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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13200154 No.13200154 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw 30,000 in credit card debt

>> No.13200191

>tfw not retarded
Sucks to be you, OP

>> No.13200238


>> No.13200242
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>200k in debt
>filed for bankruptcy and still get 6 figure loan offers

>> No.13200269

I bet there is a woman behind this man's 30k debt. give us greentext op

>> No.13200280

Thank you anon, for reminding me to pay off my credit cards, which I do in full every month :^)

>> No.13200288

You should pay that off. Credit card debt is usually pretty high interest.

>> No.13200376
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almost $9000 in credit line debt here. $0 on high interest credit card though

>> No.13200391

yuri yuri dozer

>> No.13200516

lmfao nice

>> No.13200635



>> No.13200649

>tfw fucked on regular income taxes

I got a refund last year and now I owe 7 times that refund this year.

>> No.13200765

Can you walk me through how this happens? I find it fascinating that someone could let it get out of control like that but never asked about what goes through their mind

>> No.13200776


medical bills, moving expenses, apartment lease fees

>> No.13200793

just sell all your assets for cash and hide your crypto. file for bankrupt

>> No.13200821
File: 7 KB, 225x225, killme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


they can take your crypto?

>> No.13201015

You would enjoy David Ramsay youtube videos

>> No.13201067

>owe 3k

>> No.13201074

Declare bankruptcy and resign yourself to a life of wage slavery

>> No.13201076

I know that feel, except I didn't spend a dime. My mom really fucked me over.

>> No.13201285

>spending money that is not yours
Usury, kikes and amerimutts go hand in hand, but why? What makes mutts believe they can pay off 30k 25% interest debts while working at mcD for 12$/hour

>> No.13201306

im not sure, i wouldnt risk it. it would be very easy for someone to track it unless you bought all your crypto 100% anonymous

>> No.13201767



>> No.13201822

His mom probably stole his identity and opened a bunch of ccs using his ssn/name. But he could easily report her to the cops for identity theft and get his debt forgiven.

>> No.13201861

makes me feel better about 7k.

>> No.13201905


that's pretty fucked up

>> No.13201920
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i have always wondered about that. could you just go into massive dept and file bankruptcy for 10 years and then cash out? how would (((they))) know its your crypto you can just say i gave it to some Nigerian prince or lost the private key or something. but cant be that easy or else everyone would do it i guess. asking for a friend btw

>> No.13201983
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>lost the private key or something
you just lose it in a boating accident. pic related

>> No.13202376


>> No.13202458
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It happened to me too...tempting but no

>> No.13202527

The bankruptcy process uses a trustee as a go between you/your attorney and the court. The trustee has absolutely unlimited power to invade you financial privacy and they routinely audit your future tax returns, bank accounts, casino activity and anything else dealing with money with your SSN attached to it. You can hide the crypto but unless you can cash it without a bank account, the trustee will know about it. If they even think you hid it before the bankruptcy, you will be charged with fraud and various other things.

>> No.13202532

15 an hour here California.
We're fuck, because these wagecuck couldn't learn a skill improve their cashflow. Instead, they protested and the meme governor passed the law.
We're fuck, anon.

>> No.13202769

Lost $30k playing options this year. Feels bad but slowly regaining it via options.

>> No.13202781
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debt cuck

>> No.13203035
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Sam Hyde on dealing with credit card debt:

>> No.13203762
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>tfw i pay for everything with my credit card and i've never missed payments and almost have enough miles for a round trip to burgerland

>> No.13203784

>Paying medical bills
You know non-whites don't fucking pay. They go to hospital and give fake ID or just ignore it.

Stop paying for medical bills if nonwhites won't. It's the reason your bill is so high. More taxes on whitey

>> No.13203857

>sorry I lost all my crypto and guns in a terrible boating accident

>> No.13203878
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Better yet, physically remove non whites.

>> No.13203986
File: 95 KB, 500x419, 1521167249454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dad is nearing retirement and unironically had 50k of creditcard debt a couple years ago
its down to around 25k now, i helped pay off half of that
pic related but backwards