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13621967 No.13621967 [Reply] [Original]

Dad just loaned me 5k to day trade crypto with

What am i in for?

>> No.13622023
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Liquidation, followed by complete loss of trust from your father. Good luck faggot.

>> No.13622043

you going to get your cheeks busted once he figures out you lost all his money gambling on virtual chucky cheese tokens.

>> No.13622049

Trade stocks. At least you can pretend to know what is going on.

>> No.13622057

Return the money before you ruin your relationship with your father.

>> No.13622083

a reality check

>> No.13622224

making money from investments is haram

>> No.13622229

If you know basic charting and keep your leverage low you might be good

>> No.13622269
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Honestly these, OP. Get out now. I made a prediction a while ago and I think it's going to come true.

>> No.13622378

Whatever the fuck you do with that money, absolutely DO NOT buy LINK if you don't intend to destroy Israel

>> No.13622406

Clench dem buttcheeks, you about to get rammed up da butt bitch boi

>> No.13622422
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Two options:

1) Learn to do arbitage. You have enough to be able to trade cross-platform at a profit. Buy cheap on one platform, sell higher on another. Repeat.

2) Buy a lot of staking coins. I'd suggest going for a node or masternode if possible. You will need to keep a wallet open and do any little tasks the coin asks you to do (like voting) but these coins appreciate in value. Choose any coin that has been around at least 2 years.

I wouldn't do anything else outside of HODL a major coin (ETH, BTC, LTC, or NEO) as it's pretty risky. Most coins shilled here are shitcoins.

Rule of thumb: if it's under 2 years old it's shit. It WILL have price drops. Things 5+ years old are more stable.

>> No.13622450
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Arbitrage is much less profitable post-2017 bullrun.

Anyone trying to teach themselves how to trade in a bear market is asking for trouble.

>> No.13622461

inshallah brother, you are going to make it as long as you stick to BTC and ETH and don't fall for the BART meme for day trading

>> No.13622479

>Anyone trying to teach themselves how to trade in a bear market is asking for trouble.

Agreed, though I feel it is the better trading option for a new trader with significant funds at the moment. Trying to do the traditional buy low and sell high in a bear market is very rough if it works at all. Shorting is tricky for newbies in general, even with all the guides out there.

It's a hard time to learn in. That's for sure.

Anon might want to paper trade for a few months just to help hedge bets. It beats losing 5k on beginner mistakes.

>> No.13622592

Paper trading would probably be best, yeah. I'd also advise against borrowing money to make investments. It's a terrible idea, and I've never met anyone or heard second-hand stories about anyone who got anything but debt from it.

You should check out my prediction

>> No.13622648

Barrowed 3.5k - sitting on 8.4k currently. Costs me 35$ every 2 weeks to keep my position open. Missed 3.1k profit in last 30 days. Really sucks i should have been above 10k if i made the moves i wanted to make: but oh well can't get everything right every time...

But i agree- most people barrow funds and fomo with said funds

>> No.13622666

Do yourself a favour: cash out soon, while you can still prove me wrong.

>> No.13622669

Don't get burned on the virtual poker code known as bitcoin. Invest in stocks on robinhood instead.

>> No.13622693

How about every leveraged buyout ever, George Soros and the pound, etc?

>> No.13622771
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I have a system at regular intervals where i convert my digital assets ( bank cash/ crypto / stocks) into physical cash on hand- then toss it into my safe... depending on trends- market feelings- and overall vs individual profit margins.

Its working well so far so I'm going to stick with this system i made up until october and then compare it to my previous method and see which was more profitable and make adjustments.

Keep in mind im mid to long term for the most of my postions and only throw a few hundo at memeshots

>> No.13622784

Put half in btc and other half in EOS and leave it for a year. Thank me later

>> No.13622786

You look too white in that crowd of mud. Are you Bosnian or Albanian?

>> No.13622799

just buy and hold, day trading is for retards and you will lose everything when you panic sell over and over

>> No.13622817

Buy the celr floor

>> No.13623148

A disappointed father

>> No.13623156

Tell me more about arbitage

>> No.13623170


Whatever you do DO NOT use the whole 5k. Start with like 100 and see how fast you lose it all. When you've lost it all you can give the rest back.

>> No.13623182

OR you can just buy and hold. Day trading is retarded anyway, you shouldn't force a trade if it's not there. I never understood why you should try to force a trade every day, it's fucking retarded.

>> No.13623197

Buy ETH while its undervalued

>> No.13623279

Buy one BTC and forget about it for few years.

>> No.13623393



>not buying TRUE
>Shorting OKeX
No wonder you're poor in 2019

>> No.13623401

Buy btt

>> No.13623402

Unironically this OP

>> No.13623406

Big if true. Just dropped an ether.

>> No.13623708
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You must be stupid to bet it all on crypto holy jesus . If your risk orientated , you'll better off putting it on also some P2P lending plattforms with buyback guarantee options.

>> No.13624306

Thanks anon

>> No.13624753

god damn its an honor to post with someone this based and liquidation pilled

>> No.13624931

Get out of here muzzy

>> No.13624973

heed this warning op

>> No.13625373

Delete this kek why waste something like this on the shit dwellers of biz..

>> No.13626161


>> No.13626201


>> No.13626454

too real

>> No.13626487


>> No.13627354


>> No.13627394

ark 50$ eoy

>> No.13628138
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>> No.13629018

no way

>> No.13629294
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a world of pain and suffering, but right now it's ok

>> No.13630394

This OP

>> No.13631289

Waste of time

>> No.13631682

i lost 100% of the 5k my dad lent me to trade. part of it was my shitty choices, and part was terrible luck.

also, if the money is not yours youre not as attached psychologically too it and are more likely to fuck up.

>> No.13632678

Unironically just went all in

>> No.13632688

Throw it all into Litecoin

>> No.13632734

what conditions?
the first thing i tell to people is that any investment in crypto should be seen as lost. the second thing i tell them is that i dont do it while rubbing my hands in my mind.