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File: 163 KB, 910x503, 0E0AB2E6-BF85-4984-812C-3BD3B1BB3423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13534565 No.13534565 [Reply] [Original]

This is phase one of the dump. There are three more days left before I provide proof of the more than a million Bitcoins I have placed in my trust.

Phase 1: The BTC crash. Thanks to tether and the shenanigans with bitfinex and binance (as I repeatedly warned), the price will be 5k and below within a few days.

Phase 2: May 8 is when I hand over the tulip trust information. This will be the day of the big crash on BTC. Everything will crash except BSV which will remain stable.

Phase 3 (May 15): The entire crypto market will have its rig pulled and utterly collapse. The ponzis, the shady exchanges, the money launderers, the human traffickers, the murderers, will all start to collapse. BSV will instead go up in price and a new bubble will begin: except that this bubble won’t pop.

There is only one winner in this space and it will be BSV. There is only one bitcoin. Bitcoin will be finally used as electronic cash...as intended.

Screencap this and as the coming days go by, you will thank me for having the decency to warn you.

P.S. Stop being racist to Indians and the Chinese or I will never warn you guys again.

>> No.13534567


>> No.13534575

poo in the loo my friend! poo in the loo

>> No.13534579

I am sorry that you are upset at the fact that the money you spent buying worthless shit tokens.

The market doesn’t give a fuck about your desires. Efficiency and capitalism will always win. Don’t cry too much tomorrow when you see BTC dump tomorrow you filthy anarchist.

>> No.13534581

proof or larp

>> No.13534586
File: 203 KB, 1225x735, wright-satoshi-bitcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a nobody, not talking about Craig. You think the same of Craig, which is why you try to be him.

You're simply reflecting your deepest thoughts about yourself and "roasting" yourself like a reddit NPC cuck without anyone having said anything.

Btw. this is the bottom and we will see 6k+. Once we go above 6k we will never again visit the 5k area, ever.

>> No.13534596

Bitcoin will indeed be 6K, as in BSV yes.

As for the hijacked BTC, 6K will be the total market cap of that pathetic joke of an asset soon.

I know you will not agree. Most of you do not. But that is okay. I have lived my whole life living in disagreement with most of society and this is no exception. I am patiently waiting for all of you to get BTFO soon holding BTC.

>> No.13534615
File: 154 KB, 350x350, 1_ApEC4GWa1B-WRQjVmBr62w.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes sirs. Please manipulate market like you did together with companions. Anything you say will be used against you in a court of law..

>> No.13534627

Reversing the joke doesn’t make you intelligent you fool.

>> No.13534633
File: 34 KB, 960x540, 1100-trtworld-98323-127968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simply jewing the jews back.

>> No.13534646

I love you Craig. Thanks for the warning and thanks for your gift to the world that is bitcoin.
I unironically think this is Craig posting. Take a look at the following

>you will thank me for having the decency to warn you

I have read A LOT of Craigs writings and this scentence and word immidiately triggered my pavlovian reaction to Craig. I'm not going to tell what my pavlovian reaction to Craig is, the important thing is this is probably Craig

>> No.13534651
File: 35 KB, 696x449, Craig-Wright-Satoshi-Nakamoto-Rants-in-a-Letter-to-the-CFTC-that-he-Created-Bitcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm real Satoshi and i just market bought

>> No.13534681 [DELETED] 

Fuck off liar.

>> No.13534688

I have a feeling that this will be a historic post in the coming days. I am writing a comment here and recording it on my phone for proof that it was me who wrote this.

>> No.13534690

Your shit's all fucked up and your blocks are gay. You're not Craig

>> No.13534700


>> No.13534717

My uncle is the real Satoshi. He only keeps you alive because it amuses him, Craig

>> No.13534720

Hi Satoshi, I know is really you posting here, I really want to thank you for all you have done, exposing blockstream scammers, binance and roger, I really love you medium posts, I also love how you sick looks so huge inside your tight pants, I am not homosexual but when I see your videos I get an erection.
Thank you for warning us about the tulip trust, I already sold it all and only hold BSV, I can wait for metanet to pick up.
I love you satoshi.

>> No.13534733

I support BSV. I also want to thank you for the teachings. I will definitely help in the creation within the BSV ecosystem. You gave me more motivation than anyone has. If this is a larp or not I don’t really care. So good luck other paid shitposters telling me I’m replying to a larp. I could careless. Craig’s vision makes the most sense to me, and I admire his work ethic even if it’s a bit extreme. That’s more than enough proof for me.

Plus Craig’s vision actually helps all of us. The amount of corruption at the high levels affects us all. Why wouldn’t I support a whole system on an open ledger.

When can we expect the next article Craig?

>> No.13534736

I'll admitt it. This is my pavlovian Craig reaction too. It will be a real pain in the ass once Craig's face is plastered all over the news after he proves once and for all that he is Satoshi

>> No.13534739

Utterly based

>> No.13534762

Satoshi hanging around 4chan is a fact, but I think this must be the first time he creates a post, previously he only reply to trolls

>> No.13535005
File: 73 KB, 960x540, craig-steven-wright-otra-960x623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how fucking pathetic must your life be, greg?

>> No.13535029
File: 2.85 MB, 3232x2460, stiff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we'll see who's wrong and who's wright

>> No.13535040

Bought some nice bsv domains today
If you keep the bsv ticker I’ll be happy

>> No.13535051
File: 129 KB, 539x720, Photo of Meteor Shower Over Wyoming, USA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's not a bad idea

>> No.13535052

Also don’t worry about the racist comments they serve the purpose of ushering the normies to the door. They are not meant to offend , unless they do offend, in which the offended party should Gtfo this board

>> No.13535055

What dump. Why is every tiny move diwn a dump or a crash with you people. This is why crypto is such a shitshow way to many over emotional cry babies.

>> No.13535134

drop name

>> No.13535163

drop pants and spread your moist boi pucci

>> No.13535242
File: 1.05 MB, 1680x1050, bsvschach.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13535450
File: 379 KB, 1270x700, blockstreamvsbsv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13535483

>I provide proof
it's him

>> No.13535511
File: 493 KB, 1353x382, tale-of-two-satoshis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is no trust deceiver

>> No.13535556


>> No.13535665

Hi craig plesae pump bsv i need money to buidl apps

>> No.13535682

>upset at the fact that the money you spent buying worthless shit tokens. Nonsense sentence structure like a drunk. It really is Creg.

>> No.13535688



How are you even able to breath inbred?

Amazing xD

>> No.13535689

>bsv domains
fuck off, domain squatter. on the metanet we don't need your (((domains)))

>> No.13535697
File: 230 KB, 960x375, btcisthefuture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you sign with one of Craigs private keys?
That's the only thing that will prove identity.
> The ONLY thing

>> No.13535725

nobody gives a fuck about craig private keys

>> No.13535833

This. Do you know if someone is building a dns on metanet? It is a bit cumbersome with a long ass TX id as an address

>> No.13535873

on ""metanet"" not likely since the analogy of ip is changing constantly as a centralized indexing service its childs play to do.

>> No.13535888
File: 400 KB, 820x547, craig-wright-bitcoin-creator-satoshi-nakamoto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

deeply underrated

>> No.13535891

literally kill yourself you scamming faggot.

>> No.13535894

Fuck off with Craighposting

>> No.13535898

thats def Craig...dude...lmao yo ucan't block us here, so go drink some hooker pee somewhere else

>> No.13535922

No one believes you.

>> No.13535936
File: 293 KB, 994x904, 1556235590520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this is larp, this is best i ever read here.

>> No.13536006
File: 25 KB, 768x439, photo_2019-04-13_16-47-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys its true im also getting sued for creating this image

>> No.13536322

That makes no sense at all. I'm not sure if you know how adressing on metanet works?

>> No.13536327

You have micropenis hashrate and the market laughs at you

>> No.13536339

pretty sure craig and calvin own over half the sha256 hashpower globally and are just keeping btc afloat to milk profits until the tulip trust unlocks

>> No.13536372

How many failures will it take for you to think that maybe, just maybe, they're never going to make it?

>> No.13536419


looks like petulant child.


>> No.13536426


>> No.13536633

did csw announce that somewhere or did OP pull it out of his ass?