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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 12 KB, 256x256, Skycoin-SKY-icon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13030246 No.13030246 [Reply] [Original]

Now that the fog has settled, let's talk about SKY and why it's the greatest coin of all time

>> No.13030307

The thing that sky bag holders refuse to acknowledge is that the official explanation for the Synth kidnapping makes Skycoin look even worse than if it were a fake kidnapping. At least if it were fake it would show a certain level of devious intelligence in manipulating a bunch of bagholders into being dumped on. Instead the idea that Synth managed to get himself kidnapped by his own marketing team displays a truly shocking level of incompetence on his part.

Why would anyone in their right mind invest in a man who is so bad at reading people and evaluating risk that he accidentally hires literal gangsters as his marketers? This isn’t just a case of a company getting scammed this is a man who is unable to discern whether the people he has put his trust into will break into his house and rob him or not. It’s like the retarded kid at school who doesn’t realise that the people he thinks are his ‘friends’ are really just taking advantage of him. It’s truly sad if you think about it. Never invest in anyone who is so incompetent that they can’t even get basic hiring decisions right.

And the best Sky shills can come up with in response is ‘everybody makes mistakes!’ ‘How could Synth have known?’
Revealing pathetic levels of delusion and cope. They have no reply to this pasta.

>> No.13030336

Yep. And it is bullish too. I fkn love this project.
I already built one miner for me and one for my cousin. Going to build for my parents, granma.
Cheers from Brazil.

We need this project to Succeed, free as in freedom, internet for all.

>> No.13030349

>literal gangsters
They performed pretty well as an established marketing company until they decided to become gangsters. Now they're all in jail.

>why invest
Synth is a genius, his interviews on YouTube demonstrate his expertise and vision well.

>no reply to this pasta
Hmm, but it's full of logical fallacies, why is it worth replying to any further than I have already?

>> No.13030352

As soon as they release the antenas, I will buy at least 2 for each node. I will help this fkn free internet to happen.

>> No.13030555

We are going to ~32k sats this weekend, Mark my words.

>> No.13030568

The best project to scam newfags with

>> No.13030578

I enjoy the fact that nobody on /g/ even mentions this scam while talking about the decentralized internet

>> No.13030585

Yep, see the free internet happen fag.

>> No.13030634

The only freedom induced by this project is freedom from money to the investors.

>> No.13030670

Thats why I am an investor. Just watch it happen man.

>> No.13030680

I see you hate money. This project is a good choice for you them.

>> No.13030687

Delusional. Keep talking to yourself samefag.

>> No.13030738

Just watch it slowly climb prices in sats... Take a look on Binance, right time to buy. Godspeed, im out.

>> No.13030769

It's always a good time to buy this scam if you hate money. Myself, not within that crowd.

>> No.13030790

What I like about skycoin is I've been fudding it for literally months, and I've been right every single time. I think I started telling people not to buy around 20 dollars. Its now 1 and falling. Literally everyone who said "whys that guy fudding? Fuck him do the opposite of biz" has gotten justed. Any who listened have been saved. You're welcome biz, it has been my pleasure.

>> No.13030863

here is the chart, cropped at approx the point where I started telling people it is a fucking scam

>> No.13030871
File: 4 KB, 543x325, skycon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13030907

I built a DIY Skyminer with parts from Aliexpress, and now I’m earning Skycoin each month. How did I get scammed?

>> No.13030913

Every crypto crashed, bear market.

>> No.13030925

Despite the China marketing team getting greedy and turning into gangsters, Skycoin keeps on delivering more hardware/software products and services. It was just a temporary setback, no big deal in the grand scheme of things.

>> No.13030942

If you have ever bought a skycoin you have been scammed for that amount. If you have been selling skycoins then congrats! You are a fucking scammer! Pat on the back for selling bags of shit to some other poor soul
Yes. And just like the 2015 many of them will not recover. Skycoin will be among them, hopefully.

>> No.13031176

Skycoin has been running for what? 7 Years?
It barely had an ICO, it recently started to sell skyminers but as they cannot produce them fast enough due to not being a hardware company they urge people to do DIY miners instead. How is that a scam? Most people even buy the coins on binance which means once again that there is no flow of money towards skycoin. You're literally retarded if you think its a scam after all these years and all these products being pushed. Meanwhile you are probably some ethereum fanboy. Remember that Ethereum literally has done NOTHING since it launched, its the same old shit as back in 2015

>> No.13031228

Sky is make or break . I’ve said this before but this could literally be one of the biggest company’s in the world in 5 years . Yes it’s worth getting some

>> No.13031244

What makes skycoin so enjoyable to fud is there is SO MUCH wrong with it, its an endless shitshow. My favourite flaws, in no particular order, are its lack of consensus algo (and the supposed paper being withdrawn for being shit), the fact that devs can freeze your wallet, and the INSANE dumping that happened after the binance listing. I assume the devs were printing coins or something becuse that volume was CRAZY.

>> No.13031338

There is nothing wrong with it, the FUD is just that, FUD. "lack of consenus algo" ok, it's not released yet. So currently running on a masternode system similar to most other cryptos.
You can read the whitepaper, it was only withdrawn from one website.

Devs cant freeze your wallet, binance froze the thieves wallets.

Dump happened because of 1 the thieves 2 uncertainty and fear.

If they printed coins it would be visible on the blockexplorer.



See? It's even in a publicsed book. It's just too bad people like you don't know how to use the internet and only go like "well yep, someone linked me the withdrawn one and I dont know how to operate a search engine so it must be withdrawn"

>> No.13031351

>most other cryptos
those aren't cryptos pajeet

>> No.13031358

Tell me about a DECENTRALIZED CRYPTO then?

>> No.13031374

>ok, it's not released yet.
No code no plan no devs no nothing. For a while skyshills used to post the old whitepaper until they kept getting called out and embarrassed. Who's going to write this revolutionary algo? That fucking retard Steve? What the fuck algos has he ever written? Fucking junior dev tier retard who never had a good job kek.
>Devs cant freeze your wallet
Yes they can
>Dump happened because of 1 the thieves 2 uncertainty and fear
LMAO the volume on that dump was 3x the ENTIRE CIRCULATING SUPPLY every single day for a week. My fucking ass "one or two thieves". BTW fuck you personally whoever you are, you are complicit in scamming vulnerable idiots and I hope you get what you deserve.

>> No.13031401

Did you miss that I gave you links to the whitepaper? One on ieee and one in a book? It's not withdrawn, only from arXiv.

Obviously you don't put your new revolutionary code to the public, what retard company would do that?

No they cant freeze your wallet.

Do you know what happens when someone is dumping coins? Other people start getting fearful and dump their own coins in the hope to save their money OR they hope to make money by buying back their own coins for lower. When bitcoin dumped it wasnt just because 1 person dumped was it? No it was the community being fearful and all the weakhands being shaked out.

>> No.13031481

>It's not withdrawn, only from arXiv.
It's fucking WITHDRAWN idiot. IDIOT. What the fuck do you think withdrawn means? That they destroy every existing copy in the fucking world? It means the author has fucking PUBLICLY RENOUNCED ITS VALIDITY AS A PIECE OF ACADEMIC WORK YOU RETARD

>> No.13031491


>> No.13031500

Shut up you fucking idiot what do you think that proves? You think binance is some mark of quality? Dickhead

>> No.13031560

Its not withdrawn from ieee you fucking nut, ieee is way more reputable than arxiv.

>> No.13031592
File: 10 KB, 1021x368, skybs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13031600

Post link

>> No.13031612


>> No.13031631

I already did above you cunts

>> No.13031657

None of this explains how I got scammed. Could you try again?

>> No.13031663

You sound very angry. Are you holding SUB or Holo or something like that?

>> No.13031668

Such anger. Why so triggered?

>> No.13031707

Where's the peer review?
If you didn't get scammed you are a scammer. In which case fuck you cunt

>> No.13031722
File: 410 KB, 1280x895, Skycoin-Large-Grid-Black-LoRes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Chinese marketing team weren't scammers to begin with. They just got greedy. Not uncommon in crypto.

The drama hasn't stopped Skycoin from continuing to develop the ecosystem. Still lots of products being released, and the community if growing rapidly.

Drop the fud and get on board anon.

>> No.13031728

Fucking bullshit posting stupid chink off the shelf hardware and the devs can freeze funds

>> No.13031732
File: 1.35 MB, 3142x2060, Skywire-Meshnet-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You could have said the same about literally any crypto project.

The price of everything has nosedived, but that doesn't mean everything is a scam.

>> No.13031746

more boomer-bait garbage with no basis in reality

>> No.13031756
File: 486 KB, 696x2230, Skycoin-Ecosystem-Infographic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The hardware can be built using readily available off-the-shelf components, which enables even poor, remote villages to be able to join Skywire, the world's first global meshnet. Almost 10,000 nodes already deployed.

As for funds being frozen, that was Binance, and they froze the BTC, not the Skycoin. The scammers dumped their stolen SKY for BTC, but Binance froze the BTC, awaiting the outcome of the legal trial in China.

If the judge rules in Skycoin's favour and Binance releases that BTC back to Skycoin then they'll market buy $SKY with it and pump the price back up where it belongs.

>> No.13031765
File: 854 KB, 328x250, SkycoinPartyGirls.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Chill dude, you're going to give yourself a stroke with all this pent-up rage.

>> No.13031766

>If the judge rules in Skycoin's favour and Binance releases that BTC back to Skycoin then they'll market buy $SKY with it and pump the price back up where it belongs.
What's the judge's name?

>> No.13031772

Nigger, you dont just print academic books without peer review

Neither would China support the work/publication without a peer review. You're such a fucking retard. This is why there is FUD because 99% of biz doesnt even know how to use a search engine let alone understand how anything remotely technical works. Holy fuck

The authors would like to greatly appreciate the anonymous reviewers for their insightful comments. This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 61433008), the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (Grant No. 2013AA013201), and Project of science and technology of Beijing City (Grant No. D151100000815003)."

>> No.13031822

I'm going to go with my gut instinct and stay away from this chink scam. I will also trust my gut instinct and hold my Urbit stars. The majority of people in this space are absolute retards and I won't trust anyone but myself from here on out.

>> No.13031847

That's from 2015 it has been withdrawn AFTER that fuckface

>> No.13031890


>> No.13031907

Conference paper, not reviewed. The published one was withdrawn. You have fucking nothing, as exemplified by your retard devs spending the ENTIRETY of last year promising this magic algo and here they are in 2019 holding their fucking dicks in their hands.

>> No.13031910

>t. Seething rankeesh

>> No.13031917

I'm skynancially ruined.

>> No.13031958

Why are skyfudders so filled with rage? They’re positively seething here.

>> No.13032005

You're fucking retarded arent you? I have given you a link to the paper on IEEE, to a book which the paper was publicised in WHICH HAD A CHINA GOVERNMENT BODY BACKING IT. And just because Chen decided to withdraw it from ONE ONLINE PUBLICATION the other ones are somehow FAULTY? Your mental gymnastics are fantastic. Neck yourself

>> No.13032086

Oh a CHINA GOVERNMENT BODY wooooooow not like one of those ever supported a scam LMFAO

>> No.13032202


>> No.13032267

the dogma of a poorfag

>> No.13032280

highly underrated. Keep it up lad. Every scam that has fought Sky has lost. Substratum shills used to think they were clever now look at them... meanwhile Sky keeps building

>> No.13032296

Kill yourself you autistic street shitter. I'm going to 1000x. You will not.

>> No.13032349 [DELETED] 

Is there any point in owning sky if you aren't going to run a miner?

>> No.13032367

>Every scam that has fought Sky has lost.
>Down literally 98%
Almost every other coin no matter how shitty has btfo skyshit. It is the shittiest shit and has been one of the worst places to put your money in the last decade.

>> No.13032452

This. Conference papers are relatively superficial outlines of concepts. They are completely different in quality to peer reviewed articles in reputable journals. There has never been a published version. Just a single conference paper. It’s not even clear if Chen is still involved with Skycoin desu