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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13256989 No.13256989 [Reply] [Original]


>Be 24 yo Japanese female office worker
>Wake up in a tiny apartment that you share with your parents
>No time for breakfast or any morning activity
>Jump into a cramped train for your 45 min commute
>Probably get groped by a few salarymen on the way
>Arrive in your cramped open office environment because face and appearances are more important than actually doing anything productive
>Spend the whole morning reading newspapers as you're actual job description, for unknown reasons
>Spend the rest of the day doing bullshit meetings and writing "reports" that nobody reads
>The entirety of your job is pretty much bullshit busywork to make your boss looks good by having more subordinates
>Be given a shitty Thinkpad from the 90s because everyone realize your job is bullshit and that you don't need better equipment to pretend (pic related)
>Tons of corporate team building exercises
>Random western thot who is probably as baffled by the corporate culture but enjoys it for the novelty
>Only works for 10 hours per day (a progressive company as they point out), none of it doing actually anything of value

>> No.13257058
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I fucking hate this world, launch the nukes alraedy, I want to either literally fight with my hands for my life or just chill with infinite wealth, anything inbetween is fucking torture bullshit, someon kill me

>> No.13257106


>be me
>wake up at 7am
>shower for 10 mins
>cup of tea and some museli
>work on own business and investments until 8:15
>put on suit
>8.40 leave apartment and walk 10 minutes to my office
>work until 5.30
>come home arrive at 5.40
>fridays leave at 4pm and go to the pub to network with other finance Chads

L-living i-in the sub-suburbs is ep-epic, ci-city cucks BTFO hahahaha

>> No.13257141

my sides, she didn't do anything the entire day
>making tea
>"work" (paper shuffling emails & phone calls)
>feeding goats
Japan is a fucking fantasy world where all you have to do is follow the rules and you're railroaded to an ez life with 0 fears of being broke or anything. It's so safe.

>> No.13257167

I hear ya brother.

>> No.13257202

>>Only works for 10 hours per day (a progressive company as they point out), none of it doing actually anything of value
Office work is welfare for thots
Basically any corporate work with diversity quotas
If you are White / Asian man you better work for a serious corporation or run your own biz.

>> No.13257225

>cherrypicked person having an easy job
>"This is the true fantasy life!"

>> No.13257236

Now it makes sense why Japan is no longer an economic powerhouse.

>> No.13257242


yeah thats why they are killing themselfs

>> No.13257258

>Be given a shitty Thinkpad from the 90s
/g would like to have a word with you...

>> No.13257387

all of the dreadful japanese shit aside, I don't think it's any different in the US in terms of spending 40 hours per week not doing any real work

I often sit in my office twiddling my thumbs and I look around thinking what the fuck are other people even doing
they're really good at pretending to look busy

>> No.13257414

Yeah at the end of the day, Japanese company culture is the reason for their economic stagnation

>> No.13257641


>> No.13257675
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>> No.13257902

No wonder Honda can't make an F1 engine for shit.

>> No.13257921


>> No.13257936
File: 426 KB, 719x404, 1462782514850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading newspapers
jesus christ Japan get your shit together

>> No.13257959

LOL at this propaganda. Japan must be one of the worst place to be a wagie.

>> No.13257987

How do you get a job like this?!

>> No.13258025

PR, product management, marketing, maybe management consulting if you're ok with travel
There's lots of ways worthless business majors make money

>> No.13258076
File: 81 KB, 1389x1202, 1_BMcVcBbuFt78VhuQoYDidg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have family in Tokyo, and I have been there: that video shows an absolute anomaly. Japanese have more national holidays and special events that outsiders would believe, but in regular working days they are 10 hours minimum at full effort. That lady for example: she started the morning at 6am at home, and the video ends at 6pm "because bosses allow her to leave soon". That means after she goes for eating she will be home at 9pm. Imagine in a company where you wait for all your bosses to leave. It is not common to sleep at work sometimes.

>> No.13258091

>be me
>wake up at 10am
>refresh /biz/ and coinmarketcap all day, maybe make some money playing dapp ponzi's
>go to bed just as comfy

I-i enjoy my city job, just 40 hours a work, workaholics BTFO hahahaha

>> No.13258191

Lol all the office jobs are actual 1-2 hours work a day and then pretend to be busy for the rest of the hours while browsing/talking/taking a shit

>> No.13258246

This is why working in a technical job like software dev is the worst, especially with the new high surveillance trends like agile. You’re actually expected to do shit.

>> No.13258248

>Thinkpad from the 90s

That model is at least a T450, its from 2015.

>> No.13258550
File: 5 KB, 400x400, Caldari.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13258616

Imagine being an instagram hottie thotty. Where you're idoled and worshiped by millions of men. All you have to do is take pictures of your beautiful self and you get companies to shell out hundreds of thousands of dollars for a simple "shout out". Life on easy mode for Chad's/Stacy's. Can you imagine?

>> No.13258655
File: 377 KB, 519x767, DragonSlayer Berserk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw just want to roam the Americas with a giant sword and just fight to survive

>> No.13258681

Imagine being this bitter

>> No.13258841

get a college education, do well, appear well socialized in the interview?

actually I am in a tech job and high surveillance trends are in fact being foisted upon us, but that's not going to somehow make me play along with their shitty little micromanagement scheme

if they don't like me sitting around doing nothing they can go ahead and fire me
good luck recruiting someone better and less autismal to come work in flyover for small potatoes

>> No.13258905

lol I work in IT and we recently had to install monitoring software on all the workstations in the company, it's a small company in the midwest too. It was supposed to be for "security purposes" so they could have a log in case someone accessed something they shouldn't, but the CEO has already asked me to make reports on how busy certain people actually are on their computers. Good thing I'm in charge of this and can exempt my own computer or he would see the reports of me playing wow all day haha.

>> No.13258937

>modern productivity high enough that workers finish all of their work before the end of the day
>Have to make themselves look busy until shift ends

>Instead of shortening the work week and giving raises to make up for lost hours
America sucks

>> No.13258997

why would businesses do that when it's cheaper to just fire the excess and make the employees you keep work harder? Really it's the employees who are committing fraud by looking like they are busy while accomplishing nothing while getting paid instead of letting management know that they have too many employees.

>> No.13259213

this. the economic experiement of out of control capitalism, greed, and corporate slavery has made me just lose all hope. if a global nuclear war was to happen i would be so happy to see it all just start over again but this time, without me.