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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 105 KB, 653x768, f3358cb0f1a0b6c5a2d09e9bbf4f4e3bc4244aa4bf8b7a905026a8685fc2fece.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13391221 No.13391221 [Reply] [Original]

People who live off interest, do they just plop all their money into mutual funds?

>> No.13391236

Why are Americans so desperate to shoot people? Is it their 56% genetics?

>> No.13391576


Very belligerent history, culture and language.

>> No.13391585

It's because we are citizens, not subjects (like you). In our minds the struggle to retain our personal freedom is alive.

I'm yours, you cannot imagine being anything but the livestock of your masters.

>> No.13391591


>> No.13391596

>we are citizens
>has the highest prison population in the world
anon... just

>> No.13391612

niggers anon. niggers go to prison

>> No.13391613

>personal freedom
fucking kek

>> No.13391622

Index funds, not mutual funds.

>> No.13391629
File: 70 KB, 745x497, 1549136084518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the freest country?

>> No.13391636


>> No.13391646

Yea im sorry im pro gun but you should really see that personal freedoms are usually not defended with them
In fact, having an armed population + retarded laws on drug use means that the population seems fine with putting people in jail for smoking plants and its just not right from any moral perspective

>> No.13391702

country of freedom

>cucked by credit score
>cucked by voting system that's far from democratic
>cucked by food industries having everyone be overweight
>cucked by pharma industries literally getting hooked on heroin
>cucked by fucked legal system that's based on precedence instead of actual laws
and finally
>cucked by the rich not able to afford education and becoming so dumb as to cry 'country of the free, i love this life'

no thanks

>> No.13391741

The best slaves are those whom think they are free.

>> No.13391806

then stop doing drugs degenerate hedonist. "weed ismt addicting" yet you risk going to jail for it

>> No.13391838

USA is a constitutional republic, not a democracy. Read a book then have sex.

>> No.13391859

Can someone answer his fucking question?

>> No.13391973

>It's because we are citizens, not subjects (like you).

hahahahahah you stupid fat fuck

>> No.13392163



Let this thread be a warning about the picture you post before you ask a sensible question on /biz/. Unless the point was to be a /poltard in the first place.

>> No.13392189

I would give my left hand to be Swiss.

T. American

>> No.13392202

Have. Sex.

>> No.13392478


with your mum

>> No.13392503


This. I want to know.

>> No.13392513

so are you saying you 'citizens' are not free to decide your own future by definition in your 'free country'?

>> No.13392521

This. Thanks for making the foreigners seethe, by the way.

>> No.13392524

> Cucked by credit score
So you think businesses should have to do business with people that aren't safe to do business with..?
> Cucked by voting system that's not Democratic
We're a constitutional republic, who elect their representatives democratically. Just because you don't understand the basics of our voting system, doesn't mean it's flawed.
> Cucked by food industries having everyone be overweight
Define everyone, because I'm /fit, and I'm not alone. It's not the food companies fault you don't have self control.
> Cucked by pharma
Because you had to do opiates, because they exist, therefore you had to. It's not that you have no self control at all..
> Crying about not being able to afford college
Motherfucker our government guarantees you a loan for school, not to mention, have you met many college grads? Because most are fucking retarded.

Sorry you're an uneducated, obese, opiod addict, but all of that's on you and no one else.

>> No.13392528

Dumb boomer meme. Plenty of European countries have much nicer neighborhoods and they don't have guns.

>> No.13392531
File: 154 KB, 1200x1200, 6MH1vNW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's free bumps

>> No.13392566

i'm free as long as i never have a minor accident, illness or financial emergency, don't need education going beyond creationism (you) or lose my job for whatever reason.

no thanks

>> No.13392611
File: 198 KB, 1596x1020, westboro-anonymous-sjw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>pic has a tank with Russian spraypaint on it
>this dumbass asks why Americans are shooting

>> No.13392765

>personal freedom
>slaves of opioid addiction
>slaves of (((them)))

>> No.13392798
File: 476 KB, 1920x1087, 325436536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Notice how all the shills replying to this post come up with a bunch of memes that are in essence completely irrelevent to the subject at hand.

An armed citizenry is indeed essential when it comes to the perpetuation of freedom in a world full of collectivist psychopathy.

>> No.13392813
File: 105 KB, 720x478, 1552820401427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trigger the eurocucks itt

>> No.13392831

that or ETFs, pretty much yes. i keep some money in cash/bonds too and rebalance according to my pre-determined ratios too.

>> No.13393090

Yeah, you're free to get shot at the movie theater. Free so that your children can get shot at school by some frustrated incel. So free.

>> No.13393170
File: 43 KB, 689x473, 0238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck a left hand, I'd give a kidney just to move to Romania. Its incredible how difficult the EU is to get into for a non-native.

>> No.13393207


>> No.13393213

Meant to say ckuc not "kek". This board is asinine.

>> No.13393343

gaslight harder kike

>> No.13393361


> Why are blacks so desperate to shoot people?

Fixed that for you.

And the answer: slave genetics. We got the biggest, dumbest, workhorses we could bring over from Africa. And we abused them. They are like fighting pit bulls that have been let loose.

>> No.13393381

why waste a perfectly good slice of bacon like that

>> No.13393389

I mean, it's true. But armed citizens are also supposed to be informed to protect their personal freedom, and americans have become retards.
Not sure if it's because of the propaganda, your dumb education and news networks, or just natural decline in any superpower that grows too smug.
But yeah.

>> No.13393467

How's that muslim invasion coming along, yuropoor?

We need guns to protect from ALL invasions, FOREIGN and DOMESTIC.

Your women are being gang raped by muslims child trafficking gangs, and you protest in the street about Trump and feminism. Worthless genetics. We won't have that in America.


>> No.13393470

based, this post triggers eurocucks and shitskins.

>> No.13393492

Not really man, UK is cutting that shit off. Also I might be from Switzerland or Austria, where they have pro-gun laws and also actually banned mosques.
Typical US response tho
>Europe is all the same
Your time is over.

>> No.13393516

They tell you that, you idiot. But they are not. Has it occurred to you that the UK is undergoing a media blackout?

American news reports MORE migrants will flood into UK in 2020, not less. Your news is being manipulated. Use a proxy. 404 not found in UK, but readable articles in America.

Get out of the UK. More are coming, not less. Your politicians are lying to you.

>> No.13393530
File: 1.51 MB, 1385x2439, le gun control face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the EU will become a hotbed of sectarian violence within 10 years

Feels goodman

>> No.13393542
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>> No.13393559
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>> No.13393585

Yet the europe police arrest online hate speech instead. Not child rape rings or terror cells. The police are indeed terrorists in unison with them.

This is why (((they))) have had so much trouble mass flooding immigrants into the USA.

Armed militias are pointing guns at illegal border crossers now. It slows down the new world order at least, in America.

>> No.13393623
File: 410 KB, 700x700, le gun control face 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Syria had strict gun control up until the moment people were being lined up in the street and shot, Mexico has strict gun laws as well that've failed to protect the dismembered victims of narco-terrorists. Almost every country on earth apart from the U.S. has very strict gun laws and many of them are far more brutish than we are, despite there being a certain group of people who're responsible for over 50% of violent crimes while being 13% of the population.


The United States was partially founded by our allies/sympathizers in Europe, France, who flooded arms into the hands of American revolutionaries to antagonize their historical rivals, the British. I wonder what's going to happen when guns are smuggled into the hands of European migrants who've been so "mistreated" by their hosts.

>> No.13393650

>I wonder what's going to happen when guns are smuggled into the hands of European migrants who've been so "mistreated" by their hosts.

What the hell are you talking about? Grenades have been going off constantly in Sweden and beyond since 2013.




It's a fucking warzone wherever mudslimes go, and only the good people are disallowed guns.


With enough guns, this will never even touch america. Without anyone having to fire a single shot.

>> No.13393682

>quoting American news
lmao. Also, you think I get my news from conventional media outlets?
Immigrants are already having to fill out pre-settlement status.

>> No.13393692

America ended in 1913 dumbass

>> No.13393696

It's all fake political fluff. No wonder you guys are fucked. You're stupid. You'll believe anything. In america, we dont belive politicians.

There was a guy who proved that a lot of the worst articles about the UK are viewable in the USA, but 404notfound in the UK.

>> No.13393741

Those european nations dont have spics and niggers, retard.

>> No.13393760

they have mudslimes now. Much worse.

Not for long LOL


They'll run out of money to pay "cultural enrichment" stopping fines sooner or later.

>> No.13393792

just wanted to congratulate you on a successful bait

>> No.13393813

spic> slime> nog

>> No.13393840

niggers don't at least throw hand grenades at people. I'd say niggers are a rank above muslims.

>> No.13393862

I could go to europistan and literally bully the cops there and they wouldn't do shit about it. Here I'd get tased and thrown into a cell with Tyrone.

>> No.13393909


I'll add a note:

> Crying about not being able to afford college

And yet, the top students around the world still come to U.S universities because they are the best.

>> No.13393921

>cucked by voting system that's far from democratic

When was the last time any of your governments did something you guys voted on?

How is brexit going?

The EU does whatever the fuck it wants

>> No.13394919

Ironically not the Land of the Free.

>> No.13394942

>all these stockholm syndrome replies

>> No.13395216


Uh oh cuck alert. I guess getting off to your wife being raped by mohamed is easier than fighting back in an orwellian society.

>> No.13395472

are you trying to make a point? fucking retard kek

>> No.13395536

With freedom there's choice, retard

>> No.13395572

Isn't Sweden the shithole who forbid to speak about races, groups and minorities in police reports?

>> No.13396037

More power more responsibility. Basically Europe has been the Amerifat meme for years living through their queens so they ignored it.

>> No.13396043

I mean you can argue that freedom isn't a good thing, but ultimately what he is saying is true.

>> No.13396056

I love how Europeans hide their countries so that they can pull that move every time. Its a snake move, and shows why the EU was able to take so much power in Europe because ultimately they've gone full Anglo and have given up all morals to merely "win" Europe is a shit hole and its getting shittier by the day. We all fucked up big time in WWII.

>> No.13396089

Fine I’ll take the bait

It’s not about what you view as moral or not, it’s about the govt not having the authority over what I put into my own body. The moment I edirectly effect the rights of another citizen is when I cross the line.

>> No.13396111
File: 1.09 MB, 1040x826, Deus Vult.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he probably still cooked it afterwards and ate it

>> No.13396141

This is correct. We have more freedom than anywhere else. However, it is not enough. We need to remove all the corrupt legislators in corporate payrolls

>> No.13396155

Cant believe this makes eurocucks so mad. Must feel bad to have no guns aka benis

>> No.13396187
File: 413 KB, 627x922, state=absolute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder: Britshits will need a license to masturbate soon.

>> No.13396304
File: 101 KB, 720x950, alucard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The stories I've been hearing about UK this last year are absolutely insane, starting to wonder if them leaving EU is the best thing ever.
related: https://www.thesun.co.uk/tech/8898716/uk-porn-block-banned-websites-over-18/

>> No.13396320

>War is peace
And I'm not against the 2nd