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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 435 KB, 751x765, cope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13038852 No.13038852 [Reply] [Original]

>b-b-but muh nazis

>> No.13038860
File: 41 KB, 640x480, Drag-Queen-Storytime-640x480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13038870
File: 43 KB, 641x524, 1552104019659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its not a bubble
The absolute state of reddit.

>> No.13038927
File: 48 KB, 1030x772, good gravy thats some cope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>heh, yeah i heard about btc in 2011. no i dont regret buying it for $3 because its a SCAM. heh. remember bitCONnect? heh.
>heh. i took the time to dig through your account's post history and noticed that you had some money stolen on quadrigaCX. heh. OWNED!
this is a whole new level of sad delusion

>> No.13038969

Redditors are retarded, overly emotional, and put too much effort into their posts. If you ever need any kind of advice, business or relationships, do the opposite of what they suggest.

>> No.13039007

I almost vomited in my mouth a little... WTF is wrong with reddit?

>> No.13039261

>he bought scamriga instead of LINK like all of his /biz/bros
you don't belong here

>> No.13039309

this place is no different

>> No.13039328


>> No.13039336

I just wanted upvotes.

>> No.13039339

This same guy did a comic a few months after the crash shitting on bitcoin.

>> No.13039346

>put too much effort into their posts

>> No.13039387

What is nazi about this?

>> No.13039395

he does semi far right comics

>> No.13039411

oh nice

>> No.13039413
File: 132 KB, 597x418, cringer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13039425
File: 116 KB, 1000x1000, universal-basic-income-comic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had me cracking

>> No.13039685

that's fuckin' good

>> No.13039698

Excellent post, I highly agree with you. Take my upvote and I'll even gift you Reddit Gold!

Edit: Wow I don't know why post is deserves Reddit Gold as well, but thank you whoever gifted it to me kind stranger!

>> No.13040452

tips fedora

>> No.13040501

1.) i never had a QCX account
2.) /biz/ =/= link. link = the cancer /biz/ contracted in september 2017. i get that linkie homosexuals have been trying to hijack the board and make it "theirs" for ages. no matter how hard the hivemind tries to force their unfunny memes and spam down everyone's throats, i'll never touch that shit. same goes for most of /biz/.
>super stinky!! lol!! 1k EOY 2018!!
hope your failed cult enjoyed 29 cents and ruining meme magic for good.

>> No.13040563

wait I don't want to click, are they being at all serious though? I've seen that comic. If you think that it has anything to do with nazis, or that any reasonable inference or comparison can be drawn to nazis from it you are certafiably mentally disabled, suffering from nazi delusions, where you imagine everything you don't like or understand, ironically, as being nazi related

>> No.13040579

if you cringe at buttcoin but you own link, or any other late adopter coin, or think that bitcoin is going to get replaced or taken over by some other alt or fork,
then you're just the same as them

>> No.13040594

>If you don't believe in my Ponzi scheme, then you're just the same as them

>> No.13040606

Some of his comics are actually good. Still a lot of altright onions.

>> No.13040622

/r/buttcoin is just full of 115 IQ people who have never been forced to question authority or their surroundings, and also think they know everything. with such a combination you might as well be dead, the posters there are peak NPC

>> No.13040634

typical late adopter response. thanks for proving my point.

butcoin is full of late adopters, buying late adopter shitcoins like link puts you in the same bucket as them, especially those than think bitcoin is technology or able to be replaced by technology.

late adopters just can't comprehend cryptocurrency, so they get mad, and this is the result.

>> No.13040635

I think it's not about the image itself, but rather about the artist or something and also about the people in the thread

>> No.13040653

I'm still not sure if these people just shitpost or if they are really serious

>> No.13040720

Lol, typical bagholder response. Only a small number of people held BTC for years. But go ahead and insult everyone who doesn't buy BTC if it makes you sleep better at night.

>> No.13040728
File: 76 KB, 925x750, 1550450722569.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting offended by a fucking comic

>> No.13040754

I wondered over this since 2011

>> No.13040900

It's probably a mix of both, but I tend to think the majority is actually really butthurt and coping
because unlike other circlejerk subs, like pcj where people are more focused on the humorous/ironic side of the "retarded" state of their industry
the people in buttcoin are really only posting spiteful comments and none of the humorous or ironic content found in subs such as pcj for example

>> No.13041063

There is a hardcore cope going on in there. That shithole is the epitome of the Reddit NPC stereotype

>> No.13041069

who in the fuck puts effort into their posts here?

>> No.13041399


The fuck does altright even fucking mean anymore. You might as well start calling them devil worshipers.

>> No.13041443

Lol this post is pure r/buttcoin
They are truly awful people. Deluded coping nocoiner npcs, mixed with some really horrible trolls who are pushing hard fud for various reasons (such as being eternally assmad because they got goxed). It's also the only good crypto sub left, it's the only place to get reliable crypto info on plebbit.

>> No.13041449

>t. assmad linkie

>> No.13041459

Not buying something because you think "the memes are unfunny" makes you a retard.

>> No.13041471

your cult spent the entirety of 2018 acting like smug asshats about reaching unprecedented new ATHs which you failed to achieve. who are the retards here? linkies. you guys are up like 20 cents from when you started shilling on /biz/. congrats.

>> No.13041635

yeah, them being butthurt make their info somewhat useful
because unlike everybody else, they aren't trying to push some hidden agenda (I think) beside the obviouse one that they hate everything crypto/blockchain related
the ironic thing is, them beeing zynic about this tech would probably make them above average (long term) investors

I'm no linkie
but after watching an video posted here of sergey speaking at some conference a few days or weeks ago, I'm sure they will be fine in the long run
because unlike all the other attendees he really seemed self confident (and not just like he was faking it)
it was the kind of self confidence you only get if you speak about stuff that you really know shit about and that is also so deeply ingrained into your belief system that it comes naturally
or maybe he is just batshit crazy who knows
but this one thing is sure, he really believes in his shit

>> No.13041675

>reaching unprecedented new ATHs which you failed to achieve
Hahahaha. Yes 1k EOY was a meme. Sorry you had to find out like this. Maybe you can start /r/linkbutts?

>> No.13041857

if you didn't flood the board with spam so obnoxiously and non-stop for ages, maybe i'd consider. you lot acted like smug assholes for so long and NOW you want to say that it was just a meme. fuck you and fuck you for all the idiots you convinced to buy in when it was $1. go ahead, modernize the narrative, some of us don't forget what happened before 15 minutes ago.
that said LINK could very well pump hard during the next bullrun, but so will peercoin and EOS. i want nothing to do with any of them.
>you had to find out like this
and not lose all my money? oh no.

>> No.13041965

just to clarify, I don't hold link and idc if it turns out to be shit or not
I only hold BTC long term, but also have no emotional attachment to it whatsoever
all these current cryptocoins are shit, and I'm just in for the money

>> No.13042107

>biz put effort into their post
kek u made me laugh funny guy here's a (you)