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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13485716 No.13485716[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I eat only food I like. cheeseburgers, pizza, chicken fingers, French fries, Mac and cheese, and other good stuff I like. and snacks like potato chips, Fritos, and others. I am not larping. I do like fruit though so I eat that. I like all types of fruits but I hate veggies. I just dont like veggies. is It ok that I unironically do not eat any veggies? will this really be that bad? I rarely drink alcohol and I don not smoke.

>> No.13485736

you'll be ok take vitamins n stuff

>> No.13485743

no. youre unironically going to die young. also you sound young, once you hit that metabolism slump at 30 youre going to be fat as fuck especially since i doubt you lift or exercise much at all otherwise you'd make better decisions about your diet. enjoy heart disease

>> No.13485763

I already take gummy vitamins each day

>> No.13485771

I never exercise but I'm not fat at all. in fact I am thin.

>> No.13486130

woah is this me

i'm manlet tier size and eat absolute dogshit food 24/7. NEVER veggies. not even tomato on burger.

chainsmoke also. RIP my heart

>> No.13486221

If you feel good with your diet why change? Warren buffet drinks 5 cokes a day

>> No.13486356
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Guys guys I think OP solved the heart disease problem: have good genetics and eat whatever you want. How did you do it OP? The whole world wants to know.

>> No.13486366
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First it was FUD finance advice and now diet advice.

>> No.13486400
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Vegetables are communist food. I'm not even joking.

Meat is the most nutrient dense food source on the planet. It has fat-soluble vitamins. Those things are very absorbable.

Vegetables have anti-nutrients (not even kidding) and their nutrition gets absorbed very poorly.

Remember that 26 y.o. Brazilian male model that collapsed and died on the runway a few days ago? He was vegan. His family was shocked because he "lived such a healthy lifestyle." Please. The slogan "Go vegan and die" isn't just a catchy phrase, it's true as fuck.

There's a vegan honeymoon phase for a lot of people, then they start degrading and aging much quicker than most people. A small percentage of people has a genetic disposition to be more efficient at extracting nutrients from plants (I believe I'm one of them), the rest gets fucked faster.

>> No.13486406

no retard you are going to die at like 46 with that diet eat some god damn broccoli

>> No.13486417

Theres a guy who has eaten nothing but Big Macs from McDonald's every day since like 1978 and he's still in good health. I think as long as your body isn't reacting horribly to your diet you'll be fine m8. I don't eat total garbage food but I don't eat gay healthy shit either and I seem to be doing fine at 31 and I'm still my high school weight.

>> No.13486437

>doing well at 31

>> No.13486452

Statistically you won't be as lucky as me when you're my age zoomer

>> No.13486468

you’re fucking retarded.
he collapsed since he didnt eat enough, probably since his career depends on him being skinny.
dont cherry pick stats.

>> No.13486883

Go fuck yourself, braindead vegan. Skinny 26 year olds don't just fucking die.

All the relevant stats are in my favor. And even if they weren't, fuck science. There's as many scientist cucks and bullshit studies as there are bullshit conclusions. Enjoy your communist demise.

>> No.13486905

the problem with all this processed sugar and refined carbs is that it causes INSULIN RESISTANCE and INFLAMMATION. if you arent fat now, you will be eventually as your resistance to insulin grows. you will die young.

>> No.13486926

Goys I don't think my metabolism is ever slowing down - I must be a super human

>> No.13486952

this plus diabetes which will eventually lead to erectile dysfunction

>> No.13486955

just because you arent overweight doesnt mean much. your brain does not do well off of junk food. if you are depressed or have anxiety or brain fog or a million other symptoms, changing your diet would most likely fix it.

think about how the human body has evolved to function. agriculture is fairly new. you arent supposed to be eating things with 1000x the amount of sugars from a natural fruit compounded into a fucking oreo with no fibers.

if you eat clean for a few weeks you will feel such a difference that you will NEVER go back and you will be disgusted at the sight of mountain dew and fast food

>> No.13486979
File: 115 KB, 1200x889, Food-Pyramid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right diabetes is caused by insulin resistance. notice how diabetes didnt even exist until modern society? its because people werent eating these foods stuffed with WAY more sugars that would ever be found in nature. your body doesnt know wtf to do with it so it fights back by building a tolerance to it, which in turn makes you need EVEN MORE so that the little bit that does get through the new built up resistance can cross the blood brain barrier and fuel your mind

tl;dr the food pyramid is a DISGUSTING FUCKING LIE created by food companies in the mid 1900s to sell more cereal and shit

>> No.13486985

I wouldn't be surprised if the vegan meme was orchestrated to slowly kill people off while the placebo effect convinces them they're healthy. Kinda like those retards who think you can eat air.

>> No.13486988

For me, its the McChicken

>> No.13486998

vegan is retarded. a good diet is not rocket science. just eat the foods that our ancestors ate that our body has evolved for fucking ever to process. a proper "diet" would look more paleo-ish. veggies, fruits, fish, wild game.

>> No.13487033

Meat is expensive though. You have to get organic grass-fed protein otherwise you’re still eating like shit. Whether it’s chicken, cheese, or eggs, get ready to pay twice the cost. While tofu costs like $2 for a large block, as well as a pound of edamame.

>> No.13487051

As long as you're eating non-processed meats and healthy fats you'll be fine. Veggies are mostly just a meme.


>> No.13487061

It's not really a placebo effect. Most people really do feel better the first few months on a vegan diet because they're cutting most of the junk like sugars, corn syrup etc alongside the meat. but they eventually become sickly when their body uses up their nutrient reserves.

>> No.13487086

>/biz/ - Business & Finance
this isn't your personal fucking blog you dumb nigger
god the jannies on this board are especially terrible

>> No.13487087

good! this way you avoid all the glyphosphate they spray on the crops. keep taking the multi gummy and maybe look into C60

>> No.13487148


I knew a guy like this. He only ate pasta with meat sauce for pretty much every meal. He ended up getting a severe vitamin deficiency that badly fucked up his face for a few years. It looked like he had something in between cystic acne, sores, and red hives all over his face

Whether or not this happens to you, you will be unhealthy on pretty much every level with your current diet even as a thin person. It's highly inflammatory, which is at the pathophysiological root of a huge range of diseases including depression, anxiety, ADD, alzheimers, muscle wasting, diabetes, etc, etc, etc. It's high in saturated fat--- get your cholesterol check because that's how you get clogged arteries that make you get a heart attack and poor blood flow to your desired boners. It's high calorie and low nutrition with rapidly absorbing carbs; say goodbye to your insulin sensitivity, natural growth hormone pulses, and longevity. High calorie diets, even if you don't put on fat, changes certain metabolic processes in the body that accelerate aging. One of the well described but poorly understood causes of longevity is a high-nutrition, low calorie diet (read: lots of vegetables).

Processed food and red meat in particular cause all manners of cancer as per the big WHO study that was published in the past few years. Anon, idk how old you are but this is the sort of shit that will make you look and feel a lot older faster. without rigorous to offset its effects, you can probably get away with it until you're 25 before you start to notice bad shit happening.

>> No.13487159

That will change when you get older if you keep the same habits.

>> No.13487165

Take the zerocarb carnivore OMAD Keto meditation yoga kundalini pill anon

>> No.13487261

>Processed food and red meat in particular cause all manners of cancer
Absolutely brainlet tier. The only thing bad about red meat is the anti-biotics and hormones they put in it, which can be avoided.

>> No.13487332

just trick yourself into loving salads by cutting out breads and finding delicious dressings, personally i love high quality vinegar + olive oil, or lemon-poppyseed dressing. Plus you throw some bacon and a hard-boiled egg on that bitch, you'll barely notice you're eating veggies at all.

>> No.13487336

>implying he died of veganism and not a steady diet of cocaine and ecstasy

>> No.13487396

Retards just eat a mixed diet, your body gets a little bit of everything. How the fuck is this hard

Meat eggs pasta and cheese taste good
Some Vegetables taste good, the greens taste good if you put a little bit of dressing and toppings on them
Fruit tastes god tier

If you eat a variety of shit your body can get everything it needs and shit out the rest it doesn’t. God damn you niggers are fucked

>> No.13487424

Why did you quote me? All I said is that veggies are non-essential which is true. Also your body doesn't need "a variety of foods". It needs certain nutrients and vitamins, all of which can be found in animal products. That doesn't mean you should never eat veggies. It just means you don't need to.

>> No.13487444

Vegetables/fruits definitely contain nutrients you can get in animal products, and vice versa

Humans evolved to eat tons of different shit and it’s why we are so advanced today. I’m just saying don’t mess with it, it’s worked so far

>> No.13487453

Just get your source of essential vitamins and fibre and you'll be ok

>> No.13488026

It is. Veganism is pushed by leftists under a false moral guise (save the environment fucking fascists!) and we all know that everything leftists push is from Satan.

I realized the insidiousness of what veganism really is, once I saw the results of long term vegans. It is literally designed and engineered as a bio weapon for whites so they become weak, get fragile bodies and destroy their reproductive health and are easier to conquer, replace and enslave. It's part of the NWO demographic warfare agenda. It's fucking evil shit.


Watch this video and you will change your perception of veganism forever.

>> No.13488041

These different diet cults are retarded as fuck. All the retards who are falling for the carnivore meme are just as obnoxious as vegans if not more.

>> No.13488046

you will die young if you don't change your diet. your choice. it's ok to want to live 60 instead of 200, for me it's fucking dangerous.

>> No.13488079

Everything in moderation and you’ll be just fine. Buy a ninja blender, Try fruit smoothies and sneak some spinach/kale in it. You won’t even notice it’s there. Win/win

>> No.13488083
File: 209 KB, 1080x1092, Screenshot_20180425-215740__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nurse in Eastern Europe here

I've seen more than 3 cases (that I remember) from young guys (23-29) that were malnourished because they ate like you (only fast food). And our fast food is considered to be much healthier than American fast food.

The biggest problem was brittle bones (lack of calcium, hypocalcemia) and the associated lack of magnesium.

2 of the guys came in with broken bones just sitting at their computers or falling a hilarious small distance, like from their sofas.

Second most important was manic and neurological damage, neurotic behaviours stemming from lack of fruit vitamins

one of the guys was legit hallucinating and hurt himself, and only started caring when the blood loss caused him not to be able to balance on his two feet, so he called the ambulance

The doctors also told them that they've set themselves up for colon cancer in a few years, the deadliest and most painful form of cancer.

Do you sleep a restless sleep and otherwise feel exhausted? Do your hands feel like not as accurate as they used to be, especially when you play videogamea? Do you have tremors?

If you want to keep your current lifestyle, eat some oranges, pears and berries (strawberries, blueberries) like 3 or 4 times a week. Douse them in whipped cream and honey if you want, they're delicious anyway.

Lack of fruit is deveneratively unhealthy.

>> No.13488094

Veggies and fruits are overrated. You don't NEED either.
Also don't fall for Macronutrient x is bad. Just don't fucking eat too much and get a bit of everything.
What a pile of bullshit.
>Fruit vitamins
Imagine being this retarded. You don't need fruit you fucking Fructose faggot.

>> No.13488095

Hopefully I’ll be better at math...or remember when I was born...

>> No.13488096

>realize preparing just meat is incredibly easy - literally up to 4 minutes of cooking
>eat delicious meat all day
>be healthy
Drop the pasteurized diary and all plant-derived processed foodstuffs you mentioned. The meat is the good part of what you eat.

>> No.13488098

Flip that image dumbass...

>> No.13488101

>fruit vitamins
Get some delicious organ meats like liver for vitamins

>> No.13488103
File: 85 KB, 863x1059, based.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> lack of fruit vitamins

>> No.13488105

You’re an idiot. Kys

>> No.13488122

mfw my father and grandfather grew up in a mountainous region and all they ate all their life were flour products, meat and milk&cheese. My grandfather has probably never eaten a fruit in his life. Died at 92, motherfucker was strong as a bull. I myself have always disliked fruits probably because no one in my family ate them and I'm still healthy and athletic.

>> No.13488124

veggies are nutritionless anyway.
vegies are healthy is a marketing scheme.
you don't need veggies at all.
fruit is full of sugar
most of the nutrients of veggies are not absorbable. or at rates like 1/32th of plant vitamin can be converted. compared to when you eat animal based products, you convert everythign thats in there.

fruit is mostly fresh water and sugar.
you dont eat fruit for vitamin and mineral content. its a scam.

>> No.13488128

top fukn kek

>> No.13488131

Nah it's not evil. It'll help the Whites in the long run. You realize there's 750 million Whites in the world? If the weakest 250 million all died off, we would be so much better off. The most aggressive, racially ideological Whites would be left. All non-Whites, commies, etc would then get an imaginable beat down.

>> No.13488133

there are fruits that are fine, like elderberries, or cranberries perhaps. But those don't really taste that good.

>> No.13488134

Absolutely fucking based and red pilled.

>> No.13488138

Fruits are shit. Anything with Fructose is shit

>> No.13488143
File: 22 KB, 661x315, Old+froots+likely+first+cultivated+around+7000+years+ago+in_9f076c_5931905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nurses confirmed for brainwashed.

> fruit vitamins.

you can't obsorb these.
its a scam.
also fruit we have now is man made.
400 years ago a banana was a sour shittly green piece of shit, pic related is how bananas used to look like. you couldn't even eat that shit properly.

veganism is a death cult and a scam.
I eat mostly meat and some fruit.

>> No.13488180

Enjoy being fat and dead.

>> No.13488182

How do you feel about mushrooms?

>> No.13488190

>getting scurvy in 2019

>> No.13488194

>a little bit of everything
>I must drink delicious semen to have a balanced diet of everything

>> No.13488213

scurvey is a meme.

if you eat only quality meats and animal products you are healthy and don't get anything.

also salmonella is a joke.
I had salmonella from eating 10 raw egs in one go. there was shit and blood on the scales. I ate em raw. I know, stupid of me.

I got some salmonella but it was just a day of shitting and some stomach upsets.

salmonella is a joke
any disease they say you can get from raw joke are laughable at best. sure you can die, if you are weak.

fear mongering.

>> No.13488215

>business and finance
fuck off /ck/

>> No.13488225

>scurvey is a meme.
you wrote
>I eat mostly meat and some fruit.
If it's a meme, then why do you eat fruit?
It's cause you know it's not a meme and you can't get Vitamin C from animal products.

>> No.13488228

maybe he just likes the fucking taste of fruit? why are beta fruittards so fucking retarded?

>> No.13488233

Where do you get your Vitamin C then, a multivitamin?

>> No.13488240

no, its a meme. You don't need vitamin C when you eat only animal products.



once you stop eating shit like veggies and fruit. You stop the requirement for needing lots of vitamin C. and the requirements can be met with the low vitamin c contents available in meat.

Vitamin C was yet another jew marketing scheme. just like the whole vegan movement is. just a trick to part you of your shekels. with the added benifit that your mind gets weak and delusional from all those plant toxins and malnutrition.

want to know why I still eat fruit?

because i'm a sugar addict still.

>> No.13488263

how the fuck do I know? All I know is I've been healthy and athletic all my life even though I hate fruit and don't like veggies that much. That being said I never liked sweets and junkfood that much either. I mostly eat meat, cheese, and flour/cereal products.

>> No.13488267

Holy fucking shit, you're just as braindead as a vegan.
>muh vegans
>muh vegans
>fruits and veggies are a jewish trick

>want to know why I still eat fruit?
>because i'm a sugar addict still.
You might as well be a vegan that occasionally has a steak yet brags about how great veganism.

>> No.13488269

oh and I forgot butter. I love butter. Butter is absolutely based.

>> No.13488274

>you're just as braindead as a vegan.
nice projecting. the only braintard replies in this thread are yours. You buy into anything you read.

bet you also think you can get sick from being cold. lmao

>> No.13488283

>flour/cereal products
Like what?
>how the fuck do I know?
Why the fuck don't you know?
How retarded must one be to not examine their diet to ensure they're getting all that they need?
Are you truly vain enough to think you just lucked out in having the correct diet?

>> No.13488287

>i hate vegans
>i know I'll be just as obnoxious but as a carnivore
>haha yeah, fuck you vegetable and fruit eaters!

>> No.13488295

Are you by any chance a former vegan?

>> No.13488298

Do you feel healthy? If so you're probably fine going with what your gut tells you to eat to be honest. But adding a few vegetables into your meals might be good. There are tasty ways to eat vegetables, doesn't have to be raw lettuce or celery sticks or whatever. Think roasted asparagus or caramelized brussel sprouts or French onion soup or something.

>> No.13488302

Just done this. Do this.

>> No.13488323

>Like what?
Pasta, oat flakes and some traiditional dishes. Kind of like dumplings but filled with cheese.
>How retarded must one be to not examine their diet to ensure they're getting all that they need?
>Are you truly vain enough to think you just lucked out in having the correct diet?
What the fuck are you talking about? Vanity? Why the fuck would I look for a problem if there has never been a problem in the first place? I was never malnutritioned in my life and I was literally a high level athlete during high school.

>> No.13488326

>Some animal products, including liver, muktuk (whale skin), oysters, and parts of the central nervous system, including the adrenal medulla, brain, and spinal cord, contain large amounts of vitamin C, and can even be used to treat scurvy. Fresh meat from animals which make their own vitamin C (which most animals do) contains enough vitamin C to prevent scurvy, and even partly treat it. In some cases (notably French soldiers eating fresh horse meat), it was discovered that meat alone, even partly cooked meat, could alleviate scurvy. Conversely, in other cases, a meat-only diet could cause scurvy.

>> No.13488329

For myself in I prefer like
40% carbs
20% meat
20% vegetables
10% dairy
5% fruits
5% sweets

Fruits and vegetables are different categories in my opinion, and also I abstain from soda.

>> No.13488332
File: 70 KB, 952x624, lmaobiz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I experimented with the "only have two days of meat per week for optimal health and saving the environment" meme and I also experimented with fasting.

I did about half a year of limiting meat and the last month I did 2 days of meat per week. I honestly didn't really know I felt like shit. it's really strange, yes I was a bit lazy but I just felt "fine".

Then I found a video about carnivore and it was so counter what I had been told for years. Knowing this is clown world. I decided to try and eat a completely raw bloody steak from the organic farm in town.

I ate that steak after months of low meat consumption. 10 minutes later. I started feeling bliss, joy, I felt high. Yes I got fucking high from eating that raw steak because I had malnurished myself so long. that's when it hit me. MEAT is what you NEED.

I went pure raw carnivore for 2 months and gained back all that weight and strength I lost.
I felt amazing.

Now I'm just a animal based eater not raw. although I stll like my steak bloody raw inside.

my take on fasting ( i experimented with much longer ):

don't do it if you aren't fat.
Just skipp your breakfast.
eati when you are hungry.

>> No.13488339 [DELETED] 

Not only is Vechain shit it's also a Chinese product. Don't ever get yourself involved with anything that is Chinese. Chinese people are scammers, always.

>> No.13488344

I stand corrected, yet the products which have vitamins C further you as an inverted-vegan
>nah man just eat livers, whale skin and horse meat dude.

>> No.13488352

There's nothing wrong with eating liver and sea food. Liver is one of the most nutrient dense foods that you can buy in a most supermarkets. I'm not big on the carnivore diet. I just think a lot of so called conventional wisdom is misinformed.

>> No.13488383

Well I'm sorry for being so abrasive, for the most part I agree in having a high meat diet.
Indeed, fish is the true redpilled food as it is high in Omega-3 and very good for brain development.
I eat Salmon every day and my memory and cognition has never been better.

But I'm not going to avoid plants just because I have contempt for veganism.

>> No.13488405

I agree. That's why I asked the other anon if he used to be vegan. I find there's a certain type of person who's attracted to extreme diets, whether it's vegan or carnivore or the fad diet of the year. They jump around from one to another looking for the silver bullet to solve all of their health issues. Generally I think a meat based Paleo + dairy diet is the most logical diet, but the most important part is just cutting the bad stuff out (e.g. sugar and processed crap).

>> No.13488880

> ctrl+F "Fiber"
>1 result

Dont take diet advice from a bunch of young people on /biz/. Not a single person has mentioned fiber. You need fiber in your diet for healthy digestion. Fiber comes from cellulose, the material that composes the cell-walls of all plant cells. Since you cant digest fiber well, it acts as an internal scrub brush that cleans your intestines and prevents little bits of semidigested food becoming lodged into your colon and rotting inside your body. For example, Diverticulitis is a common symptom for people who dont eat enough vegetables. It's caused by literal shit becoming lodged into your intestine and getting covered up with scar tissue.

Additionally, although you cannot digest cellulose, the microbiome of trillions of bacteria in your gut can. The healthier your microbiome, the better your digestion, the less your chance of digestive system related ailments.

Ask any fucking doctor. Dont take advice from these morons.

>> No.13488970

>You need fiber in your diet for healthy digestion.
you have been jewwed. this is not true.

> Since you cant digest fiber well, it acts as an internal scrub brush
Fiber can't be digested. that's why you shit it out. that's why people get chronic constipation. they eat to much fiber. You don't need fiber at all.

> Additionally, although you cannot digest cellulose, the microbiome of trillions of bacteria in your gut can.

no you can not.

> Ask any fucking doctor. Dont take advice from these morons.
he thinks titles mean anything.

>> No.13488976

enjoy your cancer

>> No.13489268

>he thinks he's a cow