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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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13011322 No.13011322 [Reply] [Original]

what if crypto was just like they are saying - a delusional tulip mania or IT-bubble.

now we are holding literally worthless shit while institutions and companies are making their own tech, copying and making their own private blockchains.

it's possible that there won't never ever be bitcoin like mania run ever again. cryptos will slowly die and vanish.

bag to wagie job anons.

>> No.13011342

>what if crypto was just like they are saying - a delusional tulip mania or IT-bubble.
"Crypto" was just like that. Bitcoin is all that matters.

>> No.13011347

t. march 2015

>> No.13011354

most shitcoins are going to 0 but bitcoin will endure and survive and be endlessly valuable

>> No.13011368

The only way your post makes any sense is if you hold shitcoins.
Of course shitcoins are worthless drivel.

>> No.13011380
File: 193 KB, 2048x1154, Di9512YX0AImfW1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Buy BTC or get rekt.

>> No.13011382
File: 57 KB, 645x588, 1547059561968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only thing what drives bitcoin price is the hype around it. only like 0.01% of the companies worldwide accept it. its been already decade of bitcoin but it's still not adopted as worldwide cash - like it was designed.

bitcoin is old and obsolete technology.

>> No.13011389

As long as you can still go x5 on shit like btt crypto isnt dead.

The game just changed. Adapt.

>> No.13011412
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game has changed from 'developing innovative bank killer digital money ' to chink/pajeet pump and dumps. everyone just chasing P&D without even caring the tech. while big companies are making private blockchains.

gold rush is over. sell the shovels and BTFO.

>> No.13011415

bitcoin abandoned it's mission statement and refused to be emerging tech. It thinks it can get away with being digital gold, but the next wave of users are calling it out as bullshit.
Ask your friends on myspace what happens when tech fails to solve product market fit.

>> No.13011453

This. Maybe a couple of the other payment/store of value coins matter too, but almost all altcoins are literally completely worthless.

>> No.13011474

are u fucking autistic??? weve had like 5 different coins go up atleast 3x in the past 2 months. wtf wrong with this man

>> No.13011527

The tulip bubble only lasted a few months and was during a time of extreme financial illiteracy compared to today.

Crypto has been around for 10 years and has endured global criticism from some of the smartest minds. I don't think it will survive another day.

>> No.13011560
File: 6 KB, 250x242, 1546555297195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTC run from sub 1$ to 20000$ was the greatest.
those ant size pumps doesn't feel anythin compared what btc did.

>> No.13011589
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miss the times when BTC just rushed 30000x ... now /biz/ and everything else is just full of pajeet scams which are trying to get that 2x-5x before they dump and probably exit scam.

btc / eth was literally once in a lifetime chance.

>> No.13011677

There are still coins with good tech and fundamentals whose value comes from being open to the public, such as NKN 10000k EOY

>> No.13011708

This. Anyone whose still expecting to get rich from cyrpto is just waiting their time

>> No.13011736


>while institutions and companies are making their own tech, copying and making their own private blockchains.

This is literally how you know it's still early. If the big institutions are still so clueless that they think private blockchains are a good idea every single one of us is literally an early adopter.

>> No.13012627
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what a bullshit
your posts are a signal to load up

>> No.13012918

buy now or flip burgers in 2022

>> No.13014118
File: 895 KB, 640x1136, 4DAB4329-DAF2-460C-AFB1-5C2694C2A894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are private blockchains not a good idea?