for Trumpcoin and the average joe.

He's smart. This makes mass adoption even easier. And he knows the coin won't make it big without the adoption of regular trumpers.


>> No.1383233

No forum account, but I'm sure someone can relay it
>help us Dep, your our only hope

his videos are literally the only thing that have single handedly moved the price and yet we don't pay him LOL

not surprised he's not motivated to get the third video out

if pajeet won't go, you must overthrow

gotta be more specific brah, lot of scams out there

>> No.1383262


I dont think we'll be losing them. They have invested quite a bit into the coin. (monetarily and time wise)

It's a slow time right now because we're still organizing. Once we have a clear vision we'll be off to the races

>> No.1383272

Chicken isn't leading anymore, signal is. No more pajeets in charge.

Whoever asked in the previous thread about buying trump with PayPal. It's been confirmed there is no official way right now to do that.

>> No.1383273

I agree, they seem like tip top lads, but it's just such a paki move not to pay.

Maybe signal will comment on the issue.

Great news on the alternative methods to buy trumps however!

>> No.1383277


Yeah...true that. Maybe we could ask them for a donation address where we can donate some Trumps

>> No.1383309


Video fella here, just waiting out for the dev situation to wrap up before dropping promotional content. Also doing my best to make the how-to as simple and as pretty as possible

Regardless of what happens I will still contribute as much as I can and the how-to will be coming out


>> No.1383313

What are the chances trumpcoin ever hits $1?

>> No.1383317


question is how far it'll go past a dollar familam

>> No.1383328

Blow jobs

>> No.1383336

meh, I'm not against that, but chicken shit should really belly up to the bar here.
He still occasionally posts, signal said he's "still involved and routinely chats with him" - the dust has settled, pay the man, jesus christ.

Thanks for everything you do man, your videos are TV level production and the price always reflect your efforts

>> No.1383344

I'm sure that one guy who posts all the biz shit on the forum will get on eventually and call chicken out on the video guy payment shit. Hie much did he stiff him for?
Why stiff
the most sincere guy on the project?
what's the story?

>will the price hit $1

4.17 a coin is basically confirmed for late October lad
(don't invest more than you can afford and all that jazz)

>> No.1383348

don't worry about it for now fellas, the last thing we need is more dispute on the ANN while everything's being structured

I'll keep chugging along for the time being and see what happens with the dev team set-up, I'm in no rush atm and don't want there to be controversy just for my sake. Once leadership is all established we can worry about that stuff but stability is more important now than my holdings

thanks bud, appreciate it!

>> No.1383367

Why are you so certain about $4.17?

>> No.1383369

He has some formula that compares it to ron paul coin while factoring in the different coin supply and the relative memeness level.

>> No.1383371


It's in this exact thread.

Posting from earlier

RonPaul coin was 10 dollars or higher for a total of 30 days!


a) hes a low energy candidate with low energy memes when compared to how Trump's face is literally everywhere online/social media
b) this was 2 years ago when cryptocurrency/bitcoin was harder to bring in new entries, more people are at least aware of cryptocurrency now, so the bridge will be easier to gap.

I'm gonna say the $10 Ron Paul was at least above for A MONTH, divided by 12 (550k marketcap vs 6.5mil) times a conservative 5 (multiplier that includes crypto being more well known, Trump being more polarizing and his internet presence being all over the place).

(10.00 / 12)*5 = 4.17 - and like I mentioned I'm being very conservative in my estimates of how much more well known crypto and trump is today.

>> No.1383381

Is "<modifier> energy" a trump exclusive meme? Where did it come from?

>> No.1383392

yeah, it is from the republican debates where he said ¡Jeb! was low energy.

>> No.1383394

Energy is the power of the coin
Trump is high energy, which is why it is about to explode.
The easy meme-ability of trump gives us this power

>> No.1383400

remember that's it's not just 4.17. it's 4.17 on higher for over a month (at a minimum)

A full moonage scenario would be it hits the media and goes to $10, $20, $50, who the fuck knows.
>they'll be new Chads everywhere

>> No.1383401

but Ron Paul was also more of a classical libertarian

Trump could go on to shit talk the whole crypto operation

I still bought some

>> No.1383417

TrumpCoin is a scam. Good job using the fairly economically illiterate poorfags of /biz/ to fund your scam.

>> No.1383423

morning princess

>> No.1383426

That's not bad thinkin', or bad meme-in', pardner.

But yeah I'm trying to buy in but Circle is busting my balls with some verification bullshit and it's annoying the fugg outta me

>> No.1383427

go local btc man, it's not as bad as i thought. even for social anxietiers

>> No.1383434

I'll look into it again this afternoon, honestly I'm just kind of wary of fucking up somehow and sending my btc to the wrong address, or being too noob and getting scammed, not realizing it, and then being out $300.

All this wallet shit is confusing to me. I wish I could use one wallet for all these different coins. I'll probably end up transferring everything to Yobit or c-cex, but even that is vulnerable to hacking.

>> No.1383441

in all reality c cex is probably not going anywhere, I'd choose them over yobit if your gonna hold on an exchange.

As for local btc, if you choose someone with an impeccable rating, they will walk your thru it and they won't even think of scamming, it's a business for lots of them.

>> No.1383443

is it just me or is bitcointalk being slow as fuck rn, im having connection problems

>> No.1383450

I'll look into it again then once I get out of class and to a PC.
Wish I could just go to a bank and buy some via card, but they're all jew-y at $20 higher price than actual value.

Oh well, I'll only lose about $10 worth at $300.

>> No.1383452

nvm its fixed

>> No.1383465

Can someone post trump coin graph up to now

>> No.1383469

Buy ethereum you idiots

>> No.1383481

eth is a mess

>> No.1383485
File: 17 KB, 1041x242, 6m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1383506
File: 36 KB, 1843x281, btfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit lmao

>> No.1383529


>> No.1383537


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little NEET? I’ll have you know I've made bank on Trumpcoin, I've been turned into a Chad, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret pump and dumps, and I have over 300000 confirmed Trumpcoins. I am trained in analyzing every Trumpcoin move and I’m the top trader in the entire crypto community. You are nothing to me but just another shit altcoin bagholder. We will kill your altcoins and ride pumps to the moon the likes of which has never been seen before in Crypto, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with putting down Trumpcoin over the Internet? Think again, /biz/ queen. As we speak I am conducting numerous trades and getting ready to the ship to the fucking moon in which you're not invited, so you better prepare to be left out, NEET. The meme magic that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your exchange account. You’re trades are over, son. Trumpcoin can pump anytime, anywhere, and will pump seven hundred ways, and that’s just with the Yobit exchange. Not only will we be boarding the ship to the moon, but the mighty Lord Kek himself has come down to bless the Trumpcoin project for his living vessel Donald J.Trump. and we have access to the entire arsenal of ultimate meme magic. If only you could have known what unholy keks your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn newfag. I will unleash meme magic of the Lord Kek himself. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.1383539

Has bitbobb seen the light? If so, good on him

>> No.1383548

he"ll pajeet out eventually, but better for now

>> No.1383553

Signal goes hard in the paint..cot damn.
he's very Donald esq

>> No.1383580

I like this idea. I like it a lot.


>> No.1383620

this was certainly dreads post, I.e the only one who thought the fund idea thru.

I'm pretty sure that's the new plan, but not 100%

>> No.1383628

who /NeetToChad/ here?

>> No.1383633

5k trumps enough?

>> No.1383638

it's a hell of a start.

>> No.1383641

Shut up trump shill

>> No.1383648

Hell yeah, and /HandToStacy/

>> No.1383652

lol. does anyone else remember
"sir cheesecake" ?
>the savior of Trumpcoin we lost on a warm summer night


>> No.1383747


is there something big happening soon or something? why all the recent popularity?

>> No.1383778
File: 91 KB, 589x595, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pence is a mess. I'm worried about the this coin now

>> No.1383781
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>> No.1383783
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>> No.1383799

Pence is boring and generally free from any controversies beyond policy differences (which makes Trump look either convincing if Pence switches or considerate of every option and contrary thinking if he maintains some prior stances)

He's also free from anywhere near the same amount of baggage carried with Christie or Gingrich and "wild"-card non legislators or democrats (like Webb or Flynn) would just generate uncertainty and controversy in a time where negative focus is finally (if minimally) on Hillary

He's not my first choice either but he's not devastating

>> No.1383825

>big gap
the racist Alabama guy
>massive gap
>holy shit power gap
everyone else on trumps Los

coulda been way worse but not great

>> No.1383893
File: 38 KB, 1920x382, bitbobbthegod.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when everyone thought bitbobb was bullshitting but he's not

>> No.1383902


It's Trumpcoin, not Pencecoin.

We might see a little dip but not much and should recover.

>> No.1383903

protip: he is

see the follow up post for top keks

>> No.1383904

kek and instantly got asked for photographic proof

>> No.1383921

some based dudes involved with trumpcoin lately.

>> No.1383962

I agree and if signal makes his new thread moderated I hope he keeps bitbobb from overwhelming it. Atm he's a useless distraction from signal, video guy, dread and the dudes who want to move forward.

>> No.1384013

this should be good lol
>he's committed to posting pics today

>> No.1384048

I might go full madman and buy up that 10k sell wall on yobit

>> No.1384102

Can you post screenshot? What is a sell wall?

>> No.1384114
File: 19 KB, 833x263, Scn1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at that picture. LOOK AT IT.

What does that tell you?

>> No.1384115

that you're salty about buying high and selling low

>> No.1384116

What are the units on the left and right: .0001-3, 0k-500k?

>> No.1384122

that's like 3k usd, no way

>> No.1384123

the first thing that pops out visually, is where (you) bought

>> No.1384125

.0001 is price in btc and 0-500k is volume in trump

>> No.1384126

that trumpcoin is worthless? And tht it crashed on July 4th because trumpshills overestimated blind patriotism of some individuals that actually know of trumpcoin?

>> No.1384131

I see, thanks!
What about Ron Paul coin? People thought it was worthless and it hit $10/coin.

>> No.1384150


>> No.1384160

Want to contribute to Trumpcoin in the most 4chan way possible? Post your best spicy Trumpcoin memes here

>> No.1384177


u want free media buddy

thattle be 23 shrimp coins a meme buddy

rubs hands

>> No.1384210

7pm est, now pics from bitbobb

>> No.1384211


alright, alright I'll buy some of these damn coins. but listen up shills. this shit better at least hit $5. you better no try to fuck me on this Tony, don't EVER try to fuck me!

>> No.1384214

how much you gobbling up lad?

>> No.1384307

lol at the btctalk thread now.
no chill

>> No.1384325

I want pics of minerals aswell

>> No.1384331


>> No.1384339
File: 236 KB, 1600x1101, o-NUCLEAR-EXPLOSION-facebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1384349


>> No.1384355
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>> No.1384387

I can haz stacys

>> No.1384389
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>> No.1384400
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>> No.1384409
File: 81 KB, 800x600, 16b6ef215a0bf9529fe46d9108f88f11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 14k trumps

>> No.1384420

Retard olympics?

>> No.1384463 [DELETED] 

Free crypto coins >>1384455

>> No.1384482

get a website having people email you is scummy as fuck

>> No.1384491 [DELETED] 


>> No.1384501

How do you lads think the Republican National Convention will affect Trumpcoin?

>> No.1384506

Looking forward to a fresh ann thread on monday, sans bob after he doesn't post proof. Then its time for new videos, seo campaign, treasury vote, reddit page control/maybe a tip bot, ios wallet discussions, potentially a faucet and whatever signal has left to reveal. MAGA

>> No.1384597
File: 3.67 MB, 4160x2340, 0715161844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look for me on the channel 2 news in Reno Nevada. I yelled out something to the effect of "my life for God emperor trump" I talked to almost every reporter there and sloped in trumpcoin at the end every time. pic related.

>> No.1384602

Posting from phone but I am the same guy that posted the maga hat.

>> No.1384609

Good job bro your doing gods work

>> No.1384616

Use camtasia or OSBS open source broadcast software snd when you show up on tv record it upload it to youtube and post link id love to see it

>> No.1384624

>Use camtasia or OSBS open source broadcast software snd when you show up on tv record it upload it to youtube and post link id love to see it


>> No.1384642

you crazy son of a bitch! You did it!

>> No.1384666
File: 51 KB, 492x362, 1448254183099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon delivers.

>> No.1384669

Lol. You go to UNR?

>> No.1384685

Absolute fugging mad man!

>> No.1384687

Has the price ever been this stable?

Sell walls vs buy walls keeping us locked and loaded

I wouldn't expect another dip anytime soon

>spoiler alert
This IS the dip

>> No.1384707
File: 29 KB, 520x390, 53463456345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo guys delivery Anon here. Just got home.

And you will find me in the rgj in a few of the pictures near the end. pic related


>> No.1384712

was actually pretty fun. hopefully they get trumpcoin in there somewhere. I tried my best to shill it. still looking for the channel 2 news site to pop up with it. will record it if i get the chance.

>> No.1384714

what is the most prominent news station you spoke to?

>> No.1384715
File: 382 KB, 855x413, 1438875087803.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely amazing.
Glad (and surprised) nobody got hurt.

>> No.1384716

yes unfortunately. i wasn't able to find any other stations there other than a few small online journals to talk to.


doing it when it comes up

>> No.1384720


So, five dollars? Don't you have to be 18+ to post here?

>> No.1384736


>> No.1384740

itll be a nice 400 bucks for his tendies soon tho


>> No.1384745

are you fucking kidding me!?

>> No.1384748

I just started watching the videos, it's here https://www.facebook com/RGJmedia/videos/10154055095962935/
The fun starts at 19:00
Lasts about 5 minutes, watch till they hug.

>> No.1384751


>https://www.facebook com/RGJmedia/videos/10154055095962935/
Absolute MADMAN! He Actually did it!


"Buy Trumpcoin! "lmao 10/10

>> No.1384755

hey ya'll, getting into crypto as of late, thinking about buying some trumpcoin as well. what're you guys' personal outlooks? basically what do you think's gonna happen cause i have no clue

>> No.1384759
File: 65 KB, 947x352, 1449038476009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delivery Anon started some really important conversations in the comments.

>> No.1384771

It pisses me off the blm organization hides behind the viel of we peaceful and shit, and then after they go home riots erupt, looting occurs, police officers shot, and you know deep down all blm activist wish these things to occur. Also as soon as delivery anon walked away u can hear the nigs saying how they were going to knock his ass out before the camera guy walked away. Where was that black women admonishing those nigs? These people lie through their teeth while looking directly into your eyes. She could even look into his eyes when saying she loved him when asking for a hug, yet the whole conversation before hand she was staring right into his soul.

ahha Anyways, I believe this is the first of many opps for marketing Trumpcoin! Let it be known with the help of Delivery Anon, Trumpcoin is now open to the Masses!

>> No.1384773

what a legend

>> No.1384776

*she couldn't even look into his eyes

>> No.1384786

>blm is tolerant

calls him a faggot

>> No.1384788

its live right now friends. lets see if they trumpcoin it up.


>> No.1384791

Anyone else see that faggot wearing the Gorey Trump shirt call him a "fascist"? A guy, endorsing the assassination of a political candidate, calling someone else a "fascist". This is why I hate Liberals. Not an ounce of integrity or honesty among them.

>> No.1384792

aaaaaaaaaaaaaand nope. no trumpcoin mention. just saw the segment that mentioned me. oh well. i did deliver and there will be FB posts on it.

>> No.1384798

a blank shirt with TRUMPCOIN on it woulda got it done, but great work none the less tb.h fa,m

>> No.1384800
File: 736 KB, 1516x1173, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did what i could to show my support bro

>> No.1384808

trumpcoin trading volume under 2 btc
>what did he mean by this?

>> No.1384809

I saw nothing yet.
Is the livestream horribly late compared to live tv?

>> No.1384811

>photograph of the screen

>> No.1384814

buyers and sellers wont compromise right now.

Price is extremely stable fa,m

>> No.1384815

after the wallet is syncd and you send your coins there,, should it take a while for the coins to reflect?

>> No.1384823

My comp ip got banned

>> No.1384911

We should ask in the comments "what does he mean?what is this TrumpCoin?" And get some conversations going.

>> No.1384919

if that's the way you wanna look at it senpai you're never gonna make it sorry

>> No.1384931
File: 5 KB, 124x124, 1465969290775s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of these ideas to make memes. How about just promoting TrumpCoin on pro-Trump boards like /pol/?

>> No.1384939

Spam tg threads

>> No.1384941

cause /pol/ saw right through your bullshit, that's why. You have been run out of /pol/, and with good reason. Don't forget it.

I think you've been run off of /b/ too, come to think of it, haven't you? Better keep your head down or you'll get run off of here as well. Fucking trumpcoiners, no one wants you around.

>> No.1384963

Nocoiner cope

>> No.1384983

>tfw you hold no coins

>> No.1384992
File: 361 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-07-16-04-21-49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There I posted in /pol/

>> No.1384995

Because this is the crypto containment board.
Read the forum lads, there is more going on in the background and will be starting next week.

>> No.1384996
File: 34 KB, 555x517, 243432434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based madman

>> No.1384998


>> No.1384999

Well done

>> No.1385000

/pol/ reporting good job man doing the work of god

>> No.1385002

(my perma ban was repealed :3 )


i saw that, couldnt support it though cuz ban

someone said somewhere that we should give him some trumpcoins, if delivery anon is lurking around post your btc/trump deposit id

>> No.1385010
File: 156 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-07-16-04-44-09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>/pol/81300027 there I even make a thread for it

>> No.1385013

Meant to do this >>>/pol/81300027

>> No.1385023
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>> No.1385031
File: 101 KB, 335x335, trumpcoiner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1385080

