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File: 7 KB, 259x194, dddooit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13448968 No.13448968 [Reply] [Original]

i am looking at death crime or homelessness & homelessness will lead to suicide or crime in t-9 days & i dont know wtf to do

> made it thought i was top shit destroyed all my life lines relationships lost it all ATM i have $2 a shiitty dell PC a pack of rice & 3 sticks of butter in my name

if you reach the point of contemplating suicide you should try your hand at crime first right?

>> No.13448978

>made it
>top shit
explain your story in detail you nigger. how did you make it, how did spend it, how did you fall off

>> No.13448979

I've been homeless for six months. It's pretty fun desu

>> No.13448986

Get a job

>> No.13449011

made it = financial independence

You never made it. Now go look for a job to keep yourself afloat while you get back on track.

>> No.13449024


nigger i spent the last 3 months TRYING TO GET A JOB any fucking job scrubbing toilets picking up garbage flipping burgers EVERYTHING & now i cant even afford to leave my city to try looking for more

try doing that in a 2nd world eastern eorpen country

>> No.13449032

eastern European country

>> No.13449390

>living in a meme tier Europoor city full of terrorists, onions boys and other weirdos
fucking NEVER

>> No.13449681

If you get caught doing crime you get to live in a fancy retreat with other winners, all paid for by the wageslaves of society. You either live the Kerouac dream as a homeless wanderer or the Maoist dream of living in an all-expenses paid resort. Or you become a high profile drug dealer and bang lots of extremely attractive women. I don't see many downsides to any of these plans desu

>> No.13449771

I do it in 4th world canuckistan, probably even harder here.

>> No.13449793

You probably lost all your money thanks to your butter addiction, wtf OP

>> No.13449802

I'd never hire anyone named Johnbutterbutterbutterny, get fucked op

>> No.13449831

i wish i had enemies or had hate for humanity as a whole because i already im going to KMS next week & if i had enemies or hated SOCIETY i would've made news next week

>> No.13449919

Go to your local church and ask them for work.

>> No.13450360

still alive?

>> No.13451247



It's not the 1950's anymore. Have fun getting thrown out by security

>> No.13451279

>church security
The hell is going on in your country?

>> No.13451289

stop being poor and get a real education and a real job. Nobody likes people who complaining about their problems but do nothing to resolve them. Pathetic.

>> No.13451306
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Most churches nowadays are social clubs meant to generate revenue

>> No.13451401

Every church worth going to has a security staff now.

>> No.13451564
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its time to suck dicks for money. I suggest sugar daddy sites.

you're on 4chan so that makes you bi-sexual at least.

get a hair trimmer and trim chest real short and shave balls and crotch. get a close shave and a cute beiber haircut.

Pro-tip; some drugs make you guy and make gay experiences nice (weed i suggest)

>> No.13451572

>some drugs make you gay
Weed lowering your testosterone doesn't make you gay.

>> No.13451579

weed makes you gay. Its still too early to discuss this. too soon, BUT in a few years time everyone will be talking about it

>> No.13451588

lmao greentext your day please

>> No.13451605

>morning routine
>stealing dog food from local stray dogs shelter
>morning jog thanks to stray dogs chasing him for stealing their food

>> No.13451607

why are you kysing?

>> No.13451621


Yeah, you're clearly retarded so whatever you do, you will make your life hell it seems. Find a patch of unused ground, start growing food on it.

>> No.13451623

Bring down some local tycoons. Like make a list and hope to get as far as possible.

>> No.13451630

>substances that lower inhibitions pull people out of the closet
It's been smoked long enough for people to notice whether or not millions of people suddenly turned gay.

>> No.13451639

dude i see nothing of value in my future i literally just woke up & spent 30 mins going over reasons why i should keep on living & found NON i cant feed ,myself the only pleasures in life is in my dreams & masturbation & i cant even jack off because losing all those serotonin by cuming will put me in even more of a depressed state

>> No.13451659

when you're most pleasurable dream iss about getting the most basic plate of food food so bland dogs in 1st world country will will only eat it if they starving you now you reach rock bottom

>> No.13451672

You have to stop masturbating. You don't have to quit cold turkey, but try to lower it to like three times a week, then twice, then once, and it'll be easier to quit.
Find something to preoccupy you. Preferably doing something with your hands other than fapping, like a craft.
Shit, try dancing, get some exercise, do stretches every day. Fill your routine with shit to do so your mind doesn't wander to porn. Going out and socializing is also great.
Don't define yourself as someone who mopes over the perceived chemical imbalance in their brain, that's what literally all roasties on social media with "anxiety" do all day.

>> No.13451710
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Same. I have colitis, and because I've missed so much work due to it, I've lost my job as of yesterday. There's zero welfare available for the incontinent in the UK, so I will soon be a thief or dead. Going to spend my last few quid on vodka and just sit here until the world collapses around me. Fuck all else I can do. I'm in hell, scared half to fucking death.

>> No.13451718

>try dancing,

did you just tell a homeless guy to start dancing. Nigga this fool dont even have money to buy bread let alone dancing lessons

get into drugs nikka.

>> No.13451732

>Shit, try dancing exercise, do stretches every day. Going out and socializing is also great.

dude my diet is rice & egg or rice & butter most of the days i dont have the energy to walk around looking for work muchless exercise & shit

socialize i tried asking someone i thought was a close "friend" not for money or food or anything letting him know my situation & to be on the lookout for anyone hiring this nigger laughed at how low i have fallen & blocked me on EVERYTHING socialize with who niggerr i spend weeks trapped in my own mind

>> No.13451734

>Going to spend my last few quid on vodka and just sit here until the world collapses around me.
Wouldn't that just make your condition worse?
Have you tried removing foods from your diet that may be causing irritation, such as dairy (you may be lactose intolerant)?
Will the NHS offer you any assistance?

>> No.13451744

>blocked me on EVERYTHING

classic friend move. they all fuck off when you need them the most

>> No.13451752

btw... interestingly, as a lifelong atheist, I'm now I suppose... 'seeking' god. I mean, I've never believed in the thing and for the life of me can't convince myself to have 'faith', but I think it is and has always been the case that when people are very, very stressed, we turn to religion. We search for a saviour, someone who has all the answers. Where this gets interesting is when you realise that we always seek out the same kind of person. A person with a certain type of personality, or 'spirit', who will basically tell us that everything will be OK.
When enough people are as stressed as us, and I think that day is coming soon, I believe a Jesus-type figure will return to earth, the 'second coming' will happen simply because so many of us are desperately searching for and attempting to elect one. Nothing paranormal about it, it's just a part of human psychology during times of immense stress. Like being an Israeli living under Roman occupation and fearing crucifixion, increasingly the world is becoming an unbearable place, and eventually we'll all support someone who will take us in a completely different direction.
Reason I post all of this is that I think he has already been here, the second coming I mean, and his name was Alan Watts. If you're ever so stressed that you are legitimately on the verge of suicide, his hundreds of hours of lectures on youtube might just give you a sufficiently different direction in life that you manage to continue hacking your way through this catastrophic fucking shitshow we call life.
>make condition worse?
definitely. but who cares? my life is now the room in which i'm sat, and nothing more. I have no purpose and no income. Just this room, poverty and disease.
The NHS has nothing more to offer. After 18 years with this disease, all medications have failed. As for diet, I've been on an absurdly restricted diet for almost 2 decades. I've already done all I can in that arena, and it's nowhere near enough.

>> No.13451763

At least dancing makes sense. Maybe he can make and sell diamond jewelry from his cardboard box house too. It's the suggestion that fapping is even capable of causing problems that is so laughable. Just don't touch your weiner bro. I swear you get laser vision and can talk to animals.

>> No.13451772

youre a liar.
go sleep rough for 1 night and repost this
>former long term homeless
>not even 1/500+ other rough sleepers I met were above suicidal during that time
>every one of them didnt think it 'would be so bad' until they had to live it

>> No.13451777

make your way to California. You won't go to jail for petty crime. some dudes on market street in SF pay for stolen goods. you will see em out there by U.N. building.

>> No.13451778

i think he will soon be able to talk to animals. his thinking is starting to get psychotic

check this

>> No.13451784

I meant just dancing in general as a form of expression and therapy, not going out and paying for classes or something. Idk, do fucking graffiti, make pottery or art out of mud, literally do anything that gets you to stop living in your head.

Okay, well start with cutting down on masturbation.
I'm serious about the stretching too, that will likely help your mental condition because it releases endorphins. You also need to do something that lets you know you're making progress and some sort of personal improvement, even if it's something as mundane as flexibility. I've heard that meditation helps if you've got schizoid tendencies as well. Hell, just read books at the public library. The internet is too distracting and too overstimulating.

In regards to the nigger who cut you off. You have to look at the interaction you had with him pragmatically. Is he a complete asshole or did you say something that made you come off as crazy? Because right now you sound borderline schizophrenic, the lack of punctuation is a HUGE red flag.

>> No.13451800
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>btw... interestingly, as a lifelong atheist, I'm now I suppose... 'seeking' god

fucking this i was i a militant atheist from the time i found the internet & over the last 5 month waking up everyday wishing for death & feeling true suffering i have some how gotten spiritual in a stoic buddhist life is suffering way

i said here i dont feel i have anything to live for but that finding peace & meaning in suffering is the only thing that is holding me together right now that

>> No.13451805


are you a heroin addict or something? why don't you just move back in with your parents?

as for "trying your hand at crime", successful criminals are usually smart and plan things out. People who commit crime out of desperation are nigger-tier and just end up in jail.

>> No.13451815


Don't spend your money on vodka anon.
And I have a diet for you
breaktfast: oats (at some berries, but no milk, its bland but you will get used to it) and some cheese,meat or bacon and eggs.
Lunch: cheese, meat, beans or some other high protein source (get atleast 30 grams) and some veggies (soup (make sure there is not much sugar in it), spinach, or something els)
if you insist on having a snack buy carrots, nuts and apples just in case.
For diner: Rice, veggies and chicken.
Also run 2-3x a week. start with 1 mile and try to build up to 3. eventually incorporate sprints once a week, and do 1 long run (8 miles) and 1 short run (3 miles) a week. also start of with calistenics everyday. Its not that hard anon, you just have to start of very slowly.

>> No.13451817


getting into jail might actually not be such a bad idea for him. its probably better than being homeless.

>> No.13451822

>oats, cheese, rice
They would kill me within a week. A spoonful of complex carbs and I'm bleeding internally. Thanks anyway, but i've spent decades researching dietary approaches and the only effective diet I've used in 18 years of having this disease, is this one...

>> No.13451826

I'm probably in no position to give you life advice, seeing as how it appears you've had this condition for around as long as I've been alive, but I don't think you should give up so easily. I think you should keep trying to find ways to improve your condition and overall life even if it brings you to madness, because madness is a whole lot more enjoyable than depression.
Who knows what kind of turn your life may take? At least try not to make things worse in case you find hope in the future.
Shit, at least smoke weed instead.

>> No.13451831

my father is dead & my mother one of those leftist brain washed strong independent type who abandoned me at 2 to travel around Europe taking dick so i have no life lines left

only Drug i every touched was LSD 2 months ago & met god wwhen i took it to get courage to drow myself but i met god & he told me to live a stoic life & ill find meaning but up to now i cant get back on my feet

>> No.13451850


You have my sympathies, anon. Bowel diseases are pure nightmarish hell.

>> No.13451852

oh shit so what happened i was looking for the follow up thread. Create it. Last time you were about to go to work being sick and afraid of shitting everywhere. How did it turn out? You made it until yesterday?
You HAVE to talk to the welfare department about your situation.

>> No.13451861

you have to move where there is work anon. Or maybe you're just mentally ill / suffer from addiction like the majority of homeless

>> No.13451872
File: 324 KB, 405x424, DS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let me throw you a bone.

In your country Depression is classed as a disability if i recall correctly. go see a doctor and explain to him all you said here. and explain your wish to be put on welfare

you will depression teseted every few years i think. (plenty of time for you to google sympthoms and fake it)

hopefully you'll be put on welfare for decades

>> No.13451877

The plant has been smoked before but not at this levels of purity and with the chemicals we have in them. What is smoked in the street is no where near the same as what they had 40 years ago. Also hippies where gay.

>> No.13451903

i'm 40, malnourished, and shitting pure blood 30 times a day. B12 deficiency due to intestinal damage has left me so weak it's hard to blink. it's over. i'm am finished.
>You made it until yesterday?
hey dude. yeah, i had 2 days off last week, there was no way i could leave the house in that state, so yesterday i got the call.
>You HAVE to talk to the welfare department about your situation.
i've literally begged them. their policy is that unless you shit yourself, AND piss yourself, AND need someone to clean up after you, then you're fit for work. Out of this lot I scored zero:
So I have literally nothing. Bills are already bouncing and my fridge is pretty empty.
it is. i mean i legitimately do not know what the hell i'm expected to do. just casually show up for work not bothered by the fact that i'm covered in blood and shit. well, i can't do that, so now i drink.

good luck op. and really, do give alan watts a try. the dude died young due to alcoholism, as will i, but he makes even that feel ok.
cheers all.

>> No.13451958

you need to do something where you can work from home that's the only job i see you can do. Like call center / support I dont know whats available.

>> No.13452125
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Agreed, there was an anon who explained all this here:

It's about the us system anon, but surely will work in the UK. You need to get yourself committed asap, it's your path to benefits.

2. Get commited. Wassat? Commited? Why Uncle Remus you ol fool! Now now honey child i know you may have some apprehensionation about being commited but this will almost gurantee you done recieves benefits.

Go to your local intake unit. Yo hospital or whateva. Say to the nice lady "i am feelings suicidal and i need help" Them simle words will land you a 72 hour hold known as a 5150. This is whar you are either a harm to yo self or others.

Is dis drastic? It sho hell is. But lawd if you does wanna sponge off the state you sho need a good reason. Why i remember when i applied fo SSI the lady says "Uncle Remus you done been in any psychiatric care for your claim of disibility in the past 5 years" I says

"Oh lawdy i done just got released from a 5150 because i wanted to kill myself"

I was on SSI within 3 months. Receiving full bennies and no bullshit wait time. Being committed will get you further then any sort of boo sheet story you come up with. After the 72 hour hold is up you simply walk out the hospital with a few perscriptions and more importantly PAPER WORK of your sickness.

>> No.13452136

>i mean i legitimately do not know what the hell i'm expected to do
the politicians just want you dead anon. they consider you a cost to society. UK is just becoming a 3rd world country.
Since you have nothing to lose you have to fake needing assistance for everything to receive the pip. Like you're in a depression so severe that you need assistance to cook and bath and everything.

>> No.13452175

Did you try carnivore diet, fren?

>> No.13453081

Junior doctor here. UC or crohns?

Consider having a colectomy? Would reduce your symptoms. And youll receive aftercare from friendly stoma nurses who will help get your life back on track.

>> No.13453109

I don't care anymore. Op you are a faggot. You "made it" and now you're a broke ass nigger who can't even work at McDonald's. You deserve to go hungry

>> No.13453223

He has UC. YOu mean he should shit in a colostomy bag for the rest of his life?

>> No.13453736

>UC or crohns?
"Acute severe ulcerative pancolitis" is my diagnosis. Awesome stuff. And yeah i've considered this... >>13453223 but the fuckers stink, make noise and fall off. It's barely an improvement. Plus the instant I have surgery some fucker will prove conclusively what UC sufferers have known for decades - i.e that ulceration of the large intestine is caused by micro organisms (like this dude who in 2005 won the nobel prize for proving that stomach ulcers are caused by helicobacter pylori https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/medicine/2005/press-release/)) and a week's worth of antibiotics will cure it. Not going down the surgery route even if homelessness is the alternative.
It's all cool though, because I am too drunk to care. Cheers.

>> No.13453989

it doesnt fall off if you tape it. Basically your only choice besides certain death is to receive that pip. So either try a way to redo it and score the max points faking it or do the surgery and file for the pip.

>> No.13454045

Get something sharp and start robbing people.
>make a tinder profile with chad picture
>catfish some whore and ask her question if she lives alone etc.
>go to her place and when she opens the door you punch her as hard as you can in the face
>tie her up with zip ties
>steal her money and other valuable shit
>hop on a freight train and move to a different city

Just do this 3/4 times and that should be enough to have enough cash to rent a place and then start looking for a normal job.

>> No.13454086

Still with us OP? If yes, leave me an email. I might contact you. I like your situation. I'm similar, the only difference is I don't have a fucked up family. We might figure something together if you're willing to risk

>> No.13454134

WTF do i have tto lose


>> No.13454151
File: 50 KB, 659x412, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forget the ID using someone wifi MY IP RESETS EVERY Hour

>> No.13454183

Still me. I'm gonna make a throwaway email to contact you. My ip also changes

>> No.13454221
File: 29 KB, 511x515, 1554321536075.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You read my post about getting on welfare for depression? Also look>>13452125
at what he says.

Neet sucks BUT waging sucks more. U need commitment to get welfare. Like he says >>13452125...Remember you commit once and you're set for years. No waging bullshit

Man the fuck up and get your piece of the pie. Act crazy an shiet like he says. Get out of your way . Man up pussy

>> No.13454238

I don't need welfare, i'll never visit a psych in my life. OP might need to

>> No.13454245

Btw if you didn'r receive the email check the spam. If you still didn't receive it i sent it to the wrong adress

>> No.13454269

Ur on 4chan and probably hold link. That already classifies you as suffering from grandiouse delusion and psychosis and latent autism. Get help

>> No.13454278

Yeah this us all true still doesn't matter I don't believe in memeshit lmao
Op you alive?

>> No.13454289
File: 1.24 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2019-04-13-19-42-24-530_com.google.android.googlequicksearchbox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you are not crazy?

Classic answer given by every patient at the looney bin

>> No.13454316

Go away (((big pharma)))

>> No.13454683

What country?

What are your skills?

Can you pass a background check?

Rich Aus fag here, will be in Eastern Europe next month.

>> No.13454707
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>should try your hand at crime first right?

For sure. go to a wealthy neighbourhood and search bedrooms for watches and jewels.

>> No.13454723

>op goes to a bankers rich wife bedroom to get jewels
>instead finds her black bull and gets his family jewels crushed

>> No.13454732

You are glorifying sleeping under a freeway

>> No.13454754

Unironically stop fapping. I’m sensing that you’re a product of over masturbation. It will ruin your identity before you realize it’s a real problem

>> No.13454919

the whole "there's no athiests in foxholes" doesn't apply to me. even at my lowest point when I was unemployed, unable to find work in my industry, taking benzos, and dealing with derealization from a huge panic attack after an interview, I never once sought god.

I don't believe in the stuff and sincerely doubt I ever will. I don't hold anything against anyone for believing, but I can't do it myself. I've faced imminent death before and never sought god before or after. I've been hopeless and never sought god during those times either.

either way, if there is a god then it designed me to be this way. skeptic to the end.

>> No.13454985

>black guy
>no back up
>fighting an opponent that can see them
I have never even heard of this happening

>> No.13455045
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Clearly you never met breeding bulls. Color does not matter. Their test levels are so high they dont think- its just instinct and aggression.

>> No.13455138

Party Rock in the house tonight everyone is having a good

>> No.13455149

reported to Europol
>opens the door you punch her as hard as you can in the face
are you this guy?

little cunts like you deserved to be beaten to death. I would gladly remove you from the earth if you were in front of me.

>> No.13455179


Come to Manchester, UK. I will give you a job.

>> No.13455324

>and will be visiting him one last time
If you don't recognize troll stories that's on you

>> No.13455639

Doing what anon? Im in manchester and looking for an opportunity

>> No.13455660

and that's why you travel with friends.

although i was once targeted by a car full of 4 darkies. all 3 of us are 6'0+, I'm a stocky looking guy, tallest guy was ex military who noticed it in the first place.. they were following us, said something shitty, whipped around the corner real quick in a car, but didn't have direct access to us because there was a bunch of shit between us and their car so they drove away.

They would have to be pretty confident to pick 3 big guys so the safe assumption is that they had guns or knives. Can't walk on city streets alone at night. And even then it's a crap shoot.

>> No.13455667

I am also in Manchester area and seeking employment.

>> No.13455690


get in touch.

>> No.13455942

You still ITT my friend? Ausfag in the UK here. Sales and business acumen are my skills. Any opportunities get in touch on my email above

>> No.13456016

Reminder in America, when you leave jail you get a bill and when you don't pay it you go back to jail

>> No.13456188

If I go to prison in my country I'll have to smuggle packs of cellphones inside my asshole and stomach to not get stabbed to death in my cell designed for 4 but with 50 inmates in it

>> No.13456354
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where you at i went & sleep

>> No.13457509

>let's put you a colostomy bag to alleviate your condition which can be cured by one month of fasting

>> No.13458590


>> No.13458726

Pretty much my daily thought anon

>> No.13459711
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meanwhile in norway...

>> No.13460380
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there's a thread about a guy who got rich sucking dicks. why don't you just do that? can you not be a gigolo, like, for women or whatever?
do you even have any thoughts on what your crime would be?

use this internet of yours' to search for local crime stats and discussions on blogs in and around your area or state and then do some digging. hit the streets.
go to /fit/ and learn how to make and sell steroids
go to 420*c*h*a*n and learn how to sell other drugs
go to /k/ and learn how to sell guns and ammo - learn about innawoods too and check out /out/ - you'll learn how to pack light and smart for anything from hobo to SHTF
have you tried comedy or entertainment?
go to /o/ and learn how to strip and sell car parts
perform a skill that might be able to be sold online, like ASMR, or art, music, self help, whatever
go to your local music store, find a local band in need of a whatever, and do that. if you can't play, learn. fuck /mu/ don't bother. band mates will help you out if you're cool. we're not that shitty
go to /adv/ and ask what to do. they LOVE these kinds of questions
go to /soc/ and ask for help, maybe /int/

use the fucking catalog and look for keywords that might relate to a topic that you can use to learn from, or ask a question in where you might get a response. lurk moar. go to your local colleges, schools, government buildings, or any temp agency and ask for a fucking job listing or some help.

if you want to go finding some woman or man you think you can kill for for insurance fraud then go all in, maybe a getaway driver? download the anarchist cookbook and information library ad learn how to make forged documents. maybe go to the damn military.
go to /ck/ and learn how to fucking eat to survive so you don't end up wasting money on butter.
research your local state laws on homelessness and vagrancy. learn where the shelters and help centers are ASAP and get somewhere safe off the streets. get a fucking newspaper. GET WITH IT GOD DAMN IT.

>> No.13460391

Yeah it's pretty fun, but my feed hurt a bit desu