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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13308071 No.13308071 [Reply] [Original]

I want to kill myself, this just genuinely isn't worth it. Wageslaving has brought me to the brink. I just can't take it anymore. I have no friends, no family, no one who loves me all on top of being treated like shit at work, underpaid and overworked. Working over time with a shitty as fuck commute. I have nothing to look forward to in life all on top of having to wageslave. This is humiliating. I plan on using my next paycheck to blow my brains out. I don't understand why this is happening to me, why am I such a loser. All my co-workers have girlfriends or are married. At least they don't suffer alone. They have companionship to help them through, they also get paid more than me.

>> No.13308081

Better luck next life OP

>> No.13308082
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pee pee poo poo

>> No.13308153


Real talk, Anon?

> I have no friends, no family, no one who loves me all on top of being treated like shit at work

Sounds perfect. I know a lot of people that come from a very similar situation which allows them to //grind// at something and not be called a bad person because they didn't go to Timmy's 2.5th birthday.

> Working over time with a shitty as fuck commute

Seriously consider going on unemployment and reading a bunch of business books or something, reach out to a recruiter on linkedin first though. Just saying, taking some time off, putting your nose in some books, and doing some 'free' consulting work for someone online can actually go a long way. Also, what have you got to lose? You're on fucking Biz.

> I plan on using my next paycheck to blow my brains out

Bad investment you stupid faggot. Literally 0x gains guaranteed.

> why am I such a loser

Because you're acting like you deserve anything- nobody deserves shit, especially the people that don't realize everyone sucks. A lot of people get lucky and are financially secure and have social skills usually imprinted on them by their parents- you didn't, too bad.

> At least they don't suffer alone

It can be a different type of Hell.

> they also get paid more than me

Then get off fucking Biz and read a book. There are people that have lives infinitely harder than yours and you're on a fucking basketweaving forum either larping or being serious, both of which are unacceptable for forming a legacy.


>> No.13308155

If you have nothing to lose why don't you just quit and go on a sabbatical to another country

>> No.13308168

keep calm anon, we are all on the same sinking boat, stay with us, tell us more

>> No.13308189

Just move to some south american shithole where your 20k will make you a millionaire relatively and enjoy your life eating 5 cent tacos and not doing shit for the rest of your life.

>> No.13308276
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OP before you an hero you need to try one thing - saying fuck it and doing exactly what you want. You have NOTHING TO LOSE so you need to radically change your situation.

There are options here:
1. Travel to SE Asia or South America with the cash and fuck sluts and have fun.

2. Take out as much debt as you can, buy monero and hope you make it. You may want to consider filing for bankruptcy at some point if you need to clear the debt and it becomes unmanageable.

Bottom line is don't an hero until you have radically tried to change things, including your job and location.