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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13403774 No.13403774 [Reply] [Original]

>Be me
>Just turned 18, very excited to get my life going
>be obsessed with the decade of the 1980's, collect computers and vidya from the era
>Decide I want to go on a grand adventure to the American Southwest to totally find myself or some shit
>Buy a sweet 80's RV for cheap, $4000
>Pic related
>Get in, everything is going amazing! Such joy and happiness for beginning my own life!
>Make it about 8 miles down the road
>The fucking engine block cracks
>$700 to tow it anywhere, scrap guy swoops in and tells me he will take it for free if I sign the title to him
>do it
>Now im broke as a joke

Really /biz/ What in the everlasting name of christ am I supposed to do now

That was my entire life's savings


>> No.13403799

I have a lot of experience with Auto repair, my family owns multiple repair shops. You my friend, are fucked. There is nothing I hate more than a stinky, dirty, beat-to-shit pre-2000s RV. I won't even let these assholes pump gas at my place, get the FUCK out. Last time some shithead came to fuel up with one, the RV died at the pump and it took forever for him to move that shit.

Quit being a retard, get a normal car and quit polluting the roads with you big stupid shit.

>> No.13403803


>> No.13403811


buy kneepads and work boi.
save up and buy a new engine.

>> No.13403814

Also to add to this, GOOD LUCK getting a mechanic to even look at that thing. There is no money to be made from RV repair, only retarded boomers still buy these stupid unreliable shit-heaps. You ever notice how much they depreciate? You really get what you pay for, idiot.

>> No.13403818

Checked and keked. Poorfags BTFO again.

>> No.13403820

Should have bought a Ford Transit, Dodge Sprinter or Mercedes Whateverthefuck, the tall vans. You could have made your own RV

>> No.13403832

You ever notice it's poor idiots who do things like this? $4,000 USD can get you a damn fine car, instead this idiot wants to be a nuisance on the road with his big, slow, inefficient shit heap. You can't live inside a fucking car, you idiot, it smells like ass and you just look like a fucking degenerate.

>> No.13403842

Exactly, this idiot could have gotten a Chevy Astro if he wanted to be an ultra poorfag. Those can be converted into "RVs" but they still end up stinking to high heavens cause some poor idiot is living inside of it. Poor people really ruin everything in this World.

>> No.13403844

>lot of experience with auto repair
>can’t read
You outer yourself as a mouth breathing retard in your first few words

>> No.13403858

VAN LIFE IS NASTY! I want to live comfortably and not folded into a cubby to sleep.

>> No.13403860

I'm just letting him know what an idiot he is, and to not make that mistake again. You seem to be just as big of an idiot. Want to buy an RV bro? I got it for free but you can have it for 500, runs good bro.

Fucking idiots.

>> No.13403867

I have thought about buying a cheap empty lot of land out in the country and then getting one these RVs to park on it, some solar panels and bottled water and you would have yourself a cheap cabin in the woods to live in or use as a vacation spot.

>> No.13403869

Damn man I'm sorry that sucks.
Don't let it crush your spirit... I mean, there are tons more gut punches like this waiting for you in life but don't worry. This is your first lesson in taking this shit and keep on hunting.

>> No.13403874

This. 100%. Hey, I don't have any money but I sure as fuck am going to go to the lake this weekend and drink a 24 pack and bbq with everyone! Yeah man - I just put this shit on my cc and transfer every 6 months!!

>> No.13403882

Thank's man, I appreciate it.

>> No.13403895

No this is not me, I worked my ass off all year to save up my money. I don't believe in going in debt like other retards my age.

>> No.13403921

>blows his entire bank account on a vanity purchase
just as bad if not worse than people running up high credit debit

>> No.13403944

A fucking RV of all things lol. Could have gotten a reliable car and just camped out or gotten hotels, would probably spend less too. Poor idiots never learn.

>> No.13403965
File: 32 KB, 197x169, 1530498976829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Should have bought a Ford
Ford? No thanks amigo. Ya know what FORD stands for? Fix or Repair Daily!

>> No.13403969

How is this a vanity purchase? It was my life dream to go see the beautiful parts of the USA, and this is how I was going to do it. Not to mention the fact I would probably have parked it in a mobile home community until I saved up for a decent home to live in.

>> No.13404013
File: 368 KB, 3840x2160, 1469736028029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>his life dream was to see some rocks, maybe a stream

>> No.13404026
File: 212 KB, 1024x862, 1523813412566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well at least you didn't take the (((((((((college))))))))) pill, but definitely never buy cheap shit like that if you're gonna go on a long road trip. Junk cars can get you stranded or killed. But a little self exploration road trip isn't a TERRIBLE idea on its own, imho. Also, here's an unrelated but inspiring picture.

>> No.13404039
File: 510 KB, 1085x775, 1544963218431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hear Roadhouse is accepting applications.

>> No.13404043
File: 682 KB, 2048x1536, plume pen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, and thank you Mike Rowe :,)

>> No.13404064

At least you're only 8 miles out and not stuck in fuckin Radiator Springs or some shit

>> No.13404081

>here's a picture of a career actor who has never worked a real hard job for days on end telling people to work hard jobs
when people say that you should learn a trade. they mean become a welder, electrician, HVAC tech, etc.
those things require education and are also highly sought after, the trades that need people are the really shitty ones like concrete foundation work and roofing which becomes really obvious why no one works those jobs when you're barely making a dollar above minimum wage to sweat your balls off and carry heavy shit for 10 hours a day in all kinds of awful fucking weather

>> No.13404083

lmao and I thought my life was fucked thanks for giving me a hearty chuckle OP

>> No.13404088

Women: Dont judge women based on what they wear you racists.
Also Women: Look at this awkward retard, what is he wearing?? Def an incel, Stacey.

>> No.13404106

Np anon. Us Gen Z fags gotta look out for eachother. Btw don't buy cars that have been up North for a majority of time if you can help it. The road salt in the Winter accelerates rust and makes a lot of parts fail quicker.

>> No.13404167

Idc if Kim Kardashian wrote it, the values are all still valuable.

>> No.13404214

>I believe I am a product of my choices - not my circumstances.
>I understand the world is not fair, and I'm OK with that.
time to go sweep up the peanut shells wagie

>> No.13404227

>Entire life savings
>4k monies

wtf hahah

>> No.13404263

Feel free to beat your own drum man. Not everyone can understand work ethic.

>> No.13404308

at least I'm not defending a guy who wasted his entire life savings of 4000 dollars (aka he worked a few months during the summer in high school) on a lemon purchase
I've done the bare minimum to get through life because I'm extraordinarily lazy and am sitting on 150k in assets in my 30s