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13106278 No.13106278[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I know its not a magic pill, but a lot of people have said that it can show you the way. Anyone had this experience?

>> No.13106369

Why are you asking on biz? Go to 420chan
But I've done lsd if you have any questions, wasn't depressed though

>> No.13106405


I wouldn’t use LSD for depression. I’ve done tons of it and it’s a wild mindfuck. Not something you would want to do if your head is in a bad space. Go to the psychiatrist and get proper medication. Go to the psychologist and get proper therapy.

>> No.13106429

dude just be happy lmao

>> No.13106440

it's not a magic pill?
heh, kid, you cannot even imagine it if you never tried. it's the tree of knowledge of the garden of eden.

based and redpilled for posting on biz keep going and go with a big dose like 100 ug the first time. no fear.

>> No.13106466


OP, the only exception would be if you can find a place where legitimate ayahuasca / mushrooms / peyote are held. There you will be guided through the experience in a safe setting. You would be surprised.. they even have an ayahuasca lodge in Kentucky. If you're out west, I know they have Native American Church Peyote lodges in the desert.
But 100% don't just go tripping on LSD by yourself.

Light and love, fren.

>> No.13106480

yes it will help with depression but

try to plan ahead and have a free day even two after the trip
keep a positive mindset,
start small (100-150ug)
listen to some good albums,
look at art (tip Alex Grey),
stay indoors until peak to get an idea of what it takes to trip outdoors/in public,
don't make it a habit,
wait 3-4 weeks before going on another trip
maybe avoid mirrors but hey you're gonna have to pee at some point...

make sure it's real acid, should be tasteless, buy from dw, swiss needlepoint

if you pop benzos it may not hit you hard
two valiums will kill the trip in case of emergency
eat some good snack you like before trip, just a little, have some water nearby and stay hydrated, enjoy the journey

>> No.13106529

I've taken plenty and can say this: if you're depressed, do not try to take a full dose. Just microdose, ideally around 10-20ug, or less than quarter-tab. Take it in the morning and spend the day outside. It'll make live feel interesting again without fucking you up, you'll be able to interact with people somewhat-normally. However, if you want to actually rewire your brain to prevent depression, take a combination of psylocibe and lion's mane mushrooms then go to a church with positive vibes (doomsday bullshit won't work) and have a good cry.

>> No.13106557

It's only going to help your depression if you have alternative/fringe beliefs ALREADY. A depressed atheist isn't going to get jack fucking shit except high.

If you are 5,000% fucking sure that there is "something" out there that we can't sense, some other world, some afterlife - if you honestly believe with 100% certainty that there are "gods and goddesses" somewhere out there, some how - THEN acid will change your life.

If you're the typical depressed mid-20s reddit skeptic, just skip LSD. There, I saved you a lot of time and trouble.

>> No.13106560

only pussies carry benzos while tripping, if you're trying to soul-search then buy the ticket take the ride, no turning back. It'll be over in a few hours, taking a pill is literally the coward's way out.

>> No.13106572

what if i only have one valium?

>> No.13106583

I did 2000 ug dont listen to them, go OP, go strong.

>> No.13106624

>(((proper medication)))
Basically these anons are pharma kikes who want you to get hooked on subscription medication.
The internet has alot of information on lsd. Check erowid for more details, have a sitter for the first time, realise that what you will expereince is another reality and make sure to not forget which reality you belong to, and bring back whatever feelings or epiphanies you find into your real world. Don't over do it, this is not a dude weed lmao thing, try and meditate when you are doing it, make sure you have a proper setting, someplace that makes you feel comfortable and safe.
Write notes/ record experience while under effect to view when you are sober again and reflect on your life situation. The most important thing is don't overdo it.
>t. Never did lsd

>> No.13106638

I cure my mild depression by going outside systematically during the day and by doing sport -lift and cardio- everyday.

For stronger depression, i think ayahuasca cure is recommended. Would try one day.

>> No.13106643

kek-ed thanks anon

>> No.13106653

yeah normally like to post where my main bros are at.

>> No.13106671

go to amsterdam, get legal mushrooms / ayushcha and have a fun trip OP, also legal hookers there too and weed so desu take a trip to amsterdam, do some shrooms in a cool hotel room or somewhere cool in nature there

>> No.13106677

funny you should mention this. i actually have been thinking a lot about our creator and what this all means.

>> No.13106706

The real redpill is that we are all "it", playing that we're not. Take some LSD, find out who you really are

>> No.13106800
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Pic related is a book recommendation for you if you're genuinely curious about this stuff.

As another anon said, don't waste your time if you are a typical plebbit doomer skeptic. Pinchbeck was a cynical atheist NY jew who stumbled into the world of psychedelics which changed his life and gave him new purpose. The book is pretty interesting, he travels to Africa and South America and participates in their shamanistic rituals and tries to make some sense of it. Highly recommended if you are open minded about those types of things, and are dissatisfied with modern society's consumerism.

>> No.13106853

only way to stop depression is to not be a beta male. work your ass off for 10-20 years to fix what is wrong in your life, then be content. Anything other than that is cope/scam to get your money through medicine/therapy.

>> No.13107079


I've done LSD and shrooms a few times before. LSD can teach you a lot about yourself, and your place within the universe, and it makes you think a lot differently about things then you have previously.

Psilocybin mushrooms are the better healer in my opinion. The lsd high can feel a little synthetic, while the psilocybin high is pure, raw, organic happiness. I remember my first 3.5g trip completely changed my life and made me 10x less depressed. I was shown another world of love, that I hadn't known existed. My heart felt much lighter after, like years of built of stress and anxiety were lifted off my chest.

so yeah, lsd = trip of universe, shrooms = trip of self, more or less.

this natural healer is truly magical when you have a good trip. It really hit me as to why this was made illegal in the first place, is because ((they)) do not want sheeple freeing their minds and expanding their consciousness, they want you to be a drone, and shrooms 100% free you from these systematic beliefs placed upon us.

>> No.13107451

No. The best cure to depression is to stop being depressed just the like the best way to get rich is to stop being poor

>> No.13107475

Based advice ^

>> No.13107520

I was unironically an atheist before taking psychedelics but then I had a trip where I realized the divine nature of consciousness. I am now a devout believer, unable to deny a creator in the face of Creation.

>> No.13107546

Same, I experienced my own death, and nearly actually killed myself in the process. I asked to be shown too much and couldn't handle it.

It's not guaranteed to cure you or anything, but it'll definitely give you a new perspective on things. Whether you'll use it for your own good or not it's up to you.

>> No.13107584

How did you almost kill yourself?

>> No.13107600

Shrooms probably saved my life. I was really depressed and just one day randomly drove an hour away and searched through cow pastures until I found some. I did them that night and had what can only be described as a mystical experience. I was shown how Indians had it right the whole time, that we are connected to the earth and animals and spirits and shit. Then the shrooms fucking told me that they showed me how to find them. It all seemed very real at the time and I honestly had no business randomly searching for shrooms an hour away. So yes do some psychedelics, whatever they are. Be mindful of set and setting, you can waste trips or you can get an insane experience out of it

>> No.13107602

Psychadelics got me out of a really dark place when I was like 16. Now as a 27 year old boomer I still trip from time to time but it's nowhere near as mindblowing as it was when I first started experimenting.

>> No.13107648

Nearly jumped off the window since I was in complete despair and wanted to forget about my own eternal nature and killing myself seemed like a decent option at the time. The only reason I'm alive is that I didn't really know how to walk and operate doors at that moment, while concepts of space and time were still making sense. After cleaning up the mess I made (my whole apartments were in blood as I broke the mirror with my fist) I found hand blood stains on the balcony door.

>> No.13107670
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>> No.13107723

also, psychedelics can teach you, or verify more if you are unclear, on ways to heal yourself. i.e taking care of your life vessel by eating good food and excercising and breathing. that is the foundation for not feeling like shit in my opinion. dont ingest low frequency foods, drink water and vitamins, and breathe and mediate as much as possible...

it helped me realize at least what shitty care is was taking of my body and that i should probably change if i didnt want my heart to explode when im 40, cause sometimes your in a frantic life or death kind of situation where you are really thinking about that shit

>> No.13107779

t. white person

>> No.13107897

Mushrooms are better and have been clinically shown to literally rewire your brain, make sure you're prepared for the trip.

>> No.13107984

Three tabs basically saved my life last summer after crippling, suicidal crypto obsession and depression, and panicked anxiety.

It set me straight.

>> No.13108026

You dont need to trip like a degenerate to help you. Take a microdose, it will erase your depression for like 3 weeks, its not a meme.
However this is just a palliative, depression only cures with cardio, having money and real friends and a girlfriend.

>> No.13108038

What's the right dose for a microdose anyway? I've heard people talk about it but never tried it personally. Something like 15ug?

>> No.13108047

yes, 10 or 15 ug.

>> No.13108059

Use ketamine instead

>> No.13108061

I didn't use it to, but it did it anyways. It makes me realize the insignificance of everything, including my own thoughts and feelings. It made me realize especially the insignificance of material posessions, and yet simultaneously fueled a hunger for them. I've been the most succesful I've ever been after beginning using small amounts of LSD semi-regularly, and my pay has increased from $12/hr to more than 50K salary. It made me realize the insignificance of my own efforts, or complete lack of effort, in regards to my physical shape; Now I'm almost 30 and in the best shape of my life. I'm not saying it's a cure all, but doing small doses once a month while completely alone and in a reflective state, it can be a very powerful tool.

>> No.13108073

Hey dude, I've taken lots of lsd. It absolutely can clear your mind and solve depression. However, you have to be careful because it is not just getting high. Your imagination will be reborn. Expect that as long as you are good to the universe the universe will be good to you, and your lsd trip can absolutely cure your depression. I was devastated by an ex girlfriend, my father had just passed away, and I was on the verge of becoming a monster when i found lsd. It can be scary while you are on it but you are still safe as long as you take it in a safe setting

>> No.13108079

I love let but I don't know about it having therapeutic uses. Depressed people I know who took it said they felt great for a couple of days after before feeling depressed again

>> No.13108080

Also another thing it can burn you out. I thought I was a God and took however much lsd I wanted but start in small doses and take breaks in between trips so let your serotonin receptors reset themselves

>> No.13108087

*Love ket

>> No.13108114

If anything it can increase depression because you become more aware of your problems. The only real thing I know lsd does is increase your nervous system. It feels very electric. The smells are smaller, tastes are tastier, sights are more defined, etc. This can lead to depression if you have an unopened mind. Time heals all wounds though

>> No.13108206

Also if you have the testicles for it, do 200ug and watch the entire first season of Westworld in one shot. It really doesn't get better than that.

>> No.13108297

Something that is absolutely amazing to watch during a trip is the Fantasia movie by Disney. It's a stunning experience, I highly recommend it

>> No.13108322

It helped me, i would be fat alcoholic if i hadnt tried it.

>> No.13108347

good goy, program your mind with whatever hollywood niggers want to implant

>> No.13108353

The ride never ends

>> No.13108368

Listen up you dumb fucks, life isn't about humans and it most definitely isn't about you. Sentient life has existed on this ball for 100 million years and it's been a meat grinder since day one. So stfu with your ignorant hippy crap. Life IS suffering

>> No.13108381
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Yes op and can confirm it works to a degree if you get on with it. Only make sure to take small doses, nothing more than 50-60ug max every 3-4 days. 35-50ug once a week say on a Saturday or Sunday would probably help you. Just get 100ug tabs and cut them in half. Also can confirm ketamine works in low doses also used occasionally, like 20mg twice on a single day once a week. Good luck op. You could just go all in link, thatll also cute you in 1-2 years time.

>> No.13108399
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>> No.13108417

Also a good choice, but Westworld gets intense and brings on a deep questioning on the nature of reality. By the end as well you see the change from a meek middle manager, to a cut throat business executive. It helped me a lot, but I usually seek intensity with my trips whereas most like peaceful calm trips.

>> No.13108449

Reading that hurt me

>> No.13108459

You know it's true. Life is UNintellently designed. Some of us get lucky and transcend but the vast majority wallow in suffering, delusions and ignorance, while enslaving other humans and lifeforms for our bidding. NOTHING, no art, experiences or discoveries can make up for the suffering, because there is simply too much

>> No.13108509

I need you to expound on this

>> No.13108543

Humans don't need to exist, if they did, we would all be heartbroken over the non existent Martians. Meanwhile, Earth is a meat grinder of suffering

>> No.13108563

I think it’s great but it isn’t going to cure depression by itself, while on it you will feel great it’s like cocaine but holy and pure and flosses your brain. Just don’t do it too much there’s no point. It’s best after accomplishing a goal.

>> No.13108589

I always trip alone, depends on the person I find it incredibly annoying to be around others I just like to take it alone and walk through the woods for several hours

>> No.13108620

Staring at anything but a mirror, nature, or complete darkness is a complete waste of lsd

>> No.13108638

Kek, staring at my palms always fucks me up desu

>> No.13108653

this very important not to take psycholeics when you >head is in a bad space
can have very bad consequences and is a huge gamble. I would try meditation first to find peace with yourself fren. Then experience it, it is quite mind blowing tbdesu but nothing to toy around with

>> No.13108703

and I have to disagree with this fren over here. everyone can transcended through study that has nothing to do with luck. if you seek peace you will find it but you have to ask yourself a lot of hard questions. like what is it what I want? for most people it is money to buy happiness or whatever it is. that is a huge misjudgment in my opinion and will lead to huge amounts of suffering. my answer was inner peace, i revolve my live around that now and it is going quite well. not perfect yet :) but I am getting there. through study as I mentioned. no medication required. godspeed OP you can make it and heads up everyone is in a dark place form time to time

>> No.13108740

You eat animals and live on a pile of the dead colonized people. There is no self peace, you fool! The self is an illusion

>> No.13108766

calling other people fools does not make your opinion more valuable fren. that just shows you are far away from the state I am talking about. I would recommend you stop searching for the cause of your suffering in external problems for that will never end because it is a lie. life is not fair and never will be because evolution does not care if something is fair or not. you can still find peace tho. through study as I mentioned.

>> No.13108771

>Watching pop culture garbage trying to understand your own being
nice try

>> No.13108801

The only way you can have peace is if you don't feel for others.

>> No.13108804

I saw major changes once for a friend. We took psylo together and within 4 hours she was totally transformed, from heavy depression to rebirth

>> No.13108836

no the only way you can find peace is when you understand what is under your control (you thoughts and actions) and what is not spoiler anything else like job money health the list goes on and on. But you can always choose what action you take and if that is hindered through outside forces it is still up to you to change your attitude about the situation. no amount of self pity will every change anything it will only drive you away from find this beautiful place inside yourself

>> No.13108862

It has nothing to do with self pity. Look, enjoy your safe space bubble where you ignore everything bad, it's fine

>> No.13108887

kek, imagine being this blackpilled


>> No.13108890

i dont need your approval friend and if you would listen you will find that what I am saying is correct. or would you disagree on that the only thing you control is your thoughts and actions? I presume not. Then do we agree on that your health can be lost. so can your money. so can your job. so can be your wife your kids your home everything can be gone in a second. that is no safe space that is accepting reality and if you do you can find that you can enjoy those things without clinging to them. that is where you find peace