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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 222 KB, 1984x880, Ken-Tannenbaum_53800276-1984x880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13103320 No.13103320 [Reply] [Original]

Excuse me anon; today is the annual /biz/ census. We are recording how many survivors are left from this bear market. Care to give us your tally and a comment?

>> No.13103455
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>> No.13103479
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reporting in.

>> No.13103500
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>> No.13103503
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henlo fren checking in

>> No.13103504

bought before the bull market start and started again just recently. doing pretty good but I don't move back to fiat just go to crypto.

>> No.13103526
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reporting in

>> No.13103541

I'm still alive.

>> No.13103571
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>> No.13103597

March 2017 reporting

Initial: 18k
ATH: 435k

Am i going to lie to you and say it was easy? No

But I am more confident than ever in the future. If the good news didnt keep coming id probably sell but I see no reason! Cheers lads, stay in the game

>> No.13103613

hi anon

>> No.13103623

getting pretty demoralized desu

>> No.13103636
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>> No.13103644
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im still alive but not feelin so great rn. lost lots of money and no sign of hope

>> No.13103647
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*Ahem* you will refer to this as the crab market henceforth.

>> No.13103650

still rich still shitting on link late adopters

>> No.13103660


>> No.13103705
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Just making it by

>> No.13103880
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This week was the first time in almost two years that I put money into BTC. I didn't make a super high amount during the last bull run because I bought into the FUD about the BTC BCH split and pulled out about a month before it kicked in, but it's taught me about the value of holding, and in the end I started out as a poorfag and ended up with a nice cushion for myself if I ever got into monetary trouble.

>> No.13103887
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hey hey hey everybody

>> No.13103911

I miss him so much. The world always tells me to code meme projects in some meme language, but he just went with what he knew, wrote the things he wanted, and told anyone who stood in his way to fuck off. Unironically one of the people who has inspired me the most to keep going with my personal projects.

>> No.13103933

September 17 buyer of eth and btc. Made some shitcoon plays in bull market for some X's. No selling at top but did send my funds to a ledger 2 months before a quadrigacx disaster so that's a win. No big paycheck til August so if we chill til then I'm good but if we moon that's okay too.

>> No.13103939

LINK $1000k EOY

>> No.13104005
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Hey Hey Hey
Hey Hey Hey
No No No
It's a scam!
What am an gonna do????????????????????????????????????????????????

>> No.13104037

I am so fucking bored. I can't believe how much fun this use to be. Buy link dummies

>> No.13104065
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henlo frens

>> No.13104978


The banking jews are hoarding gold, the worst is yet to come for all paper assets and shitty crypto projects. Buy gold, silver, ltc, btc.

>> No.13104982

Bags still heavy

>> No.13104989
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>> No.13104997
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Reporting from deep into the Stockholm syndrome

>> No.13105003
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reporting in

>> No.13105060

Alive and well and accumulating my btc stack.

>> No.13105066
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reporting in

>> No.13105104
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Reporting in

>> No.13105112
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wholesome gif. btw reporting in

>> No.13105118

I bought Bitcoin with my last money during the last bearmarket. with my $1200 I only could afford close to 6 btc. I gambled with some shitcoins and made it up to 12 btc, but I didn't dump and went back to 7.5. I sold one at 10k. lost about 1.5 with margin trading. now at 5 btc. my fucking feeling when I could have went to 21 btc with this drop alone easily. I hold chainlink btw.

>> No.13105125
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Checking in

>> No.13105174

Survivor here
Being buying dips from 8k
Comfy stack
Ready for 2022

>> No.13105367

Why am I even here, should have been dead by now.

>> No.13105402


All in BAT and feeling comfy.

>> No.13105676
File: 222 KB, 1809x1231, 8C64C0C4-ECEF-4D14-939A-0F62C3FD8352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m still here fren

>> No.13105687

When singularity?

>> No.13105702
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>> No.13106590

What do you mean? Bear market hasn't started yet.

>> No.13106621

Fucking idiot

>> No.13106749

Checking in.

The next leg down is going to break a lot of people. I'm at 10K, total cost basis 12k, just been DCA'ing steadily through the whole bear.

>> No.13106759

i've been buying the bottom since mid november. my first entry after sitting on the sidelines for two years. in the black, no heavy bags.

>> No.13106786
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I'm all in

>> No.13106797

survived but barely. 300k max, cashed out 20k and sitting on 45k of shitcoins

>> No.13106813
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Okay jews you are testing the grounds but I'm telling you. You are not getting my Ethereum. Any of it!

>> No.13106843

Dec 2017
initial 4000$ down to 500 $
9/18 i start to acumulate LTC now i have 60 LTC average around 35 $ / LTC

Another 10 K $ waiting on side line .
Waiting for bottom , then i put something to TRTL maybe?

>> No.13106947
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Saged, fuck jannies, fuck niggers, kill all kikes, and subscribe to pewdiepie.