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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 156 KB, 512x512, bat_greater_than_one_dollar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13072742 No.13072742 [Reply] [Original]

When did you realize that BAT was going to be the cause of the next bullrun and its going to be kicked off by normal people who don't have to worry about wallets, keys, forks or any of that kerfuffle. This is a turnkey project that's going to usher in the privacy by default era and along with coinbase, and will be the default browser for the globe. The ads is only the hook to get you in, soon you'll be able to buy from Amazon, pay for your netflix subscription, and read articles from WaPo all by using Brave and BAT

And I know most of you won't care because the only one's left around here have already picked their side and won't realize this is true until its too late. How will it feel when you could have bought the next bitcoin that's only cents on the dollar right now, but you didn't because you were holding bags of some shitcoin and succumbed to the sunken cost fallacy. Probably pretty bad desu.

Please tell me why I'm wrong.

> thanks sold 100k

>> No.13072814
File: 53 KB, 677x566, BAT this month.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Please tell me why I'm wrong.

I don't think you're wrong, but /biz/ fucking hates BAT these threads always devolve into Pajeets screeching at each other.

Anyways I'm glad you made this thread because I wanted to get some thoughts on when a good time to buy another bag would be. The 19-20 cents floor has looked a little shaky and BAT has had such a good start to the year, anybody think we might be going down soon?

>> No.13072841

Can someone tell me why the same exact eco-system couldn't just use Ethereum instead of an erc-20?

>> No.13072842

It's obvious why you're wrong. You just don't want to admit it. Brave is a good browser, but BAT is a shitcoin. It's a funding token.

>> No.13072855

Because then the Brave team couldn't have taken millions of dollars in "donations" in an ICO.

>> No.13072861


>> No.13072886



>> No.13072901

It's going to go up to 0.45 cents in exactly 6 weeks. Better buy now, because after that it will dump.

>> No.13072917

Why tho

>> No.13072929

Just trust me bro

>> No.13072961
File: 1.99 MB, 1400x1297, D89CB0A7-2673-4C35-82EA-EFC26D13F298.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, ok; thanks fren

>> No.13072983
File: 67 KB, 750x747, amateur_smoking_business_pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It may dip when bitcoin takes its next shit. And I say may because investor confidence is at an all time low when it comes to btc, discounting those on here and twitter who have so much time an capital invested in that piece of shit software that they can't fathom that it could go to $0. But for the rest of us who will want a life raft (can't be tether, you all already know why) BAT will seem like the best token to do so.

Its been remarkably stable in regards to btc's price action and will decouple from it completely in the next 6 months tops. Bitcoins utility has come and gone and will only trade sideways and down for the foreseeable future until nothing more can be milked from it. BAT has been seeing legitimate adoption by publishers and advertisers and its going to be disgusting what happens to the price when v1 drops because that's when all the goodies come.

That and it allowed for them to distribute the tokens to other investors who wanted to stay private. Plus I'm sure almost none of you here have read "0 to 1" by Thiel so you wouldn't know why he invested anyway and just write it off as just one of the projects that might fail in a typical VC portfolio.

But hey I'm just a shill so what do I know.

>> No.13072987

Didn't explain why eth couldn't be used, but thanks for trying.

>> No.13072996
File: 736 KB, 951x796, 3d_pink_wage_wojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


oh shit hot tip, thanks just sold >100k so nevermind

>> No.13073034
File: 333 KB, 2148x1492, Screen Shot 2019-03-20 at 3.50.30 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Because it won't use eth as a settlement layer in the future dumdum. Go read the white paper.

>> No.13073041
File: 89 KB, 614x799, 896E8604-69F4-4999-A628-312345B84C02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe it's because there's nothing keeping Ethereum from expanding its coin supply and handing over that kind of power to a third party would be retarded, I don't really know. Why [should] it be based on ethereum?

>Can someone tell me why the same exact eco-system couldn't just use LTO instead of an erc-20?

>Can someone tell me why the same exact eco-system couldn't just use Enjin instead of an erc-20?

>Can someone tell me why the same exact eco-system couldn't just use Bitcoin Cash instead of an erc-20?


>> No.13073056

Thiel invested in Brave, not BAT. Nice try shill.

>> No.13073070
File: 63 KB, 581x572, 1547659508508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wow, you're right. Totally got me there.

> yikes

>> No.13073216
File: 13 KB, 223x226, BATlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm. The
>Brave, not BAT

meme has been disproven time and time again. It's stale, tired and requires minuscule effort to find information as to why the Basic Attention Token is a necessity and why it's important to the entire Brave/BAT Project.

>It may dip when bitcoin takes its next shit

This is what I was thinking. I think the current price is still a relatively good buy-in all things considered so I might just pull the trigger.

>> No.13073316
File: 2.25 MB, 1471x622, 1550520581586.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ya it will most likely dip down to .15, and .10 at the lowest because they won't let it drop any lower than that.

And what most around here don't understand is that this is Silicon Valley's middle finger to Alphabet. Sergey Brin et al have been running the show for the past 15 years and everyone is tired of their shit. Not to mention that the US gov is too. Both from a consumer perspective and from an intel perspective. They see the writing on the wall for Google's utility and have jumped ship so to speak. So there's not a vested interest to protect them from that angle.

So there's move's being made way above the consumer level. So if you are smart enough to see that happening then you can benefit from that too if you aren't a brainlet.

>> No.13073706
File: 208 KB, 924x968, Screen Shot 2019-03-20 at 5.09.20 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> based and BATpilled rn

>> No.13073756

BAT will never reach over 1 USD. The founder himself said that you will be able to earn around 5$ a month using the Brave browser and watching ads. The normies need to get paid a reasonable mount of BAT, earning like 0.5 BAT a month then everyone will think wtf why do I get so few for this, this isnt worth using this browser.

>> No.13073780

Also if BAT reaches level of like 5 or 10 USD then prices for subscriptions etc. will all be fucked.
A netflix subscription costing 1.2 BAT and you earn around 0.5 BAT each month, those numbers would be retarded.
1 USD per BAT seems reasonable and it wont go much higher than that.

>> No.13073857
File: 588 KB, 1198x1020, Screen Shot 2019-03-13 at 3.11.22 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Google chrome's had around 2 billion total downloads at its peak and its been steadily falling. So say that even 500 million download Brave and 100 million of those users actually use BAT.

Then total_BAT/users_using_BAT = 1,500,000,000/100,000,000 = 15 BAT per user. Now that's too hand-wavy for me but it does illustrate that the scarcity factor is present.

But this is all predicated on useful volume from true token utilization, which I think they've been able to achieve and maintain so far on a small scale with dedicated users. Once this platform really start to hit its stride it will be a lot easier for users to take advantage of the "buy once spend anywhere" token economy model. Which ironically is what bitcorn, and every other platform thus far, has failed to achieve.

No one here likes to admit it but BAT has seen more utilization and adoption in 1 year than all other coins and tokens combined. And that is an objective fact. Don't get left behind folks...


>> No.13073870
File: 45 KB, 324x362, 0081.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> wew lad

>> No.13074201


I don't think you understand cryptocurrency that well, brother.

>> No.13075234


> updooted