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File: 31 KB, 987x981, 1C9B887D-884F-4BFF-8B22-D60CA5592586.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13135435 No.13135435 [Reply] [Original]

I have 25 of these... will I make it?

>> No.13135485


Only 15 Million more to mine. Meanwhile Monero only has 1 Million more to mine and will hit that number in 3 years with only small tail emission coins been minted.

Monero is also actually used and and accepted in some darknet markets.

>> No.13135621

Sooooooo.... I’ll make it then? Thanks!

>> No.13135629

There are no big players or markets using XMR on the darknet anymore you retard DYOR and stop spreading false info to shill your bags

>> No.13135634

This coin will uniornically replace BTC according to (((them))) so I hold 21 of them

>> No.13135657

Yeah I have a weird feelings about this one as well. Have 10 as suicide insurance and thinking about upping that once some of my other bags start to appreciate.

>> No.13135668

Why don't darknet markets use xmr, I never understood that.

>> No.13135710

sell and all into Pepecoin / Memetic

>> No.13135723

hard to use, it's shit, and why use Monero when there's bitcoin private

>> No.13135794

This right here is why I hold this coin. It's the only privacy coin that is used on regulated exchanges and is backed by a lot of powerful organizations.

>> No.13136117

Learning curve. Many vendors would love to use Monero, but you have to realize how moronic the average darknet user is. Vendors still struggle just to get buyers to fucking encrypt their address in the order form.. most users simply do coinbase --> darknet, as retarded as that is.

>> No.13136136

Litecoin and Dash are more used on DNM's than XMR.

>> No.13136150

This is true. Litecoin got adopted when the fees got retardedly high for BTC, and it just kind of stuck. I believe it is #2 on the darknets after BTC by a margin. Dash, I can't explain that one but I have seen it.

>> No.13136276

i thought Zcash and Monero are the most used, did this just change recently?

>> No.13136285

you should look into dash its really great.
also theres crypto locker ( ransomware ) that asks dash for ransom now.

no one makes xmr ransomware.

>> No.13136472

Dash isn't even a privacy coin.

>> No.13136522
File: 10 KB, 259x194, 25AC2EAC-3003-4E6B-AE97-9AED60242312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> male thread about ZCash
> virgin XMR bagholders take over thread

All in on ZCash

>> No.13136534

I dont get why ZEC isnt more popular than LTC. Its basically the exact same shit but ZEC will have scaling and also it has encryption

>> No.13136551
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Wallstreet Market is one of biggest markers supports monero. Also Mercado Negro, Libertas Market, Aero Market, etc.

>> No.13136621

oh no zec isn't the same as ltc.
zec is much more advanced. LTC is just BTC copy 1 on 1 , its basically the BTC testnet.

ZEC will go places.

>> No.13136838
File: 19 KB, 300x165, 3BE246D0-3C0B-440F-931A-C32AD43D0B27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grayscale predicts 1 ZEC worth 65k in 2025... is this realistic?!

>> No.13136847
File: 42 KB, 480x640, Montero Fat Pony Watch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Montero by Fat Pony is much more anonymous and secure.
Plus Fat Pony is a Chad who owns expensive watches.
>Pic related is the founder and developer of Monetero

>> No.13136851

JPM literally works with ZEC. gt fucked idiot

>> No.13136876

Grayscale invested in ETC and Zencash, both got 51% attacked lol
There are multiple bugs in ZEC plus the founders reward is scammy, around 200.000 coins have been minted without proof.
Grin might take over but not soon because for Grin you need a brain.


>> No.13136911

Mined it a while

Didn't hold it though. It's a good project but I'm keeping my eggs in another basket

>> No.13136917

JP Morgan Chase is partnered with ZEC...

Coinbase listed ZEC so it is the ONLY fully regulated privacy coin in the US...

ZEC is the ONLY coin ever to be worth more than BTC...

>> No.13136958
File: 70 KB, 700x800, 1 Bitcoin is 1 Bitcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JP Morgan Chase is currently working on JPCoin aka the Ripple Killer.
Coinbase listed Ethereum therefor Ethereum is not a security.
The only coin worth more than BTC will be either BCH or SV

>> No.13136968

care to tell us
as far as fundamentals, not many coins come close to ZEC, just wondering what you think is better

>> No.13136973
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>The only coin worth more than BTC will be either BCH or SV

>> No.13136988
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ZEC will have scaling and also it has encryption

>> No.13137285

78 ZEC to make it

>> No.13137405

thx just bought another bags of ZEC

>> No.13137706
File: 119 KB, 1024x496, KQ4enEYNlifJ6ZMz4TUdjam3gKtlL3SJ8aNo-irXugU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's proud of holding zscam
Enjoy your 10% dev fee. Enjoy also your strong "privacy".

>> No.13137713

no way? thats exactly what a crypto currency needs! Privacy encryption and scaling to ensure speedy transactions. Just bought 100k

>> No.13137730
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> enjoy secured funding of devs for years to come.

you know how retarded you sound?
you rather have no self funding and episodes like BTC blockstream taking over and crippling your chain.

fucking xmr tards. can't see anything past muh xmr

>> No.13138024

Monero supply is unauditable. So enjoy the 50x supply than advertised.

>> No.13138038

I'm betting on smart contracts

If I had enough to get a private coin I'd get zec but I'm spread too thin as it is

>> No.13138077

ZEN is the thinking man's ZEC.

>> No.13138165
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>10% of ALL the supply just for dev "funding"
Brainlets absolutely LOVE to be scammed.

>> No.13138381

>Monero supply is unauditable.
This has been proven to be false a long time ago. It's just not as easy as it is with other currencies. https://moneroblocks.info/ has all of the info you need. You'll also want to look at the coinbase rewards which you can check in the wallet to verify that it matches the block height.

Monero always attracts the most hate in these threads because it's quite obviously the best privacy coin and brainlets don't understand that all of the compromises that Monero has had to make are in keeping with its origins as an open source project owned by no one person or organization. Everything else is a fucking scam.

>> No.13138454
File: 43 KB, 458x416, 0CF6DE05-3C3E-4866-BA7D-F5683D0D8E30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monero attracts the most hate in these threads because it’s NOT A MONERO THREAD

>> No.13138626
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>> No.13138709
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You're right. I'm sorry. Thank you for Correcting my Record. Now back to your regularly scheduled ZCash™ programming, brought to you by by Shareblue©.

>> No.13138760

This is false the dev funding will stop after 5 years so 10pxt of blocks mined the first 5 years to secure development funds. Only brainlets like you would see this as a bad thing even of it was 10pct of total supply there's coins with worse conditions . ETHs first 60mil coins were all premined and distributed by skelly . Xrp has 60% in ripple acxounts

>> No.13139155

All I see are projects without dev fees or premines doing better, like XMR, LTC, GRIN and BTC. ETH is useless. XRP is a scam.

>> No.13140043

i just want to know when is this shit going to pump so i can finally dump my bags.
it's been in a falling wedge since 6 or more months now.