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File: 26 KB, 395x209, truth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12931487 No.12931487 [Reply] [Original]

Bune will deliver. Just ask. I know you're struggling. Bow to the forgotten gods.

>> No.12931498

What does Bune want? What does Bune want to sell me?

>> No.12931507

Plz help brun

>> No.12931515


Bune likes rum and honey. You call him Friday at Jupiter hour. Just be respectful and promise to spread his message. Ask for shit. She WILL deliver provided there's even a slight probability vortex for what you seek.

>> No.12931517
File: 2.03 MB, 382x300, 8f5e56b4423a.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12931536


But what am I on the hook for if I do?

>> No.12931561

yeah fuck right off bud

>> No.12931574


There is no hook. It's what Romans and christianity want you to believe, be scared and not follow the old ways of power, of gaining favor. They unironically suppressed the knowledge of old gods to keep the power to themselves. It's actually how the world works on lower level and the forces that control it.

The entities can't force you to anything due to universal law of free will, they couldn't even stop the Romans. Instead the Romans stopped us from this by erasing the knowledge, this way the law of free will is not violated.

>> No.12931600

I will share this with you anons, I have no packt with Bune nor I will gain anything. It's simply out of respect to the powers that are.

Do what you will with this knowledge. https://www.bunesuccess.com/submissions/

>> No.12931622


I'm just asking what Bune wants, and I'm getting "he can't make you do anything you don't want to" as a response. Hrmmmmmm...

>> No.12931638


I am sorry I was not clear. Bune wants you to spread knowledge of his power. Offer him attribution and that is usually enough, it's the reason why sites like bunesuccess.com exist, but not the reason for this post.

>> No.12931652


You forget that there's always a price to pay, not just a piece of shitty cake


Would be long to explain, but don't forget, there is no free lunch

For any anons actually considering this, you can have the same effects without any crazy ritual that might fuck up your life in the long run.
Just focus your intent. Look up Vadim Zeland and transurfing to get an idea.

>> No.12931726


> there ia no free lunch in your method but there is in mine

Ah newage cucks who think they will get the same results as our forefathers did for 1000s of years, but without the "scary" parts

>> No.12931731

imagine the smell

>> No.12931891

back to /x/

>> No.12932023

> results as our forefathers
What fucking results, lmao. Name me even one occultist that achieved something great.

> newage
The OG yogi's and mages of old, thousands of years ago, all used a method basically the same as this to achieve their goals, but whatever. When you end up in a psychiatric clinic, you can thank OP.