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13046626 No.13046626 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.13046689
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>> No.13046714

1000 is fud

>> No.13046721

How do you know that chainlink is being used?

>> No.13046784

delete this

>> No.13046810
File: 15 KB, 338x293, 731DEA69-00F7-4319-A61B-145900B3C417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must be new. No one knows if ChainLink is being used for anything except a bunch of BS scams like Synthetix and pic related (a company of animated nigs and pajeets). They just sperg out whenever oracles, blockchain, or Smart Contracts are mentioned.

Just let them have their hopium, they need it at this point. It’s gotten sad.

>> No.13046831

Read the page, one of the key questions they put forth to explain oracles is "is a consensus of answers being used".
This implies decentralized oracles.

And there's also the fact that Chainlink cornered the market on oracles, and owns the domain "smartcontract.com".

>> No.13046842


It isn't, i mean, it's obvious they will just use winnet or something like that, chainlink are just late adopters, stop fomoing in shitcoins

>> No.13046843

Did you invest in books.com instead of amazon? How’d that work?

>> No.13046856

>Chainlink cornered the market on oracles
How so?

>> No.13046869

Again: just let Linkies live in their dream world where ChainLink is a trillion dollar network. They’re not hurting anyone.

>> No.13046916

Imagine trying this hard to spin an obvious benefit.

For all intents and purposes the first and only decentralized oracle project, owner of the premier TEE oracle project (TC).
Even what was formerly the best-known oracle prior to Chainlink (Oraclize) have bent the knee.

>> No.13046929

>Chainlink (Oraclize) have bent the knee
...? Chainlink also acquired oracalize? I'm a little out of the loop right now...also would a 75k stack be sufficient for potentially huge ROI?

>> No.13046938

Oraclize rebranded as Provable and is going to be utilizing the Chainlink network

>> No.13046939

How is that a benefit? We have search engines brainlet. No one is going, “Hmm, we need to learn about these smart contract thingies. But how? Let me try going to www.smartcontracts.com.” Domain names like that literally don’t mean shit. They’d unironically be better off with Oraclize.com. They don’t exactly have the best marketing team though...

>> No.13047031

My newyork.com is exploding exponentially

>> No.13047092
File: 271 KB, 768x768, LINK_773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They own both smartcontract.com and smartcontracts.com plural. Which both redirect to chain.link

They're the second result when you google 'smart contract', also in the top results if you try with variants. What matters isn't so much the domain names but the SEO, and on that front they're also taking the lead. It'll be almost impossible for others to catch up. Once the smart contract bubble explodes, every google search will lead to the network.

As the enclave article also pointed out, there's also something to be said about the name (chainlink, linking to the blockchain, evocation of grids) vs names of competitors (witnet, provable, rhombus... which don't evoke anything), similar to how "web" won over "gopher".

So it's not only about the parent company's name and domain. They're already boldly using the term chainlink as a verb to mean connecting data to the blockchain. "Chainlinking your smart contracts etc". It's simple, obvious and iconic.


>> No.13047134

these nigger and interconnected with the docusign niggers

>> No.13047610

>How is that a benefit?
What? Having the "smartcontract.com" domain on the eve of a mainstream smart contract revolution?
Yeah, totally not a benefit at all you monkey.