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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13625559 No.13625559 [Reply] [Original]

are sex dolls based and redpilled?

>> No.13625566

No they're for anime dweebs and losers

>> No.13625631


>> No.13625659

lol no. they are for kids, manchildren and the disabled.

>> No.13625679

They're superior to roasties.

>> No.13625694

OP note how the "no" replies try to denigrate the buyers on a personal level, indicating strong emotional investment in this subject which stems from the posters' fear of sex dolls as competition.

>> No.13625706

When link moons you will have enough money to engineer and grow your own living breathing sex dolls with laser eyes and laser boobs and conquer the world and eventually the universe and nobody will see it coming because they'll think lol some creep made sex dolls when really you aren't even interested in sex - only in war

>> No.13625722

I would love to own one if my wife would never find out. Aint happening tho

>> No.13625741


Just give her the surgery pill and she'll be 80% plastic doll in no time

>> No.13625779

This OP, beware roastie tricks

>> No.13625795

>living breathing sex doll
Like...a human gf?

>> No.13625801

this is really all you were looking for, OP

>> No.13625808

Have sex, incel.

>> No.13625822

Kek this. I have a gf so I don’t need one, but go for it OP.

>> No.13625825

The final redpill is celibacy, aka no fap no sex no degenerate thoughts, and connection with God.

>> No.13625840

also the fact that most threads on /biz/ start with 3d sluts as OP pics it should be clear that this board is full of 12-year olds who like to stare at boobies on their mom's pc when she is away. these are also the same moonboys who dream of lambo's, cruises and whores.

>> No.13625889
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>> No.13625955


t. roasties

>> No.13625977


>> No.13626024

God literally demands you cum inside a vagina you incel faggot

>> No.13626036
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>> No.13626342

bitter incel virgins

>> No.13626388

Sex dolls smell vaguely of silicone. Contrast with roasties that smell of a mixture of feces, urine and spoiled milk, all inadequately masked by perfume

>> No.13626489

And how many children do you have? Otherwise you're just a fornicator, which is a sin. Unlike celibacy

>> No.13626541

It's fine for strict procreation purposes or connecting with God through sex magic / sex mantra, but everything else that (You) and other degenerates (99% of people) do in society is pretty much demonic cultivation. Enjoy suffering and regrets in the after life, ignorant retard.

>> No.13627170
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>> No.13628002

>40 dollars for a date
>sex once

>40 dollars once per
>lasts for 6 months

>> No.13628079

Only if they cook, clean, gives you white children and help raise them.

>> No.13628259
File: 104 KB, 640x876, 5E84EA8D-BCEC-41C4-96C4-02C1CB50D537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically woke. This poster knows what’s up.

Here’s something else to contemplate. Sperm literally has the power to create life. It literally reinvigorates the body and gives it energy while it stays inside, when unleashed you become lazy and docile, it’s because your body unleashes all it’s pent up energy to form a child, the decrease in energy is also to signify that you’ve made it and it’s time to settle down with your woman. The man who masterbates tricks his mind into thinking he has made it and becomes a slave to his own mind. The man who practices semen rentention is stronger, smarter and more ambitious in the quest of procreation. There is a reason why certain (((people))) do everything they can to get us to become sexual deviants. They want us weak, dumb and dociles while they replace us with niggers. If people practice semen rentention we will be strong and smart. Women won’t be hypergamous whores anymore and the nuclear family will be restored and we will wipe (((them))) off the face of the Earth.

>> No.13628340


>>By EVA (((WISEMAN)))
Every fucking time.

>> No.13628386

Better than porn, better than hookups, worse than getting married and raising a family.

In other words, a great placeholder until you're established.