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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 85 KB, 768x1024, 1544742039982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12924656 No.12924656 [Reply] [Original]

>Personalized ads will be placed based only on app- and device-local data and analytics that consult a common downloaded inventory catalog.

I literally told you this exact thing 2 days ago and yesterday. Every single computer with the brave browser will have to constantly pull an inventory of ads in order to serve up even somewhat relevant targeting. This will have to be updated constantly on the fly as advertisers pause and resume their campaigns and or change their dayparting and geo restrictions. LMAO. A common downloaded inventory catalog. I thought this was the future, not the past.

>> No.12924664

You will literally have a file on your computer that contains an entire directory of bat advertisers. It will likely be encrypted. Holyshit. Can you imagine how much updating this would be with 10000 advertisers? Talk about scalability concerns, holy shit

>> No.12924703

This is cute. First they attack the idea. then they attack the "token economics." Then they attack the technology. Then they kill themselves because they missed the golden opportunity in crypto.

>> No.12924922

Seriously, wtf is this guy talking about? Browser uses data, omg!

>> No.12924986
File: 104 KB, 836x836, batonline50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The browser has to pull the ENTIRE INVENTORY OF ADS INTO YOUR COMPUTER IN REAL TIME, CONSTANTLY - in order to serve advertisements. PIC related perfectly describes biz. Don't you understand the problem this presents?! It's a lot more serious than "Browser uses data" - it's browser downloads full list of brave advertisers all day, every day.

This shit is AOL 5.0 tier... maybe even floppy disk AOL tier paid to surf. LMAO

>> No.12925003

Allow me to elaborate. I advertise using about 30 different networks every day. On Google alone, I have over 250,000 different advertisements across 10 advertising verticals. I am ONE advertiser. Imagine your computer downloading my and 10,000 of my closest friends ads perpetually, all day, every day.

>> No.12925023
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Guys... I think this anon actually thinks he's smarter than Peter Thiel and Brendan Eich... and everyone else here https://brave.com/about/ ... do you guys think he's serious?

>> No.12925025
File: 45 KB, 1280x720, brave bat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The "ad guy" again, huh?

Hmm. You're quoting an article from 2017. If this was going to be a problem I trust Brendan & Co. to have addressed it already. They have a full team working on the browser and another team working on BAT implementation. I trust that every single one of them, down to the janitor, is smarter than you in every way possible, including in an advertising sense.

I think you're desperate and you sound obsessed with the idea of Brave/BAT to the point where you don't want other people to profit off of it.

Maybe turn your interest towards something more productive you pathetic loser.

>> No.12925233

ah, ad guy is back? Are you afraid that your job is becoming redundant? why do you waste so much energy everyday here.

Its almost like you have some type of motive.

>> No.12925250

Leave ad-anon alone he's a good boy he dindu nuffin'. Fud is fun and an important part of any market ecosystem. Also I laughed audibly at the op pic

>t. have $8.5k USD in BAT

>> No.12925271

Ad-Anon should be worried more about Chainlink replacing redundant Middleman Jobs. Luckily his hands are full attacking BAT on a Mongolian Snail Juggling forum.

>> No.12925294
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Idiot. This is a common downloaded inventory curated and tailored to the user's ad profile, not the ENTIRETY of all ads on Brave. 2/10 FUD

>> No.12925295

ad guy is literally worried for his job. lmao wagie is gonna be on the streets cuz of Big Brain Brendan.

>> No.12925380

Nah, I'm sure what ever company he's working for will adopt the BAT model-but only if the money's there. He's just skeptical and he's probably right to be considering, unlike us speculators, his company and others like them will be the ones putting real money on the line.

Forcing ad companies onto a curated APP store-esque marketplace hasn't been done before so it's hard to say whether it will take or not. Think of how Google can simultaneously be the most powerful website in the world but also have its share of failures like Google+. At any rate, Ad-Anon is doing pretty well for himself judging by stuff he's posted before and I wouldn't be surprised if he had some BAT "just in case" because there's really nothing to lose on his end.

>> No.12925381

>Mongolian Snail Juggling forum.
This is my favorite descriptor for this place now.

>> No.12925387

His job probably relies on middleware and ad fraud.

What other reason does he have to be here? Wagie could just buy a stack as home insurance. Instead he rather not open a policy and burn his own house down.

>> No.12925403
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If I'm wrong I'll be wrong... but I'll still be making five figures a day in profit off advertising alone and developing half a dozen tech products with subscriber growth that DWARFS the Brave Browser. I'll continue to build massive high value brands with userbases worth millions. Rinse and repeat. You'll be posting wojaks on 4chan. If Bat/Brave works out and performs well I'll use it and dominate the platform in my respective verticals and it will grow my company revenue/profit. If it doesn't I'll sell my last 250k BAT. Either way, I already made it friend. Good luck to you. As far as turning my interest goes... I just do whatever excites me. Every day is an adventure. I come to these threads because advertising excites me. I just have a lot of doubts about Bat/Brave and I've presented them to you. As always... DYOR. Enjoy work tomorrow, I'm sleeping in.

>> No.12925445

Go back to your soiycage wagie. Google needs you to lead a meeting with Ranjeet in Bangladesh.

>> No.12925480

>but I'll still be making five figures a day in profit off advertising alone
When LARPing try and keep shit semi-realistic. You could have said "three figures a day" and we would have given you the benefit of the doubt but now we know you smell like curry at all times.

>> No.12925481

>my company is trying to leverage new technology synergies
>if we get our ducks in a row and focus on core competencies we can crush our monthly forecasts in our verticals

top fukn kek at ad anon. probably just a larping adex faggot

>> No.12925509
File: 51 KB, 540x651, trump hug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gosh I want to make five figures a day; I would have gone to business school or something but everyone I know that did got JUSTED hard. It's hard to say what the correct choice may have been for us '04s. I could see the writing on the wall with the exorbitant tuition fees everywhere but I also knew I was sacrificing a lot of opportunity in tandem.

>> No.12925553

>I made it
>spends every waking hour on an anonymous anime posting forum

You're only lying to yourself anon. You'll never ever make it.

>> No.12925593

Almost everyone makes three figures a day though, he might as well not mention it at all at that point; he'd be bragging about making $12.50 an hour

desu I could see myself shitposting as a high-powered executive. I like doing it more than I like video games, tv or being a socialite. I throw big expensive (for me) parties a couple times a year but I wouldn't have the energy to keep that lifestyle up every day of the week or something. My ideal life if I had enough money to take care of myself and my parents would be spending my time working on my drawing and hanging out on my rotation of imageboards, no joke.

>> No.12925615

one more for the road - pic related.


You must have missed where I posted my cashback earnings on 1 credit card, for 1 day of advertising. Part of the reason you don't make what you could make - is the fact that you think it's not "realistic". Your expectations about what is "realistic" is you FUDing yourself. You are very lucky to live in the time of the internet. You don't have to rely on a brick and mortar store - you can reach the whole world from your computer. I'll be honest, when I first started making big money on advertising, it didn't seem real to me either as a former wageslave working in high value retention at a big bank (think stagecoaches). I made my first big money in the payday loan space... starting first running affiliate offers and then building out my own host and post, eventually building my own ping tree and soliciting buyers directly. Don't discount what your earning potential is... if you put a ceiling on what you think is realistic, that is now the resistance on your income chart, the support is the lowest you'd settle for. You can't change it waging, you have to pioneer. You have to be uncomfortable. You have to take risks (not even necessarily financial, but with your time spent). I'm starting to sound like a faggot guru, but I have no ebook. I'm just legitimately grateful for my current lot in life, and I wish everyone could feel ultimate freedom from the rat race. I walked out of my job on my lunch break all those years ago and never looked back. I'm mid thirties now, you do the math. Best feeling I've ever had and it motivated me to do huge things because I NEVER wanted to give up the freedom of being in control of my own time and future.

If any of you are interested in getting started in advertising, I would consider doing a daily thread on biz to help you get going. Real shit, not ebook or warriorforum retard tier stuff.

You'd be surprised who is probably shitposting on 4chan, lmao.

>> No.12925620
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>this entire post

>> No.12925628
File: 56 KB, 1163x612, brave adoption.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

failed to pic related, sorry (captcha fucked up and I had to copy/paste).. clearly posting too much because my captchas are getting way out of hand.

>> No.12925632
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>> No.12925647
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>> No.12925650
File: 3 KB, 116x94, neat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean I could post the Alex rankings, BAT Growth stats (you're a boomer and you don't understand how important Twitch/YouTube are, I get it), etc. but it really doesn't matter.

I think you like to ignore how fraudulent GoogleAds is, and how clickbait is the scourge of the internet, and how online advertising is clearly broken, because you think the current system works for you. I think you're dumb for ignoring very clear signs that online ad fraud and privacy concerns could turn the current system upside down.


I think that it's great you're so interested in Brave/BAT though. You need to keep doing your research though because you're still not understanding a lot about it. I believe in you, grandpa.

>> No.12925735

I get 20% of my daily spend refunded on average due to ad fraud - believe me, I'm aware of it. Google has THOUSANDS of phd's working on ad fraud. They still get frauded every day. I will hand it to you, the Brave team has amazing talent, but I still don't think they have the talent (or resources) to do a better job than google. BAT raised 35 million in an ICO. Google makes 35 million in PROFIT every 8 hours. As long as India, China and Russia exist, so will ad fraud - even on Brave.

>> No.12926112

Ive argued with you in past threads. However I would like a daily ad general, I think you have knowledge to share.

>> No.12926502

This entire thread is probably one long shill. Also, once the product is being used and ad revenue is flowing; they will fire 98% of the white bread in their staff. This is probably a great idea but actually implementing the concept is null. If we’re taking above 50 cents per day, then holy shit someone found a way to make money off neckbeards

>> No.12926504
File: 300 KB, 500x386, 1549078022240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the worst thread on /biz/

>> No.12926925
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>> No.12926955

you can make a literal $1 by submitting 1 email address under certain advertising campaigns. some of use make a tidy living off developing bots to take advantage of this.

You're thinking small potatoes if you're thinking 50 cents.

>> No.12927000
File: 444 KB, 480x267, jews_be_good_goyim.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine being this much of a shekel-grubbing kike

>> No.12927077

BATty boys in absolute meltdown

>> No.12928117

No one disputed you stating the obvious, you reddit genius faggot.
Its only good that pajeets will stay away.

>> No.12928123

People stll hodl this shitcion?

>> No.12928131

ahaha, I missed this last night, please please don't get me started on chainlink, I can fud that shit way harder than bat. bat has a lot more going for it thank link.

>> No.12928145


I can't believe they did this. I have 130k bat, selling it all now.

>> No.12928163

Many have tried, all have failed. Link Is fud proof.

>> No.12928220

can't type.. Link is a glorified api aggregator. Linkies think banks will pay fees to them because they own a link node. They actually believe this. Linkies think pulling the same data from 3-4 apis and "averaging it" is an "Oracle". lmao. They have linklets scouring the internet for API feeds. They want to be salesforce.com but they want to use "skin in the game" as leverage to encourage good behavior for node owners. sorry linkies, I still hope your coin pumps for you though.

>> No.12928421

You forgot "2 man team" and "philosophy degree"

>> No.12928562

For a guy who makes a (lowball estimate) of 24 million a year, you sure like to spend allot of time researlching niche projects online and discussing them on an image board. Are you sure you arent larping?

>> No.12928610

People do pay for API access. Information wants to be free though so I would not base a business/coin off of this unless it was a quick cash grab ofc

>> No.12928694

How do you think I generate so much cash? The difference between what I do and what you do is that I follow through. You are a wantrapeneur. Did you see the loot box thread? I already have attorneys in two countries researching the legalities of running such a setup. if I get favorable information I will move on to solving the merchant side of that equation, and from there I will develop and promote my own. One of the benefits of owning an advertising company is you get to promote your own products. No middle man.

>> No.12928977

All that mumbo jumbo, your job is shit tier leech on par with swing trading. Spamming useless scummy ads just to bait clicks.