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13199475 No.13199475 [Reply] [Original]

How do we invest in asian zoomers?

>> No.13199558

Buy up plastic surgery clinics and makeup manufactures.

>> No.13199577

>no ricardo
Into the trash it goes.

>> No.13199581

Invest in kpop since they set the fashion trends for Asia these days.

>> No.13199600
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>> No.13199631

makeup make them open their eyes
seems legit

>> No.13199654

They use tape. I wish I were joking.

>> No.13199657

take the picture down immediately

>> No.13199681

This. I’ve seen the video it’s true. All these neets fapping to these girls have no idea what’s really going on lmfao

>> No.13199728

Sums it up. Asian girls are better/spend more time on make up than most western women. I was dating a Japanese girl a few years ago when I was studying in was Japan. She literally spent 1 hour on make up every morning. Apparently that's normal in Japan.
This. It's very normal. Or surgery.

>> No.13199804
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>> No.13199834

White women need to learn how to do this.

>> No.13199862

That's legit terrifying

>> No.13199897

How adorable. Each one of them doing their own little choreography.

>> No.13199898

>encouraging fraud

Why? Find a woman that looks good without makeup. There are times I think my wife is wearing makeup and isn't. Find yourself something like that. Otherwise every morning is going to be a disappointment.

>> No.13199947

it should be a crime like false identity
there should be a limit for fakness
i don't want to get scammed if i make it

>> No.13200108

What does it matter if it's makeup or not? Who cares if it's just a pump and dump?

>> No.13200158

take her swimming or camping. solved.

>> No.13200179

She used tape around her jawline/neck area you idiot.

>> No.13200245

It makes a lot of guys think Asian girls are a lot more attractive than they really are.

>> No.13200290

This is why asians love white men, we dont fake anything, we wake up and put on clothes and we’re out the door. They envy this and also know they actually look like shit without 10 pounds of makeup on

>> No.13200331

this should be illegal desu but w/e
honestly if a woman does this she's only screwing herself over, you are efforting for something entirely not her then leave her, like why the fuck would they do this

woudl you stay with ur gf if she was like this or she's hiding this till marriage?

>> No.13200349

but imagine in the bed, you getting excited and then "playing" with her face...

>> No.13200361

>wahh, women like to wear makeup, put them in jail

>> No.13200434

Nah they love Visa one they get citizenship they gone

>> No.13200436


>> No.13200497

How many BTC for me to slam each of them in the cervix with my black cock?

>> No.13200523

Buy L'Oréal shares

>> No.13200610

That makes no sense because Asian men and other raced men don’t put on make up either

>> No.13200619
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>> No.13200773

(please pump my bags)

>> No.13201082

also nose you moron

>> No.13201145

look at koreans. korean men have make up like the female counterparts

>> No.13201261

I remember when I read 1984 there was a part of the book where the main character hires a prostitute and in the middle of doing her he realises that it's all plastic and that behind all that shit makeup she's actually an old woman. When I read that I thought it was unrealistic, I thought you would be able to tell that behind the makeup the woman is not actually young, no matter how good the makeup is. I was wrong.

>> No.13201357

Nah. Asian girls like white women because they think white guys are easy to tie down. Asian guys will just end up with a new asian girl as there are plenty of other fish in the sea.

>> No.13201366

>like white men*

my mistake

>> No.13201419

yeah sure, mistake

>> No.13202175

Wtf does it even matter if plastic surgery makes women hot?

>> No.13202208

>This is why asians love white men, we dont fake anything, we wake up and put on clothes and we’re out the door.
This makes no fucking sense, majority of the asian men don't wear make-up or "fake" things either. Men in general don't do that.

>> No.13202454

Men lie about their wealth and status. Manlets wear riser shoes and stuff their underwear.

>> No.13202475

> Fiiiiind out who you really are!

Pew, pew, pew pew pew. Dee dee dee dee dee dee dhew.

>> No.13202500

Enjoy having ugly children with bad genes and a wife who ages like milk

>> No.13202501

this is why hapas are ugly

>> No.13202519

Wife? Children? LOL

>> No.13202524

>literally carves a chunk of her nose off when removing makeup
I am disgusted

>> No.13202544
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>> No.13202553
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>> No.13202563

What you didn't know? Are you one of those back to /pol/ types when people say white woman are clearly the most attractive woman?

>> No.13202568

jungle gooks, and they have some phone filter as well

>> No.13202578

any whitebois still wants an asian gf?

>> No.13202594

Why are asians so cringy?

>> No.13202595
File: 108 KB, 862x1014, thatfeelnumale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DUDE i just LOVE the hustle and bustle of the big city, it’s so DYNAMIC and makes me feel like i’m in one of my favourite TV SHOWS. you should totally come on down to my studio apartment, it’s got EXPOSED RED BRICK walls and everything, we can crack open a nice hoppy ipa or three and get crazy watching some cartoons on adult swim! and dude, dude, DUDE, we have GOTTA go down to the barcade- listen here, right, it’s a BAR where us ADULTS who do ADULTING can go DRINK. BUT!!!! it’s also an ARCADE like when we were kids, so we can play awesome VIDEO GAMES, without dumb kids bothering us. speaking of which megan and i have finally decided to tie the knot- literally -we’re both getting snipped tomorrow at the hospital, that way we can save money to spend more on ourselves and our FURBABIES. i’m fuckin JACKED man, i’m gonna SLAM this craft beer and pop open another one!!!

>> No.13202634
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every woman in this thread is ugly, with or withotu make-up

you fucking faggot /pol/ virgins have disgustingly pathetic taste in women. You guys are destined to have beta male, autistic and ugly children. Like father like son. Your genetics have predisposed you to find Asian women attractive because you're slowly ending your bloodline generation by generation. It'll probably end with you, but on the off-chance you incels procreate with some bug-eyed make-up wearing Asian, it'll end with your terrifying hapa children


>> No.13202665

No problem here I'm getting a vasectomy. I'm spending all my money on me forever.

>> No.13202675

a bit too try hardy but ok

>> No.13202694

unironically >>13202595

>> No.13202714

Crown moves, it's fake

>> No.13202738

Oh shit, 1 of them disappeared via finger gun

>> No.13202804
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heres what my chinese gf looked like, she ended up cheating on me with chad thundercock tho. no plastic surgery.i dont know why white guys go for beat ass asian girls, you can get with attractive ones if you put in some effort.

>> No.13202826


>> No.13202842

Even the "attractive" ones look like they have fetal alcohol syndrome

>> No.13202977


You have to keep in mind what they're seeing back home. Most of the dudes going to asia just want a wife that isn't fat, weird faces are a small price to pay to not have to run a perfect Chad persona to hold on to a relationship with a water buffalo. Both sides seem fine settling as long as certain thresholds are hit.

>> No.13203438

Saying Asian gf is dumb as fuck. A Philippine or other Se Asian woman is totally different to Korean or Japanese. Chinese has all kinds of women its really hit and miss. I live in Korea dn trust me the average 20 year old woman is far hotter than the average western woman.

>> No.13203487

I've invested my cock into quite a few of them. Honestly flips are where it's at. Koreans are mostly ugly and japs make really annoying noises while getting fucked.

>> No.13203828


You know porn isn't your real life though right?

>> No.13204238

>heres what my chinese gf looked like, she ended up cheating on me with chad thundercock tho
sounds like a sad story.

>> No.13204268

Holy smokes.... yeah okay, my yellow fever is cured

>> No.13204334


>> No.13204351


>> No.13204373
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>you fucking faggot /pol/ virgins
My wife is hot tho.

>> No.13204389

>plastic surgery intensifies

>> No.13204416

t. weeb

>> No.13204469

That is the story. He told it.

>> No.13204523
File: 23 KB, 480x360, dinkleberg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>heres what my chinese gf looked like
if I had one

>> No.13204638

It's a pasta, so literally zero effort behind that post. Sorry if it triggered you

>> No.13204936

This is one of the few times I’ve heard of an Asian gf cheating

>> No.13205020

haha this, my wifes boyfriend is even getting me a nintendo switch as a reward for the vasectomy

>> No.13205027

kek, you are suppose to be buying him things

>> No.13205097

Not having kids is losing at evolution. Your only objective goal in life.

>> No.13205117

Japanese girls do that irl too.

>> No.13205151

race mixing asians are among the thottiest of thots

>> No.13205172

thats not porn, thats literally of jap girls are.
its really annoying. it sounds like theyre not enjoying it at all