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13571784 No.13571784 [Reply] [Original]

>"I'm a business person, but I'm actually developing as well within our coding system, which is really exciting because I never thought I could do something close to that"

>Operating for one year, no customers on the platform

How are people falling for this scam? Wut do

Literally any other sto platform is better, RVN, SLT, SWARM etc

>> No.13571850

Interview concludes that the project is vaporware and show how incompetent the team is. I don't know why Scammin' Sascha published it

>> No.13571950

Scammin Sascha kek. All the faggots in this are going to get fucked. Couldn't even keep the lights on in the interview since they're out of cash.

>> No.13571959

As a 6 figure CHX bagholder, I wouldn't invest in this company. But that's no reason to bash Sascha for it, they're running an issuance, doing marketing, and providing services for Project Crowd, which is exactly what you want to see holding CHX. Not every STO running through OWN is going to be a goldmine project from an angel investor standpoint. Keep in mind, this is one of 9 STOs launching in less than 3 weeks.

>> No.13572033

Who that sexy blonde girl?
I like to make my dick wet inside her.

>> No.13572051

Why would they choose this for the first sto then. The defining moment for the introduction of their platform. A vaporware project that is coded by the CEO who confirmed in the interview she has no coding experience whatsoever. Also confirmed no customers despite a year of operations. Sorry this is not even close to a gold mine project. It's a scam. They couldn't even talk their way out of it. C O P E

>> No.13572127


>> No.13572166

>Why would they choose this for the first sto then. The defining moment for the introduction of their platform. A vaporware project that is coded by the CEO who confirmed in the interview she has no coding experience whatsoever. Also confirmed no customers despite a year of operations. Sorry this is not even close to a gold mine project. It's a scam. They couldn't even talk their way out of it. C O P E
this project crown and own are scams. they are fraudsters

>> No.13572214

Inb4 copy pasta but yes 100% confirmed after today's interview

>> No.13572820

I'm astonished at how fucking stupid you are (if you aren't joking). If you actually think this is a scam at this point, then you're going to be left behind. Are you telling me every great company that exists today had billion dollar deals from day 1? You poorfags are hopeless, have fun with the fomo in June

>> No.13572850

leaving this here as well

>> No.13572907

it's actually good that the first STO is so small
Retards like Ray from telegram will buy this shit up

>> No.13573095

I'm speechless at how fucking gullible you are. Interview with defining first sto release on their platform and it's discovered the CEO is pajeeting their code work with no experience and they have no customers after one entire year of conducting business. Have fun with the dump after the delays in June since own is nothing but vaporware for STO's. Stay poor fag.

>> No.13573131

Ray Nickv Penispump they all shutdown valid criticism in their little gated circlejerk communities. Oh give them a chance. It's an sto look at the adoption. All over complete vaporware.

>> No.13573255

>CEO coding with no experience, no customers despite one year in operation

>> No.13574021

One question, do you hold smartlands?

>> No.13574084

Really anything is better than this scam. Even SLT and I'm not big on that after their delay, but at least they have a real first sto instead of a shady masked sto/ico startup.

>> No.13574495
File: 774 KB, 942x1200, 1556123573489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many times will I have to post pic for bagholders to finally understand Scammin Sascha's modus operandi?

See guys, this is only the first STO. A better STO is just around the corner! There are at least 8 STOs on the platform right now and Sascha may or may not announce one more just to tease your tastebuds. The next one might not be Dunkin' Donuts, but who knows. Only way to find out is to hold onto your CHX until May 21st. OWN doesn't like the hype that is associated with crypto projects, they hate free expoure and word of mouth advertising, so they will let you see the remaining STOs once you're on their platform.

Sometimes deals take a while and you can stumble into a niggle, so the Dunkin' Donuts deal might take an additional three months to finalize. By then you might not be able to trade CHX for ETH on IDEX, but you wouldn't have brought bags if you're not staying for the long-haul, right anon?

As far as the AMA? The woman lied right out of the gate. Their website and domain wasn't even registered over a year ago. How could they be in business for a year? Also, she fucked up when she said "and...yeah.... we're making *gulp* very good progress". Anons, listen, I'm developing a computer game for the past five years and making really good progress. It's not playable yet, but I have the ideas and made a couple of sprites in GameMaker. I can't code, but the built-in movements are super easy to understand and I think this game will be the next Undertale but I will need some funding. Should I start an LLC and apply with OWN?

>> No.13574550

Damnit this project is tearing me apart, Sascha's background at computershare seems highly relevant, they seem to have great ideas, pretty decent design for website and app, why is this a scam?

>> No.13574618

>I'm speechless at how fucking gullible you are. Interview with defining first sto release on their platform and it's discovered the CEO is pajeeting their code work with no experience and they have no customers after one entire year of conducting business. Have fun with the dump after the delays in June since own is nothing but vaporware for STO's. Stay poor fag.

>> No.13574651

Its not a scam. The rhetoric of these virgin keyboard warriors will be completely refuted on the 21st of May, when every STO on the platform ready for issuance will be able to be seen. Look at OWNs chart, that should tell you that the project doesn't revolve around these retards projecting their single digit IQ fud who wish they bought the latest dip. If you're seriously considering buying in but being swayed by the fud on 4chan. Your first step is to get off of 4chan and watch the AMAs on the project. Simply ask for them in the telegram chat and watch them, you'll know why people are dying for the price to drop back down again and why the rest are incredibly optimistic for CHX's future value. Nobody on 4chan cares about your financial well-being, watch the AMAs and make your own decision

>> No.13574689

The chart is finally showing signs of life after constant dumping day after day for almost 2months, I can't invest based on that. Also, AMAs are fine and all but I realized ultimately it doesn't mean much, I used to follow SPHTX and JNT AMAs and felt like they had a ton of potential, both performed horribly

>> No.13574767
File: 109 KB, 629x984, 55D25423-7202-423E-B550-CA3903974F97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly this. Get off 4chan and watch today's AMA that was released. You'll be flabbergasted by the CEO trying to gasp for air while muttering her way through a terrible sham of a project. CEO coding with no experience. Check. No customers after a year. Check. Scam? Check. Delayed (again) May 21st dashboard since they don't have any be5ter STO's than this trash? Check. Delayed real mainnet with tokenswap for like the 5th time. Check. Overall OWN project. Scam.

>> No.13574806

>Damnit this project is tearing me apart, Sascha's background at computershare seems highly relevant, they seem to have great ideas, pretty decent design for website and app, why is this a scam?
It's not an intentional scam. They're lying and incompetent. Sascha wanted to become his own boss and start his own venture without much risk (he could always get a high paying job if OWN doesn't work out). They had the vision, but they can't pull it off at the promised scale. So they're lying at every chance possible in the hopes that "things will work out in the end".

It's like if someone asked me to develop them a small mobile game and I wanted their money, I will say yes sir and then I will figure it out as I go along. If I'm running behind schedule, then some niggle popped up or I need more time to perfect the gameplay. It's going to be the greatest game ever, you just wait. Will deal with the consequences later, but until then I'm being paid. Which is what CHX bagholders are doing while the devs dump on them every week on IDEX.

>> No.13574892

That makes sense, technically they could still end up being successful but they're acting as things are going much better than they actually are

>> No.13574998

>That makes sense, technically they could still end up being successful
Technically. Question is, are you willing to gamble your money on an incompetent business that pretended to have over 400 businesses registered on their platform for nearly half a year. With the added implication that they vet every single business before they can be on their platform.

>> No.13575019
File: 7 KB, 291x173, B0B83B60-0933-461B-8DF9-743276E651D2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Technically. Question is, are you willing to gamble your money on an incompetent business that pretended to have over 400 businesses registered on their platform for nearly half a year. With the added implication that they vet every single business before they can be on their platform.

>> No.13575074
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>> No.13575108

Yeah it doesn't look good...
But you know how humans can be emotional creatures? Seeing CHX going up when I used to have a bag trips me out, it's the kind of project that has immense potential and I'm thinking maybe I sold a golden ticket. Exactly what happened with JNT actually, I guess I should learn my lesson

>> No.13575154

I literally made up all the shit I've been saying, I don't hold any. This scam is going to hell in a handbasket and the AMA today proved it.

>> No.13575162

>Its not a scam. The rhetoric of these virgin keyboard warriors will be completely refuted on the 21st of May, when every STO on the platform ready for issuance will be able to be seen. Look at OWNs chart, that should tell you that the project doesn't revolve around these retards projecting their single digit IQ fud who wish they bought the latest dip. If you're seriously considering buying in but being swayed by the fud on 4chan. Your first step is to get off of 4chan and watch the AMAs on the project. Simply ask for them in the telegram chat and watch them, you'll know why people are dying for the price to drop back down again and why the rest are incredibly optimistic for CHX's future value. Nobody on 4chan cares about your financial well-being, watch the AMAs and make your own decision
i watched all the ama's. in the earlier ama's he lies about mainnet, having sto's lined up until 2020, and having tokenized billions worth of assets.. in recent ama he admits there are only 9 small sto's, no mainnet, etc. hes been dumping his token all this time. it's a scam

>> No.13575208

People like you really mess with my brain, you actually sounded pretty convincing to me with your previous post >>13574651

>> No.13575224

Fudsters coping because they didnt get in at 1 cent and never will, they'll have to buy our bags at $200.


https://etherscan.io/address/0x707f7d7e9c3dfce689a37beecd741ec800663422#tokentxns.. 500,000 past few days
https://etherscan.io/address/0x1ed59b31d6f852c02c2de819522cb02bf2bae5eb#tokentxns 300,000 past week
https://etherscan.io/address/0x9d9259cd27020e84e3bb820c75498d468cac98b5#tokentxns 10,000 2 days ago
https://etherscan.io/address/0xf6b36c3b891aeac5cf42cd200c8c593bbc9083a7#tokentxns 10,000 2 days ago
https://etherscan.io/address/0x4154b9d3d1700cdb08c96aa94cacc77980b03f62#tokentxns 21,000 2 days ago
https://etherscan.io/address/0xd3bc852ac8281d30aa8c0e348043ffa30fad676b#tokentxns 50,000 3 days ago
https://etherscan.io/address/0x8481142ec62573ac2a0f4a187d7d61c7f3044924#tokentxns 67,000 3 days ago
https://etherscan.io/address/0xe5a1c1ddac9ec3e821e9f12d94b0e6de5189eeae#tokentxns 28,000 3 days ago
https://etherscan.io/address/0xd16fda96cb572da89e4e39b04b99d99a8e3071fb#tokentxns 50,000 past week

>> No.13575243
File: 56 KB, 960x932, 9A8E0E69-6C4E-476C-BF1A-10CDE04E4B6C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The game was honked from the start. I may be fudding as well to buy in cheaper. Regardless their first sto does suck ass tho real talk

>> No.13575261

>in recent ama he admits there are only 9 small sto's, no mainnet, etc
you are actually retarded
he said there are STOs lined up until 2020
he said until the token swap they have multiple STO's ready
do you realize that the first projects take more time and that bigger players will not enter at the start but when the platform has showed to be successful?
no you haven't and your fud is getting desperate

>> No.13575272

Haha that's possible too, I'm just getting mixed feelings for this project. I don't like going half heartedly into something, either I believe in it and buy a good stack or nothing at all. With CHX I just can't make up my mind

>> No.13575297

Wait until May 21st and see what's in the dashboard. I'm swing trading until then making good progress

>> No.13575338

>People like you really mess with my brain, you actually sounded pretty convincing to me with your previous post
>I don't like going half heartedly into something, either I believe in it and buy a good stack or nothing at all.
I feel like you were in a previous CHX thread yesterday saying the same thing. Are you holding more CHX than you're willing to lose? If you're so swayed by random 4chan fud, you will never make it. You would panic sell the second CHX reaches another all time high and begins dumping. The only people holding major stacks of CHX are delusional who would not even entertain any fud in any capacity, like penispump and the rest of the Telegram syncopaths. See: >>13575224

>> No.13575449

>The only people holding major stacks of CHX are delusional

Cope. If this were such a shit project, u wouldn't be in here. Also, a few of us know things that a lot of u dont and that's why we continue to buy and dont care bout inbetween price movments.

>> No.13575497

You're a fucking pussy, stop waiting on the fence, buy in and lose your money or don't and fud the shit out of it. Its that simple

>> No.13575510
File: 715 KB, 855x851, ray.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi there

>> No.13575515

If you knew things that we don't then why don't you convince us. Oh knowledgeable one.

>> No.13575619


>> No.13575788

>If this were such a shit project, u wouldn't be in here.
Why wouldn't I be? It's funny to roast OWN, Sascha, and the shitshow that this project is. Every week there's something new to make fun of.

LOL @ falling for "psst, kid, i will tell you a secret but you can't tell anyone". You could be scammed even harder than us because we can't research what you know and point out any flaws in it. But why would you research? You're in Sascha's circle. To be honest, you would make more money by whistleblowing their whole operation than holding CHX.

>> No.13575824

how can they do sto's when mainnet/staking isn't live? wtf is this scam

>> No.13575852

>make more money by whistleblowing their whole operation than holding CHX.

Unironically, whistleblowing would make money holding chxcoin. I'm patient tho, just a matter of time, hehehe

Ur like the virgin hounding ur ex bc she's with another guy, but u secretly cry and miss her, but you call her a skank.

>> No.13575883

>Ur like the virgin hounding ur ex bc she's with another guy, but u secretly cry and miss her, but you call her a skank.
This hit too close. You went too far, man. Thought we were just joshing around.

>> No.13576049

My apologies. Wut I can tell you, is that the names and size are bigger than what has been issued on XTZ. That's it!

>> No.13576143

Just market bought 500 CHX. Maybe Jen will take me back once this coin hits $100 by the end of the year.

>> No.13576307


>> No.13576317
File: 181 KB, 960x498, 52DFCE2B-AA77-4509-BC9F-F2BC3A0849AD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi there

>> No.13576435

Bagholder Bingo: mUh NdA's

>> No.13576643

Since I market bought CHX it went down by 0.20% so I panic market sold and now I'm down by 15%. I got financially OWNed once again.

>> No.13576681
File: 69 KB, 1024x684, 6F8CCEE9-892E-4963-8FC8-43B60E847F7E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably a Dev stopped by on idex. Here he is

>> No.13576912

chx dev here, i'm dumping more of my chx on idex. be warned.

>> No.13576941

chx ceo here, i'm going to market buy every sell order on idex. be warned.

>> No.13577065

Heheheheh4 chx mewn