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13734212 No.13734212[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do you cure depression?

>> No.13734220


investing in chainlink dummie ;)

>> No.13734234

They literally invented a cure you stupid fuck. Its called Zoloft

>> No.13734247

don't do this kek
never trust the easy fix

>> No.13734277

if you have a deficiency in serotonin or dopamine then antidepressants are your only hope

Speaking against them just gives the mentally ill an excuse to become insane and either hurt themselves or others

>> No.13734278

Save up enough for a Resistance masternode. I'm sitting comfy knowing my fellow fighters got my back.

>> No.13734286

>if you have a deficiency in serotonin or dopamine then antidepressants are your only hope
there's no such thing. if you are lacking serotonin or dopamine then it's because you are unhealthy or unsocial.
anthropologists have never found a shred of evidence of depression in tribal societies

>> No.13734287

Exercise 1 hr per day
Eat well
Sleep well
Indulge in a passion

>> No.13734290
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>> No.13734301

knowing i hold chainlink unironically cured my depression by a lot

>> No.13734313

>anthropologists have never found a shred of evidence of depression in tribal societies

You have to be fucking kidding me

>> No.13734323

>theres no such thing
>But there is a such thing if youre unhealthy

the hypocrisy. Just let the mentally ill become worse because you hate pharma I guess

>> No.13734341

They haven't.
Being healthy is the default state of human beings. You're supposed to be out in the sun, socializing with your tribe, consuming natural foods, running down prey.
Not sitting in a cubicle all day, eating fast food, living alone and distracting yourself with entertainment to numb the pain.

>> No.13734374


That's the way you can cope with reality, reality is EVEN shittier in tribal societies, there is no depression in tribality because it's pure sheer despair and unfathomable to the average modern human, honestly the kind of disgusting nature sickness that fucks your body away in nature is sickening, fucking walking with miles with parasites on your feet praying daily you don't die from infection

>> No.13734380

Ask people on biz for advice, they have all the answers.

>> No.13734401

such horseshit. the default state of any sentient being is dissatisfaction. this is a fundamental tenet of buddhism

>> No.13734402

thats great you have this idealization of tribal life, even though people still killed themselves and some animals kill themselves.

But you should wake up and understand that a person with real depression or schizo isnt going to start an exercise routine unless they get on a medication/therapy regiment to refresh there basic way of thinking

>> No.13734407

>buddhism is scientific fact

>> No.13734418
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>Not sitting in a cubicle all day, eating fast food, living alone and distracting yourself with entertainment to numb the pain.

>> No.13734424


Unsolved problem.

All you can really do is try to live as healthy as you can (food, sleep, exercise etc etc) and hope your brain balances itself out. If that doesn't help you can try medications but they don't always work and sometimes you're just left with the side effects and nothing more.

>> No.13734425

Hookers and blow

>> No.13734428

Having purpose in life. Find it by putting yourself in new comfort zones trying new things and force yourself to meet new people. Also exercise the physical gains will give you a new found purpose.

>> No.13734429

if I had $100,000 right now my depression would be none existent

>> No.13734430

start running everyday and stop eating fast food and drinking energy drinks

>> No.13734441

I was in counseling for anger issues anxiety and depression and the whole thing was bullshit and I left. My entire life I have been telling everyone I can not function good enough to work and make money, and if I just had money I would be fine.

I got a hundred dollars from my family and put it into bitcoin. I have been making about 10 dollars per day by trading around (its the hardest work I can do right now)

i feel fine. I even talked to someone in the grocery store. It's all just money. Just give people free fucking money so they don't have to come up with shitty reasons like bitcoins to take money from epople.

>> No.13734444

Find qt virgin gf
Have sex
Make babbies
Lift weights
Drink water
Don't eat chocolate or shit food like crisps

>> No.13734447
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No bullshit, buy Azendus Sam-e from Amazon. Take one pill in the morning on an empty stomach. Thank me in 3 weeks.

>> No.13734507

Sunshine, exercise, not eating McDonald's or equivalent helps me. Basically be so active that you don't have time to feel depressed.

>> No.13734511
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>4chan is bored, lonely, and depressed
>4chan mocks "stupid normies" who do fun things so that they aren't vored, lonely, and depressed
>4chan still wonders why it is bored, lonely, and depressed
Really makes u think.

>> No.13734523

I like how you changed it from “people on 4chan” my little reddit friend.

>> No.13734527

The only way I know how is by living in Maryland.

>> No.13734531

Different thread, but it's still true. Plus I've probably been here longer than you.

>> No.13734597

Not SSRIs, that shit permafucked my brain. I actually feel like I lost a part of me I'll never get back.

>> No.13734618

mushrooms, clinically proven to reduce/cure depression

>> No.13734641

significantly alter the flow of neurotransmitters in your brain, mainly serotonin. One experience should be enough.

>> No.13734642


>> No.13734658

Quit gluten as it is a major inflammatory.
Do hard uncomfortable shit like hit the gym no matter how bad you feel.
Drink black seed oil & pure shilajit

>> No.13734677


illegal in my country; dont have the social connections to get them

>> No.13734701

- proper nutrition
- sports
- social activity
- have a goal
- appreciate the small things

t. biz doc

>> No.13734717

this anon here is also good advice

>> No.13734727

What is so good about that that I should invest in it?

>> No.13734741

>Serotonin and noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors
venlafaxine, Duloxetine, desvenlafaxine, etc
>Serotonin and noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors
citalopram, escitalopram, fluvoxamine, etc
t. Surgeon

>> No.13734746

Hello fellow wage cuck doctor.

>> No.13734758

I also think i am depressed now, although its a mixture of being unemployed and jaded because i have about 500 rejections from all applications (i am philosohy MA so every job i apply for is "out" of my scope basically - i mainly apply for marketing/media). My contention is if i had a job i would risk more and crypto and literally made it.
Joined a gym about a month ago 3x week with personal trainer.
I am getting braces soon. If i don't feel better/get a job soon enough (under 60 days) i will be in deep shit soon.

>> No.13734759

I was diagnosed with schizophrenia and got into a depression even attempted suicide but when I was starting to get on antidepressants I was getting angry and felt artificial. I’m not saying antidepressants don’t have their merits but I found another way, eating healthy, staying active, changing outlook on life. If I had just listened to my psychiatrist instead of my family, I’d be taking pills every night to sleep and every morning for depression besides getting a shot for schizophrenia, but now I limited it to just the shot.

>> No.13734772

You forgot Wellbutrin (buproprion), which is one of the most popular antidrepressants right now. It has fewer side effects and is way more fun. It's a dopamine and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor.

I took it for years and it totally changed my life. Definitely recommend asking your doctor about it at least.

Now I take neurohacker collective nootropic supplements instead.

>> No.13734781

I should add that getting on disability and not being forced to wagecuck probably helped too in relieving a lot of anxiety

>> No.13734786

I don’t take any medication. I don’t have a family doctor because I’m a doc and my wife is a pharmacist. Pharmacists in my area can prescribe medicine.

>> No.13734790


>> No.13734792
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Also go eat shit for taking nootropics and thinking they do shit.

>> No.13734794


Yeah that's because the depressed fucks went off and killed themselves. End stage of the sickness.

>> No.13734801

Seconding. I was recommended sam-e for my anxiety as well and it did help.

>> No.13734984

Thread dying, why tho? It's actually good.

>> No.13734987

>How do you cure the not wearing space boots and passing energy balls on the dance floor problem?

>> No.13735075

ket and shrooms are actually good against depression.

>> No.13735087


just kill yourself you worthless piece of shit

>> No.13735098

so is lsd, mdma, mescaline, ibogaine....etc

most psychedelics are good for healing with the right set and setting. some are just more novel than the others

>> No.13735099

the answer you dont want to hear:

>a gf that you love

>> No.13735132

Strive. You must strive to achieve something. This is the only cure.

>> No.13735152

Unironically true, loving, caring, bonding, kissing, touching all that shit releases way more good chemicals than pharma jew can stick in a pill.

I will try microdosing but only after i get clean from nofap and get some days in the gym in so my mind is not as muddy as it is now.

>> No.13735159

Stop over fapping

>> No.13735167

Quads of truth.

>> No.13735187
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Do you believe in God? As soon as I realised that was somerthing I could choose I felt a weight lift off of me like no other time in my life.

>> No.13735190
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150mg of Venlafaxine + Adolf Hitler.

>> No.13735191
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>> No.13735198

Blaming the jews cure my depression like nothing else, i want two things in my life, blaming the jews and seeking god

>> No.13735426
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>anti depressants

>> No.13735461

Yeah God is for weak people who need someone to rely on. It's so much easier than living using your brain

>> No.13736355

STOP WATCHING PORN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.13736377

T. Good goy

Keep numbing your receptors further, no need to lift weights/ talk to other humans goy

>> No.13736432

get really stoned and stop eating for 48-72 hours.

>> No.13736441

unironically this

>> No.13736448

yeah that too.

>> No.13736459

Quintessential cope

>> No.13736465

learn of to code holo dapps

>> No.13736529

Become happy

>> No.13736551

Be yourself obviously

>> No.13736561

Don't listen to the faggots saying exercise is the cure-all, that only works if you're already constantly in social environments. If you're an in-too-deep neet shut-in it does nothing for your mental health. Maybe I'm just stating the obvious, but I guess the point is the only cure is being more social. unfortunately.

>> No.13736562

Run and get a dog. Get a job you like. Be social. Go outside. Have sex

>> No.13736587

you need to breed in the long term
you won't find a gf without friends
you won't have friends unless you have common interests
you wont find people with common interest if your interests are nerd stuff

Step 0: Dress normal and try to behave normal
Step 1: Get a hobby within the real world
Step 2: Hang out with people, try to befriend them
Step 3: Start Dating
Step 4: Breed

>> No.13736634

its a lot easiser to get a gf than friends lmao

>> No.13736642

Having a gf wont solve shit, i have a gf who i consider hot for the most part but im still depressed. Also working out can help but it is only a day to day thing, once you stop you go right back to depression

>> No.13736649

Step 1: work out what caused it

>> No.13736692

>have sex

>> No.13736723

a real gf, not just a person to fuck

>> No.13736771

narcissistic faggot your feelings aren't as important as you think. Dwelling on it is retarded just let it pass through and keep doing your shit

>> No.13736794
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Megadose Vitamin Therapy. Niacin shown to cure psychosis patients. Go see if you have a deficiency in something.

>> No.13736802


>> No.13736811

Buy Chainlink

>> No.13736846

Based. Special K saved me.

>> No.13737430

Watch Jordan Peterson videos, follow your interests or expand them, eliminate toxic influences on your thinking and emotions like porn, excessive 4chan or certain boards, negative news sources that has no impact on your life but to magnetise you negatively to it, excessive junk food, wasteful petty arguments etc.

Move your body 3x a week for 30 mins+, whatever is best balance for you. It's proven to impact your emotional system positively, experiment and see for yourself to what degree it's helpful for you, listen to music / audiobooks you like to make it more enjoyable too

Better your perspectives, mindsets, ways of thinking with books or audiobooks by people who have made it in a relevant area. Be open to evaluating info but put the things you don't resonate with aside and look for the beneficial stuff you do.

Look into the growth mindset and adopt it
Find people on YouTube or whatever you resonate with and listen to them occasionally for renewed perspective

Fight small step by small step out of it and remind yourself it will pass, don't allow hopelessness to win over you and corrupt your perspectives. Use the pain as positive leverage and overcome it one step at a time with patience.

There is nobility in overcoming your suffering bit by bit, and transforming it into a more enjoyed living instead of letting it fuck with you into wasting away and the world missing out on your potential great gifts unmanifested yet that would also be enjoyed by you being active in once grown into. You do not know your potential until on a path, as it unfolds

We make decisions through pain & pleasure expectations (Anthony Robbins). Change what you expect to bring you pain & pleasure by thinking things through for new intel, and you change your decision.

Do that for a good area and you gain momentum, then things flow. Could try meditation for letting heavy states pass faster. Your purpose rn is to discover how you can enjoy life more, approach like a scientist.

>> No.13737660


By picking up free money!!

Pay it forward guys.

heres my link for you to earn $50 from coinbase for free:


>> No.13737774

Exercise and meaning in life.

>> No.13737778

>Watch Jordan Peterson videos
stopped reading there

>> No.13737815

Sunlight and tits.

>> No.13737862

i don't have a gf now which isn't helping, but even when i did yep was still down (part of it was cuz she was not 'the one' ); even more down with her gone, i eat ok, work out often but the void is still glaring.

>> No.13737897

Lots of good points actually, many true, who would have thought it /biz/. Ive suffered with depression for 20+ years and I don't think there is a cure, all you can do is try to manage it. I've basically made it, NEET life for 10 years plus now - money makes no difference at the base level, once the distractions it buys are no longer special, you'll just feel as depressed as before. Exercise, diet, no fap, reading regularly, self discipline all help. Ketamine in low doses (15mg and lower), microdosed acid (10-20ug every 3rd day) help too. Getting a gf def helps. Also you could try cbd oil no one mentioned it yet. Most important thing is self discipline, you have to force yourself sometimes. A link stack will also help for sure. God speed op

>> No.13737907

with 50 bucks of free XLM my friend

>> No.13737926

Tell more about money situation. I dwell there everything is going to ok, IF ONLY i had a job and 1mil in crypto. Why do you think money didnt help you as much as you had thought?

>> No.13737974

It's not that bad holy shit.

We have bodies from ancestors who did more physical activity, who underwent daily hormetic stress, who weren't bombarded by the super stimuli of fast food, porn, and electronic stimulation in general, and who had to survive famine, disease, and conflict.

Of course you're going to get miserable people in a society that provides poor substitutions for emulating these conditions.

>> No.13737988


The irony of our legacy is that we have to suffer, or emulate suffering, in order to feel good.

>> No.13738028

I don't know, it just hasn't. Also I've not made it properly yet, I've got enough passive income so I don't need to work, but it's only like 30-40k per year before tax, I try to save as much as I can so I don't have "made it" money yet. In fact I'm broke right now cause k out everything I had into link no joke. All I know is that someday it makes no difference, not having to work. And it feels like even if I had all the money in the world, I'd still feel how I feel, which boarders on suicidal occasionally. Prepare your self fren, I hope you make it so you don't have to worry about money, but after you've got used to that, you'll most likely still end up feeling like you do at least sometimes.

>> No.13738031


Which is why I take cold showers in the morning, why I practice fasting (intermittently and extended), and why I eat eggs, butter, and coconut oil as my main diet.

I still have to take meds (wellbutrin and ritalin) because I spent the first 25 years of my life stuffing myself with crap and superstimuli. But it's a lot better than pit-of-despair depression

>> No.13738037

So you are saying depression is HEALTHY evo response to modern world? IE, you are doing too good, here's a load of pointless endless mental anguish for you just because?

>> No.13738054


What is good? Your body is adapted for daily hormetic stress. Take that out and your mind goes nuts with an antsy body, so to speak.

>> No.13738070

doesnt work for everyone. Sam-e turned me into a hypertensive roid raging little cunt. 2x worse than before I started taking it.

>> No.13738105

they might temporarily reduce depressive symptoms since they are serotonin receptor agonists. They definitely don't cure shit though. They can lead to realizations that you have to make changes in your life and be the emotional catalyst you need to start exercising socializing etc. But they don't fix you in and of themselves.

Just want to clarify as the 'psychedelics fix your brain' meme is way overplayed and patently false.

>> No.13738130

>Lifting or group sports
>Sitting down, thinking of a purpose. The smallest things can do wonders, go buy your grandma a gift for example, but think about long-term, too\
When the essentials are covered you'll feel better. If that's not enough go see a shrink

>> No.13738150


Yeah. What was cool during my period of psychedelic usage was
1. Intense increase in the ability to simulate visuo-spatial objects (Mescaline is the exemplar par none for playing infinite legos)
2. Discovery of frame of mind as just... A frame of mind
3. Realization that a lot of mental woes are reflections of some fucked up biochemistry, not merely just "my fault"

>> No.13738155

Quitting fapping and learning how to have fulfilling social interactions (becoming a normie) cured me.

>> No.13738233

Yeah I agree it is good for realizing how much of your shitty mood comes from within and isnt actually something inherent in the fabric of reality. You realize the world isnt shit, you're just wearing shit tinted glasses. They're sticky glasses and not easy to take off, but it's a step in the right direction.

I've jackhammered my skull with 11g of dry penis envy in the process of exploring whether a megadose can fix depression in and of itself. Newsflash: It didnt.

>> No.13738257


The fact that you say cold showers and if are remotely similar says you have no idea, those are easy af and you would be surprised how many people do them

>> No.13738291

Wash ur penis

>> No.13738303

Did you try microdosing? I've tried it extensively with acid but not with shrooms yet, I want to try though

>> No.13738322


You'd be surprised at how many people walk less than a mile a day. We Americans have a very shitty dietary culture and a retarded fitness culture.

>> No.13738383

Has anyone tried test cycle?
It's also good for getting out of depression, it makes perfect sense actually. You get better pyhiscal appearance which boosts confidence, which makes you go out more which makes you more friends and fun to hang out.

>> No.13738399

format your brain aka meditate

t. used to be depressed for 10yrs, now good

>> No.13738473

not OP but like him, i see this mentioned more and more and often on /fit/, where does one begin can you send me in the right direction, meditation anon?

>> No.13738519

its nothing to learn really, meditation is when you do nothing. sit down and turn your brain off and just stay there in the silence, the unknown. when you open your eyes you are like new

if you want to hear a meditator talk you can look for osho on youtube

>> No.13738554

i struggle with anxiety, and turning my brain off is one of the biggest struggles especially at night/bed time. i need to figure it out : (

>> No.13738625

yea man the unknown is everyones biggest fear. the trap is trying to figure it out because you will try forever, you need to just go into the unknown even if you are afraid. step by step you will become fearless. i love you anon you can do it the clarity and joy is endless

>> No.13738628

drink a lot of tea from passion fruit leaves or any other anti anxiety kind, listen to some meditation frequencies, any time you want, also, when you lay down just focus on your breath, keep focused on: breathing in, breathing out...
i'm on it and sometimes i even manage to have lucid dreams

>> No.13738648


fat boomers aren't depressed at all, it's the overstriving millenial the guy who is depressed or the overconnected zoomer

>> No.13738673

wim hof breathing helped me a lot to get in a state of power. try it

>> No.13738689


>> No.13738702

Also based

>> No.13738928

thanks anon(s)

>> No.13739019

This is the only correct answer

>> No.13739047

>npc tutorial
but nice quads tho

>> No.13739048

Depression is not REAL.

Watch and get RED PILLED


>> No.13739062

Sleep with a stash of money

>> No.13739075

lol i don't need to "think" they do shit. the effect is pretty obvious. and i wouldn't lump all nootropics in the same category anyway.

>> No.13739878

Get rich.
Eating terrible food intensifies it.

>> No.13739966


>> No.13740205

With more depression unironically.

>> No.13740243
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in no specific order

1. stop fapping
2. stop being a shut in
3. get sleep
4. eat healthy
5. make healthy relationships
6. start healthy/useful hobbies
7. invest in chainlink

>> No.13740276

Structure, nature and health. Make these your focal points

>> No.13740936

Nice. This just awakened my inner chad.

>> No.13741020

Most self help books are absolutely retarded, as a clinically depressed person who's highly medicated with anxiety/neurotic/early onset sktizo I've read dozens
The only good one I've read is "How to be miserable". Fucking 10/10, read it and make effort to change and you're guaranteed to make 300% emotional gains

>> No.13741032

7 is enough for me

>> No.13741050


>> No.13741164

There are lots of scientific written content and documentaries about primitive tribes. They are not in permanent full bliss, but they are happier than modern societies.
Ok sometimes they get eaten by a crocodile, or they get a bad injury and die. However, look at the average physical and psychological state of the average westerner. Is it better to live like a zombie, or risk your life everyday, but be globally happy? Not to mention that car accidents happen a lot and also have dramatic consequences even today.

>> No.13741213

Depression is grief for the life you aren't living.

>> No.13741218

This, also cry if you need to. Inside Out taught us a valuable lesson

>> No.13741226


This anon gets it. That's why sport is important. It emulates hunting.
Even a depressed guy will feel good after a harsh MMA sparring.