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13516589 No.13516589 [Reply] [Original]

>do IEO
>raise 6 million
>inmediately dump 60%
The comments of the pajeets on twitter are hilarious. Their Telegram was disabled to send comments a few hours ago.


>> No.13516647

lol not a single white man in the comments hahahah
fuckin third worlders

>> No.13516678
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>> No.13516690

Pajeets got Pajeeted and depleted by a bunch of jews LMAO

>> No.13516693
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>> No.13516695
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Crypto really has become a third world cesspit.

>> No.13516696

How dense can they be

They can't list a token at a certain price. Market decides that shit

Fucking shit skins

Bittrex is solid first off

The point of an ico or ieo is that you believe in the company and tech.

If you want ROI you either hodl for a whole or buy the impending dump upon listing. Stupid fucking pajeets.

>> No.13516711
File: 20 KB, 582x220, plez2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plz refun

>> No.13516729

ayyy subhumans lmao

>> No.13516733

Good, less pajeets for next bull run.

>> No.13516734

>Exchanges cannot list ICOs anymore so they decided to invent some bullshit called IEO to dump those coins even faster than before

fucking lmao

>> No.13517254
File: 547 KB, 1079x1526, Screenshot_20190503-234352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lost $300 today but this makes it better somehow

>> No.13517267
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>> No.13517273
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>> No.13517285
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My sides

>> No.13517299
File: 536 KB, 1080x1475, Screenshot_20190503-235210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As if every single one wasnt going to drop their entire bags in the first hour oce was listed on trex.

>> No.13517339

>buy when theres blood in the streets

Should we yeet the jeet and scoop up their 2 cent tokens ?

>> No.13517359
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>> No.13517385
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>offers future services to customers
>customers fund services
>customers wish to short service on day one
>services continue as normal
I really do hate these ‘day-traders’ and especially when they invade value investments expecting the same results. Imagine being able to time a market.
ITT ocean protocol shilling
>pic related

>> No.13517451
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Pajeets getting justed is pure hilarity

>> No.13517522

>set the normal price per coin
kek pajeets not understanding how markets work

>> No.13517727
File: 33 KB, 580x184, Screenshot from 2019-05-04 17-25-39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13517742

I almost bought the IEO
Thanks biz, for once

>> No.13517870
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>> No.13517882

tons of bagholders in this coin are u mad?

u probably haven't made much money in this space

>> No.13517900
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>> No.13518212

it gets even funnier when you read the pre IEO pajeet posts

>safe x10 sirs

>> No.13518990

>oce was listed on trex.
oce is oceanex exchange part of vechain its not ocean protocol.