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13457191 No.13457191 [Reply] [Original]

Why be a wagie when you can join the military? Its like being a wagie, but you do more interesting things and get paid about the same but with incredible benefits that last a lifetime. They pay for college, your house, if you live on base you get free food and board, free lasik, veteran benefits after you leave and much more. Plus it looks amazing on your resume after you leave.

>> No.13457202

Been there, done that - your head is obviously full of recruiter lies.
t.usaf vet

>> No.13457216

>recruiter lies
Is it not as good as they say? I would figure it would be a better alternative than waging for several years.

>> No.13457218

If you're not a mason you'll be miserable. If you are, you should kill yourself.

>> No.13457229

It's a good opportunity to get certified in a technical civilian trade and grab a security clearance. GI bill is legit.

Everything else is gay as fuck though. I did 6 years and didn't think twice about getting out.

>> No.13457237

>Everything else is gay as fuck though
Can you elaborate?

>> No.13457269

It's not horrible, the af & navy are ok, if you're a tough dummy go marines, avoid the army.
Truth is it is wageslaving but you can't tell your boss to fuck off or quit without getting the ucmj thrown at you.
Vet bennies are weak, pay is weak but you have room & board. Lots of pussy in af too.
Do 4 years while you're young but get into something that translates to real world employability in case you dont re-up.
Also, af will weed people out in basic. We had 60 in our wing in the beginning of basic & 40 made it through. The navy won't kick you out, they'll just make you scrape paint & barnacles with niggers for the rest of your enlistment.
Make sure your record is fully disclosed if you have one & shut up & fit in at basic & you'll be ok

>> No.13457308

Let's go join the space force biz bro
We gonna be flying X wings and Tie fighters and shieet
We gonna go colonize andromeda and shieet
Top kek!

>> No.13457310

Doing it for college because I fucked up the first time and blew all my scholarship money. Will try to get a pilot's license for cheap while I'm in if my AFSC isn't flying related.

I doubt I'll try for 20 even if I go Officer though.

>> No.13457312

Also, if you sign up for certain careers you can get some really nice signing bonuses (not just in pay but rank etc) i finished basic as an e3 & got 10k after finishing school... but had a min 6 yr enlistment.
again make sure it is something that translates into civilian life too.

>> No.13457332

Except it's literally like being in prison lol.

>> No.13457352

It's self explanatory and comprehensive. Everything that isnt explicitly job related is incredibly gay as fuck. Ask anybody who finished an enlistment and they will tell you the same thing.

>> No.13457376

It's nothing like being in prison. I worked 5 days a week 8 (6) hours a day and has 2 days off. Even when living in base dorms for the first year there was an excessive amount of idle time to do whatever you wantes.

I have also been in juvenile hall and county jail, so I can compare the experience.

If being in the af was like being in jail, it would not be full of women and white extremely Christian men.

>> No.13457394

Like what? The hillbillies that bitch about not having an Arbee's in town? That was pretty tiresome. The general cheetos & mountain dew mentality? We didnt have any gays that I knew about (they kept that way down-low when I was in, dont ask dont tell days) The cheesedickery of CO's was kinda gay. Being in stationed in New Mexico was boring at times, but not gay.
Mebbe you were in the Navy? That's really gay, with all of your cute outfits & jerk off contests?

>> No.13457408

Most bluepilled shit I've seen in a while

>> No.13457464

>Ceremonies at the base theater
>Briefings at the base theater
>PT profiles
>The Jargon
>Mandatory Fun
>Remedial Training because someone else fucked up
>The occasional SJW that always gets their way

What else?

>> No.13457489

>Women in leadership positions
>Women in general
>Non-prior officers
>Not allowed to fight people that deserve to get the shit kicked out of em

>> No.13457492

Agreed on all points

>> No.13457506




>> No.13457514

doesn't sound that bad

>> No.13457524


You get vacced the shit out of you

>> No.13457532

You have 2 troops going up for promotion. One is highly competent and intelligent, the other is total garbage in every way. The garbage troop is a mason. Guess who gets promoted.

>> No.13457535

If you a mindless drone, yes
It is a good gig

>> No.13457545

It doesn't sound that bad until you have to drop your mission critical task to go participate in nonsense because someone said so. It doesn't sound that bad until you're doing this shit all the damn time.

>> No.13457569

That being said, it's not as big of a problem in the army. But in the army, you're going to be constantly deployed or doing field training for weeks at a time. Basically you won't have much of a life.

>> No.13457578
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>mindless drone
I mean half that shit you'll find in any average work setting
>Mandatory Fun
>Remedial Training because someone else fucked up
>The occasional SJW that always gets their way

the rest of those are good for your well being or i dont understand (masons, cbt's)

>> No.13457602

You don't understand what exercises are either.

>> No.13457634

I also left out security forces aka MPs, who will literally give you a speeding ticket for going 1mph over the limit in post and hassle you every way they can. And the fact that you'll have 0 privacy and people are constantly trying to find ways to fuck you over and get you kicked out. You're constantly getting threatened with bullshit for every little thing thing even if you weren't even involved. If you were, they fuck you hard. They pry into every aspect of your life, even if you live off post.

>> No.13457677

and if you get kicked out as enlisted you get a dishonorable discharge. good luck getting employment after that. imagine a guy that goes to war and does a tour and gets a purple heart, doesnt want to go back and gets dishonorable discharge and cant get employment

>> No.13457715

Only if you fuck up catastrophically, most times its uncharacterized separation or simply a discharge

>> No.13457727

If you want to roll around in the mud with niggers & shit in a hole in the ground join the army.
Army is low IQ niggers, pooskins & white trash

>> No.13457728

That might be true for some branches but in the Air Force they will go out of their way to look for shit they can use to kick you out.

Of course, that's the average culture. You might get lucky and be in a good unit.

>> No.13457742

It all depends on the career field. Less darkies in combat MOS's, and next to none in special forces. You're not going to find a lot of black folks in careers where you need to swim.

>> No.13457748

I've worked with the army a lot. You'd be surprised how wrong you are.

>> No.13457761

I know I'm a usaf vet, the witch hunts were real & crazy.

>> No.13457774

Army is still the lowest asvab scores for entry & af is highest. Let's be real, it's an easy test

>> No.13457780

Yeah now my brain is all fucked great benefits

>> No.13457787

>The navy won't kick you out, they'll just make you scrape paint & barnacles with niggers for the rest of your enlistment
Truth, the Navy is fucking obsessed with this

>> No.13457799

That doesn't account for the culture of each branch though. The way the Army approaches leadership and teamwork is much better than the Air Force. I'm not saying the army doesn't have intolerable fuck ups, it's just a culture that at least attempts to value more honorable traits. That being said, it's still miserable and the army makes their NCOs live in their shitty barracks. Emphasis on shitty.

>> No.13457801
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>brain is all fucked
if youre dumb enough to do bottom tier army and muhreen positions then your brain wasn't going anywhere to begin with

>> No.13457810

I thought about this once more

Then I decided against it again

Being a retail wageslave is probably better

>> No.13457859

Very true.