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13175951 No.13175951 [Reply] [Original]

what does affirmative action actually mean in practice? does it mean they will always hire a minority over a white man assuming all things are equal? or does it merely mean they have to maintain a certain quota?

imagine a company is hiring for 10 positions and they get 1000 applications. 10 black guys and 10 white guys make it to the final phase of hiring. they're all equal on paper in terms of experience and education. at this point, does it mean the company will hire 10 black guys? 8 white guys and 2 black guys (to maintain the overall demographic of the united states(?)). whatever ratio is representative of the demographics of the locality that is doing the hiring?

i'm just wondering.

>> No.13175990

It means that certain people will be discriminated against while others are promoted based on their skin color, all in the name of the equality

It’s a huge Jewish scam

>> No.13176003

yes i get that but at what ratios?

>> No.13176728

We'll, here's the thing. In your example of there being 10 whites and 10 blacks with equal skills and resumes, this kind of scenario would never exist in the real world. When you take a diverse pool of 1000s of people, and you judge them by intelligence and merit, and then you look at the top 20 people, those top spots will be white/asian nearly every time. Sure, there are the occasional people of color who make the cut, but for every smart black, there are 9.5 unintelligent blacks.
And when a company has 100 employees, and there are only 4 black people working there, it upsets liberals. Even though the company did not explicitly discriminate against blacks, they are still attacked for it.
The people who believe in affirmative action believe that everyone is equal, in every single aspect, except melanin levels of the skin. They believe that when blacks don't succeed, it MUST be a conspiracy against them by a group of evil acists within the company.
And of course, this affirmative action bullshit is all part of a larger Jewish psyop being waged against us.

Stay strong bros

>> No.13176734

this pretty much
there are no ratios. how dumb are you? its just a matter of niggers and females look good in a workplace and on campuses for 'muh progressive points' so they get priority

>> No.13176741

But to answer your question OP, I would have to guess that the ratio is roughly 3:1

>> No.13176764

3 to 1 meaning 1 black for every 3 whites or reverse?

>> No.13176811
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>> No.13176847

>there are no ratios. how dumb are you? its just a matter of niggers and females look good in a workplace and on campuses for 'muh progressive points' so they get priority
there would have to be ratios. or i guess what i am asking is to what degree are companies willing to hire minorities over whites for diversity points. in the hypothetical of the op would they be willing to just flat out hire 10 black guys. or would they just be content with say hiring 7 white guys and 3 black guys.

essentially what i'm asking is how aggressively are they willing to discriminate against whites to get their diversity quota.

>> No.13176853

fuuuck i dont even want to fuck anymore bros, i just want to eat asshole..im at the point where i would unironically pay a girl just to eat out her asshole

>> No.13176868

3 whites, 1 non white. Tech companies go even further, making sure that their white percentage stays at like 30-40%. Of course, when you look at the important, mission critical jobs that actually keep the company profitable, you'll find few blacks...

>> No.13176887

Depends heavily on which industry, and which specific job. Public relations? Secrateries? Lower management? You'll find lots of diversity.
Comp science? Engineering? Law? Well...