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13227957 No.13227957 [Reply] [Original]

I’m sad and scared about the future when I was broke and now. Most people would say I’m very successful and have it together. But I still feel pretty bad. What amount of money will unironically change this?

>> No.13228101

Money can't fill that hole.

All money can do is buy you highs, and even then, you'll get used to that feeling.

>> No.13228123

What fills the hole

>> No.13228155

You gotta fall in love with something OP

>> No.13228161

IMAGINATION, YOU DUMBASS. How can people have money and complain they dont know what to do, jesus. We're all gonna die in the end somehow, use the time you have to enjoy the ride on this flying rock into nowhere.

>> No.13228178

Find something that you think the world needs to be a better place and go do it OP. Theres a worlds worth of work and you need to create some damned meaning in your life.

>> No.13228199

You need to find meaning in your life. Try finding a good woman, that generally helps people find purpose in their otherwise meaningless life.

>> No.13228206

butt plug

>> No.13228210

Make enough money to fullfill your dreams


Use your newly found wealth to squash and destroy the happiness of others.

>> No.13228425

>not using your money to build an empire

>> No.13228430

I stopped being sad, but unironically when will I make decent money?

>> No.13228458
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I've thought about this a lot. I only care about my dogs in life. If I had a million dollars I'd probably use it to make my dogs happy, then just kill myself when they die. Unless they invent some kind of expensive dog immortality machine or something.

Pointless planet so money isn't that huge of a deal. I feel like I've done and seen everything life has to offer, driven every car, eaten at every restaurant, visited every destination, and yet I spent most of my life trapped in a room. There's not a lot this planet or species offers outside of my dogs.

>> No.13228536
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Yeah, dogs are great.

>> No.13228549

None. Seek for professional treatment.

>> No.13228569



>> No.13228714

Good guy/10

>> No.13228748
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It's not really an "amount" of money that brings you happiness but a matter of how many "sources" of money and how effective your leverage is for generating wealth, and what you do with it.

If I could switch places with you then I'd do the following with your money:

research ways to get more effective leverage in generating greater amounts of unlimited wealth so that I can afford to pay for a high rise penthouse with "chump change."

Buy some farmland and build a private shooting range and an obstacle course that emulates the ones that Spetznaz have to go through (complete with the pit of animal guts) that I would use for my morning exercise routine and build a house to store my arsenal.

Buy a Delorean (and become an investor in DMC so they can get around to putting out those new models they promised years ago faster), some boring miscellaneous cars, a motorhome, and some military surplus vehicles.

Use the free time that my wealth can afford me to make my dream comics, albums, games, movies, and novels, read philosophical texts and write my own dissertations and critiques of them, learn quantum physics, and as many languages as I want, to cut it short, develop myself into a Renaissance Man.

Use the money to start a studio for the creation of my dream video games, a record label to dethrone Max Martin and Dr. Luke as industry kings in pop music production (I hate the music that plays in the mainstream and I'm taking it upon myself to put better stuff on there).

And to make a cinema industry scene near Des Moines with a competitive edge over Hollywood. I'd go to film school to learn how to make a few movies of my own, as well but I'd mostly be involved in the creation of movies in a producer capacity.

Can you see how much of a difference there is between me and you? There's so much you can do with money and you choose to feel bad with it. Learn to stop being a Letzter Mensch and broaden your horizons. Pic related is some rec reading for you.

>> No.13228752

unironically this

>> No.13228849

Don't ask yourself "when" you will make decent money. Ask yourself, "how".

Asking others "when" it will happen means that you have a passive mindset and you're dependent on other people to give you things.

Asking yourself "how" puts you into an active mindset that inspires you to seek out and achieve success on your own volition.

>> No.13229220

Hedonistic adaptation. Money will not make you happier.

>> No.13229243


Work more. It was the work that held the feels at bay. I'm going through the same shit, I posed about being a workaholic a week or so back and other anons had some good input.

>> No.13229253


That's the neat things about dogs, they make new ones every day so you don't have to off yourself.

>> No.13229267


I can promise you that things you "purchase" will bring you the least happiness of all. It's the things you make which will make you happy and the friends you make memories with.

Let's put it this way, I am successful by most measures and the best times in my life were when I was broke as shit. Money spends far better when you're young.

>> No.13229397

OP here, switched devices. Will verify this soon. But honestly guys. I didnt expect any responses. I havent even gotten through half yet, but I wanted to get a quick thank you out there before I go back through each one.

For a little context, I made some money on crypto and I built a business. I either properly lost, or lost trust, in almost everyone who was close to me. Some jealous or turned out to want to see me fall more than I would have thought. My business was pivoted hard when investors came in and the passion behind it was a bit soiled. I wanted to change the world and help as many as I could and things are too institutionalized now for that to be viable. Though I still lead day to day.

I do have an awesome girl friend, but I dont think she understands how much work I need to put in just to keep things afloat or necessarily sees the vision for the life I want or the impact I want to have and that gap makes it hard for her to relate to anything other than "normal" aspirations or work time allocation.

>> No.13229404

Seriously you guys are awesome. And please keep up any advise, Im running around right now but will go through each!

>> No.13229407
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>> No.13229447

and to contextualize this further, I am far from rich. Not a millionaire even. But Im young and well ahead of what people expect.

But even this makes me anxious, because it feels like that drives envy and so many people want to see me fail. And if I do fail my image is marred. Or the head start Ive made is lost. It feels like any failure would break my momentum, ruin everyones expectations of me, let so many people down.

All this isnt to sound like a whiny bitch, but more wanted to use this as a sounding board for the worst thoughts that plague me from time to time.

>> No.13229503


Go do things you like to do.

There will be people there who also like to do those things.

Now you have RL friends. Now you feel better.

>> No.13229518


I am the same. Just chill. You’re better than everyone in your age group and a few steps above as well. Take comfort in knowing that you are alpha.

>> No.13229540

I am, but she doesnt always understand my life style or aspirations is all. But shes beyond loyal and super smart.

I dont have "do whatever I want" money. And I come from nothing with quite a few people depending on me inordinately so. So, the thought of losing it or not spending every moment to hoard as much as I possibly can is terrifying. I feel like after having nothing I will almost always feel poor or live scared of it to a degree.

That's where my company start, but funders took it in a different direction. I actually constantly battle between following their ask and saying fuck it and going back to changing the world (which I think we were on a great path to do) social impact is HUGELY important to me. Ive had nothing and want to help those who are still there more than anything.

similar response to my response to >>13228155

interesting take, honestly if all else fails I may give it a go ;)

personally Im more with the former

Not there yet

I unironically was SUPER considering a dog, I just brought it up with my GF the other day. The only concern is that I travel and thats a pretty huge commitment. Im also a bit young and dont know if 12 yr commitment is right.

Thats not a bad idea, just dont know if Im at a professional need issue yet

will watch right when I can

Im just not at that level yet and Im young so its hard to not want to hoard. If I were in my 40s/50s with a huge stack maybe, but in my 20s now and so I do need more to secure the future.

will respond to more in 45 mins.

Thank you guys and feel free to keep it coming

>> No.13229554

whats your story, mate? If you dont mind my asking.

>> No.13229558
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For me it's travelling

>> No.13229663


>> No.13229672


Money is pure external. You need to focus on internal. I know it sounds faggy, but hear me out. You need to be able to be OK in any situation you find yourself in. And that only comes with an understanding of what inner peace truly is.

Find meaning, true purpose in your life. Without purpose, you are nothing.
Christ, as an example, offers perfect purpose and the ability to be OK in any situation. This is based on acceptance.

I'm assuming you are fairly intelligent, so the tendency can be to overthink nuances of what is or isn't the best path. Try to approach these thoughts with curiosity instead of necessity of answer. Ultimately understand the foundation of acceptance, a noble life, and purpose.

>> No.13230172

Does that mean I should make more money sooner? Or it’s never satisfying to spend.
I began meditating and that helped a bunch. But I fell of recently I think. Need to be more disciplined on training my mind. I am fit but I have spent very little time on my mind until recently. Any suggestions?

>> No.13230176

its not the same you absolute retard

>> No.13230194

Unironically nothing. At best you'll find something that distracts you better than everything else.

>> No.13230232

An anon put it wel above that money brings highs. I feel like travel, stable loving environment and zero financial fear or burden would bring happiness

>> No.13230244

I meant housing environment* but honestly loving environment sounds good too lol

>> No.13230270


>> No.13230280

Look up the Hedonic Treadmill. Unless you have some sort of calling and are exceedingly good at bringing your vision to fruition you're going to get bored of doing things, no matter how extravagant or comfy.

>> No.13230299
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welcome to hell

>> No.13230300

Something that will benefit your highest purpose that you make a decision to do daily no matter how you feel. For me it’s qigong

>> No.13230302

i feel you tho, when i was young i was thinking no way money doesnt create happyness then i grew up and got money but im yet to see any happyness from it,
i have a feeling most adult feel sadness and a purpese lack, i think the most happyness you can get is from acomplicments.

>> No.13230324

Saying travel has to be the most unimaginative thing to do with money.

>> No.13230339

no homo, Im a bit scared to. I dont even like weed for paranoia reasons and the 8hr ride seems beyond daunting to me. I also think given my stress level I may not have the mindset to get into it properly. AND good sourcing is another concern.

Will look more into it. But at a glance I feel like most of my unhappiness is fear or loss for myself or those I care about. And, if I were to reach a point were I had a great house, a beautiful car, and myself, gf, etc financially secured for the foreseeable future, I cant imagine not feeling better. But perhaps this is optimistic.

>> No.13230343

Trying helping people, not necessarily with your money, but with your time. Especially people who you think are deserving, but are perhaps down on their luck. I know that has given me a lot of meaning in my life.

>> No.13230356

I dont mean this negatively, but how do you find that in quigong? Was that an acquired passion or natural? For me that seems like meditation which is great for me but also a bit of a chore.