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File: 67 KB, 810x476, 763B7C36-1FAE-4DA4-A429-94016539B81E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13578752 No.13578752 [Reply] [Original]

>average price in 2019 USD for silver between 1791-2018 is $22.22
>silver per ounce is less than $15 usd per ounce today
>further dip ahead
>go store of value and insurance for future troubles and if a new invention in the future requires silver use
>biztards are still hoping for a crypto bull run

Is this board fucking retarded?

>> No.13578828

are you fucking retarded? i own crypto AND silver.

>> No.13578963

where will silver be in a few years?

>> No.13578985
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I have 30 silver coins because I like LARPing Judas.

But that’s all it’s really good for since price keeps sucking for past 5 years.

>> No.13579191

Listen, if no one wants the silver, I'll take it.

>> No.13579220

OR we're 20 years out from asteroid mining and the value plummets.

>> No.13579249
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>asteroid mining in the 21st century

>> No.13579258
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>buy shiny metal
>you need protection from a global collapse.
>Dont try to calculate an ROI
>Dont be like a boomer
>buy this crypto for high growth
Have a little faith, Arthur

>> No.13579306

Silver was necessary in conventional photography, now that is over. Kindly kys

>> No.13579326

over 100 years of losing to inflation
Great investment retard

>> No.13579352

it doesn’t lol

>> No.13579409
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your kidding yourself if you don't think this is possible... I've seen you say this in other threads as well, YOU are the fucking brainlet here buddy

>> No.13579431

Anyone know how much one of those silver bricks cost?

>> No.13579545

Yes I am retarded. I could have bought numis guaranteed to 3x in a couple years, but decided to stack for weight!

$499 and some change on sale (if you pay by check) on JMbullion right now. I pay by credit card because I'm even more retarded than you thought.

>> No.13579601
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>Be me
>Buy silver in 2011
>lose money for 8 years straight
>bitcoin goes into fucking orbit
t-thanks for the advice

>> No.13579613
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I also would not recommend buying big bars anyway. I have one big boy bar. I bought it on a whim because I wanted "A big fucking bar!". Since then i've pulled my head out of my ass and realized that the bigger the bar, the smaller the resell market. When silver hits $50 again that one bar will be worth $2,500, which not many people will be willing to spend on one bar, where as if I had bought 5 10z bars, I could sell them for $500 each, which opens up the market more to poorer people that want more than a one oz coin.

>> No.13579743

Buy silver and once it moons, dump it for Bitcoin

>> No.13579806

Nah I plan on dumping it for stocks and real estate.

>> No.13579853

kys, i know exactly who you are and you’re the only idiot on this board who thinks its not only feasible but cost efficient. Shut the fuck up retard

>> No.13579914

Sucks mate, now is unironically the best time to buy silver since 2006. And hopefully the price continues going down so I can buy cheap semi-numismatics and numismatics.

>> No.13580081

No really can we name the asteroid that is made out of silver? Are people this stupid? You know how long it takes to just say get to mars right?

>> No.13580096
File: 64 KB, 608x456, A6AF37FE-BEAD-432B-8ADF-211F6F3CFE55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair I will occasionally larp as an asteroid mining advocate to troll doomers and related pmfags. Does that make me a bad person?

>> No.13580102

I don’t think we can anon.

>> No.13580103

We're going to be mining in the 21st century, but if you think 2040, you should think again.

>> No.13580104

I was in the exact same boat. Thankfully I sold it all before it came crashing all the way down. Still lost money though.

>> No.13580111

buying gold and silver is good if you have billions of dollars, if you have less than that its totally fucking retarded

>> No.13580142

Yeah, I can see selling being an issue. Looks fucking badass though.

>> No.13580176

I won’t be alive by then so I don’t care.

>> No.13580207

>now is unironically the best time to buy silver since 2006.
This is what they've been telling me for 8 years. Sure am glad I avoided that bitcoin scam!

>> No.13580237
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/biz/'s age demographic is particularly prone to magical thinking. What is magical thinking?

>I want this to be true, therefore it is

That, the confirmation bias, and group psychology. When you put it all together, it looks like this:

18-34 unemployed or low-income male from a suburban background where mindlessness is the norm and everyone lives in their own private fantasy world, no objective thinking skills, and used to relying on whatever they see other people around them doing. People in marketing understand the art of suburban ranching.

>> No.13580253

Buying gold and silver is like taking a pause from the financial rat race. It “locks in” your wealth so to speak. Silvers value will always remain constant, in silver terms. Ie oje silver oz will always buy 20 loaves of bread, whereas $20 wont always buy 20 loaves of bread. In fact it will gradually buy less and less every year thanks to the Fed

>> No.13580258

Well anon if we exam the last 100 years and look at the average annual price per ounce of silver we find that between 1920-1969, 1989-2006, and now 2019 silver per ounce was (adjusted for inflation) and is RIGHT NOW cheap and at less than $15 USD per ounce (2019 dollars).

>> No.13580261

Silver has a practical application in solar panels now and the price is incredibly low. At very worst you can always sell your silver bars to a pawn shop. Pretty low risk imo

>> No.13580288

what a retard you are anon

>> No.13580750

Considering that the moonlanding is a jewish hoax its highly unlikely that man is able to leave even lower orbit.

>> No.13580814
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I like buying silver because I feel like I'm in the wild west and one day I'm gonna go down to the bar and slap a sliver coin and ask for a shot of whisky while wearing nothing but a cowboy hat.

>> No.13580963
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most Chad post itt

>> No.13581041

>its highly unlikely that man is able to leave even lower orbit
that's because earth is flat

>> No.13581384

haha you invested your life savings into rocks

>> No.13581544

When gold goes up, its because everything else has gotten more expensive, not that gold went up. Gold is always worth the same amount of goods and services

>> No.13582022

The only human with brain on biz.

>> No.13582061


>trade crypto
>put profits into silver

This is not complicated

>> No.13582070

Silver is called the devils metal because of its volatility. It mooned up to $50 in 2011 or so and crashed hard to $15. That's a yikes from me.

>> No.13582115


Gradually, at first, then not so gradual once people realize

>> No.13582166

>It mooned up to $50 in 2011 or so and crashed hard to $15. That's a yikes from me.
>invests in crypto

>> No.13582174

Yes thank you anon I am aware it's cheap. That's the fucking problem

>> No.13582180

Let's be real. Commodities havn't been an active market since the high inflation period of the 1980s. If you're buying silver right now to speculate you're legit boomer status.

>> No.13582289

Do you just take your bullion to gold shops and try to get them to buy em from you? I have some rounds I could get rid of when it moons again.

>> No.13582893

Gold and silver futures are where real money is made trading precious metal prices. I'm getting rid of the last of my silver. Most cucked investment i ever made actually traded my early BTC for it in 2013 when btc was $80. bought My OTC bitcoin guys silver bags, then he presumably bought more BTC and rode it to $1000 while i was just holding silver and cash wanting to necc myself. 2017 kinda made up for that but still, gonna be good to get rid of the last of this heavy bull shit. i would way rather hold 0.25BTC than one of my 100 oz silver bars. Now that i've gone through a few different investing phases i can think of cooler things to lock my profits into than precious metals anyways. When i really diversify again i could see maybe 1-5% networth in gold but into the coming years i want as much exposure to bitcoin as possible. I love living like a bum and having no cash but being crypto rich. honestly feels better I am way more dilligent about saving money and shit.

>> No.13583521

>larping judas
based, fuck jesus

>> No.13583555

One true thing faggots are retarded. Taleb blew them the fuck out years ago but they never learn.

>> No.13583637

By far the smartest post itt, which isn’t saying much unfortunately

>> No.13583744

If I wanted to lock in my wealth I would just buy a trezor not shiny rocks

>> No.13583786

This. Why do people act like this is a binary choice? You can literally buy silver with BTC. In other words you can preserve BTC profits as a hedge against volatility and then turn around to buy low again if it crashes enough.

>> No.13583799

i really don’t understand how people fall for these. No random faggot would waste time to find a way to make you profit

>> No.13584091


>implying that there is no credit and crisis looming around the corner

>> No.13584113

silver and gold adjusted for inflation are the same price they were 2000 years ago