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File: 26 KB, 768x192, 8524B4A3-D04F-4DBA-8963-9696A6C749E0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13097331 No.13097331 [Reply] [Original]

at least 1 reason why this is not true bitcoin

>> No.13097363

> zero hashrate aka no miners/node support
aka not btc according to whitepaper. stay mad

>> No.13097371

Difficulty adjustment stops sha256 miners from having to commit to their economic beliefs defeating the purpose of proof of work

On the other hand it lets those in the know accumulate more

>> No.13097392

because it's a fork of a fork

>> No.13097398

so is btc though?

>> No.13097404

What? Bitcoin is the original coin. The rest is just a fork of bitcoin. That's why SV is not the true bitcoin.

>> No.13097419


BTC is an airdop that occurred in 2017

>> No.13097427

segwit is optional ranjeet. my node from 2012 still syncs with the true one and only BTC chain and not with bcash or bcashsv

stay mad

>> No.13097475


Soft forks are actually more insidious than hard forks, and weaken security as they change incentives



>> No.13097487

cope and weak fud. stay poor late adopter.

>> No.13097491

also kek@quoting roger vers site. absolute brainlet.

>> No.13097580


I've been involved in Bitcoin for a long time, and have no interest in getting people to buy anything. The truth is, I don't like the speculation currently going on where people who have very little idea how the system works are putting a lot of money into things they don't understand, at the advice of fools and scammers.

The fact is, people holding BTC (and all altcoins in the current casino exchanges that are nothing more than bucket-shops) are in danger, especially if it is money they cannot afford to lose. BTC has become nothing more than an illegally promoted ponzi that has had changes made to it that will inevitably lead to its demise. Its promoters are pushing boondoggle projects they know will not work, such as Lightning, in the hopes of pumping the price in order to dump in 2020 and exit leaving their victims holding their bags. This is illegal promotion and in violation of promotions and securities laws. There will be lawsuits forthcoming and anyone who was doing this kind of promotion can be held liable after this all comes down.

If people insist on thinking BTC has anything to do with what Bitcoin is, I can't stop them. All I can do is warn, some will listen, some won't.

>> No.13097633

Because BTC is not a data dumpster.
Stay poor, stay mad.

>> No.13097666

>inevitably lead to its demise.
literally how anon? did you fell for the blockstream are kikes meme? do you understand the concept of consensus? do you understand what hashrate and nodes are? if your nigger faggot chink jihan and that other spastic shizo roger had the balls they would have pushed for consensus for the actual fucking btc chain but they failed miserably and got cold feet in the last second so now suck it up and stfu. whatever happened to segwit2x?

btc to 160k$ in 2023 and you know that.

>> No.13097688

this is literally the same as german faggots getting mad at kikes for flooding them with mutts. how about you should have won the war faggots? its too late now. chew the dick and stfu

>> No.13097716

you realize crypto is global and not just in the usa right? most of the world doesnt give a shit about people promoting crypto.

>> No.13097719
File: 27 KB, 1292x157, Screenshot at 2019-03-23 19-12-30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Bitcoin is a commodity ledger. This is first and foremost, even before being a cryptocurrency.

What people don't seem to understand is that money that isn't fiat only works if it was a commodity first, as was the case with gold. In order for it to be something beyond speculation, it has to have utility. The ledger is a distributed WORM (Write Once Read Many) file system. At scale, Bitcoin provides this in such a way as to be more competitive than current offerings. Importantly, WORMs are needed by all businesses who need an immutable record such as receipts, logistics, EDI, etc.

The design of Bitcoin is such that in the next few years there needs to be very large transaction volume that results in fees for miners. The block subsidy will halve in 2020 and again in 2024. This will not cause an increase in price as many erroneously believe.

>> No.13097722

It lost hashrate race, deal with it and move on. Satoshi vision that doesn't even agree with white paper, fucking lmao.
And Craig still can't prove that he is Satoshi. More, he lies and fakes old posts to appear like he created Bitcoin...

>> No.13097732


There was a plan to stop segwit in BTC and not split. Jihan screwed things. He wanted Bitcoin Cash for his own reasons.

>> No.13097742

bitcoin always had utility as uncensorable unseizable instantly transmittable money.

>> No.13097747

you realise that the blocksize limit of 1mb isnt set in stone for eternity right? did you fell for chink mining cartel fud anon?

do you think blockstream isnt aware of the fact that there has to be alot of tx to feed miners after x halvings?

>> No.13097761

Blockstream wants Bitcoin to die.

>> No.13097768

what would they profit from that you stupid nigger? you cant sell side chains if btc dies

>> No.13097783


Well, you don't want BTC then, as 0-conf is screwed there.

And, it is easy to censor. People keep thinking code is law, they are mistaken.

Privacy in Bitcoin comes with scale. The transaction graph becomes too large to analyze then.

>> No.13097790

>what is wasabi wallet and coinjoining

>> No.13097792


they are just fools

>> No.13097810
File: 220 KB, 1351x883, 497E9384-FA57-43EE-98C9-C7DB25F2DA71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it’s worth $4000 less than the real bitcoin according to everyone, and the only reason it has any value is because organised crime is trying to meme it

>> No.13097814

bvash is tue real btc. its got the most miners. bigger blocks. etc

>> No.13097815
File: 281 KB, 798x1211, forged.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll let chico crypto explain it to you:

>> No.13097865

Ppl have been mining it for months at a loss, so they are either really stupid or have insider information. It's clear to me that it's the latter

>> No.13097877

Because this shit is called Bitcoin SV (Sanjay Vision) and the real Bitcoin is called Bitcoin. Is that too hard to understand Pajeet?

>> No.13097910


That is casino exchanges trying to fool people. They have an interest in Bitcoin not scaling and working, as if it did, they would be out of business as there would be no need for them.

>> No.13097922

You don’t need to explain me what a blockchain is, when you don’t even know what an elliptic curve is.
Keep WORM and Creg Cringe acronyms for yourself.
Screenshot your post and cope hard in 2022.

>> No.13097932

seriously kill yourself, Craig.

>> No.13098027

Bitcoin Shit Version

>> No.13098034

the only people that would even care about an altcoin like this are late adopters that failed to get rich during the 10 years bitcoin's already been out.

you can't prove me wrong.

>> No.13098090
File: 357 KB, 750x842, nerva_1547717626663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True Bitcoin

>One cpu one vote

>> No.13098167


Apparently you do need it explained to you..

>> No.13098224


Hi Craig aka Satoshi, did not know you were browsing biz? These plebs here have no idea what Bitcoin really is, they deserve what is coming for them. Keep the good work up!

>> No.13098236

part of me would like to believe that is satoshi. Would be funny to have him shitpost.

>> No.13098242


>didn't answered to any question
>said some random dude quote instead
you faggots are brainwashed as fuck. start using your own brains...

>> No.13098305


Brilliant craig impression

>> No.13098332

Craig Wright is a shiteater

>> No.13098483

No hashrate.

>> No.13098498
File: 11 KB, 200x200, BITB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because pic related is the real Bitcoin Cash.

>> No.13098511

hey craig the day you got nuked on twitter I replied to one of your posts saying that memo.sv was a socialist shit-show. but you were de-platformed before I got a reply. so do you mean the management are socialists or the userbase

>> No.13099377

it was that easy OP

>> No.13099435
File: 78 KB, 1561x786, 1534822489017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

easy, it has sv written after bitcoin.

>> No.13099444
File: 272 KB, 1056x1089, 1531963831490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oopsie, look how original i was.

>> No.13099648
File: 622 KB, 1375x645, 1503824136970.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

great minds think alike fren

>> No.13099894

>ticker symbol isn't BTC
>not bitcoin

>> No.13099917

>at least 1 reason why this is not true bitcoin
there are 100 reasons anon but the most important is it went against consensus not once but twice. and bitcoin first and foremost is consensus.

>> No.13099923

>Well, you don't want BTC then, as 0-conf is screwed there.
0-conf is screwed anywhere. but it's child's play to abuse it on btc.

>> No.13099932

>There was a plan to stop segwit in BTC
really faggot for what reason you cucknugget?

>> No.13099962

>casino ticker says so

>> No.13100005

you know why bitcoin got the btc ticker? because it is the consensus opinion among the population of this planet. bitcoin is consensus what is called bitcoin is consensus any protocol change is based on consensus (of course sometimes consent comes after the fact by continued use and valuation) and the price is also determined by market price discovery aka consensus.

you curry cashie fags can yell as hard as you want from the top of your lung that the consensus is wrong. that is not how this shit works.

>> No.13100491

>let blockchain forcefully introduce segwit, 1mb block and LN
how is it like to be a braindead?

>> No.13100521

I'm gonna have to agree with this anon. BTC is compromised.

>> No.13100547

dude they did no such thing why o you lie?
that's the point it's so transparent.
1) segwit was an opt-in protocol upgrade if you don't want to use it you don't have to. if you don't use it it doesn't change a fucking thing about bitcoin.
2) the 1mb limit was added by satoshi nakamoto and while a lot of people want to increase it the matter is not simple in terms of safe consensus hard forking. it is postponed for now. luke-jr is an imbecile don't listen to him he is not making core policy just a lot of noise.
3) ln is awesome it's a particularly nice piece of technology opening up a lot of possibilities for bitcoins future. you will barely find any bitcoin supporter that opposes ln. but it's not even an opt-in protocol upgrade it's just a second layer kinda like a new client for btc instead of a change in btc.
and since about 9:1 of the users keep using and valuing btc over cash it is the greater consensus by all means.

so again what do you gain by spreading lies? are your bags so heavy?

>> No.13100555

compromised my ass don't drink the creg juice it will make you retarded like sniffing glue.

>> No.13100572
File: 107 KB, 938x716, 1553320884739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you retarded? Or just pretending to be retarded.

Dispute this, Retardditor.

>> No.13100671

fuck... i'm trying to play a nice game of tanks here...
1) out of the 600 contributors to core codebase blockstream employees are like 4-5?
>digital currency group
2) https://dcg.co/portfolio/
they are invested in a shittons of firms on multiple platforms doesn't look like they got a particular interest in blockstream at all.
3) as for mastercard in their place i would be keeping an eye on crypto developments jumping on any opportunity to incorporate the tech would be vital for their survival.
4) henri de castries is no longer the ceo of axa
5) blockstream did not cripple btc this is just an idiotic lie spread by cashies alto they did fuck up segwit 2x spectacularly
6) taking back an opensource softwares development from devs is childs play the only issue is to do it in a proper consensus manner, but if they tip their hand and openly move against btc in the future (because so far it looks more like a combination of betting on the wrong horse and dilettancy) i believe it will easily congeal.

what bch did should have been done with a 90% consensus (not just miners and hash but userbase also) or not done at all. they did it anyhow and instead of making the development process more open and democratic they fucked that up spectacularly too.

>> No.13100691


He's not dumb, he must have known that snapshots are a thing. I'm fairly new to crypto and I'm not a fan of craig. But something is odd here. Maybe he did that on purpose to let people believe satoshi is mysterious person and his btc wallet will remain untouched. Who knows

>> No.13100809
File: 1.21 MB, 1324x1700, craig-timetraveller-wright-caught-faking-again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no he desperately tried to convince a shitton of people he is satoshi even to the point of manufacturing fake ""evidence"" particularly editing his own blog or backdating posts.
he also ran proving seances where he used fraudelent code to check signature.
never forget $signiture!

there is no actual implication of his involvement aside from his own lies. and he is well known to tangle into a web of lies all the time even to his own mother.
>"Wright’s mother had told me about her son’s long-standing habit of adding bits on to the truth, just to make it bigger. ‘When he was a teenager,’ she said, ‘he went into the back of a car on his bike. It threw him through the window of a parked car. That’s where his scar comes from. His sister accompanied him to the hospital and he’s telling the doctor that he’s had his nose broken twenty or so times, and the doctor is saying “You couldn’t possibly have had it broken.” And Craig says: “I sew myself up when I get injured.”’ What his mother said connected with something I’d noticed. In what he said, he often went further than he needed to; further than he ought to have done. He appeared to start with the truth, and then, slowly, he would inflate his part until the whole story suddenly looked weak."

>> No.13100823

Based fuck creg

>> No.13100846

>I've been involved in Bitcoin for a long time, and have no interest in getting people to buy anything.
no, you clearly have an interest in people SELLING as shown by the rest of your post. If this were a normie board ok, but its biz and you said you were involved in crypto for a long time, therefore you wanna those corns real cheap. You may fool some newfags tho

>> No.13100855
File: 237 KB, 786x786, neetus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The coin that you're bagholding is the real Bitcoin.

>> No.13100914

be careful anon, he will sue you. lel

>> No.13101129

You didn't answer anything. Go back.

>> No.13102104

Why call it bitcoin SV and not Bitcoin2013 ?

>> No.13102435


>> No.13102690

can't help you if you can't read. i showed you why it's all bullshit. that's my answer it's all sore ass loser cashie bullshit.

>> No.13102972
File: 62 KB, 640x595, monero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not fungible

>> No.13103035

How can I short this?

>> No.13103075

maybe you can short nchain idk

>> No.13103083

It's a hard fork with lower market value than what it forked from. The asset with the higher capitalization is always considered the original asset therefore BitcoinSV with lower market value is an alt. QED

>> No.13103114

more like an alt of an alt or an alt twice removed if you like.

>> No.13103121
File: 73 KB, 624x704, bitcoin luke and the cult of small blockians.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my holy writings are more holy than yours.
>no, my Jesus is the one true Jesus!
>NO! I have Andreas Anteateateateatpoopoofaggot, and he's our prophet!
>I worship in the first temple! The temple that Satoshi built!
>oh yeah? Well, I've copied your second temple, and I'm painting it yellow! It's much truer to Satoshi's vision this way.
>OH YEAH!? I've forked your vision to make an even better vision!
>fuck you, look at this cool golden dragon idol I've made to upstage your B with lines.
>fuck you, buddy! I can commune with Satoshi at lightning speed, over my lightning network, and my prophet is luke DASH junior, the one true small blockian!
>oh yeah? I've got 2 billionaires as my prophets! FUCK YOU!

>> No.13103191

Because it ends with 'sv', can you even read?

>> No.13103419

>Soft forks are actually more insidious than hard forks, and weaken security as they change incentives
true but it also means that technically btc is the undisputed real 100% bitcoin. cashies are liars and morons.

>> No.13103439

Lmao is that what you think? That btc and SV are in a sort of balanced debate with merit on both sides? Ahahahahahaha