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13217623 No.13217623 [Reply] [Original]

Burgers BTFO
>tax unrealized gains


>> No.13217635



>> No.13217644

Jesus Christ. Fucking dems can't be serious with this.

>> No.13217658

Unless it's Yangbux I don't give a SHIT.
Even if democrats managed to successfully tax Jeff Bezos they would just stuff the money into their pockets instead of mine and that is bullshit.

>> No.13217675

How else will we pay benefits to the ~70k new migrants we're receiving every week? We don't want them to riot.

>> No.13217685
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>> No.13217689

Why don't we all just organize and refuse to pay?

>> No.13217693

time to just start keking these people

>> No.13217697

So do I get an annual rebate if I'm carrying an unrealized loss?

>> No.13217704

I'll take things that will never happen for 800. How would this work on things like artwork, collectibles. Just sell your shit every year until eventually nobody has anything at all left. Uh huh, yeah right

>> No.13217709
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Racist. How dare you deny the poor ni- I mean minorities their rightful support? Also how else are we going to get oil from the middle east without a few hundred more f-22's? These things aren't cheap goyim!

>> No.13217716
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inb4 it only applies to "property" (excluding real estate)

>> No.13217720
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enough is enough, this is an injustice!

>> No.13217732
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in all seriousness though this would be full on clown world communism if it were implemented in any capacity whatsoever

>> No.13217734

Wouldn't this really kill the stock market since people would be forced to sell?

>> No.13217756


Yes, thus it would never see the light of day in Congress. There is a reason why you want to be in equities.. where every mega rich guy's money is.

>> No.13217768

yeah the government would be basically taking time preference out of the equation when it came to capital allocation. it's such a monumentally stupid idea that this dumb old fucker should be run out of town on a rail by people with pitchforks and torches just for suggesting it. it would unironically be time to GET OUT of the country if this were implemented, with how fucked everything would become

>> No.13217772

ron wyden is a faggot, I hate oregon. god needs to pump crypto so I can leave this place.

>> No.13217774

And let me guess, this doesn't apply to unrealized losses?

>> No.13217782

Just a google search shows that wyden does this just about every election. Propose some taxes he knows nobody including a lot of democrats (who need wealthy donors ) will support. Where is Warren Buffet and Bill Gates to demand their wealth (which is mostly comprised of untaxed unrealized gains) be taxed. I want to see warren and bill come out and demand this they way they demand higher income taxes as they fight the IRS to limit what they pay. Cmon warren lets here how you want your unrealized gains in the tens of billions taxed. Cmon give. Wont you give. Its for THE CHILDREN!!!

>> No.13217784

Seconded. Maybe I'll move to Alaska.

>> No.13217789


What the fuck is wrong with your state? The governor just instituted statewide rent controls, which is nearly equally insane.

>> No.13217795

How retarded can these people be?

>> No.13217810

Portland effectively holds the rest of us hostage.

>> No.13217822

>What the fuck is wrong with your state?
liberal women are given positions of power.

>> No.13217824

Well, who's going to pay for niggers and spics chitlens if you don't pay up white man?

>> No.13217826

Yeah, that dyke just does whatever her vagina tells her. She just tried lowering the voting age to 16

>> No.13217839

>Just sell your shit every year until eventually nobody has anything at all left.
That's the idea. Only bankers and party members are allowed to own property.

>> No.13217841

The senate and big business collab. Jews have an interest in the stock market too. This would never happen.

>> No.13217921

Which is a shame because Oregon is fucking beautiful

>> No.13217958

This will never pass. It’s insanely fucking stupid. How will markets mature if they have to sell to pay taxes all the time. Fuck this asshole

>> No.13217982

Thats the point welcome to socialism

>> No.13217988

I would pivot into physical gold and silver with every spare penny I could.

>> No.13218020

Unironically this. I would fucking leave. They may build the wall to keep people IN then

>> No.13218022
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I think in Germany this is already the case if one holds mutual funds. I think governments figured out that their policy of easy money skewed markets in a way that fewer people actively trade and most normies are just in to rake in the gains of asset inflation. Basically people never sell, so they never pay taxes.. Government noticed it and now wants "their" share anyway.

>> No.13218059

as if jews would allow this

>> No.13218062


You now understand why the US military and Intelligence is the strongest in the world.

It's so that we can't rebel against our tyrannical government. EXACTLY what the forefathers warned us about.

Pretty sad to be perfectly honest.

>> No.13218084


No it isn't, it's because we're neo-imperialistic. Our intelligence influences governments worldwide and our military protects and controls vital trade channels to ensure favorable trade conditions.

The American people are too fat and happy to rebel in earnest, we're hardly a concern.

>> No.13218136

what is the whiskey rebellion for $500 Alex?

>> No.13218142

>he thinks this law would apply to Jews

First experience with communism, eh?

>> No.13218153

>Our intelligence influences governments worldwide and our military protects Israel and the Federal Reserve's Petrodollar


>> No.13218160

By bribing people for tax breaks

>> No.13218188

people are so blind and dumb they aren't even outraged by a politician trying to lower voting age simply because younger voters are more likely to vote for her. where's the CNN article about the corrupt attempted abuse of power here? It's too small time for them because this shit happens nonstop and no one cares.

>> No.13218202

And you're on a list.

>> No.13218205

>statewide rent controls
kek. a fact often overlooked by the real estate shills. when the local government decides to tax the shit out of you or institute rent controls it's often too late. didnt hear about that in oregon though, wow, that's insane

>> No.13218208

HOOWOOOOW I sure hope they really go for this one good lordy lord.

>> No.13218254

>Democratic big idea
All democrats need the rope ASAP. They aren't getting their grubby hands on my hard-earned shekels

>> No.13218309


Really it's both. But job number one is keeping Americans enslaved and tricked into believing we are free.

> free as long as you work 2/3 of your life

>> No.13218468

Unironically good news for crypto. Everyone will move their money into unregulated markets if this passes. The USD will collapse and an entire new crypto based economy will replace it.

>> No.13218484


>> No.13218494

Literally nothing wrong with this. It doesn't make you pay any more taxes over time. Whether you pay X% tax on principle or X% tax on your final balance later, you still have the same amount at the end of the day.

>> No.13218512

It wouldn't make any difference that's why it's being suggested as a change

>> No.13218516

Illinois reporting in. Your Portland is our Chicago. I know your feel. I'll be fleeing soon to go live around sane people and watch my home state burn in the distance.

Last time we made the Wall Street Journal it was for having our state bonds drop to junk status. Last time we made the national news it was for the Jussie corruption. I hope another Irish cow lights that shithole on fire and it slides into the polluted lake it is built on.

>> No.13218528

>implying (((investment companies))) like Vanguard, BlackRock, etc. won't happily hand over every thing you hold.

Anyway this won't get out of committee in the Senate and probably not even the House. Someone is grandstanding.

>> No.13218531


It wouldn't make any difference to us. But the government could invest the tax sooner.

>> No.13218551

>buy 100 btc for $100k
>hold for 3 years
>it’s worth $1 million now
Under the current system, as long as I sell only $38k each year, I owe 0% in taxes.

>> No.13218573


Got me there, but the average person has 5 times that income.

>> No.13218591

The government can invest the money, and I can invest the money, both at the same time? This is incredible. I'm a little slow so I'm not getting how this works, but it's fucking genius man

>> No.13218601

They literally import voters for pic related and similar "democratic big ideas"

>> No.13218616

The average person in the US makes less than $40k/year. But that’s irrelevant because even if I sold up to $400k btc per year, I would still only pay 15% tax on it.

>> No.13218622

So everybody who is up sells because who knows what's going to happen tomorrow and people who are down get dumped on, rekking them even more? This is the fastest way to ruin the economy.

Sounds about right.

>> No.13218625

>the average person has 5 times that income
>5 * $38k = $190k/year
Just... no

>> No.13218633
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Boomers are too brainwashed and just want to collect their pensions and SS. Many young people are already debt slaves who will submit to this if it means they get some form of gibs since they have nothing to look forward to anyway. In between these two groups I believe there is a majority that agrees with you but most would not be vocal about it even on the internet. The idea is that crypto eventually makes it so that governments no longer have compulsion over people's money in the same way they do now. Until we reach that tipping point, if it happens at all, the current regime is going to keep reaching out for more control as it collapses UNLESS people stand up and do something about it. Given the events we are seeing in France, UK, and even NZ of all places, perhaps that time will come soon.

>> No.13218638

kek, retard poster btfo

>> No.13218640


The MEDIAN income in the US for an individual is currently in the $60-70k range. The average income is well into the six figures.

>> No.13218652
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>> No.13218655

That’s median household income you retard. Most households have two people with an income.

>> No.13218657


Do the math. This "tax every year" system would really only work out worse for you if you held something for many years.

>> No.13218684


They also share expenses.

>> No.13218693

lol paying taxes on crypto. you people really pay taxes on crypto? wow what cucks



>> No.13218708

OwO what's this? :3c

>> No.13218719

>But the government could invest the tax sooner.
The goal of civilization isn't to give the government more money, dumbfuck.

>> No.13218721


>> No.13218746

It's not BTC or ETH so I'm not even sure what crypto it belongs to

>> No.13218770

loitcoin moite

>> No.13218794

It's 60-70k for married couples. Which makes 30-35k for individuals.

>> No.13218833

Thank my dude I appreciate you


>> No.13218842

my pleasure, always glad to do business with you

>> No.13218854


Never said that. Its just a policy to increase revenue, probably because there are record deficits which many believe is an existential crisis. If you think law would be too much, lmao. You aren't going to like whats coming in 5-10 years if the deficit isn't turned around.


No that figure includes single people. It also includes college student, homeless people, retarded people, etc. Lets be serious here, $35k is literally the POVERTY LINE these days. And you are saying that is the average. No the actual AVERAGE income for a tax payer in the US closer to $140k.

>> No.13218918

>taxing a gain that doesn't technically even exist
this is beyond retardation

>> No.13218939



>> No.13218955






>> No.13218958

this guy gets it

>> No.13218968

>2000 was 19 years ago

>> No.13219005

Hah! They should apply this to real estate and draw the curtain shut.

>> No.13219079

How to never allow the stock market to organically grow ever again: a primer.

>> No.13219098

>The stock market has been growing organically
kek sure grandpa

>> No.13219126

Eventually they’ll just rangeban you, and you’ll be unable to post without a 4chan pass or a vpn to hide your location.

>> No.13219144

>refuse to pay outrageous taxes
>toss 70 year old democrats into the bay

>> No.13219182

Fuck off, NEET.

>> No.13219211
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>stock market
>organic growth
The crypto market is unironically more "organic" than stocks. The US government in particular basically the entire world economy right now. There is nothing organic about it.

>> No.13219222

niggers don't cost a lot but the increasing government institutions and pensions do
current workers AND current/future pensions, just imagine all the police/fbi/soldiers/politicians/social workers/firemen etc, etc. with pensions fren, it's a big nugget that needs paying, bottomless pit.
boomer parents mostly died around 70-80 and many died in ww2. Boomers are a massive group and will live longer due to smoking less and eating less sugar as knowledge of causes gets better.
>t. boomer dad retired at 50 with pension and goes to gym 3 days a week while eating keto.
he's lost so much weight he'll probably live to 100 and cost the taxpayer a ton per year during the most useless part of his life

>> No.13219232

>tax unrealized captial gains
Do this shit and 1776 will unironically commence again.

>> No.13219247
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There are two options:
>massive capital flight away from wall st
>fascist soft coup led by based billionaires (see Gay-ido over in Venezuela or Mueller in the US to see how this might be attempted)
Either way everyone loses. Sucks to be an amerifat I guess.

>> No.13219251


>> No.13219280

based frontier poster

>> No.13219286

>buy on exchange
>send to my address
>'sell' to myself and send to my other address
>buy it back at from myself years later at the old price I bought it for before and immediately sell only paying short term capital gains

I never have any gains because I immediately sold it to myself as soon as I got it in my wallet. Only when I was ready to sell did I sell it back to myself and then put it on exchange. A bit convoluted but it's not like they can stop it, right? If I can't sell then I gift it to my other address and gift it back once it's had a few years of gains.

>> No.13219318
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>severely undermining the entire legal understanding of what "income" even is from a technical standpoint
>to tax people on theoretical income they haven't even made yet
>Teehee it's okay though, since we promise we just want to hurt those rich rascals ;)

I am a firm believer that Liberal-minded and Conservative-minded people both have important roles to play in society and government, but the Democratic party has slid off the deep end and into absolute clownworld retardation. They need to be purged, period.

>> No.13219329
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>implying a bunch of rich assholes in congress would ever fuck themselves over like this
Their donors would also throw a fucking fit if they even attempted this. It's not going to happen guys.

>> No.13219346

go buy some guns and ammo.

>> No.13219360

>Mostly affecting top earners

Drill down on this and I bet you'll find it only applies to investment gains over a certain threshold. Your $2000 in Chainlink is probably safe.

>> No.13219365

It's a ridiculously fucked up thing to even suggest. The super-rich would remain wealthy and powerful, with enough assets to have stability and keep generating more wealth. It would just screw over anybody wanting to move up and become wealthy.

>> No.13219377

>The super-rich would remain wealthy and powerful
> just screw over anybody wanting to move up
This is literally their intention. The people suggesting this are all very rich.

>> No.13219408

>have rare baseball card collection in your attic that you bought as a kid
>IRS deathsquad kicks down your door to collect capital gains tax

>> No.13219411
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Wait are you supposed to report capital gains when you sell trading cards?

>> No.13219424

Taxing capital gains is a legal contrivance that is pants-on-head retarded in the abstract, irrespective of any hypothetical caps, ceilings, or other limits that may or may not be applied to try to pacify any resistance to the ridiculous notion.

>> No.13219434

Oh heeeeelllll to the fucking fuck no. What am I even seeing right now? This idiot needs to neck himself.

>> No.13219447

This would never, ever happen. Wall Street donations to the Democrat party would evaporate overnight.

>> No.13219459

This. It's just pandering. Schumer would never let this shit happen.

>> No.13219465

>How to destroy a country.

>> No.13219468
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>how to put a country out of its misery

>> No.13219507

>become 40% brown
>suddenly 40% of people fuck up
oh goddddd hoowwwwww could this happennnnnnn

>> No.13219525

Why do Democrats so desperately want a flight of capital?

Isnt it true that if we keep corporate and investment taxes at extremely low levels, money from all around the world would come swarming into our markets, effectively boosting our GDP and overall economy?

Raising taxes means money leaves our economy, which means the overall taxable amount decreases, which means fewer total tax revenue collected, which means slower growth and stagnation.


>> No.13219528

The third world parts are mostly white though (they are mostly in "middle america.")

>> No.13219569

Did you just ignore the part where you're paying at current income tax rates instead of current long term capital gains rates? Do you realize that's a huge fucking difference?

>> No.13219601

This nigger unironically thinks the average American is taking home $140K holy shit

>> No.13219631
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Think of the suburban wine moms who won't be send their 12 year old son to tranny camp this summer due to the taxes. Or the soibois down in SF who will have to move out of their $60k/year 200sqft studio. This will hurt the core of America's civil society.

>> No.13219753
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You seem to think taxes is about generating revenue. It's not. Taxes are for punishing non-brown people. If we need more money we'll just attack another middle eastern country.

>> No.13219785
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>> No.13219836

I hate niggers like this

>> No.13219856

This will never pass. own million dollar house with 50k per year job. Your house grows 20% that year. Now it is worth $1,200,000. 50k per year is't enough to pay taxes on the house and afford living expenses so you are forced to sell your home simply because the market rose. Everyone in your same situation also has to sell their home at the same time to pay taxes and avoid prison. The housing market crashes and people go into debt to pay back their unrealized gains. Never gonna happen.

>> No.13219867
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>own million dollar house with 50k per year job.
You'd already be having problems ue to property taxes alone. Selling would be your best bet. Contrary to popular belief it is not the government's responsibility to help you make wise investment decisions.

>> No.13219883
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Pee pee poo poo

>> No.13219899


>> No.13219908

F-22 is not in production anymore, you dumb polnigger.

>> No.13219931

>More socialism
Of course the politician in OP's pic is a Jew.

>> No.13219932

It's also not the government's job to charge me to live in the private property I already bought. If they wanted rights to the land they should have bought it.

>> No.13219936

>You'd already be having problems due to property taxes alone
It depends what state you live in. You wouldn't have problems with property taxes in Hawaii.

A poor investment decision shouldn't land you in prison for tax evasion. Even still, at the end of every year people will have to sell a portion of their assets. Likely a portion of every asset they own. Every market would crash at the end of the year. Not having to pay taxes on unrealized gains encourages people to hold assets long term which has a positive effect on economies. Democrats and republicans like it when people hold long term. It will never pass. Rich people wouldn't allow it to. Politicians wouldn't allow it to.

>> No.13219942
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This. Now we have the based F-35 that's basically a shitty as the F-22 but with a cool as fuck $500,000 helmet that makes pilots nauseous.

>> No.13219945
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>> No.13219955

The Jews are the ones pushing this, retard.

>> No.13219965


There is no taxation without representation. People actually voted these fucking commie faggots in.

>> No.13219970

You can kill yourself. Rich people love not having to pay taxes on unrealized gains. They love they only have to pay 23.55% on their billions. while a worker making 400k has to pay 45%

>> No.13220002
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If the jews were pushing it Trump would be supporting it.

>> No.13220011


>This guy pays capital gains tax and has more money
>This guy pays income tax and has less money
>So the guy having more money is the problem

Fucking kill yourself and your shameful Marxist mentality. You didn't even properly veil the unequal comparison to push your disgusting ideas. You compared income tax to capital gains tax. If you could make a billion dollars being a wage slave it would be taxed at 45%. You'll never get out of that wageslave cycle if you tax the fuck out of capital gains. But you're just fine with that. As soon as you see someone break free you just have to pull him back into the box you fucking crab person.

>> No.13220016

good point

>> No.13220046

They'll leave in a "legal loophole" that you can only access by paying way too much money to a specific firm behind the legislation. By strangling anyone who tries to leave the peasant class the already rich retain more money in the long term. 70% income tax on the upper bracket (which starts at 300K, tee hee)? Nothing could make the elite feel more comfy and secure

>> No.13220070

The top earners brought this nightmare on themselves. Had they paid their fair share and not found every single loophole and offshore shadow account possible then politicians wouldn’t have to go to these crazy measures to tax them. Maybe this will be a wake up call for the top earners to pay their share like the rest of Americans. That said, unrealized gains tax is an absolute brain dead of an idea.

>> No.13220076
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r/chapotraphouse is that way, you cringey faggot.

>> No.13220088

Kek, good point, I hadn't thought of that. Funny that Jews (Carl Icahn, Kushner, Steven Miller, etc.) both play Trump and lead the progressive witchhunt against your regular MAGAtard showing up some dork fest alt-right rally.

>> No.13220141

that is the most retarded thing ive ever heard

>> No.13220148
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So lemme get this straight
>buy crypto
>you make a killing when you finally short the market
>IRS throws you in the federal slammer unless you immediately fork over a huge chunk of that profit
Is this the basis of whats being presented? I swear to fucking god or kek or whatever that tax payers (white dudes) are going to get utterly fucked in the ass in the coming years on a level never seen before. I can't even get on welfare since I'm white and have a penis. Am I correct on how this tax works?

>> No.13220161

I read this and I love the bit about how it's the elite 20% accidentally being so racist to blacks that they're holding *everyone* down.

Imagine hating black people so much you import millions of hispanics to lower their wages, kek

>> No.13220164


You can buy gold in bitcoin.

>> No.13220185

>"a worker"

We know you're just blowing Adderall and sperging out all day anon

>> No.13220248

How does that change anything? Is our economy going to get so fucking soviet tier that people are bartering in gold? I keep a decent amount of my money in precious metals but I didn't think everything was collapsing this fast already

>> No.13220294

>move capital to Ireland
>only middle and upper middle class get absolutely fisted into poverty while the ultra rich laugh at them

Hopefully it happens so it finally trigger the hangening of dems.

>> No.13220388

So many people will flee America and renounce citizenship if this happens.

>> No.13220409

Who is John Galt?

>> No.13220417


You can sell gold for cash, stupid.

Ah whatever, you're obviously too dumb to even be considering this.

>> No.13220431

I'm trying to get OUT of fiat dude. I believe an economic crash is coming soon and I don't want to be holding anymore toilet paper than I absolutely have to

>> No.13220499

>Gold and silver sellers now required by law to give up their customers so they can tax unrealised capital gains.
Yeah we're fucked either way bud

>> No.13220577


So why are you on about the IRS? If what you say is true it wouldnt matter. They only know if that cash hits the bank.

>> No.13220649

Don't get why americans are against taxes. Pre-regan, pre-boomer highest income bracket taxes were 90% and it caused the federal budget to be balanced. A purely conservative policy.

>> No.13220693
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Know what else causes the federal budget to be balanced? Less spending on useless shit and a reduction in government size and power.

>> No.13220707

Mostly affecting top earners my ass. That's garbage. Dems really wanna lose 2020 huh?

>> No.13220754

It worked - it balanced the budget. Stating otherwise is pure boomer delusion. It's the boomers that reversed this policy due to sociopathic reasons.

>> No.13220766
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>It worked - it balanced the budget.
When you steal ass loads of money from job providers and cripple the economy in the process it's not hard to balance a budget of any size. That doesn't mean it works.

>> No.13220770

It clearly doesn't work on it's own. Thinking otherwise is delusion.

>> No.13220772

History proves it works tardo. It was done and it worked.

>> No.13220775

No way this will happen

>> No.13220811
File: 181 KB, 680x1046, brainlet3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently you don't know much about the stagflation of the 70s. There is a reason Reganomics was so popular at the time and why Regan turned the entire country red for a decade. Why don't you come back after you've graduated high school

>> No.13220817

Apparently, you don't know either. Mentioning a topic doesn't imply knowledge about it you sociopathic boomer.

>> No.13220819


In the netherlands this is considered normal somehow. Even your house is seen as taxeable wealth so you basically pay rent in addition to property taxes, but only if you paid off your mortgage.

>> No.13220823

>This "tax every year" system would really only work out worse for you if you held something for many years.

Long-term investing should definitely be disincentivized and short-term speculation and of course internationalization of assets should be stimulated. What could go wrong?

>> No.13220831

>pre boomer politics
>not being grossly conservative on both sides of politics comparing to today.
Also, the 70ties were a few decades from the times under discussion.

>> No.13220833


Except taxation is theft

>> No.13220838

Don't participate in society then.

>> No.13220847

>Taxation is Marxism
>Unironically using a JP talking point
The absolute state of the board. Shouldn't you be cleaning your room?

>> No.13220868

It’s like they want a 2nd trump term

>> No.13220884

Do you own it if you need to pay to keep it? There is a distinction between ownership and possession. You possess the land but the state considers itself the owner.

>> No.13220892


I'll just tax you 100% to make up the difference and this is a good thing according to your logic. You made the choice to live in my country after all, so pay up slave.

>> No.13220922

it doesn't matter if this is real or not. there will be no storming of the capitol. democracy was a mistake.

>> No.13220935

I'm sure they do.

>> No.13220943

I'm sure they'll get one

>> No.13220945


That's how it is. In Europe you are wealth taxed on your assets by their january 1st price. Houses, stocks, crypto, metals, it doesn't matter. Price can crash 2nd of january, you still have to pay. Some real GoodFellas shit.

My wealth taxes alone are a full month of after-taxes income for me. A whole fucking month of labor without pay, it's ridiculous. I'm not even rich, I'm just trying to save money for a house so I live in self-imposed poverty for now.

>> No.13220951

They have nothing to do with each other

>> No.13220962

>forced debt
>never gonna happen
rumpelstiltskin, is that you?

>> No.13220964

>In Europe
Nobody cares

>> No.13220965


Already a thing in Europe, but only if you buy more than 10k from 1 place

>> No.13220970

I'm sure we still won't have a wall

>> No.13220980


Stop living any time parasite

>> No.13220981

I'm sure we'll still be in Syria

>> No.13220994

I'm sure white pop. share will fall under 50% under Trump

>> No.13221001

I'm sure we'll still be sending billions to Israel

>> No.13221010


Just saying, your nightmares are my daily life here in the EUSSR so feel free to ask questions

>> No.13221043

I'm sure you don't realize that's why he was elected. And I'm sure you'll cast your first vote for the epitome of the failure of the judeo-american system of government.

>> No.13221051

Hilariously the corporate tax rate is only 6% in Israel!
Those burgers need to make sure the hard working kikes aren't payin to much tax!
B A S E D K I K E , SO jelly!

>> No.13221052

Why don't you come to America? Literal Somalians and Mexicans pull it off every day

>> No.13221093


Working towards it, but you need a lot of funds if you're white. 1+ million dollars, fluent English and a job or business. I do love my country, just not the people who deem themselves to be in charge of it and me.

>> No.13221096

No one rich paid taxes in those brackets, they had loopholes written in. Government revenue went up when they finally reduced taxes. Called the Laffer Curve.

>> No.13221099

a week ago i saw a feed the children ad on fox news for israel. for just $25 a month you can feed a jew and please do the needful.

>> No.13221103

Why do you think a third world country is better than the 1st world? Did you watch to many movies/tv & get brainwashed like the burgers?

>> No.13221110

FYI 1MM is FUCK ALL in Burgerland! I've see hospital bills bigger!

>> No.13221125


Northern Europe bro, formerly highest quality of living standard in the world. Guess I'm just being nostalgic, with all this EU army nonsense and blatant censorship going on from article 13.

>> No.13221224

But why are you idolising the most evil tax regime in the world? The reality is moving & living in one place is not going to be a good idea in the future.

>EU Army
The mutts are WAY worse about the military, >MUH SUPPORT THE TROOPS. The EU is just the United States of Europe...Don't know how old you are but if you move to Burgerland you WILL have to sign up for the draft! Know some stories from the Vietnam era of Expats living in the US...

>Article 13
At the moment everything being said is conjecture, gotta wait for a court case to see how its settled. It will probably be bad though

>> No.13221235

>The EU is just the United States of Europe
I wish, lol

>> No.13221279

Let me explain!

Before the United States of America, what was it? It took a couple/few hundred years for the individual states to form the United States! What was Europe before the EU?....Same thing a collection of states/countries forming a Union.

Also, I noticed the first USA flag was 13 stars in a circle on a blue background, Exactly like the EU one but without the red & white!

Brussels is just Washington DC/Philly when that was the capital!

>> No.13221376

britbong here
I don't understand how burgers can be so calm and nonchalant about things like this. Whenever I walk around and see the lower classes they always display such seething contempt, as if they're one wrong look away from snapping and shanking you. Does everyone in the US carry guns or something? You guys must be incredibly brave or naive.

>> No.13221393

Its naivete!

>> No.13221584


>> No.13221590

Because our police are armed to the gills and all too happy to shoot people

>> No.13221707
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>> No.13221741


>> No.13222075

idk if this has been said or not then wouldn't it be fair if you can get unrealized losses then and carry that over too.

>> No.13222167

Holy shit that's one meta clown

>> No.13222889

Yoo before slavery started:
>The slave brougth this nigthmare on themselves. Had they picked their fair share of cotton, we wouldnt have to captivate them.

>> No.13223100

>Doesn't understand why tax is collected
fuck off back to /reddit/ ya ignorant cunt!

>> No.13223173

argue my point, stop using analogies.

of course I know what it is for. It's for feeding all the niggers like you but my argument is on the basis of principle. If your average American is paying their fair share then so to should poorer and richer folks. Now we can argue what the fair share amount is but you can't argue for one group of people getting special rights and another having the cards stacked against them.

>> No.13223218

>Literally doesn't know what taxes pay for!
Go look up 'The Grace Commission' you absolute retard!
FYI Niggers get ZERO tax money! I goes solely to another race!

>> No.13223231

Imagine posting on an anonymously cambodian underwater basket weaving forum about taxes for another country that’s doesn’t affect you.
The real kicker is that it’s a proposed tax idea, not even a bill, from a rogue democrat. It would never pass into law.
Imagine bein this pathetic

>> No.13223357

Ok I looked it up. Big shock, taxes are being wasted by the government. That is the very definition of a government. But if the average American has to foot the bill to service the national debt or government waste, then I expect the rich to do the same. Either we all pay for the governmental waste or nobody has to pay for it.

>> No.13223366

and by average american, I mean the middle class and by rich i mean the upper class.

>> No.13223508


>> No.13223523

Do fucking democrats not understand how literally 99.999% of money doesn't exist?

>> No.13223529

If that actually happens I'm moving to Singapore/Malaysia

>> No.13223568

The scary part is, although this will be laughed at now, woke zoomers who think only old white men invest money, will start to call for this type of nonsense more and more.

>> No.13223706

>Looked it up but still doesn't understand!
Fuck you mutts are dumb!
Its not wasted! The tax system works exactly how it was designed!
You have no idea how bad things are!

>> No.13223739

well, I am not going to germany.

>> No.13223754

Ok tell me how it works if you are so enlightened. You won't though because just like me, you haven't the vaguest sense of what is really going on but unlike me, you act all high and mighty because you found a nugget of truth and now think you know everything and see it all.

>> No.13223838

>Found a nugget
Fuck you ya cunt!
I am still learning by the way! But ffs bootlicker, YOU have TONNES of work to do!

Here is a couple of things...
VERY carefully read the below! Its 14 pages
Look up 'Dirty Float' its a forex term!

Also if you wanna see how the world works pick up a legal dictionary! Learn some legalise!

>you haven't the vaguest sense of what is really going on
Just cause your a dullard doesn't mean everyone else is!

>but unlike me, you act all high and mighty
You where tellin people how it was! & getting it TOTALLY wrong. That's why I tuned it!
Sorry you don't like the reflection you saw!
Just stop NPCing shit you have NEVER looked into!

>> No.13223918

None of you are top earners. Stop freaking out because your boss’s boss’s boss might have to pay more than a 40% income tax for once in the past 30 years.

>> No.13223958


Like I said, we have this system in Europe. Unrealized gains? Fuck you, pay me. Losses? Fuck you, pay me. Can't pay? Fuck you, sell your house. That's the tax system. Privatized tax revenue for the political elite, publicized losses for everyone else. It's a mafia except the mafia is cheaper, less violent and doesn't interfere with daily life as much.

>> No.13223975
File: 92 KB, 890x960, 86A62A82-4E7E-4207-8001-FDFCCA48895A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourself cuck, until recently the US had among the highest corporate tax rates in the world (39%) and it's one of the reasons our country got hit by globalism the hardest when it comes to jobs and wage growth. Stop acting like tax money goes directly into your pocket instead of towards woefully inefficient programs and other stupid shit you retarded fucking faggot. The government is run by 105 IQ tech illiterate boomers, if you think giving all the money to the same people that run the DMV is a good thing you should probably just kill yourself

>> No.13224017

So what's so bad about this? No different from a regular tax.
>mostly affecting top earners
looks good to me.

>> No.13224023

I'm not a bootlicker, I don't want to pay taxes in the first place but that's the situation we find ourselves in so we have to argue from that point of view. You can keep jacking off to your findings in the abyss but if you don't bring them to consciousness, you are just as bad as normie scum who go along with the program and don't question you gatekeeping boomer faggot.

>> No.13224044

this. the dumb mediocre cunts that usually think it's okay to steal more from people just because they don't personally have significant economic value must imagine that the products they buy materialize out of the ether rather than are produced by people who selectively manage capital and risk. I wish they would all just move to venezuela, it's much more their speed.

>> No.13224067

>highest corporate tax rates in the world (39%)
lmao that’s not high at all

You guys are fucking oxymoron. You hate waging and you hate your bosses but at the same time don’t want them to lose any money.

>> No.13224078

>550 people could fund over 300million people for 8 months
>this is somehow wasteful
I can't even begin to grasp this shit.

>> No.13224087

>I'm not a bootlicker
Your lying to yourself now! You were just speaking positively of tax, without any knowledge! Sounds like you follow the herd well!
>I don't want to pay taxes in the first place but that's the situation we find ourselves in
B/c of IGNORance
>. You can keep jacking off to your findings in the abyss but if you don't bring them to consciousness
I realised this YEARS ago, people are to dumb! No changing that, your living proof of that fact!
>you are just as bad as normie scum who go along with the program and don't question you gatekeeping boomer faggot.
Projecting! except the Boomer part obviously!
I gave you shit to look @! Why didn't you go read that article I gave you? Instead of seakin knowleadge & asking questions, you chose to come back & prove your are a complete fucking dullard!
fuckin Mutt Zoomer Scum

>> No.13224088

Define “globalism” in 8 words or less.

>> No.13224103

Not to mention the vast majority of it goes to boomers like that guy in the form of medicare and SS.

>> No.13224106

A systemic power shift from governments to corporations

>> No.13224110

I'm more annoyed with the illegal fucking WARS

>> No.13224218

The things you gave me to look at are baby's first breakthrough material. Nothing profound that isn't already discussed here. Have fun taking those truths to the grave when you could've saved your race with them.

>> No.13224264

Just because the taxes were that high doesn't mean it's right you stupid fucking nigger. Go lick the Gov's boot, fucking brown nosing cunt

>> No.13224288

>taxing unrealized gains

What if a stock moons, then immediately comes back down to earth? This is a can of worms that should not be opened, and I can only attribute it to popular politics.

>> No.13224337


Actually now that I think about it it's even worse.

Let's say that you're a normal person with an IRA, a 401k or a TSP, some kind of retirement account. Now they're also in the process of trying to get rid of Roth variations of the IRA and the TSP. So you pay into your retirement accounts and they start to go up. You get hit with taxes, but you cannot liquidate. So either money is steadily coming out of your retirement account because they let you pay that way, or extra money is coming out of your paycheck.

...holy shit. Are they trying to destroy the middle class? Rhetorical question: of course they are.

>> No.13224423


Medicare and SS and any other insurance like programs are a drag on the money put into it. The only reason they're in place is too many dumb idiots can't save their money and spend responsibly so we decided we 'needed' a social safety net for everyone.


You can't because you don't understand that after those 8 months where would the money come from besides loaning more money to people, institutions, funds, etc.

>> No.13224473

jesus you have to be the stupidest nigger on this board.

>> No.13224476

>Nothing profound that isn't already discussed here.
You didn't read them, you didn't understand them!
If you actually read them & had an understanding you would have never said that tax shite! You read 2 sentences & said to yourself 'I know all about this already!' You are literally you own gatekeeper! Though the arrogance of your own ignorance!
How can I help someone that clearly doesn't want help!
Please KYS your wasting precious resources!

>> No.13224489


>> No.13224523

So you read legalise?
What is the Defintion of a Driver? A Passenger? A Vehicle? A Person? Are you a Slave by definition?

Quit thinkin so highly of yourself, it gets in the way of learning!

>> No.13224544

>niggers don't cost a lot
t. nigger with 4 babies he's never met being raised by welfare mamas who have 6 kids by 6 different niggas.

>> No.13224612

You're supposed to report them when you sell anything. It's just that if the amount you sold is low enough, the IRS won't care because it'd take more money to find you than the amount you owe

>> No.13224679

Britain has far more class consciousness than America. Damn near everywhere else does. So many American poor legitimately believe they're just temporarily suffering a setback. Granted, the homeless are probably a bit more shaken than that.

>> No.13224721

>Maybe this will be a wake up call for the top earners to pay their share like the rest of Americans
Richfags don't care about anyone except themselves. If they feel that their bags are under too much pressure, they'll just leave the country. This happened before when the USSR became a thing.

>> No.13224846

>poos making the second highest amount
This just proves my theory that only the ones from higher castes ever make it out of India. At least most of them don't LARP like the system's against them.

>> No.13225150

There's no way that life satisfaction is that high in Britain. They must have only asked boomers.

>> No.13225300

Hope you used a good VPN to make that post.

>> No.13225460

This. They're setting up the infrastructure for socialism so that they become the ruling elite in the government model that follows our democratic republic. They need to disrupt the population in a way that allows their white faggot constituents to check their privilege (flood with non-english speaking brown people) in order to control it. By flooding the country with poor brown people, they are automatically creating a new mega welfare class, AND they get the ultimate protected status on top of that. It isn't just about votes, it is about what happens after they get the votes. The only thing they didn't count on were the nigger riots that will follow. They can't abort enough black babies to prevent that.

>> No.13225795


well he can go with wall building in 2nd term lol

>> No.13226934

...damn, that's actually spot-on anon
>160c8bJd completely BTFO

>> No.13226952
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>Burgers BTFO
>>tax unrealized gains

This is why 'Merica is an ass backwards shithole.

>> No.13227032

>At the moment everything being said is conjecture, gotta wait for a court case to see how its settled. It will probably be bad though
the whole point is that internet companies will have to preemtively self censor. one of those EU bastards pushing it said that maube youtube shouldn't exist.

>> No.13227050

>I'm gonna be taxed 60 grand a year because my shit coins could MAYBE make money

I thought America was about not paying taxes?

>> No.13227213

niggers seem to be living rent free in your mind as well lol