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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 38 KB, 640x360, buffet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13148468 No.13148468 [Reply] [Original]


And I can't stop my G/F from getting a new phone every year. Plus she has to get her nails done every other week, wants to eat out all the time and is complaining that we didn't go on vacation in ages.

>> No.13148506

my gf never stops complaining about the vacation we are never on. Honestly I don't give a fuck about vacations.

>> No.13148532

have you tried eating their assholes? if they stop being assholes but are still being cunts then you need to eat their cunts.

if it still doesn't work you bros need to go on a vacation - but plan it out a few months in advance so you can save.

Alternatively invest in time shares

>> No.13148558

Ahahaha I might try that

>> No.13148565
File: 155 KB, 720x900, submissive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anon, the worst part is I get, "You can afford to spend all that money on that Bitcoin bullshit but we can't afford to go on vacation?" "I know you cheap ass has money"

I fucking paid off the townhouse with money off Bitcoin you bitch.

>> No.13148592

break up and put the money saved on food into LINK.

>> No.13148608


>> No.13148613

>spending all your time/resources pleasing a girl like a thirsty boy
just no

>> No.13148626

and he literally eats the 1$ burger
jew level over 9000

>> No.13148649
File: 163 KB, 1080x720, moneis5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sadly I am not an incel NEET and I need regular pussy. Every time I do the single thing, I end up spending a ton of money on fucking escorts. So having a gf turns out less expensive. And I am not chad enough to pull a fuck date the caliber of my gf every week.

>> No.13148731

you sound desperate anon. That's just sad. Wasting all your money on escorts and self-absorbed women. Looks like you got cuck-pilled pretty bad. I learned my lesson. Have fun though.

>> No.13148774

stop wasting her time, if you are not sure about her. You are consuming her prime breeding years with your autistic need for pussy

>> No.13148967

Just date a dude. they're epicer

>> No.13149043

Warren is nothing more than a world class snake oil salesmen

>> No.13149133
File: 8 KB, 341x163, gsachlocation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buffett-sama is the best investor to ever live.

>> No.13149389

This guy most likely has an assistant that does everything you're supposed to use your phone for and more.

>> No.13149467

yeah she does all his emails...she's basically his office mommy while he does nothing but read.

>> No.13149509

He knows what the radiation will do to his old ass

>> No.13149549


>> No.13149564

It's obv cause he doesn't want the company listening to what he says.

>> No.13149589

Imagine being more pathetic than an incel NEET.

>> No.13150124

>Flip Phone
Patrician's choice

>> No.13150189

Based Buffet.

Apple is absolute trash. But they've convinced everyone they're trendy and cool to the point it's now ingrained in everyone's brain.

>> No.13150468

What is it with bitches and vacations? Like why do you have to go somewhere else to have fun?

>> No.13150496
File: 94 KB, 680x788, 73a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well here let me clear this up anon.

Buffet is an important man, who is very smart, and is trying to achieve objectives with his life, and change the world for the better by building great business. He chooses a phone which allows him to focus on these goals, and avoid distractions.

Your GF on the other hand is a women and women don't do things of consequence. They just emulate others so they can be agreeable and liked. In that pursuit, a phone helps them keep track of what others are doing.

>> No.13150649


Keeping up with the Joneses meta has shifted now that it's easy to fill your house with garbage.

>> No.13150745


flip phones are legit.

>> No.13150831
File: 24 KB, 355x360, dims.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've thought about saying fuck it, abandoning smartphones, and getting a RAZR V3
They still look so damned sleek
Still, being able to shitpost remotely with some soulless black slab for way less than a shitty 00s talk and text plan is appealing..

>> No.13151062
File: 36 KB, 660x426, 131575-phones-news-feature-45-years-of-motorola-phones-image18-rqbayh1k6u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was my first phone back in highschool, it was basically a knock off of >>13150831 some random w8i23 type name. So fuckin' sleek could rip that t-9 under my desk like it was nobodies business.

>> No.13151070

and receiving 50x50 pixel noodz on these things is absolute kino

>> No.13151076

but going on the internet on those things was an abomination.

>> No.13151098

hello moto


>> No.13151170

He's being practical. There's no need to buy something with features that you don't need. Many people who buy smart phones only use a amount of their functionality.

>> No.13151189


>> No.13151193

Yeah i bought Lumia 1020 5 years ago, and im still using it.
See no reason to switch, it has everything i need, its also very tough, so i can throw it around and dont worry about glass cracking or aluminium body bending.

>> No.13151205

holy fuck
the last of the windows phonemen