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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 283 KB, 585x1508, binance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13637317 No.13637317 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13637364
File: 59 KB, 225x225, 45DE5153-FB77-440B-BD17-3FB20CF95B13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hur dur muh conspiracy theory
Hur dur money laundering
Hur dur frozen wallets

>> No.13637372

that's all your brain can say?

>> No.13637374

That’s you what your bring to this thread ?

>> No.13637384

top keks. CZ is a fucking gangsta too. I love it

>> No.13637388

The person running this twitter account is legitimately mentally ill.

>> No.13637393


>> No.13637395

seething cuckoids

>> No.13637397

i duno it kind of adds up... except binance's wallet hasn't moved since april 2nd

>> No.13637421

Jesus this is just another far fetched FUD in a long list of far fetched FUDs, up there with tether collapse (it didnt), monday tether court case (there wasnt one) and binance exit scamming (it didnt).

The wallets have no movement because they are COLD wallets. If the top exchanges were frozen we would know. Twitter account is just another salty nocoiner grasping at straws.

>> No.13637431

lol this is the migger who fudded omg

>> No.13637449

>muh conspiracy
Nice try at subversion, 10 BNB have been deposited to your account

>> No.13637453

>monday tether court case (there wasnt one)
that's from today


>> No.13637454

binance is currently frozen lol

>> No.13637455

comfy short x3 at 8000 :^)

>> No.13637461
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>> No.13637466

>The wallets have no movement because they are COLD wallets

Yet they had movements up until 2019-05-07/08

>> No.13637481

I tried to withdraw my btc that I have been safely storing on binance for over a year and I can't, should I be worried?

>> No.13637499

>safely storing on binance
>safely storing
>on binance
>S A F E L Y S T O R I N G
My god, how many times will it fucking take?

>> No.13637503

The next hearing is weeks away. And as bitfinex rightly says, NYAG is not a fucking regulator.

>> No.13637511

“ NYAG has no basis for cutting off the ability of tether holders “who happen to be affiliated with Respondents” – including Tether employees – to redeem USDT, and that as a result, the NYAG’s argument presents a “gross overreach,” particularly given that it is not actually a regulator.”

>> No.13637525

I mean I don't even know if that is actually worse or better than them getting hacked. Whatever it is it's really not good and I can't see how anyone wants to store anything in binance anymore after how many issues they had.

>> No.13637527

That's what they claim. What did you expect?

>> No.13637551

of course they're gonna fight them till the end, doesn't mean they're right. we'll see how it turns out. the fact they're trying so hard to fight it than cooperate should raise red flags.

>> No.13637558

Fpwp. a rarity. congrats on this. seriously.

>> No.13637599

Look, this is all just stupid FUD on the level of that idiot bitfinexed. I have 40 btc safely stored on my own wallet, and there is no way I will believe the nonsense on twitter. The “facts” are twisted to support the anti-btc narrative, and NO mention is made of positive developments like Microsoft, eBay and Bakkt. It’s ridiculously one sided.

>> No.13637603

>the fact they're trying so hard to fight it than cooperate should raise red flags.

are you dense?

>> No.13637616

What I want to know is how the fuck does Jew York have any jurisdiction over a Hong Kong exchange that doesn’t serve US customers

>> No.13637646

>Microsoft, eBay and Bakkt
how are they involved in bitfinex/tether? we're not discussing developments in use cases of Bitcoin here but exchange fraud

if everything is good like they claim, why are they delaying instead of getting it over with?

>> No.13637667

>muh if they have nothing to hide defense

>> No.13637754

it's in their best interest to get this over with. again, if everything is fine like they claim, they should have no problem addressing any issues and cooperating.

>> No.13637774

Jesus just give it a rest. The cold wallets will move when binance opens today, and that’s the end of your stupid theory.

>> No.13637809

why are you so flustered? :)

>> No.13637847

Look you pompous little ingrate sitting behind the computer screen acting all edgy. Stop typing cringe lingo that nobody from here to Kalamazoo wants to hear much less read about. This "hur dur" nonsense is the quintessential thing a spastic sperg would say. So what I'm trying to say you little dumb monkey is to shut up and type normally.

>> No.13637876

I’m not the one spreading unsubstantiated FUD that has the sole purpose of making others lose money.

>> No.13637890
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>> No.13637914

What level of delusional bear cope are we on?

>> No.13637974

>muh Law Enforcement freezing wallets FUD.

>> No.13637985
File: 197 KB, 1570x859, Funds Are Gone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ding dong

>> No.13638072

he was right all along
anon if you're here tell us what you know

>> No.13638082

What is the official reason for withdrawals being blocked?

>> No.13638096

"hacked" same week bitfinx was going to implode

>> No.13638103

Are you dense? Some asshole stole 7000btc, binance is locking things down for a week to plug the hole. CZ says we’ll be back later today.

>> No.13638121

Idk but it’s been Tuesday overseas for at least 12 hours now and withdrawals are NOT open

>> No.13638129


>> No.13638131

Everything I own is on Binance. If they go under I'm going to kill myself

>> No.13638154

hope this is Mt Gox 2.0.
I could use $500 BTC

>> No.13638174

Actually yeah

>> No.13638190


Well i guess my funds on binance are gone. Fortunately it wasn't much.

>> No.13638212


>> No.13638233

Crypto needed this to happen. Capitulation was taking too long. This is going to be 2013 again. Next bull run will be bigger but will be in 4 years.

>> No.13638238

spurious and homosexual

>> No.13638253


>> No.13638255

None of this is true.
Withdrawals open in the next 24 hours.

Unironically buy the fuck out of BNB whilst you can, its going to fucking moon this week.

>> No.13638260

g..guys, this is just fud right? I hope this is true so I can buy cheap btc.

>> No.13638284

if withdrawals don't open tomorrow then something is up, so we'll know in 24h anyways

>> No.13638295

> in 24h
are you niggers high. its already tueday this chink faggot better hurry up now

>> No.13638297

and his fud was true

>> No.13638298

There will never be people who don't opt for custodial services. Coinbase does pretty well at this. I don't do it myself, but this kind of thing will never go away.

>> No.13638302

Redpill me on where the bitfinex crypto went though? Israel?

>> No.13638327


>> No.13638338

redpill me on this. why is it going to the moon?

>> No.13638355

based and redpilled. he's a fat black with a massive inferiority complex.

>> No.13638361

btc pump flows to alts. new money is greedy and gets pointed to"high potential" alts. where do you think they get pointed to?

>> No.13638368

fuck me im taking them off tomorow

>> No.13638373

traders dump on them

>> No.13638556

Binance is honestlysafe af.
Also they're launching Margin trading this month and still have the highest volume most liquid spot markets.

t. unironically bought the dip on May 8th @$18.86 BNB.

It going to $30 and this basesless FUD isn't gonna affect shit.

If they were nicked by Europol they wouldnt be still fucking tweeting Charity Foundation bullshit.

>> No.13639533


Kraken has similar issues. It's the state that tries to fuck with exchanges.

>> No.13639577


>> No.13640364

IDGAF what your opinion on crypto is just keep the racist shit off this board.

>> No.13640495


>> No.13640519


>> No.13640530
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>> No.13640545

Back to your containment board you go, incel nigger jews.

>> No.13640554

Nigger Faggot.

>> No.13640703

When they start participating in fraud using their banking systems and their dollar.

>> No.13640752

That's the worst retard on Twitter right now. Blocked!

>> No.13640776

so true
nu-/pol/ and at least half of /biz/ is reddît

>> No.13640812

Cool tinfoil Twitter faggot.

>> No.13640853
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this retard has been BTFO'd countless times, how the fuck isn't he too embarrassed to continue?

>> No.13640903
File: 508 KB, 960x1474, 3750a5b8b4125895081500c666bb5cd4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At this point everything has become so ridiculous that the specific details of how and why it's a fraud aren't really important anymore. All that matters is that everything is totally fucked, crypto failed. We all failed crypto. Ordinary investors failed to demand integrity from the market. These greedy Ponzi runners and their army of paid shills even failed themselves because they were so greedy that they didn't even care about the long-term health of the market, all they cared about was making as much money as fast as possible, and they're killing their own golden goose.

My prediction still stands. >>13512381

>> No.13641001

BTC is a crippled tech ponzi coin, the only value proposition it has, is the expectation that the value will continue to go up.

Once the price collapses, there's no longer a reason to buy it. If you are "waiting for the dip" on a ponzi you are fucking retarded.

>> No.13641010

>At this point everything has become so ridiculous that the specific details of how and why it's a fraud aren't really important anymore. Al
Its is important i need to know

>> No.13641018

Then they actually come out and make a public statement exactly why they've suspended withdrawals? Why are there conspiracy theories popping up? Are people illiterate?

>> No.13641045

Well as far as I can tell, they're printing unregistered Tether and using that to pump up the prices, which is why Tether is basically unchanged if you look at it on CMC. That's why they supposedly raised a billion dollars all of a sudden and yet it doesn't seem to be showing up on any online balance sheets...

>> No.13641064

bitfinex is using the US as a third party...
The US has an 'interest' in the matter!
Its the same when ppl use the USD, its why bitfinex use tether instead of the USD...



>> No.13641323

>Well as far as I can tell, they're printing unregistered Tether and using that to pump up the prices, which is why Tether is basically unchanged if you look at it on CMC. That's why they supposedly raised a billion dollars all of a sudden and yet it doesn't seem to be showing up on any online balance sheets...

the $LEO coin was sold in exchange for... TETHER. not USD. they basically swapped LEO for 1 BILLION Tether and are now using that billion USDT to pump bitcoin. this whole pump is faker than pamela andersons tits.

>> No.13641728


Your prediction was a failure just like you are. Just go and hang yourself by your balls from the ceiling you retarded twat.

>> No.13641785

how do you even seize a cold wallet lmao fucking brainlet. Bitcoin wallet is not some bank account shitface.

>> No.13642073

Welcome to coinmetro fellas

>> No.13642358

Do you believe this guy?
Probably thinks Israel has a right to exist too.. faggot

>> No.13642368

Hurr durr

>> No.13642414

this will drop bitcoin to 2k and lower, time to short this fucker

bulls had fun, now it's our turn

>> No.13642460

can someone explain to me what or how its possible for a govt entity to "seize" or "freeze" a cold wallet?

seems like they would need the keys right?

>> No.13642481

since BTC is not anonymous
the goberment can order you to not interact with the wallet
you may do as you wish but then you are liable