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12957559 No.12957559 [Reply] [Original]

I got this meme job offer to move to the UK from Aus. I'd be a Live-In Carer and make around $900-1000 AUD a week. No rent/electricity bills either, minimal food bills.

Have any anons here ever been a Live-In Carer? Is it a proper thing to pursue or should I avoid this meme? Also, any anons here move across continents for a job before?

>> No.12957712

You mean a house slave?

>> No.12957758

Yeah pretty much lol. The company that's offering the contracts is called ENA Care Group. It seems like an alright way to get an okay income and rack up some interesting work experience

Also, would any UK anons actually recommend moving to the UK? The job will apparently happen outside of London in the South/South East section of England as well.

>> No.12957931

I moved from UK to US in a sales job. Grass is never greener you end up missing family friends etc. Plus the fact you don't have citizenship makes shit harder than it should, healthcare etc.

Also I was an au pair for a while for a doctor couple, it was temporary but pretty sick, I got to live in a two-floor penthouse, everything free and making money. the money stacks up faster because you spend zero. would recommend if you only do it for a summer or something.

also make sure its not a scam
, sounds strange that they'd want someone from aus and that theyd pay so much money, normally if you live in you make less, unless they are super rich

>> No.12958007

My Australian relative is doing the exact same thing in the same area I think

UK is a shithole tho

>> No.12958065

Go for it, as long as you promise to share pics of your Saudi boss shitting on your chest

>> No.12958085

My friend is a live in carer and he makes minimum wage.
Who the fuck would you be caring for, the Queen? Sounds like a scam bro. I have never heard of anybody making that much in social care in this country. Our government is nearly broke so they wouldn't pay that. It must be private, right? Why would they pay that much when there's a shedload of social workers in the UK already.

>> No.12958097

Also The UK is boring, miserable shithole. Our women are 90% fugly, the weather is terrible, the food is terrible, the people are terrible. It sucks here.

>> No.12958136
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One of our family friends is a live-in maid, but to my knowledge all her jobs have been with super-rich elderly people. If you don't mind not having a social life it's a great way to make a lot of money quickly, otherwise I'd say do it for a year and be smart about it to maximize your profits, but only if you need the money and are absolutely sure you won't go crazy from your massa's bullshit.

>> No.12958168

Not sure why the pay offer is so high. Technically, it probably is minimum wage because it's a 7 day a week job. 900 AUD is around 480 pounds so yeah.

I've visited the UK before and thought it was nice. I also prefer the cold and wet weather over the blistering heat where I live in Aus, mainly because i am migraine prone during our hot weather periods.

It's a 3 month contract in the beginning and I can choose to do more work once the contract is done. Also, I have around $40, 000 AUD in my savings so I don't actually need the money. I'm just so fucking bored at my current job and I want to spice things up, I guess.

>> No.12958225

>I'm just so fucking bored at my current job and I want to spice things up, I guess.
I used to have this attitude as well. You need to realize that if the biggest complaint you have about your job is that it's boring then you basically made it and hang on to that job as long as possible. You could have a painful job, an underpaying job, or no job at all like the majority of people do, but instead you got the boring job. If you're so bored, you should instead focus on making your life outside of work not boring by getting into hobbies, going on trips, seeing people, or whatever. You're really going to miss "boring" once you become a maid and have to fuck with your master's colostomy bag every night.

>> No.12958274

That's good advice, I really do appreciate the response. You're probably right, I should look to make things more interesting outside my worklife. Most of my friends left my city at the start of this year so I guess I'm just a bit lost on what to do.

>> No.12958294

This is bullshit. Boring jobs are spiritually damaging. You want to find something that is challenging yet not gruelling. Good luck lol.

Don't put off your huwite brethren from visiting.

If you are near London there is a lot to see and do if you develop some good friends. The UK has a lot to offer culturally and you are very close to Europe (though the racist leaver fucks may have ruined the fun for you here in terms of decent, cheap, easy european travel). Mostly it depends on where you are based. If you are in actual South London (e.g. Clapham, Balham, maybe Kingston) then you can have a decent time, lots of young Middle class types having a good time, free museums etc. If you are out in Kent or fucking Crawley you will hate life. Do you know exactly where you will be and I can tell you if it will be terrible.

>> No.12958312

The positions are based in South England, the interviewers said most of them happened in the coastal cities like Brighton and the likes.