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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13332392 No.13332392 [Reply] [Original]

Most people here invest in the stock market/crypto and I've got that nailed.

Is there anything else that you invest into other than that and real estate?

I want to expand my context. What's your best investment anons.

>> No.13332410

>implying you know every shitcoin
>implying you know every stock

>> No.13332427

real estate is a no brainer, also commodities and forex. I'd suggest collectibles (a fucking charizard is worth 2000$ now for example) and, if you are super rich, angel investing

>> No.13332441

I know how the market works but that's just one source of income. I'd like to learn more.
Never said I know every shitcoin or stock.

>> No.13332456
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The most important investment is your relationship with The Lord. The second most important investment is your health, and the third most important is your relationship with your family. Money means nothing if you don't have those in good standing.

>> No.13332467

You need pro level autism for those kinds of investments. I might do some research on it

Two and three are in check. Religion is something I've yet to come to terms with.

>> No.13332481

Guns, ammo, magazines.

Follow federal, state and regional flavors and laws.

I've bought ammo and mags in bulk over the years and turned to armslist and gun broker when for one reason or another shit gets hot. Easy double or triple your money while still not seeming like an asshole.

>> No.13332492

trading card games
mint videogames

expert level:
survival packs

>> No.13332497

>he thinks he mastered shitcoins AND stocks

>> No.13332513

>I know how the market works

the hubris of youth.

>> No.13332523

imagine investing in anything other than real estate because you saw some memes on a site for literal shut-in neets that bought "wow neato" digital hash

jewish gold is a metaphor for property. that shit will never stop paying you unless you over-finance yourself on it. buy something in the center of a city and ride it into the sunset.

>> No.13332530

>i'd like more sources of income
said every faggot who doesn't do public speaking, doesn't hawk a product during aforementioned public speaking, and doesn't lobby on behalf of an industry

the "multiple sources" meme refers to like 6 very specific sources that every single multimilloinaire does and most of them are pains in the ass that only workaholics could possibly enjoy. speculation and 9-5 for a decade are the sweet spot.

>> No.13332540

Emerging markets

>> No.13332552

Nice pepe you got there

>> No.13332590

I invest in releasing new products. It's bretty gud