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13035166 No.13035166 [Reply] [Original]

Will the EVER recover?

>> No.13035174

link just got patents yeah.

>> No.13035187
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>Ppha- *hic* Pahtenzz...
>Schcammers... I'll fuhck you up, m8...

>> No.13035201

does anyone actually believe this pathological liar literal faggot?

>> No.13035204

kek. when in reality craig wright is the actual scammer pumping a lie

>> No.13035205

God I would love for him to take chainlink to court and get fucking rekt for trying to patent ‘if/then’ statements after chainlink started documenting their thoughts and work

Serg if you do this it makes up for mainnet taking an eternity

>> No.13035208

This retard is OBSESSED

>> No.13035232

normies will think it is a scam nos no matter what its over i just dumped my stack unironically

>> No.13035245

The patents are public, as all patents are, and has been posted here several times

>> No.13035251

If he was anything he said he was, he could sue SmartContract and furnish proof that he's Satoshi anytime he wanted. But he has none of this, so he'll do neither.

>> No.13035263

What is wrong with this dude?

>> No.13035270

What would you do if someone violated and profited from your patents? Would you just take it without uttering a word like a fucking white soiboi cuck?

>"i-it's okey, Jamal. I just dedicated my hole life to making this technology. You can have my wife too"

>> No.13035276

no youd whine about it on twitter and call people scammers.

>> No.13035277

Both are pure shitcoins

>> No.13035292

>we make it so well
interesting claim from a erc20 shitcoin project that hasn't released anything

>> No.13035312

It would be a bad move to just do it right now. As soon as BSV can scale to 1 GB blocks the crypto world will be cleansed. Better prepare yourself, you have been warned.

>> No.13035318
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Will patent the internet and human kind- tonight

>> No.13035343

I'd trust Sergey over that fucking (((snake))) any day

>> No.13035351

Has anyone told the team about those patents? It might be bullshit but they should be kept aware.

>> No.13035358

normies will think it is a scam now no matter what its over i just dumped my stack unironically

>> No.13035362


>> No.13035363
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It's natural to burst into emotional bouts while witnessing male and intellectual perfection and under the chronic influence of alcohol. He just wants Sergey to embrace him, pat him on the head telling him that everything will be alright.

Sergey, ever merciful, has room for all humanity to bathe in his mercy.

>> No.13035369

i think you mean hell announce an announcement of a patent a year from now.

>> No.13035370

sergey got raped publicly on twitter by satosj he sure knows

>> No.13035372

Is this emotional condemnation of Sergey by Craig the best endorsement in Crypto? We mainstream soon.

>> No.13035392

first post is best
i find this fucking hilarious, all the stinkies getting butthurt and actually responding to a literal faggot scammer

its funny because they are in fact both scams

>> No.13035415

>faggot from down under or
>russian, could also be a fag, probably just an incel

im so glad i never paid either of these pure shitcoins any attention

>> No.13035417
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>claims to be satoshi
>refuses to sign a message with his wallet, the function that was implemented for the sole purpose of shutting down people who claim to be something they are not
>"promotes" decentralization and open-source
>brings up patents whenever he can

I don't believe he is Satoshi. Seems like he convinced himself that he is continuing Satoshi's work and as such can use his name.

>> No.13035426

sergey is many things but he doesn't strike me as a faggot

>> No.13035470
File: 42 KB, 504x343, F87E9894-22F0-4F6B-BD1B-087BD2A0AD6C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets look at what the guys involved with Bitcoin from the beginning say about CSW:

Gavin Andresen claims he is Satoshi
Ian Grigg claims he is Satoshi
Jon Matonis claims he is Satoshi
Jeff Garzik claims Dave wrote the code for Bitcoin while Dave told his brother he developed a new curreny with CSW called Bitcoin.

Its not really hard to get it brainlets.

>> No.13035500
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the only thing i can gain from this feud is a dank meme wars


>> No.13035532

Why is Satoshi allowing Sergey to live RENT FREE in his brilliant mind?

>> No.13035544

how fucking heavily invested in LINK is CSW? he really wants to accumulate low

>> No.13035551

This statement by cumhole Wright is bullish for Link.
Also Satoshi died on that plane crash. If it crashed

>> No.13035580
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NICE. More publicity. Singularity soon friends. It's going to pump like EOS did when everyone called it a scammeroo

>> No.13035583


i heard he held the nazis back alone at the battle of BULGE...

he also has won the nobel prize all of them in fact several times

not many know that he is actually nikola tesla who discovered the secret of eternal life draining energy and vitality from the void

he also holds every patent on earth because he bought all patent offices

he had more lovers of all sexes than zeus himelf

he personally shot jfk for being a filthy socialist

he is also claimed to be the last starfighter at least nobody could ever disprove it.

truly amazing guy

>> No.13035604

you forgot to add that noone cares if hes satoshi.

>> No.13035623

So if Chainlink will be proven to not be a scam, isn't this guy talking some kind of defamation?
I mean in UK you can get in serious trouble just criticizing very slightly that politician...

>> No.13035712

>Gavin Andresen claims he is Satoshi
>It’s certainly possible I was bamboozled.

>> No.13035752

Didn't say it's a scam, just a shitcoin.

>> No.13035767

yeah sv is not a scam in itself the scam part starts with certain faggots insinuating it is the real bitcoin going as far as to post infographs about it being a direct successor instead of the minority fork of a minority fork.

>> No.13035780

Linkies are so retarded they have NO techonological knowledge and only armchair economic futurism projections. Imagine sharing an article by the “crypto oracle” kek.
>not accepting you can be wrong
never gonna make it

>> No.13035796

Double checked and I hope there's a big dip on mainnet announcement so I can accumulate some moar

>> No.13035797


You mean this thief - he tried to patent already publicly published works

Craig is a scammer and like everyone else he accuses others to deflect from himself.

>> No.13035824
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I'd say these are not the actions of an honest person, anon.

>> No.13035840

Forget the trickery and editing

The rest of the blog (post?) is pure m'lady reddit cringe

>> No.13035846
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there is a long list

>> No.13035930

"even I have a break"
Is he roleplaying as a god?

>> No.13035937

no he is a compulsive liar and a narcissistic psychopath. he is not larping he actually thinks he is.

>> No.13035955
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>What would you do if someone violated and profited from your patents?
Fucking nothing because patents are anti-free market

>> No.13035974

Bullish. If he was in favor of chainlink I’d be worried might even consider selling. The fact he calls it a scam is comforting knowing my total EV just increased.

>> No.13035983

how do i upvote this? is there a way?

>> No.13035994

I thing Sergei is much more likely to be Satoshi. He even has the right initials.

>> No.13036054
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>> No.13036131
File: 60 KB, 640x480, IMG_1527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dirty, stink, smelly Pajeets need to be banned from life

Seriously sick of you subhuman shills

SV is an altcoin

>> No.13036132

Sergey has the calm demeanor I would expect from an intelligent visionary

CSW had better be trolling with the way he acts, he had better not be genuine, my brain will crash

>> No.13036150

How are they pumping a lie, its been the same price for a year now