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File: 44 KB, 480x640, 59192858_2443620455668697_674388776906129408_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13515370 No.13515370 [Reply] [Original]

Just got sent to Argentina for work. It is the first time I’ve left the USA.

Everyone spends time and the parks are full of people jogging or playing soccer. PDA is much more common and I see every couple holding hands, kissing, touching everywhere I go. It’s romantic and not frowned upon.

Everyone is healthy and fit. The food is delicious and tastes nutritious. The tomatoes and fruits that I’ve eaten taste so different in a good way. The burgers and even fries don’t taste greasy and fattening.

The women here love foreigners. My tinder has been blowing up every moment of every day. I understand most of them might just want to marry an American, but the thing about the women is that they are all attractive. I’ve seen maybe 3 fatties since I've been here. Even the store clerks look like models. It’s such a different world. Rather than ham planets huffing and puffing around, it's healthy, beautiful women.

Everything is incredibly inexpensive, because of the difference in purchasing power. An engineer here makes $30k usd and a doctor makes $50k usd and would have comparable lifestyles to doctors or engineers in america but he average salary is only a little over $6k USD a year. The argentenian peso is fucked but a nice sit down dinner costs between $6 and $10 usd. Draught beers are like $1.00-$1.50 each for the good stuff.

I went to a pharmacy and bought a pack of nicotine gum that would have normally cost me $20. It was $6.00. condoms are 10 cents each.

I’ve determined that the “make it and leave the US” thing I see on /biz is not a meme. One could easily live like a king for 10 or 20 years and meet beautiful women and enjoy a much happier, laid back, active lifestyle for a few hundred thousand dollars. I know I’ve only been here a few days, but it’s opened my eyes to life outside the US. It’s disgusting that it’s possible to be both poor and morbidly obese in the great USA.

That is all

>> No.13515426

Based. Chile is also nice.

>> No.13515762

I've been everywhere in South America and that description fits everywhere I went to. Everything is damn cheap down there. I found Argentina, while still cheap, to be among the most expensive countries though

>> No.13515909

>I understand most of them might just want to marry an American
Jokes on them, I just want to marry an Argentinean and get citizenship buy property and integrate into their society

>> No.13515925 [DELETED] 

Southern Brazilians gaucho here.

Please colonize our women, they need more Anglo seed (especially the brown ones).

>> No.13515931
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Argentinean here , everything is cheap because the left fucked up massively and salaries are being destroyed for at least 10 years.

Yes living in palermo as a foreigner is great if you have income in usd.
But otherwise you will be fucked , also if the left wins in the next elections we will go full venezuela.
Sometimes what is cheap can cost a lot later in life.

>> No.13515937

Argentina is a perpetually economic unstable shitheap. People kissing and fucking each other in public isn't the mark of high culture either.

>> No.13515949
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Remember that you are in the capital tought, literally the most taken care place of Argentina.

pic related is where I live, if you are around there we could even meet up, who knows, enjoy the country and becareful of leftist idiots, there are a lot here.

>> No.13515953
File: 62 KB, 670x925, 311F2D38-C47E-47F7-9CA6-3FDDDDA038DA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if the left wins, we will go full Venezuela

As if the biggest crisis hadnt been originated by right winger De La Rua

>> No.13515955

>leftist idiots

The fact that Argentina is crawling with these people is proof that it's a horrible place to go and be a sexpat.

>> No.13515958


>> No.13515964


> But otherwise you will be fucked , also if the left wins in the next elections we will go full venezuela.
Sometimes what is cheap can cost a lot later in life.

This, thank you based fellow Argentinian, saving the pic for later

>> No.13515967
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Conurbano , oh nononononono

De la Rua was a high member of the socialist international.
Alfonsin was the fucking vicepresident of the socialist international.

Every crisis here was created by the left spending more than they received.

>> No.13515975

you will love southern america...

until you get mugged

>> No.13515976
File: 104 KB, 2000x1250, argeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks fren , also buy btc and we will meet up at the citadel.

>> No.13515978
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Based. I've always wanted to move to Brazil for the bundaos, but Argentina would be nice too. Some day.

>> No.13515989

go to colombia

>> No.13515990

Anyone know how Ecuador compares to Argentina and the rest of South America? It seems like the easiest place to get permanent residence just by buying a property.

>> No.13515993
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> Conurbano , oh nononononono

Luckily I live in one of the best zones of the shithole that is the Conurbano, pic related is one of the streets that I got nearby

> Thanks fren , also buy btc and we will meet up at the citadel.

Thank you fren, I'm unironically all-in, my dream is to make it, go to Ezeiza, take a plan and gtfo of this shinking ship, hope to see you there.

>> No.13515994
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easier in colombia

>> No.13515998

Its a dangerous shithole. High income inequality, borderline communist dictatorship, high taxes, and a criminally inclined population of midgets.

>> No.13516003

what's the best south american country for a burger looking for a backup citizenship?

>> No.13516006
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I wish I could give you billions of upvotes

>> No.13516022
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>Luckily I live in one of the best zones of the shithole that is the Conurbano, pic related is one of the streets that I got nearby

Yes it got it´s places but it´s a fucking lottery living there.
That said it looks comfy as fuck.

>Thank you fren, I'm unironically all-in, my dream is to make it, go to Ezeiza, take a plan and gtfo of this shinking ship, hope to see you there.

Same bro , i am unironically all in too , the dysgenic effects of the gibsmedat can be noticed looking at the poverty statistics , literally 60% of the minors were born in poverty while the middle class is not having kids.

Also our boomers indebted us to have free pensions while at the same time attacking companies with retarded labor laws causing a collapse of the tax producing things.

The ship is going to sink fast after june this year.
We will meet at the citadel.

>> No.13516023
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>> No.13516045

>> a nice sit down dinner costs between $6 and $10 usd

Enjoy your feces tainted food with a mild hint of semen

>> No.13516085

i got the worst diarrhea of my life in colombia

dont drink fruits mixed with ice

I was shitting from my mouth and my ass for 10 hours + i got fever + I almost passed away laying on the cold floor of the bathroom

then I got diarrhea for 15 days because there are NO medics in this shitty continent you have to go to the hospital and they are CROWDED

>> No.13516113
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>The ship is going to sink fast after june this year.

Yes for sure, the future of this country is totally fucked, even the culture is completely raped: it is the classic "if you dont steal you are dumb" thats the type of culture that makes everything go to hell.

The only thing that worries me is that I will not be able to accumulate before it all goes to hell. I'm buying BTC as fast as I can, but with the rising price of the USD and the rising price of BTC I may not have enough to / makeit / (Price of BTC in LocalBitcoins is near 300k) altrought based on the epic reddit post I have more than enough to live comfy af in a citadel, así que ya sabes... nos vemos en la citadela.

>> No.13516140
File: 22 KB, 662x478, 1554514318564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be me
>Sell usd to peso
>Deposit in exchange
>Anon your deposit has been confirmed
>Go to exchange
>BTC Price goes from 4200 to 4900 in 15 minutes
>Remain in peso
>Just fuck my shit up

On the bright side btc has been lossing less per year than teh fucking peso.

>(Price of BTC in LocalBitcoins is near 300k)

Yea because it´s being used for real , if you calculate the price in usd it´s usualy 1 peso more than the blue usd(because it has demand for real driving the price above the usd).

>nos vemos en la citadela.

O en ciudadala marchando para el fpv 2.0 por un choripan en medio de la crisis humanitaria por los controles de precios al alimento.

>> No.13516170


>> No.13516190


> O en ciudadala marchando para el fpv 2.0 por un choripan en medio de la crisis humanitaria por los controles de precios al alimento.

Como me voy a reir cuando los zurditos boludos traten de ponerle un impuesto al Bitcoin AJSDAJDJ

>> No.13516211
File: 137 KB, 1852x1408, 1545143546934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Argentina va a ser el lugar donde las criptomonedas rompan al fiat.

Venezuela no podia porque la crisis empezo en 2011 y las exportaciones eran puras del estado por lo cual entraban pocas divisas.

Argentina tiene una economia de servicios muy grande, la cantidad de programadores y empresas del estilo que van a usar cripto aca una vez que el sistema colapse va a ser impresionante.

De todas formas mejor prepararse para la revolucion que el btc va a causar ahora que despues , con solo ver como se manejan los bancos centrales ya es suficiente para meterse en el bitcoin.

Literalmente vas a poder transpasar los controles de capitales con cripto.
Cuando pongan cepo devuelta , impuestos a los pasajes de aviones o a las tarjetas literalmente vas a poder comprar btc y comprar las cosas afuera con btc o una tarjeta de debito de btc.

Va a ser hermoso.

>> No.13516422

Por favor.
Nosotros los acompañamos.
A quemar la banca central que es el cáncer más grande que hay. Y a ustedes los están re fajando con la inflación.

>t. Uruguayo

>> No.13516462
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>> No.13516468

True suburban argentina:

>> No.13516631

Ecuador is by far cheaper and also safer then Argentina. It is indeed the easiest country in South America for a burger to get citizenship, that being said, I would also check out Chile and Columbia, both were fucking unbelievable

>> No.13516720

To any anons that have been around:
Please rank these
1. SEA (Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam)
2. EE (Romania, Bulgaria, Ukraine)
3. South America (Chile, Argentina, Paraguay)

I would be very grateful as I am going on a long adventure soon

>> No.13516745

Don't listen to this guy, Colombia is being overrun by venezuelan refugees right now (some who are colombian themselves) and its bringing even more crime to the country. Shits pretty fucked there at the moment

>> No.13516839



>> No.13516921

What exactly are they going to do to you? Beat you over the head with a a copy of Das Kapital?

>> No.13516923

OP here, I cant believe this shit blew up, I am learning so much about south america. I would love to meet up but I hear stories about guys getting jumped for their bitcoin and this is an internet money larping board. I have a car and I'm staying in Puerta Madura. I can go anywhere I want this weekend. Just spent the last few hours face timing a physician who said she's visiting buenos Aires next weekend, she warned me about all the model-looking women trying to get a US Visa. If you see a chubby white american wandering the streets of buenos aires looking lost, there's a chance it's me.

>> No.13516942
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I am so torn between messing with women and not messing with women here. These types of messages flood my inbox.

>> No.13516976

Also, going to Ecuador next but for 1.5 months. How does it compare?

>> No.13517251

I was there last year and saw loads of venezuelan refugess on the streets, in Bogata. But never actually felt unsafe. Are you blowing things out of proportion. Downtown Sao Paulo, and some places in Peru were sketchy af though

>> No.13517364

Im a Bulgarian and ive spent about half an year in the US and some time in Romania so i guess i can give you some comparison info. What you wanna know?

>> No.13517377

Same but I'm South East Asia. The American dream is that you have to be asleep, to believe it. Also too many niggers and retarded 56% in America.

Congrats on your awakening OP.

>> No.13517969

>ITT burger has honeymoon period leaving his homecountry for the first time
>up next: burger realizes a third world shithole aint all that great and goes back home

>> No.13518529

Ask for ass pic and post it

>> No.13518862

es una puta dumb gringo

>> No.13518879
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This is why we can´t have nice things.

>> No.13519028

pic is full of shit

>> No.13519049

Imagine if all you had to do to "make it" is spread your wow-hole for some chubby nerd from 4chan. No wonder these third world girls are so giddy

>> No.13519240

>American leaves America for the first time
>What?! Women can be attractive and people aren't all fat and food is actually good for you?!?!?!?!

>> No.13519263

Literally has moron on the map

>> No.13519291

Apa khabar bang

>> No.13519327
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I laughed but in all seriousness our food is fine. Our people are just hedonistic dummies that eat compulsively because of low-IQ hoarding instinct. It's a cultural problem (fat acceptance movements don't help obviously)

>t. eats nothing but fast food but is in good shape because I eat maintenance calories and run my dog around the block at least once a day

>> No.13519380

Nah our people suck. When I first ventured from the USA for the first time I felt the same way. It will take you some time to come to grips with this but America is a cultural wasteland and a heap of shit. Patriotism is a lie used to keep you enslaved. This country sucks. Leave while you can.

>> No.13519386

Kuala lumpur or kuantan