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File: 585 KB, 1783x1456, ace-seeds-purple-haze-thai-cannabis-marijuana-semena-konopi-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13499700 No.13499700 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13499716
File: 136 KB, 1024x640, up-and-coming-cannabis-strains-tina2-1024x640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

personally i cannot wait for it to become legal in the western world.

Nothing is less degenerate and more patrician than working hard all week to enjoy a nice smoke on your days off, eat good food, listen to good music, and have fun with your loved ones

>> No.13499730

hopefully never, the street price would crash.

>> No.13499738

i hate drug dealers. most are unprofessional and just generally dirty and scummy

>> No.13499743

its on its way

>> No.13499752

honestly cant wait desu

i get drug tested now so cant smoke, but i miss it so much

theres no point hanging out with male friends without cannabis

>> No.13499758

europoor here been growing since 2011.
Cannot wait to turn hobby into profession

>> No.13499767

Canadian here, street dealers are still miles better than the government

>> No.13499777

>trusting gangsta wiggas with something you ingest in your body

no thanks

>> No.13499789

you're never gonna make it kid

>> No.13499797

already made it just need weed to be legal

>> No.13499798
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I can buy it across the street in a coffeeshop

>> No.13499823
File: 165 KB, 420x420, C3B83867-87D9-41ED-8708-57C0B8083187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I capitalize on this? Assuming I had 1 million cash available,what would be the most profitable business to open?

Dispensery/shop that sells bud and edibles or buy land and start growing?

>> No.13499829

checked only going to dispensaries

>> No.13499841

unironically imagine the smell

>> No.13499868


yeah it can get pretty bad in the summer kek

>> No.13499905

industry will never explode. weed only cool and profitable when suppressed or in black market. Oregon (USA) currently having hard time finding buyers for their legal weed due to overproduction and sales slowing down. much of supply returning to black market.

>> No.13499911

cannabis users are lazy degenerates

>> No.13499937

saw my first medical card lastnight actually. cute ass girl had it haha. i legit need it for meds and cant get it =/

>> No.13499952

i know culinary is the best way for wagies to get into the door so probably some sort of food/bev/hospitality gig

>> No.13499959

Never, because Schizophrenia is very real.

>> No.13499964

yeah to little faggots who cant handle their shit

>> No.13499970

I live in the county where most of America's weed is grown and trust me. The street price has not crashed

>> No.13499978

the soft gull of some young brains hurting the cause man :[

>> No.13499985

You're a retard, it could happen to anyone. it can take 25 years or the toke on one joint.

>> No.13499992
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Tfw coffeeshop 50m down the street

>> No.13500017

its worth the risk. life's boring without weed

people go insane without any drugs

>> No.13500036

People don't, in fact when you grow up and realise youre missing out on life when you get high don't come crying here shitting up the board with DUDE WEED LMAO.

>> No.13500046

Enjoy paying double for the same thing

>> No.13500069
File: 15 KB, 300x230, 300px-Dilated_pupils_2006_(cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to be a NEET who smoked weed and did other drugs and played counter strike

now i have a good job, lots of money, girlfriend, hobbies, lift weights and strong, competed in mma

I just fucking miss weed. theres nothing better than doing drugs with friends

Drugs enhance your life when used correctly

>> No.13500074

You need to go back

>> No.13500093

back to where? guaranteed ive been here longer than you reddit tourist anti-drug good goy fag

>> No.13500106

I though you were for real... Instead it's a larping faggot smfh

>> No.13500119

so smoke fucking weed!

>> No.13500128

youd be surprised lmao. i got lucky and did militant nofap.

i get drug tested at work.

>> No.13500144

Can someone redpill me on Schizophrenia?

>> No.13500148
File: 99 KB, 960x810, Xanaxtowers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smoking cannabis makes you stupid.
Anandamid, the bodys own cannabis molecule has uses. One use is giving you pleasure. By smoking cannabis, you abuse this pleasure system and become lazy and stupid.

They want you stupid.

>> No.13500174 [DELETED] 

It has to do with >>13500144

>> No.13500189

>wahh what is moderation


>> No.13500219

Taxes are v high, california has state excise tax, local excise tax, local sales tax and I think another state level tax. Comes out to around 34.25% in some cities, 29.25% in others, but its too high. You can get it lower if you (((register))) with the state government as a cannabis user.

You buy $150 dollars worth and your practically at $200 b/c of tax.

>> No.13500325

>Calling names on an anonymous beard growing forum.
How does this feel like?

>> No.13500380
File: 9 KB, 280x280, 1532252761894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a life altering debilitating mental illness.
You'll have to be on strong medication for the rest of your life to stop you slipping into an episode.
Episodes consist of following the commands of a voice you're hallucinating which guides you
through mundane daily tasks like eating, going to the loo, sleeping to running around thinking you're
saving the world and getting into trouble.
This medication can sedate you so you're permanently feeling tired and sluggish. Increases your
chances of heart disease, so its hard to exercise when you're feeling sluggish. Symptoms literally
fuck with your reality can range from visual and audible hallucinations to not being able to say
words properly (word salad). It fucking sucks, some people can live quite happily with it, these are
often known as psychics who claim to hear the dead, but if you're a danger to yourself or others
you'll get sectioned and put in hospital.

>> No.13500573

>getting offended on an online hentai forum

where did it all go wrong for you?

>> No.13500624

It won't. All the degenerate, trisomy 21 victims that want to smoke, eat and shove it up their ass already do it. There is no hidden demand that legalization will bring, much the same if heroin was legalized.

Your only hope if you have a vested interest in this idiot plant is with hemp but various industries will fight to curb that industry anyway.

>> No.13500645

ok high school

>> No.13500731

oh poor you!


>> No.13500776

Your body used to create its own vitamin C as well, only after citrus became so ubiquitous for millenia our bodies stopped producing it. Dogs still produce their own vitamin c.

With the same reasoning, and considering we've been using cannabis since the earliest days of civilization, we are currently, as a species, going through a period of endocannabinoid scurvy.

>wahh wat is moderation


>> No.13500832

No it’s fucking not, you have no clue what you’re talking about. That’s like saying that taking one single drag off a cigarette puts you at high risk for cancer

>> No.13500879

Smoking weed is degenerate no matter which way you want to put it.

t. Ex smoker of 15 years

>> No.13500893

No youre a fucking retard, get your facts fucking straight, I know of a person send to Broadmoor for life for having one toke of one joint. It's entirely brain chemistry so stop spreading disinfo you fucking faggot.

>> No.13500953

sounds like a stupid cunt to begin with

>> No.13500960
File: 1.93 MB, 1944x2592, IMG_20190426_105818379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw staying super duper stinky in stealth mode all in link and spending the next couple of seasons cultivating green gold at a legal operation where the gold rush is literally going into full swing while building muh stack as we all await mainnet & moonshot
Funny thing is that I sat next to one of only a couple of strangers who already knows about LINK: an investment broker who was watching a cannabis documentary on the flight.
>it is literally the next gold rush

>> No.13500980

You act like it's going to be so mainstream that everyone and their grandma will be doing it, just because it'll be made legal.
Fact is, it's just a hobby that has a decent size subculture, which will probably only slightly grow by legalization.
News flash: Lots of people just don't share your hobby. I know that's difficult for weed smokers to fathom.

>> No.13501018

You cannot compare vitamin c to endocannabinoids.

>> No.13501038

yeah, they watch reality tv or get drunk in pubs, or watch sportsball


>> No.13501053

Besides the shit meds, sound like being a modern day seer

>> No.13501071

if heroin was legal, then I would definitely grow some opium flowers. There is something about home made stuff that doesn't seem as sinister.

>> No.13501072

Don't criticize their hobbies, damn, I thought potheads were chill.
Anyway, my point is: There won't suddenly be hoards of converts. The people who will do it after legalization will be mostly the same group who already do it now, albeit they will do it more often and it will be less risky and cheaper. Converts will be minimal.
And forcing your hobby on everyone else is akin to religious leaders forcing their religion on others. Fucking play nice damnit.

>> No.13501082


you lost a trade anon? Wanna talk about it?

>> No.13501241


More like know what its like to be under chinese mind control.

>> No.13501280

If you were using just cannabis, you would be fine; however, many users have a linked addiction, preventing them from using cannabis in a healthy way for fear of slipping back into other unsavory habits (i.e. porn addiction, alchoholism, playing video games all day, etc.). While you could create a "safe" neural pathway for weed, chances are it's better for you to try to live clean and have the fewest dependencies possible. It's bad enough that you have a wired dependency on other humans for support, why would you try to make yourself reliant on anything more than necessary?

>> No.13501283


>> No.13501652

Have you tried buying Cresco Labs stock

>> No.13501822

I don't get the god damn fascination with weed. I tried it several times when I was younger and could never wrap my head around the hype

>> No.13502174

>trusting governments
thats right, drink your fluoride.

>> No.13502256

Based dub-trips poster
Fuck weed and fuck degens

>> No.13502264

Get a contract from the government to grow weed for them
Trips of truth

>> No.13502286

Buy ERBB and wait a couple years

>> No.13502299


>> No.13502645

>bored without drugs

>> No.13502656

Vitamin B3 megadoses are shown to cure all types of psychosis cases.

>> No.13502668

You are all fucking idiots.
Of course its going to explode and go mainstream.
ABinBev partnering with TilRay
Constellation buying Canopy

You think these multinational beverage corporations are doing this shit for fun?

>> No.13502680

Marijuana is not heroin!

>> No.13502686


>> No.13502690

>t. missin' his paut habit

>> No.13502693


In progress. It's going to take a while. Couple US states followed by all of Canada got the ball rolling. Now bunch more US states. EU's weed laws (in illegal countries) have been loosening up. Straya as well.

You don't have to buy off the street to buy from Canada's black market. There are headshops selling weed without a license under the counter all over the place. The mail order outfits still exist as well. This is because the legal rollout didn't legalize everything right away. If you want premade edibles or specific concentrates like shatter, you have to go black market still. Canadian government left the door wide open for black market to thrive in these early stages of legal roll out.

>> No.13502709

Where did you hear that? I live in Oregon and every dispensary has a line around the fucking block 24/7.

>> No.13502726

Hopefully never
Like we need more degenerate potheads getting all doped up on reefer

>> No.13502729

Non alcoholic marijuana infused soft drinks for faggots

>> No.13502756

cannabis is unironically better than alcohol

>> No.13502810
File: 207 KB, 800x600, WeedDude.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger plant that serves no purpose except to keep the white man passive from destroying the Jews and conquering the known world again.
How do I short this ?

>> No.13502949

Never. Millenials don't think weed is cool anymore. Only boomers smoke weed, and they are all about to die of lung cancer.

>> No.13503137

Marijuana is not heroin!

>> No.13503153

>I live in Oregon and every dispensary has a line around the fucking block 24/7.
lol no they dont. He's right, tons of this is going back into black market and shipped out of state

>> No.13503189
File: 206 KB, 991x672, 1543617333268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who else balls deep in ACB?

>> No.13503204

Better have a backup plan as the market gets glutted

>> No.13503215

I love in Oregon too and most shops are struggling to stay open.

>> No.13503290

Jesus christ when the fuck are you going to grow out of your middle school mentality and start selling mushrooms. You have zero balls.

>> No.13503303

psylocibin mushrooms
>doesn't make you a lazy retard
>mail order to your home from the DNM
>doesn't smell like burnt oil
>literally communing with ancestral entities
>food of the ancients
>makes you younger
>cures addictions
>sparks neurogenesis

A wholesome drug you can bring home to the family. I just gifted some to my hot milf friend for her 30th birthday.

>> No.13503325


>> No.13503341

damn its been years since my last trip, I think I am ready to try again but don't have the hookup. I am in a climate where they grow naturally so maybe I can forage some.

>> No.13503345

Upstart weed companies are glorious candidates for long-term puts.

>> No.13503354

it already did, you're buying bags

>> No.13503638

I see big aggro taking over & price plummeting to $9.99/oz at Trader Joe's in 2025

>> No.13503805

w8, link jesus is into hemp, the head tranny of Delphi is a hemp guy, is link jesus the head tranny of Delphi?

>> No.13504127


Not gonna happen that soon, if ever. It's too expensive to grow top-shelf bud for that kind of price.

>> No.13504157

Im gonna go pick some dank ones tomorrow, nothing beats dank shrooms

>> No.13504362


Normies can't withstand the power of shrooms. It should never be a recreational drug.

>> No.13504382

Only because potheads spend $65 on a 12 oz bottle of actual rotten fish shit.
It's a weed & big aggro has the resources & monsanto on their side. Wake up & get your degenerate head out of your ass (also take a shower you stinky hippy)

>> No.13505115


No, I was thinking of lighting expenses for the indoor grow ops, which generally produce the best bud. I forget what wholesale pound makes it unprofitable, but it's something like 600-700 or less would make it not worth it. I know about that fish shit product, kek, and you're a nigger.

>> No.13505356
File: 71 KB, 600x686, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yessuh massah