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13550049 No.13550049 [Reply] [Original]

how do u cure depression /biz?
i dont think money will...

>> No.13550059

research smart contracts, research chainlink, realize link is the only way out

>> No.13550074

Change location completely. Move to a new city with a different climate. Lots of problems people have with mood and mentality are simply inability to cope with their environment.

>> No.13550075
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fuck off pajeet

>> No.13550088

You start studying Stoicism, get fit, find something you're passionate about at use it as a motivator to drive your day to day life.

Stop drinking alcohol, stop smoking and start eating healthy.

>> No.13550157

Anon, I cured my depression. Stoicism is the only way to cope with a world that overstimulates as much as ours. Don't worry, do as I say and it will fade away.

>> No.13550158

>he still hasnt asked himself why link has bled out 99% like all the others
dude im not a pajeet, youre the one making a depression thread on a biz forum. im literally here tryinf to help you financially because i too was depressed as fuck before i researched link. Listen to me dude...theres no ways for blockchains right now to grab info from the outside world. if link makes this possible can you even fathom th implications? you prob cant because youre another dumbfuck whos makes threads about his depression instead of doing work, bitch

>> No.13550173

*hasnt bled out

>> No.13550174

He's not talking about money you fuckwit. Money doesn't help if you have no aim in life.

>> No.13550195


>> No.13550196

Magnesium. I listened to an anon here and got some. It hasn't changed my life around but I feel more jovial and up beat. I take it daily with fish oil and a multi vitamin

>> No.13550210

thats funny because last time i checked it did, whatever im out guys have fun talking about life

>> No.13550229

What kind of magnesium exactly ?

>> No.13550234

He literally says that he doesn't think money can cure depression

>> No.13550253

look into the new studies of gut microbiome. You can go deep into the research and see that some food decreases certain bacterial cultures and some increases. Im now testing this with artificial sweeteners. I have pretty god results but cant be sure yet, only doing it for about one year. Sucralose helps me with anxiety and aspartame with depresion. However they both cause one another... which is pretty comic. I mix them and at the moment I feel super fucking good.

>> No.13550288

also have to point out that aspartame, even tho it helps with depresion it worsens my autism. Where sucralose actually helps.

>> No.13550309

i love how theres people in here saying money dosent cure depression but yet how is OP going to get the money for all these supplement you guys are suggesting. This thread is full of dumb lazy fucks, stop believe that money doesnt cure depression those words come from poor people who have never accomplished anything bigger then themselves

>> No.13550324

Ever heard of people living in Third World countries having depressions?
>Man the fuck up OP with your first world problems.

>> No.13550327

>money doesnt cure depression
>doesnt have enough money to buy all these supplements for depression
this threads is full of dumb lazy fucks who have never accomplished anything bigger then themselves in their life, stop listening to poor people

>> No.13550333

>my depression
>my autism
I know the two go hand in hand but holy shit anon lmao at your life

>> No.13550414

wat u mean? Im actually pretty comfy with my life. My anxiety disorder and depressive episodes only make me appreciate life and be who í am

>> No.13550436

anxiety and depression is physically bad for your body, it causes inflammation, inflammation causes a huge number, if not nearly all types of sicknesses

>> No.13550439

I just picked up some Jameson magnesium at my drug store it's the pill kind

>> No.13550464

It's because they have clear goal, which is survival. Depression in the first world is mainly caused by overstimulation.

>> No.13550483

Thanks I'll check it out. I'm also trying CBD oil right now although I can't tell yet if it does anything

>> No.13550489

yes you are correct however im trying to cure that and if you did read my previous post im actually on the way to at least reduce it to the absolute minimum. Im experimenting with diet and at the momen i feel really fine. Also taking antihistamine even tho im not really allergic but i have noticed it helps with inflamation and the anxiety which is what actually made me do the research. The inflammation from your gut leaks to your blood and goes to your brain. I used to have bad fucking days but they are gone and im actually happy now. The terror (specially of my childhood) made me appreciate life, thats what i meant.

>> No.13550517

yeah this is also something im looking into. The overstimulation of dopamine receptors and dopamine resistance weakens your mind and body

>> No.13550542

Dude, check out modafinil. It basically restricts the amount of dopamine your body secretes for a certain topic. It has also been shown to improve cognition.


It has honestly changed my life

>> No.13550640

i never really had a problem with depression, you know, if you have anxiety disorder its actually a relief. Looking back at everything i know, it seems more like anxiety is caused by inflammation while depression is pure dopamine problem. I mean it does kind of make sense. Bro, depression is little gay, you know. Just go outside for few days. Sleep in a forest (lel) and eat grass. Get back in touch with nature. Anxiety... that is the real terror, bro. There is nothing worse, believe me.

>> No.13550701

interesting! I believe my brother has anxiety. I'm not sure if it helps, but Stoicism offers an incredible sobering view of reality. Something that anchors you to sober thoughts and the present.

You should read the book meditations by Marcus Aurelius

>> No.13550808

tell your brother to take antihistamine (anti-allergy drug) it basically saved my life, at least the short term. I knew then that inflammation in your brain is real thing. After that he needs t o change his diet, because he is most likely gluten or dairy (or both) intolerant. The depression thingy... really all you need is to switch off the computer and go get bored in the nature for few days to cool your dopamine receptors down to natural level. It really is that simple. You need to be bored, its good for you. Boredom is practically non-existant in the 1st world.

>> No.13550845


>> No.13550857

anxiety and stress causes inflammation not the other way around.

>> No.13550858


>> No.13550885

Megadose vitamin therapy

>> No.13550994

depression is a choice stop being such a pussy sadsack and go enjoy fucking life you idiot coward

>> No.13551021

thank you for your supported-by-literally-nothing opinion
>valuable conversation

>> No.13551042
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This unironically

>> No.13551083

inflammation is caused by histamine fighting alien bacteria inside your body. Mental stress does not create bacteria inside your body. It may weaken your immune system and make the inflammation worse. Anxiety is caused by inflammation, there is plenty of evidence for that. >>13550857 this claim is worthless as fart in the darkness

>> No.13551121

Just be happy bro lmao

>> No.13551192
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How do I fight inflammation, bizbros?

>> No.13551254

go back to >>>/x/ with ur pseudoscience, schizo.

>> No.13551291

can put basic knowledge, available information, implement new research and use common sense
>pseudoscience schizo
You are lost, brainlet. Go spread your bullshit 90 IQ opinion on reddit. You belong there

>> No.13551313

inflammation is actually good and needed. It kills the bad shit. Problem is when your immune system is weak and the fight basically does not end. Its like a war zone that grows and grows dead bodies and cannot get cleaned... because well, the fight is not over. To answer your question - boost your immune system

>> No.13551334

or, as a matter of fact just reduce the stuff that weakens your immune system. In majority of people its gluten or diary. Or other food allergy... or allergy itself for that matter.

>> No.13551380

Chelated and Citrate.

>> No.13551665

the only thing that cures duration when you're young and desperate is addiction. Find your drug, find the research chemical that will give you the same buzz, now here's the hard part, milk it for at least 10 years in small doses.

it will end in a flaming wreck worse then you are now, but at least you can stand by how it helped you get through some of the harder times.

>> No.13551760

I don't recommend cbd oil. If anything that'll increase your depression. Some people might argue against it but I can assure you it'll do more harm then good

>> No.13551844


No no, it's the stuff you buy with money that attracts better women and better friends that makes you less depressed. And goals.

>> No.13551884

>I don't think money will

You don't have enough faggot